Jan. 6, 2013, 9:18 a.m.
Jan. 6, 2013, 9:18 a.m.
Blaine didn't bother arguing or even moving when he heard the looks to his door to his room being undone, he didn't even open his eyes when he heard the foot steps enter and come closer to him, he didn't even fight or move when a heavy boot pushed him in the back. Blaine put up no struggle when the chains where placed on his ankles and wrists and didn't even say anything when a very muscled man with a stupid Mohawk picked him up and slung him over his shoulder. He didn't even cry out when the idiot turned too close to the door way and smashed Blaines head on the wooden door frame "Be careful Puck! Master Kurt will kill us if we damage this one, you heard what he said." the voice was soft and caring, Blaine opened his eyes to come look at where the voice had come from, it was from a very tall boy and was well built, he had brown hair and a stupid smile on his face, like a cheerful stupid puppy. "Screw Master Kurt he hasn't been near us since this little punk ass slut turned up, you know IM craving a spanking Finn! And don't say you ain't coz i heard the noise coming out of you in the shower this morning." the boy caring Blaine snapped back. "Yeah ok i miss Master Kurts attention but if this thing turns up damaged then we are gonna be in so much trouble and i need to be in his good books Puck! I need a spanking like a fish needs water! And it's killing me that this slut is getting all Masters attention but we have to be patient Puck" the stupid looking boy was smiling again, Finn his name Blaine had heard from the stupid Mohawk muscles, Puck what sort of stupid name is that?! no wonder he has a stupid hair cut.
"Well while you're being patient Finn IM gonna be a good little boy for Master Kurt to make sure i get what i need tonight! I mean three days is like the longest he has ever gone without touching me, or you!" Blaine felt himself start to slip from the boys shoulder but was replaced with a thud. "Seriously dude i want to be good for Master Kurt but if you keep hurting this thing he is gonna leave us longer! Or worse sell us on. And i cant go to anyone else Puck! You know what happened to me before Master Kurt! So don't screw it up!" Finns voice grew rougher as he was talking to puck.
"Ok Ok calm down frankenteen!, Ill be careful from now on." Pucks voice was calm and teasing like. "Good, now hurry up he was meant to be there three minutes ago and it wont be him taking the hits if his late, It will be us". Blaine felt the sickness in his stomach return but kept his eyes close and hoping that being unresponsive would help him though all this.
Blaine was taken to a room that looked allot like the shower block that was in his schools locker room, but this room was allot larger and there were hooks and chains all attached to the tiled walls, Obviously for keeping the person in place. "Put him on the wall, pleases Puck" Kurts voice was calm and soft. "Would you like him face to the wall or butt to the wall Master?" Puck asked, "hmm Let's start off with butt to the wall and go from there shall we boys" Kurt replied. Blaine had his wrists and ankles attacked to hooks on the wall and was left in a star position, Blaine held his eyes closed and chin to his chest looking as if he was unconscious, But he was very much conscious and listening to everything going on. "Thank you Puck and Finn you have been such good boys the last few days while i have been trying to train this little slut." Kurts voice was soft and gentle "I know i have been neglecting you two very much, But to night i promise it will all be worth it, Now on all fours and wait in the corner of the block facing the wall boys, IM going to be a while and may need you to move him a little later, Ok?" kurts voice was still gentle " Yes Master" came the voices of Puck and Finn in sync. Blaine heard the shuffling of the boys on all fours move across the room.
"Now it's your turn Blainey, you have my undying attention for the next few hours" Blaine felt Kurts breathe on his neck rising to his ear as he spoke "My boys are so jealous of you, you should think yourself lucky, i know Puck is very upset i haven't touched him in a few days, IM amazed you made it here in one piece, Puck has a very bad temper unlike his companion Finn, He is very gentle and soft, so what silly, but don't let that fool you Finn is an even bigger cock slut than you and that takes some beating doesn't it Blainey?" Kurts voice was so soft just a little louder than a whisper and the warm breath on Blaines neck and ear was very distracting. "Is Blainey playing dead? Maybe a ittle bitty shock will wake him up?"
