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Dalton-S.O.S: Chapter 13

E - Words: 2,106 - Last Updated: Jan 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Feb 17, 2012 - Updated: Jan 06, 2013
669 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: Sorry it took so long to update but i free the whole weekend and will be writing like mad to get as many chapters done as possible.Blaine's punishment will continue and we will see inside both his and Kurts head. i want to try and understand why Kurt is like this towards Blaine... Anyways thanks for reading and commenting and adding the story to your favourites and following it I FUDGING LOVE YOU ALL ;) REMEMBER COMMENT AND REVIEW I LOVE IT!!! lol xoxoxoxox
"I hear you Finn but I just...I just cant see this being the best i am ever going to get...at this moment i cant see it getting any worse...i lay in that cell begging god to take me...just let me die.." Blaine spoke holding back sobs as tears ran down his face. "we have all done it Blaine at all my old Masters places i used to beg for death iv tried to kill myself and every time i was sold to the next i hoped it would be different just a little nicer owner maybe someone who actually treated me like a living thing..." Puck spoke really quiet and both Blaine and Finn sort of looked at him in shock. "Just believe Finn at what he is saying...it feels like the worse thing right now...but it can be so much worse trust me Blaine if you don't believe Finn believe me...please believe what i am saying to you Blaine it can be so much worse" Puck moved to the far corner of the room taking his pillow with him and sat in the corner with his knees to his chest and face in his pillow. Blaine stared at Puck in shock...The hard nut muscle studded Mohawk wearing punk actually had feelings was actually crying in front of him. "I know its bad at the moment but that's because you hit him Blaine you cant just go around punching Masters even if they don't own you a marked slave never ever hits a master...i know that Kurt isn't acting his normal self around you and i really don't know why that is...i want to know what it is...i want to know how to help you or him...its hard for us to see him like this and i know its even worse for you to be going through all this but...if you could just see the other side..the REAL Kurt you would see just how amazing he his and any sub would be so lucky to have him...i know its so hard and i am going to do everything in my power to try and get OUR MASTER KURT back and puck will too...just try for us Blaine please...Just try" Blaines head was so dizzy from all this conversation and feeling for these boys...he never ever thought he would actually feel guilty for them and especially not Puck...but something just seemed so real in what they were saying he didn't know what but...the pleading in Finns tear filled eyes and the muffled sobs from Puck in the corner just made him feel weird and actually made him feel like...he actually should at least...try

Chapter 12

Blaine doesn't remember falling asleep but he is startled awake by a loud banging coming from the room above them. Realizing he was still very much attached to the cage and still butt naked and in so much pain from not moving and being in the same position for hours, his knees and fists where hurting so much. The pain in his ass had gone, the lack of insertions into it had helped a lot! Cracking his neck and trying his best to stretch a little so him muscles could move a little the noise of a door from above reminded him where he was and who that was. "Finn...Finn...Puck...seriously..." Blaine whispered getting louder and louder trying to wake the sleeping boys which had somehow found their way to one another in the night and were huddled together both sleeping with smiles on there faces hugging one another. "FINN!" Blaine shouted. Finn jumped from the angry noise Blaine had made to get his to wake up. "Whaaa.." Finn got to his knees quickly and Puck feel to the floor with a soft thud. "Dudeee...its too early" Puck moaned as he hit the floor. "Blaine there is no need to be so loud...its too early" Finn moaned wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"Finn i can hear noises upstairs he might be coming down soon and I'm not gagged and the cage is open..." Blaine actually couldn't believe he was worrying about this stuff...how had so much changed in just a few hours of speaking to these boys. "O crap...thanks dude i totally would of got a spanking for that" Finn giggled as he got to his feet trying to find the ball gag. "How are you feeling today Blaine? Are you sore..like..down there?" Finn went a little red asking. "No I'm ok today thanks Finn my ass appreciates that you two didn't pound it last night" Blaine laughed back. "you know Blaine it feels amazing..well..amazing when you want it too..i know what it's like to have something like that taken from you...and i hated it..every time someone would even touch my leg i would freak out and get cold sweats thinking about the pain and rape i was bout to take...But when someone does it properly and it's not forced its amazing!...Kurt is the only Master that has made me cum and black out from pleasure...i know you don't believe me at this point in time but trust me...it can feel amazing!" Finn was finishing up tying the ball gag when he finished talking. Blaine just nodded in agreement, he couldn't really say much. Finn closed the door to the cage and locked it shut. He ran out of the room and returned with a tube of cream. "I'm going to put this on your...erm...backside Blaine it helps and it feels amazing...i keep saying, that word but this will help with the pain and should help you heal quickly". Finn emptied half the tube into his huge giant hands and slowly put his arm through the cage. "I'm going to touch you now...Don't freak out." Finn applied a thick layer of cream all over Blaine's back side and hole. Blaine couldn't help moan from the cold sensation and the relief the cream gave his ass.

