Jan. 29, 2012, 2:24 p.m.
Jan. 29, 2012, 2:24 p.m.
Kurt could hardly believe how great it felt coming home to Blaine officially each night. There was something different than coming home to his apartment and knowing Blaine would be there, or going to Blaine’s at night. This was completely theirs, there was no longer a silent fear that they would skip a night.
The Thursday before Christmas, Kurt made his was to JFK to pick up his family. It had been a year since he last saw them and he could hardly contain his excitement. He stood at the gate craning his head trying to see through the sea of people trying to catch a glimpse of them. Finally, thanks to his extreme height, Kurt spotted Finn. Kurt jumped up and down waving his arms trying to catch his attention, not caring about the strange looks he was eliciting. He saw Finn’s face spilt into his dopy grin as he noticed him.
Soon Burt, Carole and Finn were approaching and what little decorum Kurt had maintained went out the window. He launched himself at them, bringing them into a clumsy group hug. “God, I have missed you guys!” He exclaimed, squeezing them each individually.
“We’ve missed you too buddy.” His father told him bringing him into an another hug.
They gathered the luggage, then made their way out front to catch a taxi. Once the suitcases were loaded, Kurt climbed in and told the taxi driver the address. His family told them all about the goings on in Lima and Kurt in turn told them about how things were going with the show.
When they pulled up in front of his building, Kurt’s dad turned to him and asked, “Did you move or something?”
“What didn’t I tell you?” Kurt looked at his father confused. He could have sworn that he had mentioned to his family in the last two weeks about the move. It was then Kurt realized he hadn’t called them since the move. Things had been hectic, and Kurt was rarely home when he knew his father would be.
“No, I think I would remember something like that,” Burt told him stepping into the elevator.
Kurt gave him a strained smile, this was something he wished he would have prepared is family for. He knew his family tried to be accepting and his dad has away been great, but this was a huge thing just to spring on them. “I really thought I told you. I’m sorry.”
Finn looked around the hall as they stepped back off. “This place is really nice, how do you afford it. They must pay you really good at that theatre.”
“Well, honestly it’s not that much more than my old place. It’s two bedroom, so that is what really does it.” Kurt explained.
Burt seemed to be examining him closely, “Why you need two bedrooms Kurt?”
Kurt didn’t answer, he was opening the door to the apartment. “Blaine, sweetie, we’re home,” he called ignoring the look his dad was giving him.
“You made great time, I didn’t expect you so soon.” Blaine smiled at them as he appeared from the kitchen. “Here let me take those from you.” He said reaching for the bags in Kurt and Burt’s hands.
“Dad this is Blaine. Blaine these are my parents,” Carole still beamed at being introduced like this, “Burt and Carole, and my brother Finn.”
“It is wonderful to meet you.” Blaine said shaking each of their hands. “I’ll just take these upstairs to the guest bedroom. Finn you can just put your in this closet, we kept it clear for you.”
As Blaine headed up the stairs, Burt turned to his son, “We?” he asked a hard look on his face.
“Yes… um, this is why I really thought I had told you. Blaine and I well… we moved in together.” Kurt stammered, taking Finn’s suitcase from him so he wouldn’t have to look at his father.
“How long have you known this guy Kurt?” Burt questioned.
Kurt heard Blaine coming back down the stairs. “Can we not talk about this right now? I promise I will answer any questions you have, just later please.” Kurt practically begged his dad. He felt like he was back in high school again.
His dad merely grunted in reply, seeing Blaine round the final turn in the stairs. “Why don’t you sit down and I’ll help Blaine finish up lunch alright.” Kurt told them leading into the living room.
“I can do it Kurt, you catch up with your family.” Blaine offered.
Kurt tried to catch his eye as he said, “Nonsense, we’re practically in the same room still.”
As Kurt leaned into the fridge to grab the vegetables for the salad, Blaine leaned in behind him and whispered. “What’s wrong?”
“I might have forgotten to tell my family we moved in together.” Kurt murmured, “It’s not like I did it on purpose, I’ve just been so busy… but I think my dad is pissed.”
