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Dalton-S.O.S: Chapter 3

E - Words: 2,545 - Last Updated: Jan 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Feb 17, 2012 - Updated: Jan 06, 2013
1,680 0 1 0 0

��Chapter 3

Blaine was blind folded again and with a lot of protest (but the man got it in by holding Blaines nose so he couldn't breath) a weird metal like gag was put in which kept his mouth open. Blaine heard the man open a door and he heard more foot steps from what must of been another men. Blaine felt his left wrist being undone but being held firm by a strong pair of arms, then his right arm was set free and both hands were forced and held together while thin metal chains were wrapped round them and padlocked behind his back. He was then punched repeatedly in the stomach as his ankles were released and legs placed into another metal device which spread his legs prevented him from closing them. Blaine felt a presence in front of him and a boot being pushed to his face "Lick your spit off my boot, then clean them with your tongue." the voice spoke calmly but strong, Blaine recognized it as the man beautiful man that he hated so much that he was meant to call master.

"UCK EW" came Blaines dribbly and mouth open response. Then came the loud crack noise, Blaine was not ready for the shock of the whip on his bare back.

"No, no, no im going to fuck you" the man chuckled and lightly rubbed the bull whip against Blaines back, another loud crack and a scream from Blaine as the man laid down four more hits in the same spot. Blaine fault his was being torn from the inside out, the leather was so painful and thin his back felt like it was on fire, silent painful tears spilled from his eyes, Blaine was glad he was blind folded at least the man wouldn't see his cry. "Now SLUT are you going to clean that spit off my boot or am i just going to have to keep hitting you" "I do hope its the second one, your beautiful olive skin is so stunning with a little red" the man cackled.

Blaine didn't respond, there was no way he could get the words out without his voice breaking in to sobs. "Whats the matter slut? cat got your tongue?" the voice laughed "Or have we finally learned to keep the noise to a minimum" the mans thumb was running over Blaines lips, Blaine felt the mans tongue lick his lips and then start to caress Blaines forced open mouth. "Well someone is very dribbly, i do love a big...wet...hole" the mans whispered in to Blaines ear, full of gloat. Blaine hear the man get up and walk around him a few times, then they stopped again just behind him. "Now we are being so quiet, lets see how many more hits it takes to get a little scream from you" The man slowly rubbed the whip over Blaines back "A little noise is always fun, don't you think slut?".

Next thing Blaine felt was 5 hard hits from the whip, Blaine held his breath so he wouldn't scream, he didn't want to give anything to this sick pervert. "Well i counted that as five, i thought it might only take two, shall i continue?" Blaine just laid there lifeless and quiet "Ill take that as a yes then". Another 5 hard hits from the whip this time all over his back, Blaine tried so hard not to move or make a sound he didn't want this but he was not going to give in and admit defeat. " WOW 10 hits, im sorta impressed, maybe im using the wrong tool lets see what else we have..." The footsteps left Blaine and he heard a rummage in the corner. "This should do the trick" the mans voice sounded distant but happy.

The footsteps came closer and closer walking around him a few times "Now with this you might struggle a little so maybe i should have you moved to the table..." Blaine felt himself being lifted and dropped on to wood, then straps were being put on to his ankles and knees then attached to the table, His hands were released but held tight so he couldn't move and placed to the table and strapped down, two thick leather straps went around this body and over his sore bloody back, it hurt so much, then a final strap around his neck so he wouldn't move. "Now that's a lot better i will be able to do my magic with out mistakes" the mans voice sounded so pleased and happy he was enjoying this too much. Blaine could hear packages being opened but he had no clue what it was, his heartbeat got faster and Blaine thought he might pass out, He really hoped he would just pass out.

"Now normally you would be cleaned up before i do this, but seeing as you like spitting i thought you wouldn't mind me just leaving you like this..." Blaine felt the mans hands touch lightly over the marks and blood on his back Blaine cringed and let out a little chock as the man moved over the his back, that's when the first sharp prick of a needle entered Blaines back and he couldn't help but scream. FUCKING NEEDLES!! Blaine thought to himself, This man is so fucked up and perverted he is actually stabbing me with needles! " Wow that looks stunning, you should really see this the metal of the needle and the blood together is so pretty!" the mans voice let out a light small laugh "now lets see how many we can get in you before you pass out!". Blaine was so scared he hated needles, he made such a scene at the hospital when they tried to give him a flu shot, they made him feel sick and sometimes pass out, Blaine preyed that he would pass out with the next needle he couldn't handle the pain. When the second needle was put in Blaine let out a scream and waited for the darkness to take over but there was nothing, just a sick feeling in his stomach and a few needles in his back. O GREAT MY BODY DECIDES TO BE MACHO NOW!! Blaine was so pissed off with himself. After another 3 needles were scattered around Blaines back the man moved off the table and came round to stand in front of Blaine, Blaine had his head against the table wishing he would just black out, he felt the strap around his neck be removed and his hair being pulled so he was face was pointing up.

Blaines blind fold was removed but Blaine kept his eyes shut, they stung from the tears and he couldn't face looking at the sick beautiful man. "Im bored of that said that was as he moved from the front of Blaine and back to the corner which had a big black wooden set of draws, Blaine opened his eyes to see what the man was doing. The man placed the remaining needles back into a draw and closed it, He then opened another draw and pulled out something that Blaine couldn't really make out from the sting and blur in his eyes, The man pulled out two more of these strange things that were bigger. Blaine didn't understand what he was going to do with these they didn't look too painful. The man returned to standing in front of Blaine and he looked Blaine straight in the eyes " Have you ever fingered yourself Blaine? ever had that beautiful hole played with? stretched?" Blaines eyes grew wide and he let out a small whimper, The weird looking object just became clear for their use. "UCK EW...UCKEW...UCK EW!" Blaine screamed out as the man kept eye contact and laughed lightly as he moved from Blaines point of vision.