"NO please No more shocks Please" Blaine lifted his head but didn't open his eyes, he wasn't ready for the look on Kurts face, Blaine could picture it as if this little episode that escaped Blaine to be somewhat of a little trophy from Kurt. "God you sound amazing when you beg Blaine". Blaine dropped his head again so his chin was on his chest and slowly opened his eyes. Kurt was standing to the right of him playing with Blaines hair just above the back of his neck, Kurt ran a finger over the skin just above Blaines spine. "Wow these little chips can change a person so quickly" Kurts finger was circling a small area of skin where the chip must of been put in. " Ok Blainey i promise i wont use the shock chip in this session" A small smirk growing on Kurts face as he spoke and backed away from Blaine.
In the corner of the Block was a large table, much like the one is the dark room that Blaine had been strapped to and face fucked by Kurt. Blaine looked at the table, It was piled with weird looking devices that were obviously going to be used on him one way or another. On the corner of the table was a pile of wires, it didn't make sense to Blaine why Kurt would want a pile of wires but he was sure he would find out soon enough why he had them. Blaine heard the shuffle of boots and put this head back down so his chin was on his chest again but kept his eyes open. "Now i promise Blainey i will not use the chip and so you believe me i will put the remote on the table, But if you become disrespectful and rude at any point, i will use it. Do you understand me Blainey?" Blaine didn't raise his head or speak he just did a small nod "IM sorry Blaine but i cannot hear you, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" Kurts voice was stern and rough. "yes" Blaine spoke small and softly. "YES WHAT BLAINE?" Kurts voice was still strong and angry. Blaine didn't respond he couldn't bring himself to say the words, he didn't want to speak the words it made him feel sick to even think of Kurt as 'Master'. "BLAINE I WILL USE THE REMOTE!" Blaine didn't move he just couldn't force himself to do it. A sharp shooting pain ran through Blaines body but he couldn't move he had to grit his teeth and scream " YES WHAT BLAINE?" Kurt was shouting over Blaines screams the volts still running through Blaines body another scream and the shock grew worse " WE CAN DO THIS UNTIL YOU PASS OUT OR DIE BLAINE. YES WHAT BLAINE?" The voltage grew worse and Blaine couldn't take it much longer "MASTER MASTER FUCK MASTER YES MASTER! PLEASEEEE MASTER" Blaine screamed out and the shock stopped, Blaines head dropped down and all this limps went loose against the restraints and Blaine was breathing rapidly. "Hats better Blaine, I wont use it unless you become disrespectful again. Do you understand now Blaine?" Kurts voice was soft and calm again. "yes master" Blaine whispered back he thought he was going to throw up when he said it, but there was nothing in him to come up.
Kurt placed the small remote on the table and picked up a metal collar which was wide and had a padlock fastener. " I know that bowing the head is a good sign Blaine but i want to see your pretty little face when i get you to cum, because i will get you to cum Blaine if you like it or not" Kurt walked with the collar up to Blaine and put it around his neck it was tight and cold but it held up Blaines head so he couldn't move his head at all, it was like he has a neck brace on but this one was metal. Kurt snapped the padlock on and tried to moves Blaines head to make sure it was on right. "Oh Come now Blainey let me see those beautiful hazel eyes" Tears ran down Blaines cheeks He had held them back long enough he could fight them anymore, Blaine didn't open his eyes he couldn't, he didn't want to have to look at kurts Beautiful face, the face that an angel would of been proud of but that beautiful face was of the person who was doing this to him, had put those things inside him, had forced him to lose his blow job virginity. That beautiful stunning face was of a monster. "O please Blaine open them eyes of yours, I forget how wonderful they are. I don't want to use the remote again Blaine" Blaines eyes fluttered open looking everywhere but in the eyes of the beautiful monster. " there they are, like tiny pools of chocolate".
