Jan. 29, 2012, 2:24 p.m.
Jan. 29, 2012, 2:24 p.m.
“What is it, Kurt?” He asked taking the bowl and whisk from his hands.
Kurt glared at Blaine, “Your friend, Wes, decided that instead of having a nice peaceful lunch here at home with you and my family, I need to spend even more time at the theatre.”
Kurt sighed, trying to reign in his temper, “He called a lunch meeting. Doesn’t he realize that Christmas is Tuesday? I’m sure I’m not the only one with family visiting, but still he thinks we have nothing better to do than listen to him talk while we eat, as if we don’t see enough of him as it is.”
“I’m sorry Kurt, I wish there was something I could do.” Blaine said taking him in his arms. “I know why don’t you go and wake your parents and Finn, I’ll finish up breakfast, that way you can have a little more time with them.”
Kurt leaned in a kissed him softly and slowly, his anger dissipating at his words. “You are so smart and sweet. Thank you. I love you.”
Kurt knocked lightly on the guest room door. After a moment, the door opened and Carole’s sleepy head peaked out the crack. “Kurt?”
“Sorry to wake you. I have to go into the theatre a couple of hours early. I thought maybe we could spend some extra time together this morning. Blaine is making breakfast and it should be done soon.” Kurt felt silly waking them up, but he wanted to spend more time with them, especially since he would only have two full days off while they were here.
“Let me just wake your father, we’ll be down in a minute,” she said with a yawn.
Kurt went downstairs to see Finn stirring on the couch. “Hey man, what time is it?” He asked groggily.
“Just after seven.” Kurt told him looking at the clock.
“Dude, what are we doing up so early. It’s Saturday and I’m on vacation.” Finn grumped.
Kurt sat next to his grumbly brother, “I know but I have to be at the theatre by noon. Besides, you lived with me long enough to know I don’t really do the sleeping in thing.”
“True, but I thought Blaine at least would be smart enough to sleep in on his day off.”
Kurt laughed, “Well, he used to be, but I think I may have rubbed off on him a bit.” Kurt threw a glance at Blaine, who was chuckling in the kitchen.
“Yes, why spend the day in bed, when I can spend it with Kurt.” Blaine shot into the living room.
Finn groaned, “Dude, I like you and all, but that’s my brother I don’t want to hear that lovey-dovey stuff.”
“Finn, honestly, after the years I had to listen to you moon over all over your girls; consider it payback.” Kurt told him shoving his shoulder.
The three young men talked and joke as Blaine, continued making breakfast for everyone. By the time, Burt and Carole made it downstairs, the food was ready. Kurt helped Blaine pour everyone coffee and bring out the food.
They talked while they ate, and even after as Kurt offered to do the dishes. He wanted to talk to his family, but found it more interesting to watch them interact with Blaine. They had all spent a lot of time together while Kurt was working, and Kurt could see how well they got along. He listened as he rinsed the dishes as Blaine talked about his family and growing up in New York. Finn seemed particularly interested in hearing Blaine talk about his childhood.
“Didn’t you ever just want to have some quiet?” he asked.
Blaine shrugged, “You get used to the noise. When I was twelve my parents sent me to camp and I had a harder time going to sleep listening to the crickets. I swear do those things ever shut up.”
This made everyone explode into laughter. “You mean compared to the infernal traffic out there?” Burt asked.
“That’s kind of like white noise, it just disappears after a while.” Blaine defended.
Finn looked at him confused, “You mean you really get used to it?”
“Yeah, I mean I never really knew different. It is nice though, I mean I could still go outside and play. New York has some amazing parks. But I could also go to museums or the theatre, I mean this city has just about anything you could ask for.”
Finn then looked deep in thought, as Carole asked Blaine what activities he did as a child. As Blaine told her about music lessons and football, Kurt studied Finn. He made a mental note to ask him about it later. They sat together and watched a movie, just enjoying being in the same city, the same state.