"I was going to do this dry...but seeing the look in your eyes when i asked about playing with this beautiful little hole...i can tell you are a virgin...and there is enough blood as it is." Blaine tried to clench his arse as the man spoke and started setting things up for the next step, But it was no use, the metal spreader was hard to fight against and he was in so much pain from his back. "But im not going to be generous on the lube a squirt or two should get us through these three and we will see how many fingers i can get in there, then maybe we will move on to something...bigger" Blaine let out a small whimper as he heard latex gloves snap. "now i need you to relax or this is going to really hurt...well a little more than these" The man twisted one of the needles and Blaine let out a scream. "Now lets start off with a finger and go from there shall we..." The mans voice was way too cheerful. It made Blaine nearly puke when he felt the finger make small circles around the outer of his hole and then try pushed it way in and out again and again, Blaine let out a scream and banged his head down to the table. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? THIS IS NOT MEANT TO FEEL GOOD! THIS SHOULD BE MAKING YOU FEEL SICK! YOUR JUST AS SICK AS HIM YOU KNOW! Blaines mind would not shut up and the more the man pushed his fingers in and out the better it felt for Blaine, Before Blaine could stop it a small moan escaped his forced open mouth. "i knew you would like this..because your just a little slut...a dirty little hole fucking slut!" the man sounded pleased with himself. Blaine was so ashamed with himself he wanted to beat himself up for the way this felt, this was meant to be disgusting he was practically being raped.

"Now lets skip 2 and go straight for 3 then we can try the second plug...or maybe the 3rd...i do love a wet open hole"

"uck ew" the small voice came from Blaine as the man pulled out and got his fingers ready for the next step

Blaine kept his face to the table and preyed his voice wouldn't escape him again. Then he felt the 3 fingers being forced in slowly but hard. Blaine let out a frustrated scream it felt so good but it was so wrong. "Wow your slutty ass took them better than i thought it would...you sure you haven't done this before?" a small laugh followed as the man took out his fingers snapped off the glove. "Now i think your ready for the big boy, i think you can handle it as your such a slut" the man pulled Blaines head up by his hair so he could rub the plug around Blaine dribble and open mouth. "Got to make sure its wet other wise we might get some friction burn" Blaine kept his eyes closed. The man let go of Blaines hair after a sharp pull and Blaine smacked his head against the table. Blaine had been so focused on his pain and self hate that he didn't notice that his dick was hard and leaking pre-cum against his stomach and the table.

"Now brace yourself slut" Blaine felt the plug being pushed against his hole and the tip entering him, the plug seemed to get bigger and bigger as it went in, it felt so big and made Blaine feel so full and so good. "Its in you dirty little bastard you like the feeling don't you? do you feel full and hopeless?" the man moved to stand in front of Blaine, pulling Blaines hair to make eye contact. "i think ill leave that in for later or maybe tomorrow depends how good you are." Blaine screwed his eyes shut and tried to pull his head down but the man had a good handful and was keeping it in place.

"We are going to make good use of that open and loud mouth of yours now...Ever tasted a mans cock? No i didn't think you had...we luck you! You get to taste mine...and mine is delicious". The man has a huge smile across this face as he kept hole of the fist full of hair and undid his fly. "look at that you have already got little sir worked up so much from that slutty ass of yours" Blaine kept his eyes closed he really didn't want to see anything. He didn't want to be here, he wished he was dead, anything was better than this. "now seeing as i can not trust that mouth of yours im going to face fuck you and with this amazing gag there is pretty much nothing you can do about it and maybe if you impress little sir enough he might let you taste his juice". Blaine kept his eyes closed there was no use trying to pull away there was so way he could.

The man shoved his big hard cock in to Blaines open mouth, holding firm on to Blaines hair. "OOOO...GOD"..."that's a very impressive mouth you have there"...."MMMMMM" Blaine tried to bite down so hard but the gag was strong, obviously designed to make sure the person wearing it couldn't close his or her mouth how ever hard they tried. "Do you like that?...mmm...your a disgusting little slut Blaine....do you know that?" Blaines eyes shot open as he heard his name. The man threw his head back and shoved his dick down Blaines throat held it there and cummed HARD down the back of Blaines throat. The man let go of Blaines hair and pulled out, Blaine just held his head down in shame as he became aware of the leaking pre-cum from his own hard dick. The man put himself away and looked down at Blaine. "you know you were so good at that maybe i will keep your name..Its growing on me..and drinking my cum" the man bent down to lift Blaines head, making eye contact "see you be good and we can make this easier for you Blaine. you might even start to enjoy it". Blaine closed his eyes and pulled away from the man and held his head down in shame. "well seeing as you have drunk my cum and your bound to drink a lot more of it you can know my first name...But you will NEVER ADDRESS ME BY THAT NAME GOT IT?" Blaine didn't respond just held his head down, lifeless. "My name is Kurt...But you will only address me as Master."

Kurt moved to the side of the table and took out the needles in Blaines back, between the 3rd and 4th being removed Blaine finally blacked out. Kurt threw the needles in to a bin in the corner of the room and moved to check Blaine was still breathing and had a pulse. "Its a shame you know, you could be so good at this you just don't want to try." Kurt stroked Blaine sweaty hair. He got up and left Blaine unconscious and still strapped to the table.


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Wow, just wow. Amazing. Brilliant! I love this story! xXx