Kurt walked back over to the table and picked up a weird looking contraption that was black at the handle but had a long red tip, Kurt pushed a button on the tool and a little blue snap came out of the top of it, it was some sort of electronic wand, Blaine really didn't like the look of the tool. Kurts eyes grew are the little blue spark came out the top of the wand and a tiny smirk crept into the corners of his mouth. "Perfect". Kurt walked back over to Blaine with the wand in hand clicking it a few times as Blaine flinched at the noise. "This is a wand Blainey, not very harry potter, but its magic all the same especially on the nipples" Kurt walked right up to Blaine and took Blaines right nipple in his mouth caressing it with his tongue and giving it a little bite as he pulled away from the hard erect nipple. This made Blaine feel twinges in his groin but he had to will them away he couldn't get hard over him, he couldn't he wouldn't let himself get hard! "It works allot better if the nipple is a little wet" And with that the wand was placed on Blaine nipple and a small blue spark left the wand and shot right into Blaines nipple, "ARGH FUCK" Blaine shouted out. "what did i say about language Blainey, No swearing in front of your master other wise i will use the chip!" and another spark hit Blaines other nipple as Kurt spoke. Blaine clenched his mouth together and let the frustrated noise out in this thought. "Much better Blaine, Such a good little puppy today" Blaine could feel Kurts breathe on his ear as he spoke. "Now lets use this magic wand on little slut" Blaine felt his under ware being cut off and then thrown across the room, now completely naked against the tiled wall Kurt was crouched down between his legs but Blaine couldn't move his head down to see what he was doing. "Maybe a few sparks with wake this little fella up" Blaine felt the tip of the wand being moved down his stomach into his belly button and down to his pubic area and then move round to his scrotum, then a click and the spark hit Blaines balls sending a weird feeling of pain through his dick. Blaine clenched his lips and bit his tongue, He wasn't going to give Kurt the satisfaction of more screaming. Kurt moved the wand over Blaines dick a few times up and down "Maybe a little shock for the eye" And then the pain shot down the core of Blaines dick. "MMMM" the only noise that came out of Blaine.
Kurt got back up and walked over to the table placing the wand back down and picking up a wooden bat that looked like a small cricket bat but was thinner, A paddle Blaine thought. "Puck come!" Blaine heard the shuffling in the corner and the muscle boy with the stupid Mohawk came into view, "Finn come" More shuffling and the goofy smiley boy came into view both falling to their knees and head bowed down. "I want his face to the wall i want to make that beautiful ass of his red, Turn him please boys"
"Yes master" the boys answered once again in sync. Both of the raising to their feet and moving towards Blaine as Kurt stood back and watched as they unhooked him then rehooked him facing the wall. "Hats good boys, now back to the corner and wait" Kurt spoke softly some would say lovingly. "yes master" both in sync. "did i say you could walk back to the corner?" kurts voice stern "No Master" both boys shouted back immediately, "All fours back to the corner and you will be punished later for being so careless boys" Kurt smacked both boys on the ass "YES MASTER" both boys shuffled back to the corner and silence feel in the room. Kurt walked towards Blaine smacking the paddle into his hand as he walked, He slowly rubbed the wooden paddle over Blaines bare butt "This ass is going to look so beautiful bright red" SMACK the paddle landed right across both cheeks. "I wouldn't tense Blainey, it only makes the pain worse" Kurt spoke softly into Blaines ear. Silent tears were falling down Blaines face SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK six smacks all over Blaines ass. "Its so beautiful when it glows like this" Kurt ran is cold fingers over both cheeks. Blaine pushed his forehead to the cold wall as the tears spilled out his eyes and down his chin. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK four sharp fast slaps to the bottom of Blaines ass just above the thigh. Kurt walked away from Blaine back to the table laying down the paddle and picking up a thin long wooden cane, swishing it a few times to make sure it was steady and making the smack noise in the air.