Kurt wrapped Blaine in his arms as the lounged on the couch. He caught his father sneaking them little glances throughout the movie. He was worried for a while, that his father was rethinking his approval of Blaine. However, after catching his father’s mouth twitch with a contained smile when Kurt gently kissed Blaine’s curls, he knew better.
Reluctantly, Kurt extracted himself from the contented bubble of his family to get ready to leave for the theatre. He said his goodbyes before making his way out into the New York cold. He grabbed a cab both so he could spend just that much more time with his loved ones and to avoid the weather. He raced into the building still with just minutes to spare. Looking around the greenroom, he saw he wasn’t the only one discontent with the idea of coming in early so close to a holiday. Celia had a permanent scowl etched on her face, that even Kurt’s scathing remarks couldn’t move.
Wes entered the room, grinning from ear to ear, oblivious to the mutiny that seemed imminent. “Just look over the menus and let me know what you want to eat, once everyone has ordered, I will let you know why I called you all here.”
Kurt picked up one of the many menus scattered around the room. Wes was mobbed by people telling him their food orders, but he seemed to still be riding whatever high he came in on. Kurt told him his own order, before rejoining Celia on the couch. A few minutes later, Wes stood on one of the coffee tables to get everyone’s attention. “I know some of you are a little miffed at being called here early on a Saturday, however, I think once you hear me out, you will forgive me. As you know the show has been running for three weeks, and I have to tell you the turnout has been better than we expected. Initially we expected the turn out to be around 50% of the house, right now we are selling anywhere between 75-95% of the house on any given night. This is almost unheard of for a new theatre.”
Nick jumped up beside Wes, looking almost choreographed and added, “This means we are getting more financial backing. More backers means higher budgets, which means we can do more.”
“Which means that in addition to your regular pay, we have decided to offer you incentive bonuses for each show. How this will work is that each show where we maintain an average of 85% of capacity for the theatre you will get a bonus based on your pay grade. We know that these people are not coming here because of Nick and me. It’s because of you so we want to give back a little. DeAnne will give you a check tonight after the final curtain for your first bonus. We wanted to give it to you early in hopes it may make your Christmas a little brighter.”
The room was silent before excited babble broke out through the little room. All thoughts of lynching their directors was now gone. Even Kurt couldn’t hide his excitement. The day couldn’t go fast enough. He knew that his parents would probably be asleep by the time he came home, but Blaine at least would be up, if not Finn as well.
When the show was over, Kurt stood in line behind the other actors and waited for DeAnne to shift through the stacks of envelopes to hand them to each in turn. He stuffed the unopened envelope in his bag to head out to the waiting crowd outside. It was late by the time the crowd dispersed enough for him to leave. He took another cab home.
The apartment was quiet when he entered, Kurt crept in wondering where Blaine was. A DVD menu was playing on loop on the television. Kurt looked at the couches and found Finn and Blaine on separate couches sound asleep. Finn was sprawled out on his, but Blaine had clearly fallen asleep sitting up. He was slumped over to the side in a position that looked anything but comfortable.
Kurt woke him with a kiss and led him to the bedroom, all thoughts of checks forgotten in his lover’s embrace.
Kurt didn’t think about the check again until he was repacking his bag to head to the theatre for the final two performances before Christmas. Finding it, he ripped the envelope open. The figure written on the check was staggering, it was equal to his pay for an entire month. He stuffed it back in his bag and started planning what he could do with the money. On the way to the theatre, he deposited the check into his savings account, with a smile on his face.
Christmas eve, they were all invited to the Anderson’s penthouse for dinner. At first Burt was reluctant to spend the holiday with another family, but a fair amount of pleading on Kurt’s part, he finally relented. Kurt was nervous at this first (of what he hoped was many) meetings between Blaine’s family and his own. They came from different worlds; Blaine’s family business men, lawyers, doctors, they came from money, Kurt’s mechanics and a nurse, always working had for what they had. Then again, Kurt and Blaine themselves came from these two seemingly separate worlds.
