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Dalton-S.O.S: Chapter 14

E - Words: 1,055 - Last Updated: Jan 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Feb 17, 2012 - Updated: Jan 06, 2013
822 0 9 0 0

Author's Notes: Sorry it takes me forever to write chapters I'm so busy at the moment and I'm trying my best to get these Chapters out! thanks for all the reviews and reading this little fanfic. it means a lot to me :).
"So we will have rules while you are in this house and I expect you to follow all of them and of course you will have a lot more because of the whole pup thing for the next few days" Kurt stood and walked to the other side of the room picking up a piece of paper off the table. " Rules for the next few days will be simple and if you actually follow them, there should be no problems". Blaine kept his head down just kept repeating the word "try" over and over in his head.

Chapter 13- Rules...

Master Kurts house Rules:

Rule 1: All slaves with respect and obey and please Master/Sir.

Rule 2: All slaves needs and pleasure comes secondary to Masters/Sir.

Rule 3: What Master says goes, Masters/Sir word is law and shall be followed to the letter.

Rule 4: All slaves will Trust Master/Sir and what ever he decides is in benefit to slaves.

Rule 5: slaves are property to Master/Sir and will always remember that.

Rule 6: slaves will always thank Master/Sir after everything they are given.

Rule 7: slaves will not hesitate when responding to Master/Sir slaves must always be focused.

Rule 8: slaves will except discipline and punishments received from Master/Sir and will always specifying the reason.

Rule 9: slaves will always be submissive to Master/Sir whether he is present or not.

Rule 10: All choices made by slaves will be based upon whether they will please Master/Sir.

Rule 11: All slaves will wear their collars 24/7, locked by padlock. This is law by Master/Sir and the law of the country.

Rule 12: Slaves will always assemble the position when in the presence of Master/Sir and will always kneel at Master/Sir feet unless instructed to do otherwise.

Rule 13: All slaves will be given chores that are to be completed to Masters/Sir standard and if Master/Sir finds the chores have no been completed to a certain standards, slaves will re-do chores until Master/Sir is satisfied.

Rule 14: When slaves are not in use and have completed all their chores and made sure Masters/Sir house is clean and tidy, slaves will go and wait in the corner of a room they choose and sit or sleep awaiting Masters/Sir return.

Rule 15: slaves will sleep where told to by Master/Sir.

"These are the basic rules of my house Blaine and should be followed as soon as you cross my threshold." Kurt looked up to see what Blaines reaction would be to the rules but he was had been in the same position the whole time. Kurt started to wonder what had happened that night to change Blaine so much, if he would of known it would be this easy he would of done it a week ago. Kurt was still struggling with his own emotions towards Blaine and didn't know how to accept them or how to deal with them, being a Master was easy it was a mask he could put on and do what he needed to do, But there was something about Blaine, Kurt had never felt this before, he loves Finn and Puck at least he thought that it was love he felt for them, until he saw Blaine. Blaine had come crashing in like an elephant in a china shop, breaking down walls which had taken so long to build, breaking windows that had been covered for years, Kurt had worked so hard to make him self this Master and Blaine comes along and takes it all away within second. It was just something Kurt couldn't get his head around, He didn't want to get his head around. He had tried being nice to Blaine but Blaine fought it every step of the way. It was just easier for Kurt to deal with when he was being hard and horrible towards Blaine. It was easier for him and Blaine, Kurt could still be a good Master and Blaine could hate him for a good reason.

"But as I said you will be on these rules and another set of rules which you will follow of there will be serious consequences" Kurt spoke sterner than before.

Blaine's house pet Rules:

Rule 1: Blaine will only be referred to as pet or pup and will respond when called immediately.

Rule 2: pet has no right to talk as animals do not talk, pet will only communicate in sounds.

Rule 3: No eye contact with anyone.

Rule 4: pets head always to be bowed.

Rule 5: pet can only move around on all fours and will wear knee pads and fist mitt to make sure he is in full pet mode.

Rule 6: pet will not walk or move on two legs, pet will wear pads and mitt through out the whole punishment and will not be allowed to open doors or cupboards.

Rule 7: pet will be fed and watered in bowls and will finish everything that is in the bowls no exceptions.

Rule 8: pet will sleep in cage where ever Master places it.

Rule 9: pet will not be allowed clothes of any type, unless Master instructs otherwise.

Rule 10: pet will follow all instructions given to him by Master or slaves and will not moan or make any noises when doing so unless given permission to.

"They are very simple to follow Blaine, you want to act like a wild animal I'm going to treat you as one" Kurt placed both pieces of paper on the table and walked over to the cage . "I'm feeling sorry for you so I will allow you to come out of the cage for a little while to stretch your muscles" Kurt unlocked the door and un-locked the cuffs on his ankles and wrists and yanked him out of the cage. "You are not to speak at all, you are now in pet mode and will be in this mode until feather notice, do you understand"? Kurt was testing Blaine to see if he would answer. Blaine was focused and trying, Blaine nodded in response and felt quite proud of himself for not falling for it. "Good, Now you can walk around the house but only on all fours and if I catch you doing anything you shouldn't expect a heavy punishment. Do I make myself clear"? Blaine nodded again in response and stretched out his arms and clicking his back and stretching his legs to get a bit of blood flowing back into them.

End Notes: Iv decided how i want to end this fiction, i just have to fill in the gaps to the end lol but i will try my hardest to get the chapters out ones a week or so...thank you for reading and reviewing and everything you don't know how much it all helps! xxxxRemember to comment and review ;)


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Can't wait to see how this is going to go! Poor Blainers :/

it might get worse!!! or it could get better ;) keep reading and find out :P fudging love you!! xxx

fudging love you :P xxx

I love this fic! It is one of my favorites! Thank you for writing it!

Calling this a little fanfic is wrong, because this is one of the most unique fics not only in this fandom. It moves me in very strange ways, in ways what are more often when I read some really, really good book, not fanfic. IT's someway really horrible.It looks for bad ending, doesn't it? Well, then it's going to be one of very few with B.E. And if not, believe me, I would be the happiest person ever.

its going to be a good ending ;) i just have to get there haha and thank you for the wonderful review it really means a lot :) xx

hey..I heard about your grandmother..I'm so sorry about her,I hope you okay...you don't have to worry about the next chapter,we will understand,take as longest as you want...love your story

Yes but iv had a family emergency and am away for a few weeks sorry for the lateness of the next chapter

Are you going to continue this story?