Before Blaine knew it Kurt was back behind him rubbing his hot burning ass, and without warning smacked Blaine hard across the middle of his ass cheeks leaving a bright purple mark, "God that is so beautiful" Kurt smacked three more times across Blaines ass. Blain was biting his tongue so hard he could taste blood. "you can scream if you want to Blainey i like a little noise when IM dishing out spanks" Blaine couldn't hold it any longer the burning in his ass was too much the anger inside him building with each touch from this monster the sick feeling growing over his body "FUCK YOU, YOU STUPID FUCKING PSYCHO" Blaine shot out. There was movement in the corner of the room and the Mohawk boy came into view running at Blaine. "DOWN PUCK" the boy stopped mid stride and feel to his knees head bowed down. Blaine could hear the boy breathing he imagined he looked a little like the angry bull in the bugs bunny cartoons he used to watch as a kick, when they were red in the face and smoke coming out of their nose and the blood vessels building in the eyes. "DID I CALL ON YOU PUCK?" Kurt spoke angry and loud. "no master" the voice was quiet but angry. "THEN WHY DID YOU MOVE FROM THE CORNER?" Kurt still shouting "IM sorry master but that BASTARD HAS NO RIGHT TO CALL YOU THAT SIR!" pucks voice growing louder and angrier as he spoke. "THAT GIVES YOU NO RIGHT TO RUN OVER HERE LIKE A RAGING BULL PUCKERMAN!" Kurts voice was still angry but getting calmer as he spoke. "IM so sorry master but i don't like him talking to you like that! He doesn't know you and has no right to be disrespectful towards you master." Pucks voice was a lot calmer and the breathing had slowed down. "Puck i can look after myself, you will be severely punished for your little out burst later and to make sure you don't run back over here like a maniac. IM going to use your leash and tie it to the wall. I will not be disrespected by anyone especially you puckerman. Am i clear?" Kurt spoke calmly, "Crystal clear master" Puck spoke back a little smirk on his face. "do not sass me puck otherwise it will be weeks until i allow you to cum again". Blaine heard a chain being picked up and rattled and then the padding of what must of been Puck on all fours moving towards his master. A small click and the chain was being pulled and Puck was padding behind Kurt towards the corner of the room, Then the chain was hooked onto the wall and puck was given a loud hard smack to his thigh and Finn was given a slap and a stern talk about letting Puck run over to a situation that their master was in full control of.
"Now you Blaine, what are we going to do with you, I thought we were finally getting somewhere with you and as soon as i help you a little you turn around and basically spit in my face. I cant have my slaves talk to me like that and defiantly not in front of my perfect boys in the corner, you know if i had not of stopped Puck he would of had you ripped off that wall beating you to a pulp just to defend me". At some point Kurt had returned to the table and got the remote to the chip in Blaines spine. The pain shot through Blaine like lightning "ARGHHHHHH" Blaine couldn't hold back the screams of agony falling from his mouth. The shock lasted what felt like forever but was not even ten seconds. The pain stopped and Blaine feel limp. Kurt placed the remote back on the table with the cane and picked up a voltage box two wires and a see through plug and a bottle of lube. He walked back to the wall where Blaine was and set up for the electro plug. Blaine had no clue what was going on behind him all he could hear was rustling and the sound of things clicking, then the noise of a lid snap shut. Blaine felt Kurt turn grab his still burning ass cheeks and spread them apart, A wet finger was rubbing the rim of Blaines hole, Blaines cock starting to twitch Blaine tried willing the growing erection away but Kurts finger was pushing gently at Blaines entrance and pulling back so slowly. By the time Kurt had the one finger in Blaine had a semi. And by the time Kurt got three fingers in Blaine was leaking pre-cum and shaking against the wall. "Don't get too excited just yet Blainey, i got a little surprise for you" Kurt waved the plug in front of Blaines face so he could see it. "This isn't just any plug you see Blainey, This little plug is electric and once its inside it will feel like having the wand in that tight little hole and with the crafty little volt box i have, I will be able to choose if i want to be nice or nasty to you today". prepared and ready Blaines hard cock was begging to be touched. Blaine hated himself for being so horny for this psycho monster of a man. But he was so beautiful, his voice sounded like angels singing his hair always looked amazing and Blaine had to admit Kurts dick did taste pretty good. Blaine banged his head against the wall to stop the stupid thoughts he was having towards this monster, He didn't want to have feeling for him he didn't want to feel anything, he just wanted to be nothing, why did his body have to betray him like this. The one thing Blaine still thought he had control over even turned against him. Before Blaine could process anything else the plug was being pushed into him it was allot bigger than the ones from the other day and even though he had been prepared it still hurt a lot. Kurt pushed the plug fully in and turned to get the volt box, Kurt was fed up with being disrespected by Blaine and was going to make sure he suffered today.