Kurt’s anxiety was for nothing, watching the two families interact with such ease, it seemed they had known each other for years. Greg and Micah talked about car parts and restoration, while, Carole and Robert talked about working in a hospital. These subjects helped break the ice and soon everyone was mingling around talking. Before leaving for the evening, Abby handed Blaine a large bag full of wrapped presents for them to open in the morning, with strict instructions to call after they were opened. Blaine left the presents he and Kurt had bought his family.
Once back at the apartment everyone went straight to bed. Kurt crawled on the bed, kneeling in front of Blaine. They kissed slow and passionately, before Kurt pulled back. “Can I give you your present now?” he asked his voice laced with desire.
“Please.” Blaine murmured pulling Kurt on top of him.
“I’m serious,” Kurt giggled, pushing himself upright again. “It’s our first Christmas together and I want to give you your present while we are alone. And lord knows if we count of Finn sleeping in, it will be the first day he wakes up before us.”
“Alright, let me just run down and get yours.” Blaine said scrambling from the bed.
When Blaine returned he was carrying a large box with several smaller ones stacked on top. “You first!” Blaine said, bouncing as he sat on the bed beside Kurt. “The large one first.”
Kurt ripped the pretty red paper off the large package and out of the box he pulled a messenger bag. It was black distressed letter with two smaller pockets in front of the large compartment. The label on the front read. ‘Marc by Marc Jacobs’. “Oh Blaine, you shouldn’t have. This is too much!” He exclaimed hugging Blaine around the neck. “But I love it!”
Blaine laughed at Kurt’s enthusiasm and insisted he open the other presents. Blaine had also bought him a leather portfolio for his scripts, a new shirt (in blue to make his eyes pop) and a new warm, but stylish scarf. “They’re prefect, Blaine. Thank you.” He gave him an appreciative kiss before handing him two large boxes.
The first contained a new outfit for work, grey slacks, black shirt and grey bow tie. Kurt was bouncing with more excitement than Blaine as he tore into the second box. Inside was a single leather folder. Blaine looked it over with a smile. “It’s a music portfolio. You can keep your lyrics in one side and your sheet music in the other side.”
Blaine opened it and his mouth hung open. Inside was a certificate that read, ‘Good for recording sessions for twelve songs and the production of your own CD.”
“Really Kurt? How?” Blaine asked not taking his eyes of the paper.
Kurt grabbed his hand, making Blaine look at him. “Really. I have a friend from NYADA, he decided to go into music production and owns his own recording studio. I know that you haven’t been working as many gigs since we have been together. But I wanted you to know that I believe in you and will support you as much as you have supported me.”
“God, I love you.” Blaine breathed before pulling Kurt on top of him, scattering their presents on the floor. “Now, can you give me just one more present?” he asked wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, then cut off Kurt’s giggle with a promising kiss.
Kurt woke up entwined with Blaine and snuggled into his familiar warmth. The blankets had slipped off them sometime in the night, and he was greeted by the sight of his boyfriends naked form. Kurt marveled at how their skin contrasted with the others. He peeked around the room in the early morning sunlight. Their presents were still scattered around the bed, where they had fallen last night. He was just about to pull the covers up to ward off the chill in the air when the bedroom door flew open.
“Merry Christmas!” Finn shouted from the doorway not noticing yet the scene he had walked in on. Finn’s cry however startled Blaine out of his sleep, making him jump, turn over, and give Finn a full view of all Blaine had to offer. “Dude!” Finn exclaimed, finally realizing that neither were fit for company.
“Finn! Have you ever heard of knocking!” Kurt yelled, yanking the blanket over both of them, just as his parent’s came scrambling out of the room next door.
“What’s going on out here?” Burt yelled. Then froze at the sight in front of him. Kurt was prepared to have to try and calm his father down. He was trying to figure out how to sooth his father before he yelled himself into another heart attack without moving out from under the blanket and maintain what little dignity he had left. He opened his mouth to say something, when his father started laughing.