Blaine kissed him quickly on the cheek, before grabbing the chicken to grill. “It will be fine, just give him some time.”
Kurt chopped vegetables and talked to his family about inconsequential things while Blaine grilled the chicken. Soon the couple had plated nice salads for everyone and they gathered around the coffee table to eat. Burt and Carole on one couch, Finn, Kurt and Blaine on the floor.
“So Kurt tells me you’re a teacher,” Burt said pointedly to Blaine.
Blaine swallowed his bite of food before responding, “Yes sir. I teach music at a small arts academy, so I teach third grade and up. It really is great to watch the kids grow. I have only been there two years, but already I have seen so much improvement in my kids.”
“He runs their glee club too,” Kurt added. “Tina and I have been trying to convince him to let her help but so far he has been pretty hard headed about the whole thing.” He teased.
This brought Finn into the conversation, asking questions about the glee club, and reminiscing about the great time he had had in high school.
“Yes, Rachel is supposed to come after the holidays to talk to my kids. They are thrilled that she is coming. You would think that living in New York would keep them from being star struck, but nope.” Blaine said laughing.
Finn turned to Kurt his reaction indistinguishable. “You’ve talked to Rachel?” he asked.
Kurt played with his salad as he spoke, “Yes, a few weeks ago, we talked… things are better between us. She even helped up paint the place.”
“So she knew you moved in with your boyfriend before we did?” Finn asked, clearly hurt.
Kurt sighed looking at each member of his family. “I didn’t not tell you on purpose. Things were so hectic. It happened right after the show opened, so I was working odd hours. Even with the time difference, I was never home when you were. Eventually I just thought I had told you.”
“You know kid, the shop does still have a phone. I even carry my cell with me on occasion. You could have just called anytime.” Burt told him leveling his gaze on his son.
“I know dad.” Kurt said before adding, “Here let me take your plates and then I will show you to your room. You can rest a bit before the show tonight.”
Blaine followed Kurt with the remaining plates to the kitchen. “Here, let me do the dishes and you go talk to your parents alright. I will even try and keep Finn entertained if you want me to.” Blaine’s smile was soft, and understanding.
“Thanks, hopefully I survive, if not just know I love you.” Kurt kissed him softly before returning to his parents.
He led them up the spiral staircase, Carole gushing over how nice the place was. He showed them the terrace, before leading them into the guest room.
“I see your bed in here, I hope I can assume this is where you sleep.” Burt told him raising an eyebrow.
Kurt crossed his arms across his chest. “Dad, honestly, I’m 24 years old, what do you think?”
“A father can hope, just remember what I said not until your 30.” Mr. Hummel chuckled.
“Dad!” Kurt groaned, “Can we please not talk about my sex life? I think that would be best for all our sanity.”
“So how long have you been dating?” Carole asked, her smile still clearly happy for him.
“About three months.”
“And you think that is enough time to decide you want to live with the guy?” Burt asked, clearly not happy about the situation.
Kurt was feeling defensive, but tried to reign in the impulse to lash out. “Yes dad. I mean we spent every night together since our first date, it did seem like the logical next step.”
“What do you mean by that, spent every night together?” His dad bristled.
“I mean, that neither of us has stayed alone at either of our places since we started dating. We were spending money on two apartments but always at each other’s places, together. I know it is fast. I get that…” Kurt sighed before continuing. “But dad, this isn’t some fling. I love him. He loves me. I’m happy, so please just be happy for me.”
“Kurt, I’m just worried about you. I know how you just jump into things with blinders on. I just want you to think about this.” Burt was clearly still upset by this news.