Kurt turned the knobs on the box till they were all full way and placed the box back on the floor and went to the table to get a ball gag, Screams were coming from Blaine already and Kurt was not in a rush to take the plug out anytime soon and he couldn't put up with all that noise for long. Looking over the gadgets and tools on the table Kurt went for the ball gag but saw the cock gag instead, that should keep him quiet for a little while Kurt thought to himself. Blaine was screaming when Kurt returned to him and Placed the cock gag in his mouth and the sound soon got quieter but Blaine was choking against the cock gag. "if you relax it wont chock you Blaine. Just relax and take it you cock hungry slut" Kurt forced the cock gag back into Blaines mouth and the noise stopped, Kurt watched as Blaine started to relax against the gag and the tears fall down his face. Kurt had never felt this way towards the slaves he trained before. Puck and Finn had been purchased and pre-trained he loved them both a lot but there was something about this boy that Kurt didn't understand. Kurt had been attached to him the moment he was brought in on the stretcher and demanded he be the one to train him.
Blaine relaxed against the gag but the pain in his hole was so strong and making his dick twitch so much. He hated it he wanted to stop everything just give up. He had left his room with the decision to not do anything but he had done everything he didn't want to, everything had turned against him. He might as well turn against him self at this point. Blaine now had a plastic cock shoved half way down his throat and an electric plug pulsing in his hole. Kurt returned to the box and turned down the voltage, he still wanted Blaine to feel a little sting but not be too sore to do want he wanted next to him. "PUCK, FINN COME" Kurt shouted across the room and only Finn came trotting over like a happy dog, "you were meant to untie Puck you know Finn" Kurt gave Finn a forgiving smile, Kurt walked over to the corner and hooked Puck from the wall and walked him across the room back to where Finn was kneeling. "Please boys turn him around so he is facing this way and attach the spread bar to his ankles and attach the dick stick to it please." Both boys flew in to action Finn sorting out the spread bar while Puck was maybe being a little heavy handed with Blaine as he turned him around and held him still as Finn placed the bar and dick sick between Blaines legs. Puck hooked him back up to the wall and both boys feel to their knees waiting for the next order from their master. Kurt walked slowly over to Blaine, "you see Blaine these boys respect me and one day you will to, You can fight it all you want it will happen one day" Blaine stared at the cling not being able to say anything or do anything he just wanted to ignore Kurt. "Look at me when i am talking to you Blaine" Blaine couldn't stop himself his eyes found Kurts and the green and blue and grey in his eyes were mesmerizing. They both held eye contact not wanting to be the first one to look away, finally Blaine blink and Kurt saw that as a win. Unable to protest Blaine just looked away. "Thank you boys back to the corner and Finn will you be a good boy and hook Puckerman back up to the wall like before please" Kurt stroked Finns cheek and laid a kiss on his lips "Of course master, anything for you master" Finns voice was small and breathless.
Kurt walked over to the table and picked up a small metal bucket full of wooden clothe pegs. Kurt made short work of filling Blaines body full of clothes pegs they stung at first but soon became numb only the ones on Blaines nipples and the ones on the side of his growing erection really bothered him. "That looks so pretty" Kurt placed the bucket on the floor and walked back over to the table and picked up a crop with a large leather square on the end of it. Turning the volt box up a little bit so Blaine was feeling the sparks again and the pre-cum was oozing from the tip of his penis. Kurt rubbed the crop over Blaines body gently around the pegs "This is properly going to hurt" and then Kurt was hitting the crop against the pegs and they were flying off, leaving only the ones on his nipples and cock Kurt twisted the ones on Blaines nipples and pulled them off with his hands and started pinching and rubbing the nipples. It was a weird sensation, so much pain but Kurt was playing with his nipples and it was driving Blaine crazy. Kurt yanked all six of the pegs that were on Blaines penis off and jerked him a few times. " Hows that Blaine? Good isn't it!" Kurt let go of Blaines dick and stepped back to admire his work. Kurt then turned off and removed the electro plug and placed the dick stick that was on the bar spreader into Blaines hole. Blaine let out a small sigh from the relief of the Electro plug being removed but was not happy that an even bigger rubber dick had been shoved into his ass.