Burt wasn’t just laughing, he was letting out great guffaws and was soon joined by Carole’s tittering laugh. The three men stared out them in confusion. “And what exactly is so funny here?” Kurt snapped.
“You would think Finn would have learned his lesson about barging in to a couples room with out watching after…”
Kurt stuck his hands in his ears and yelled, “I don’t need to hear it!” Finn was still standing there looking like he was ready to bleach his eyes out. “And get over it Finn we weren’t doing anything and neither of us have anything you don’t have yourself.”
“B-but dude, I didn’t think…” Finn tried to say.
When he didn’t continue, Kurt said “We’re not best friends Finn or did you not get that memo.”
“Alright now, why don’t we go down stairs and celebrate.” Burt said, finally containing his laughter.
“Could you give us a minute here?” Kurt asked. Once they had closed the door behind them, Kurt turned to Blaine. His face was bright red, at least what Kurt could see of it as his hands were covering most of it. “You alright sweetie?”
“Just a little mortified. Is this what it will be like when we have kids?” Blaine asked with a chuckle finally lowering his hands.
Kurt laughed, while still marveling at how easily the question left Blaine’s lips. “Maybe, but we will definitely teach them to knock. I guess since Carole was a widow she never had to teach Finn that valuable life lesson. Come on, let’s get dressed.”
“Can’t we just hide up here?” Blaine pleaded.
Kurt got out of bed, “Only if you want them to think we are doing more than hiding.”
That got Blaine out of bed faster than he ever moved first thing in the morning.
As they sat around opening presents, Finn avoided both boys eyes, only glancing at them briefly to thank them for the Journey box set and newest mindless shooter video game. Once all the presents were opened, Kurt laid out a fresh fruit platter before starting on the elaborate Christmas meal he had planned.
The awkwardness in the living room was just beginning to ease when a knock came at the door. Blaine told Kurt he had it and hurried to the door. Who should be standing there but one Miss Rachel Berry. “Rachel what are you doing here?” Blaine asked bringing her into a hug.
“Oh, I just remembered I forgot to give you your Christmas presents.” She said cheerfully.
Kurt stood in the entryway to the kitchen and pierced her with a glare, “You’re Jewish Rachel. You have never once given me a Christmas present claiming it was just a sensationalized holiday meant to make people spend money to try and buy people’s affections.”
“No, Kurt that was Valentine’s day…” Rachel tried.
Kurt rolled his eyes at her, “You said it about Christmas too, saying Black Friday was just a way people sacrificed their sanity to Santa.”
Finn had stood as soon as he realized who was at the door. He finally spoke, “Rachel…” It was a single word, but it was filled with trepidation and longing. Kurt sighed before inviting her to join them.
Tension returned to the living room, though both Finn and Rachel seemed oblivious to it. Burt and Carole were tensely studying the former couple with such intensity, Kurt was surprised they didn’t ignite. Blaine ended up in the kitchen helping Kurt just so he wouldn’t be caught in the crossfire.
Meanwhile, Finn and Rachel were talking like nothing had ever happened between them. Finn even admitted to buying the cast album for Rachel’s show. As they talked Kurt stormed around the kitchen, preparing the meal. After about half an hour watching his boyfriend abuse their food, Blaine wrapped his arms around his waist stilling him. “What’s wrong? They seem to be getting along alright.”
“That’s just it.” Kurt hissed so low only Blaine could hear. “This is how they do it. Things are great as long as they are in the same room together, but then as soon as he boards that plane tomorrow, I’m going to be caught in the middle again. I just got Rachel back, I don’t want to lose her again just because my oaf of a brother doesn’t realize that he needs Rachel in his life, and the only way to get that is to move. I get that he is scared. But god damn it, doesn’t he understand that love is enough of a reason to face his fears.”
Blaine kissed his neck, “Maybe you should talk to him. Maybe what he needs is for someone to spell it out for him. I’ve been around him enough to know that he can be kind of dense. It couldn’t hurt anyway.”