“God, dad! I’m not a kid anymore. Yes, I used to do that, but do you know what things have been like for me. I learned my lesson, I was so careful to make sure that I wouldn’t get hurt. I protected myself so well. And so I was lonely, I was living a life that had no joy. Sure my heart was safe, but I wasn’t happy. And you know what, if I would have kept doing that, I never really would have known Blaine. When it comes to him things are so different. I didn’t want to fall in love so fast… but you know, I just couldn’t help it. He isn’t perfect, trust me he has flaws, but we fit so well together. This apartment, we decorated it, together, you know what that means right? This wasn’t me taking over, or conceding to something I really didn’t like. We talked about everything, came up with it all together. That’s what we do. We work dad. And I honestly don’t see that changing any time soon. Yes, we are living together after only three months, but nothing has changed. We are just the way we are with each other.”Kurt took a breath. “Please just give him a chance. I know you want to protect me, but you don’t have to from Blaine. I just… I want you to like him. I love him dad, and if you didn’t like him, it would break my heart, because I couldn’t chance losing either of you.”
Burt pulled him into a hug, “Hey, who said I wouldn’t give him a chance. I mean, a heads up would have been nice. I’m just a little shocked is all. This just doesn’t seem like you. I love you buddy, and unless he does something unforgivable, as long as you are happy I am happy.”
“Thanks dad.”
“Doesn’t mean I wont hesitate to kick his ass if he hurts you though.” He added.
“Dad, really?” Kurt rolled his eyes pushing away from his father. He then looked at Carole who had been silent through most of this. “What about you Carole? What do you think?”
Carole smiled at him, “I think he seems like a lovely young man. I also think that you father forgets sometimes what it is like to fall in love, that sometimes you just know.”
“Thanks Carole,” Kurt said, returning her smile, while his father gently scowled at his wife. “I’ll let you rest a bit, the bathroom is at the end of the hall if you want to freshen up. I have to be at the theatre at seven, so we will probably eat around six. We have tickets for you for tomorrows show. So you can either go out tonight, or hang around here with Blaine.”
He hugged his father again, and Carole kissed him on the forehead before he left them alone. As he descended the stairs he heard Finn talking excitedly about something. He smiled at the thought, that at least Finn was being nice to his boyfriend.
“I could totally teach you a few things. Too bad you don’t have a set here.” Finn was babbling.
Blaine laughed as Kurt stepped into the room. “I don’t think our neighbors would appreciate it. But maybe later I can take you down to the school and you can show me a few things.”
“What are you trying to teach my boyfriend Finn Hudson?” Kurt put on his best disgruntled voice and winked at Blaine.
“Nothing bad Kurt. We were just talking about music and I offered to teach him the drums. So please don’t be all mad and stuff.” Finn defended himself.
Kurt couldn’t hold in his laughter any longer at Finn’s terrified face. “Finn, honestly, why would I be mad about you bonding with Blaine.”
“Oh well I thought you might be worried that I would show him some of the videos from high school. You know the youtube account is still up.” Finn smirked.
Kurt just rolled his eyes, “Trust me Finn, there is nothing in those videos Blaine hasn’t seen yet. Although, Blaine you better watch them before you decide to show them to your class, some are a little more risqu� than others.”
Kurt curled up on the couch with Blaine and the three men sat talking throughout the afternoon. Around five Finn excused himself to go take a shower, leaving Kurt and Blaine alone downstairs.
“What did your father have to say?” Blaine asked kissing the top of Kurt’s head which was nestled against his chest.
Kurt snuggled deeper into Blaine’s embrace. “Same as everyone else it seems. He’s worried that this is going too fast. But he’s coming around. I just can’t believe I didn’t tell them. Can you do me a favor?”
This made Kurt smile before continuing, “Would you please remind me to call them at least once a week. I feel awful, I have been neglecting them.”
“Got it, make sure you call your family, especially after life changing events.”
The following night, Kurt and Blaine took his family out to dinner at a nice steak house. Burt was pleased that for one evening both Kurt and Carole allowed him to indulge in a thick juicy steak without complaint. Kurt left while they were still waiting on dessert to head to the theatre.
He was almost as nervous for this performance as he was for opening night. His family and Blaine were out in the audience waiting to watch him. He poured his all into the show, wanting his family to be proud. He knew in theory his dad would be anyway, but he wanted him to see that it was the right decision to send him to New York and support him through four years of theatre school.