"You feeling full aren't you Blaine cock in both holes" Kurt turned a switch at the bottom of the rubber dick and it started to vibrate not enough to push him over but just enough to keep him hard. "i love me some good vibrations" Kurt let out a little giggle and took the gag out of Blaines mouth and replaced it with a simple ball gag. Kurt placed a cock ring around the base of Blaine "I don't want you to cum yet" Blaine let out a moan against the gag. "Now lets see what this baby can do shall we Blainey" Kurt turned the vibrations up to full and Blaine swore he was going to climax but he couldn't. The burning in the pit of his stomach was like a volcano trying to erupt but couldn't. Kurt walked away from Blaine and wondered back with a hose in hand. "I think someone needs to cool off" Kurt turned the hose on full and freezing water rushed over Blaine straight into his face and down to his erection. The water shut off and Kurt dropped the hose. "feeling cooler i hope now Blainey" Kurt picked up the electro wand from the table and walk slowly over the Blaine clicking it a few times. Snapping Blaine a few times in the stomach and twice on the tip of his cock Blaine let out a gaged scream. Kurt wondered back over to the table and picked up a cattle prod. "Now this Blaine is normally used on large animals, but seeing as you have been rude and unco-operative today IM gonna use this" Kurt pushed the bottom and a large blue volt snapped between the two metal prongs on the end of the prod.
Kurt shocked Blaines scrotum and the space between his sack and hole. The pain was so bad it felt like Kurt had burned off his balls. Kurt soon got bored of the prod and returned it to the table. The cock in Blaines ass was still vibrating but he couldn't cum he just wanted to cum and get it over with but with the ring on the base he wasn't going to cum. "Well i think that's enough for today Blainey. I have two boys to take care of and IM bored of you" Kurt walked over to Blaine and shut off the cock in his ass and removed it. "But i will leave the ring on and use this" Kurt waved a plastic chastity. "Just to make sure you don't touch yourself or anything" Kurt smiled and placed the device on Blaine and padlocked it shut. Kurt walked over to the table and picked up an empty syringe and a bottle of clear liquid, Kurt filled the syringe with the liquid and tapped it a few times to get the air bubbles out. "This is going to sting" Kurt smiled and plunged the needle into Blaines arm. A few deep breathes and everything went black.
Kurt threw the syringe away and took off the metal collar from around Blaines neck and Removed the ball gag. "Boys come...And Finn don't forget to unhook Puck" A little shuffling in the corner and both boys came running into view. "Please take him back to his room. And be careful, Finn i want you to carry Blaine back and Puck you make sure the doors are open" Finn rose from his knees and unhooked Blaine and threw him over his shoulder, Puck sat and waited for Finn. "I have not forgotten about your little out burst Puck and you will be punished later, and i will be asking Finn if you hurt Blaine in anyway while i was not there. So make sure your a good little boy for me" Kurt stroked his Mohawk and kissed him deeply on the lips. "NOW GO" Both boys left took an unconscious Blaine back to his room. Slinging him down on the bed Finn placed the thin blanked over Blaine and tired his ankles and wrists to the bed. "God your such a suck up Finn!" Puck said to Finn playing around. "Your jealous because IM going to be treated like a prince tonight and your gonna be in the corner not getting any" Finn shoved Puck and the play fight broke out in the hall way out side Blaines room. Kurt was walking down the hall towards the room, "BOYS! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU! NO PLAY FIGHTING IN THE HALLS!" Puck and Finn jumped at their masters voice and feel to their knees. "And you didn't lock Blaines door either! Really boys this has got to stop" Kurt spoke calmly. "Sorry Master" synced voices replied. Kurt turned to look Blaines door and sneaked a peek at him. The boy was on his back ankles and wrists tied to the bed, his chest riding and falling slowly. "Sweet dreams Blaine" Kurt whispered as the door shut.