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Dalton-S.O.S: Chapter 6

E - Words: 2,373 - Last Updated: Jan 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Feb 17, 2012 - Updated: Jan 06, 2013
1,004 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: because im a nice person and my day was pretty quiet yesterday i wrote you another chapter
Chapter six

Blaine awoke in the tiny dingy room, his head was spinning and his mouth was dry. Turning his head he saw that his wrists were tied to the metal frame of the small bed. Trying to move his legs but finding they were also tied to the bed, shifting his body around he felt the plastic of the chastity device around his hard dick and the base still being squeezed by the cock ring not giving him any relief. Blaine started to wriggle his body to try and get a what ever relief he could to get rid of the pain that was building in his stomach from the erection he still had. He didn't know how long he had been out cold but he knew he hadn't eaten anything in the last few days or how ever long he had been at this place.

Blaine heard shuffling at the door and the little square was removed and the light came blazing into the dingy room, "Morning, sleeping beauty!" Blaine didn't recognize the voice. Being unable to move and see who it was Blaine felt unnerved. Blaine heard the keys and the door unlock, clip clop of foot steps crossed the room and Blaine came face to face with very pretty girl, you could tell she didn't take any crap from anyone with the way she moved and the way she held herself, she gave off the feeling of power and intimidated Blaine a little. "So your the boy who has Hummel all in a twist?, Your nothing special so you much be amazing in bed" the girl let out a little laugh. Well it says on the board outside your room that you haven't eaten in a few days and Dalton cant have one of its slaves dying of starvation otherwise there would be an inspection or we could just dispose of you i suppose, The girl had an evil grin on her face walking round to the end of the small bed so she came into full view of Blaine. The girl was tall but she was wearing heels Blaine could tell by the noise they had made when she walked into the room, She had long dark hair that was pulled into a tight pony tail, she had beautiful bone structure and big dark eyes, and perfect white teeth. the women was beautiful she could of easily been in one of the fashion magazines Blaine used to have to hide in his room, most boys his age would of been hiding playboy from their parents but Blaine hid his vogue like it was hot gay porn.

The women held a riding crop in her hand and was playing with it while she looked over Blaine. "I would love to know why Hummel is in such a twist over you? He can not shut up about the new slave he is training and i want to know why?" The women grabbed the thin blanket that was covering Blaine and pulled it off, Blaine was all but naked except for the chastity and cock ring. "Hummel is such a spoil sport! Ill never be able to fuck you with that thing on!" the women looked frustrated and angry. Silence feel in the room as Blaine heard boots making their way down the hall way outside his door. "SANTANA! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING TO MY SLAVE!" Kurt was at the door and looked mad. "Calm your tits Hummel, i just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. And i couldn't do anything because you have him under lock and key...Literally!" the girl snapped back and started to walk towards the door. Kurt stood his ground as the girl passed him in the doorway and left the room.

"She is such a slut!...she already has 4 slaves and they are all girls why the hell would she want a ride on you!" Kurt was red in the face and looked very frustrated. He walked towards Blaine and started to untie him from the bedfirst untying his ankles and tying them both together so he could shuffle, but not really make a run for it. Kurt then untied his wrist and held it tight so Blaine didn't try and punch him or something, Blaine didn't make eye contact with Kurt while he was man handling him. Blaine soon had his wrist tied together and behind his back and the rope wrapped around his body so Kurt could lead him on it. Blaine was pulled up from the bed and wriggled a little to make sure the ropes were tight and he wasn't going to make a break for it anytime soon, "Time to show you off i think" Kurt said with a wink.

Kurt lead Blaine out of the room and locked the door behind them, Blaine noticed Kurt also holding a leather riding crop, Blaine stood his ground as they were outside the room in the hall way and didn't move when Kurt lead on, Kurt tugged the rope and gave Blaine a angry look. "Move Blaine other wise i will use this!" Kurt waved the crop around. Blaine didn't hold eye contact and didn't respond to Kurt he just stood there. Kurt walked slowly back to Blaine and stood behind him "Are you going to move Blaine?" Kurt whispered into his ear. Blaine didn't respond and just kept looking up not making eye contact with anything and just staring at the cling.
WHIP a loud crack echoed down the empty wooden covered hall, Blaine didn't even flinch at the blow, he just stood there like a statue not responding. "Blaine i will ask you once more and then I'm going to use the electro chip." Kurt spoke louder and Blaine may have flinched a little at the thought of getting another shock like yesterday. "Now are you going to be a good boy Blaine and walk or am i going to have to just electric chip you and have you put back in your room until you learn that you are to walk when you are asked to. And i promise we haven't even been half way on this remote yet, so all the stuff that happened yesterday is nothing compared to the pain i will lay on you, Do you understand me Blainey?" Kurts voice was stern and glum sounding very happy with himself as he ended the sentence. "Lets try this again" Kurt walked in front of Blaine and pulled the rope, Blaine really didn't want to move but he really didn't want a pain that was going to really hurt and he was so hungry he wouldn't be able to deal with it. So shuffling on behind Kurt, Blaine followed but kept his head high, he wasn't going to show any sign of submission even if he was being forced to walk.

