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Dalton-S.O.S: Chapter 2

E - Words: 1,094 - Last Updated: Jan 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Feb 17, 2012 - Updated: Jan 06, 2013
1,506 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: thanks for reading :) here is chapter two...
Blaine heard the sound of a door opening, his eyes shot open and was hit by the bright light on the plain white ceiling "HELP ME!" tears started to run down his face. "PLEASE...my Name is Blaine Anderson...WHERE AM I?" Blaine's eyes closed. He could hear the sound of foot steps and movement above his head, But with what felt like some sort of metal collar around his neck Blaine was unable to really move his head, Eyes still locked shut he heard the noise of what sounded like metal on metal, like you would hear in a dentist or hospital.

" I know who you are." a soft voice spoke. " There is no use crying or shouting, No one can hear you, And NO ONE is going to come and help you. So believe me when I say 'no one can hear you scream'." The soft voice let out a small chuckle.

" WHO ARE YOU?!" "WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING HERE" "YOU TOOK ME!" Blaine was screaming and sobbing, he felt like he was in some crappy horror film.

"Oh, hunny I never took you, you were given to me..To Dalton." "And as for the 'who am I?' question you may and WILL only address me as Sir or Master, What ever you prefer, IM not fussy." The soft voice chuckled again making Blaine's skin crawl and the sick feeling in his stomach grow.

" THIS IS A MISTAKE...I WAS NOT GIVEN TO ANYONE...MY PARENTS!...THEY WOULD NEVER DO THIS!" Blaine let out the loud frustrated scream and tried to struggle against the restraints. His parents wasn't like that they wouldn't give him away, they wouldn't send him away, this had to be some stupid mistake! All these things flying through Blaine's mind at once.

" Oh, now come on, there is no need to be like that. Struggling is only going to mark that beautiful olive skin of yours. We wouldn't want that now." The soft voice spoke calmly.

"FUCK YOU!" Blaine spat screwing his face up so his eyes wouldn't open.

The foot steps came closer to Blaine, he felt his self go stiff, Blaine felt a hard bat like object slap across his stomach. "ARGHH...YOU PRICK" Blaine screamed. Another harder blow came down in the same spot, it felt like it was on fire, burning him from the inside.

"There will be no use of that language in my presence!" The soft voice sounded angry and harsh. Blaine felt fingers running through his hair and then a tug, Blaine's eyes shot open coming face to face with the man, he was stunning. Bright eyes, dark hair that was perfect, not a hair out of place, pale white skin and cheek bones of model quality. "And I certainly don't want to be called any names by you!" The man smacked Blaine's head down against the bed. Blaine laid there silently crying, how could something so beautiful be so disgusting at the same time.

"FUCK YOU! YOU PSYCHOPATH! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Blaine was red in the face burning tears running down his cheeks. "YOUR A FUCKING FREAK, YOU THINK ITS OK TO JUST TAKE PEOPLE AND TIE THEM UP?" Blaine's voice was getting louder and louder the anger was like a volcano erupting. "UNTIE ME YOU PRICK! YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT TO DO THIS." Another hard smack came down on Blaine's inner thigh and then more on his stomach.

"What did I say about language and name calling?" the man was standing over Blaine's head so they made eye contact. "You were brought here by your parents, they have both signed you over to Dalton, as of the moment that pen left the paper they were no longer your parents." The man was smirking above Blaine, tears falling from Blaine eyes as he spoke the words. "I specificity remember Mr. Anderson saying something about how you were always a fuck up, and how he wished you were a mess on a bed sheet and never conceived." The man chuckled.

"YOUR WRONG!" Blaine screamed closing his eyes hoping he would wake up from this terrible nightmare. "YOUR FUCKING LYING!" Blaine felt a sharp slap to his cheek.

" I wouldn't lie, I have no need to." The mans voice calm and quiet. "As of now Blaine you are no longer a person, you are a slave, you are to do anything and everything I want or anyone else wants." "If I say jump off a cliff you better fucking jump, if I say lick my shoes you will lick my shoes, if I order you to bark like a dog you better fucking bark. Am I making myself clear?" the man was walking around the bed touching Blaine.

Blaine squirmed but there was no use, there was no way he was getting out of these restraints. "YEAH? AND WHAT IF I DON'T! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME DO ANYTHING YOU SICK FUCK!" Another round of slaps across the stomach and face.

" Now that name 'Blaine'. I don't like it so IM going to change it...Now What would be a good name for a slave like you?" the man walked around the bed looking over every inch of Blaine that was showing. " maybe small tiny dick? Or STD for short? Or seeing as you don't have parents any more we could always go more political...orphan? Or maybe Annie?" the man let out a small croaky chuckle. "See, SLUT if you would have maybe been a little nicer earlier we could have come to some arrangement about your name, But now? You have been disrespectful and just a sobbing mess I don't even think I want to name you, maybe ill just call you it or thing." "I don't feel you have earned a name yet." A small smile creped onto the mans face.

Blaine lied there just staring at the ceiling, he felt numb, not from the lack of movement but he felt numb from the inside as if he was not there, as if he was watching this unfold of just a body. "What ever you say to me, its not going to make me do anything for you, IM never going to respect you, IM never going to give you anything!" Blaine spoke calmer and quieter. He felt the mans hands running over his legs and up his stomach, now two weeks ago a beautiful man touching him like this would of got Blaine off in seconds, but he felt nothing. He just felt the need to be sick but there was nothing in him to come out.

End Notes: hope to get chapter 3 up in the next few days :)


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