“I just,” Kurt sighed, “I just don’t want him to think I don’t respect his wanting to stay in Ohio. About a year after I moved here, I asked him when he was going to leave. He yelled at me and told me that Ohio isn’t a bad place and that I was being a snob thinking everyone wanted to move to New York. We don’t talk about it anymore.”
“Then just make sure he knows that you don’t think that and you are only looking out for him. Go on, I’ll look after everything in here.” Blaine told him gently, kissing his cheek.
Kurt steeled himself and walked into the living room. “Finn could you come upstairs and help me with something for a minute.”
Finn looked confused but followed Kurt anyway. He led him into his bedroom which Finn looked around nervously. “What do you need help with in here?”
Kurt rolled his eyes, “I don’t but I wanted to talk to you.”
“Listen, I’m sorry about earlier, I really didn’t think you guys would be doing that stuff with mom and dad right next door.”
“Well I wasn’t really thinking of them at the time…” Kurt began before remembering why he brought Finn here. “But that isn’t what I wanted to talk to you about.”
Finn seemed relieved that they wouldn’t be discussing his brother’s sex life. “Okay, well what is it?”
“Do you still love Rachel?” Kurt asked bluntly.
Finn sat down hard on the end of the bed, “We didn’t break up because I didn’t love her…”
“No, you broke up because you are scared.” Kurt saw that Finn was about to defend himself, so he continued before he could even open his mouth. “You are Finn, you’re scared to leave the life you have in Ohio. New York is a scary place and I know it isn’t for everyone. The thing you have to realize is, you will never really be happy in Ohio because Rachel is here. If you want her, you are going to have to move. Otherwise do both of you a favor and don’t do this to each other.”
“Do what?” Finn asked.
Kurt grabbed his hand in a rare sign of brotherly affection, “Don’t act like you are still a couple. You both do this. You are here together and it is like nothing has changed. If you want Rachel then you have to be here together.”
“But why can’t she just move back.” Finn whined.
“As soon as they build another Broadway in Ohio, then I am sure she would do it in a heartbeat. But she is destined for this life. Just remember, they need mechanics in New York just as much as in Ohio. And the whole area isn’t like the city, there are places with actual grass… that’s green.” This got a laugh out of Finn. “Just think about it alright.”
“Yeah, okay.” Finn said standing, realizing that Kurt had said all he needed to. “Hey Kurt, thanks. It really means a lot to me that you are looking out for us.”
Kurt laughed, “And you are just now realizing this, I have been doing this since junior year.”
Tension had eased in the living room by the time the two reemerged from upstairs. Rachel ended up staying for dinner. Kurt caught Finn staring at Rachel clearly deep in thought a couple of times. They even hugged as Rachel left. Finn never said anything else about their conversation before they left early the next day to head back to Lima.
With the apartment empty again, Blaine and Kurt cuddled up on the couch, enjoying the quiet. As Blaine wrapped him in an embrace, Kurt reflected how happy he was to have found Blaine and to not have to deal with the obstacles his brother and Rachel did. In high school he had thought them so lucky to have each other, little did he realize how hard their road would be. He turned around in Blaine’s arms, kissing him gently. “I love you,” he whispered. He may not have had this in high school, but he sure had it now.
Another great chapter!
Thank you. And thank you for continuing to read and letting me know what you think!
fabulous chapter!!
Thank You Thank YOU!!!
Thanks again for such a great chapter! I really loved the part where Finn bursts into their bedroom and then sees Blaine naked! Ha Ha! And after re-reading the last few chapters, I could see how Kurt might have forgotten to tell his parents he was living with Blaine now. I also think he never told them about his dancing gigs either!
Thank you! Yes poor busy Kurt, but he did tell his family about dancing, although he never went into detail.(It says in the chapter with the audition when he is talking to Mike) They knew he only danced for women. It was, though, one of those things they never really talked about. It is nice discussing my own work though in detail, so thanks :)