Kurt lead Blaine down a few wooden halls but they all looked the same and every door they came to was locked under fingerprint recognition devices. Great this place took security seriously that was going to be a pain in the ass to get through Blaine thought to himself as he was lead out to a high fenced green. The air was so refreshing to Blaine and he couldn't help but smile when he was on the grass and the sun was out and the air smelt so good! He never ever noticed these small thing when he was at home but now these where the small things that he really wanted to appreciate and cherish. Kurt lead Blaine on to the grass and sat on the blanket that was out in the middle of the green "I noticed on the board outside your room that you haven't eaten anything since you been here. So i thought you might enjoy a picnic" Kurts voice was small and shy as he finished speaking. Blaine didn't respond he really didn't want to be having a picnic with this man. Even if he was being nice to him at the moment he was still the man who did all them terrible things to him.

Blaine kept staring at the sky as Kurt tugged on the rope hard "I asked you a question Blaine and i want you to answer" Kurts voice wasn't so much shy now it was very demanding. Blaine still didn't respond or make eye contact with Kurt. "FINE" Kurt got up and dragged Blaine behind him, Kurt was walking really fast and Blaine was struggling to keep up and kept tripping over his feet and falling on his face, but Kurt didn't stop and just dragged him on until they got to the stairs leading back into the building that looked like a mansion and not like the prison Blaine had pictured in his head, It looked like a big private school. Kurt stopped at the bottom of the stairs and let Blaine get to his feet and then took the steps two at a time so Blaine was still having trouble walking behind. Kurt lead Blaine into a massive room which looked a lot like a prison cafeteria with circle tables spotted all around the room and men and women walking round the room in silent while slaves sat and ate in silence. The people circling the room look really scary and intimidating and were all dressed in black and a lot of leather and all had whip and paddles of some kind in their hands playing with them keeping close eyes on the slave eating. Blaine was palled to a table that was empty and his ankles were hooked up to the bench which was nailed to the floor and this wrists were released from behind his back but the roped placed around his waist and tied to the bench so he wouldn't be able to get up. Kurt pushed Blaines head down as he walked away from him and left him sitting there.

The smell in the room wasn't pleasant like most cafeterias were, but it had a smell of stale bread and smelt a little like trash cans. Kurt returned with a bowl of grey looking liquid that had a few floating veg in it and a small piece of bread and jug of water. He placed the tray in front of Blaine and sat on the opposite side of the table. "I would enjoy that if i were you Blaine i don't know when ill be feeding you again...After the attitude you had today your lucky I'm even giving you that" Blaine didn't make eye contact with Kurt and just stared eating as quickly as he could, He thought maybe Kurt would get mean and try and take it away from him if he took too long at eating it. The grey liquid stuff was terrible it has hardly any flavor and smelt like old gym socks, But he was so hungry he just drunk it down and shoved the small hard piece of bread into his mouth and threw the jug of water down his neck at break neck speed. "Wow some ones a little greedy monster" Blaine didn't say anything just gave Kurt a dirty look as if he was crap on his shoe. Kurt got up from the bench and untied Blaine from the bench, Blaine didn't remember that his ankles had been attached to the bench as well and as soon as Kurt had untied his waist, He punched Kurt straight in the face, Kurt feel back to the ground and Blaine tried to make a run for it but failed and feel over the metal bench and landed flat on his face. Four men and women were surrounding Blaine and Kurt and the men were helping Kurt to his feet while the women were beating Blaine with the paddles and Crops and kicking him a few times for good measure. Blaine had the air knocked out of him with a single doc martin to the stomach and he couldn't move. There was another man on top of him tying his wrist behind his back and pulling off the floor. Kurt was on the bench being worried over by all the men and women making sure he was ok. Blaine was dragged to where Kurt was and pushed down to his knees by the big man holding him "What do you want us to do with him Master Hummel?" The big man spoke. "Take him to the first floor torture room, tie him to the wall and make sure its uncomfortable" Kurt looked down at Blaine and took hold of his chin "Your really going to regret that, You dirty little cunt" Kurt slapped Blaine hard across the face and he was dragged off by the men to the torture room.

Blaine was dragged down two sets of stairs and walked down a dirty dark cold hallway which was obviously under the mansion. A man came out from around the corner and unlocked a massive door to a dark room which Blaine was dragged into, The room was dark and poorly lit with candles here and there, this place really did look like a torture chamber. Blaine was dragged over to a table which was full of weird contraptions, Blaine was forced to his knees with a blow to the stomach and a metal mouth gag was placed in his mouth and a dog hood/mask which was made of leather was placed on his head. Blaine couldn't see a thing, He was picked up and dragged over the a cold stone wall and tied to the wall by his ankles and wrists by heavy chains and padlocks. The men gave a helpless and blind Blaine a few slaps and punches for good measure and left the room. Leaving a naked and very cold Blaine tied to the wall with a weird leather mask that looked like a dog on, Blaine couldn't see anything, He heard the door open and then close again and be locked. Foot steps made their way up to Blaine and then He spoke "You really shouldn't of done that Blaine, I'm going to take a lot of pleasure in doing this".


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