Once the show was over and he was changed back into his street clothes, Kurt exited the stage door. There was something surreal about signing autographs while his family looked on. Kurt had gotten used to the ritual of exiting the theatre and signing several playbills. Mostly it was for tourist excited to having attended a show in New York, a few were students, but Kurt always made it a point to chat with each as he signed his name. It was different having his family watch though. Once the crowd had dispersed, Kurt approached the people he deemed most important.
Blaine met him, in almost the same manner he did on opening night, but this time he was holding a bouquet of deep red roses. After setting Kurt back on the ground he told him, “I meant to bring you flowers on opening night, but I was so nervous about asking you to move, I forgot until we were standing out here. So, I thought I would surprise you this time. You were outstanding, even better than opening night.”
Kurt kissed him soundly, not really caring that his father was standing a few feet away. “They’re beautiful. Thank you.” He kissed him once more, “I love you.” Together they approached his family. “So?” Kurt asked, feeling nervous again.
“Kurt…” His dad said with a sigh, “I have never been more proud of you. I knew you were talented, but you blew me away.”
“Yeah,” Finn added, “and I learned a lot of stuff too, I never knew so many presidents were killed and stuff. I could have used that in my history classes.”
Kurt turned to Carole to see she had tears in her eyes, “I am so mad at you Kurt, you made me cry in there. You absolutely broke my heart in that last scene.”
He brought her into a hug, “Maybe I should tell Wes to do a comedy next time, just so my mom doesn’t cry.”
This sent Carole into a fresh wave of tears. “Oh Kurt, I don’t think I will ever get tired of hearing you call me that.”
“Well I can’t go around calling you my step mother, that just makes it sound like you are evil, instead of one of the best things to ever happen to this family.” Kurt told her with a squeeze.
As a group they walked back to the apartment. Soon Kurt found that Carole had pulled Blaine into a conversation about the show with Finn, and he was lagging behind with his father. While he yearned for Blaine’s hand in his, he figured this was planned by his father to talk to him alone. Since their conversation the day before, neither had spoken about Blaine or the move.
“I like him.” Burt stated bluntly.
Kurt smiled at his dad, “I do too.”
“We got to spend a lot of time with him tonight, and he seems like a real stand up guy. Now do I wish you would have taken this thing at a saner pace… sure. Do I really think it was a mistake… no. Listen Kurt, I just worry about you. I mean you are the best thing I have ever done, and I just don’t want just any guy swooping in and making you feel less than something. But, do you really love him?” The piercing gaze that Burt leveled at him, left no room for doubt that he would be able to tell if Kurt was being less than truthful.
“I really, really do Dad.” Kurt said with conviction.
A smile finally graced Burt’s hardened features, “Good, cause I think I want him to stick around for a while. He seems to love you and to be proud of you. You deserve that Kurt.”
“I want him to stick around to,” Kurt said feeling his eyes prickle with tears. “Can I tell you something dad?” he asked.
“You know you can tell me anything.” Mr. Hummel answered slinging his arm over Kurt’s shoulder and pulling him to his side as they continues to walk.
“I think I want him to stick around forever.” Kurt said watching his boyfriend talk and laugh with Carole.
Burt shook his head, “Well I can’t say I’m too terribly surprised. You don’t do anything half assed do you?”
“I guess I don’t dad.” Kurt simply said, as he continued to gaze at the man he loved, the man he really hoped one day to marry. Yes, Kurt had definitely fallen hard for Blaine, and couldn’t picture his life any other way.
Eksusjdp that was perfection- especially the end with burt and kurt. The tension felt so real in the beginning! I know exacty what it like to have parental disapproval of boyfriends/life choices as an adult, and you got it exactly right!
Thank you. I figured Burt wouldn't be too pleased with his little boy "shaking up" with a guy he has known for so short a time.
This continues to be my favorite story...
Thank you. It still amazes me how much this story has grown.
What the heck, Kurt? You're too busy picking out paint samples with Blaine to tell your dad that you are now living with your boyfriend?! Besides that, I really liked this chapter! This story is now one of my favorites! Thanks for writing, updating, and posting.
In Kurt's defense he really didn't mean to. You know Kurt he gets excited about things and sometimes forgets to think. LOL Thank you so much for reading. I hope you continue to like it!