"Told you it would help dude". Finn rubbed the cream in until it was clear and made sure he applied a little extra to his hole. Blaine was moaning and groaning by the time Finn finished he didn't even realize he was half hard. Blaine looked down at him self and flushed red all down his body. "O dude that is totally fine...iv seen enough cock for a life time yours doesn't offend me...its a good sign it means i didn't hurt you...and you started to enjoy it". Finn gave Blaine a toothy grin, Blaine just kept his head down in embarrassment, It doesn't matter how naked he was or how many times these people could see him like this he doesn't believe that he would ever be comfortable with it. The ceiling of the room gave off a weird noise and Blaine's head snapped up, Finn noticed "Dude stop worrying...Its just the water pipes...Maters having his morning shower...I have to go and make coffee and start breakfast...Sorry to leave you like this but i cant really help when Master is here...Just please think about what we said last night Blaine...just try for us...please Blaine". Finns eyes were glassy and Blaine could see the tears forming but Finn made a swift exit before they fully formed.

Blaine had to try to concentrate on what he had to do today, He would try at least a little for the boys, But he couldn't let his guard down. He was scared if Kurt saw this as a weakness he would use it against him and his situation would be worse than it is now. Blaine was remembering the convocations he had with the boys last night and didn't hear the pips stop. He was so deep in thought it wasn't until Puck let out a loud snore that he head the last few foot steps on the wooden stairs. Blaine's heart began to race and sweat beads were forming on his forehead. "breathe Blaine, just breathe, remember what you have to do, you can do this, just breath" After giving himself a pep talk Blaine calmed a little but he was still sweating and heart was faster than it should be. Puck let out another loud snore and Blaine was brought back to reality, he heard clinking and chatter in the room next door which much be the kitchen. He heard the formilia sound of Finns voice and the sounds of Kurt's giggling and praising Finn, Telling him he was a good boy and that he was lucky to have Finn. Blaine didn't understand how this person could sound so nice but be so evil at the same time.

He couldn't understand why these two boys where more than happy to serve him, more than happy to be his slaves, they even protected him. How was Blaine not seeing this side to him, Why was Blaine getting all the evil? He hadn't done allot to deserve this. Blaine's mind flicked back to when Kurt dragged him out to the lawn at Dalton and had a picnic set up for the two of them, That would of been sweet...if he wasn't tied up and forced to go, Maybe he had hurt Kurt...But Kurt was a master he had been hurt before why would he have been so hurt by that? And then Blaine remembered why he was in the cage...Not only had he spat at Kurt with the whole picnic thing...he had give him a black eye as well. But would Kurt be nicer if he hadn't done any of that? If he had just accepted the picnic and gone along with it? Would he be in this situation?. Blaine's brain was going into super mode he just couldn't get his head around it. Maybe Kurt was trying to be nice to show him that it could be enjoyable...But why do all this to him? Why take the one thing Blaine wanted to share with someone special. Kurt could of been that person but it was all dark and horrible and a thing he would never ever forget or enjoy. Blaine was so confused and drained from all the thinking. His mouth was dry and his stomach was grumbling like a troll!

The big wooden door cracked open and Finn came wondering on his hands and knees obviously in slave position, He wondered strait over to Puck and woke him up, Shaking him hard. "You better have a good reason for waking me at this ungodly hour Hudson!" Puck spoke with a playful tone. "I made chocolate pancake" Finn smiled back. Blaine had never seen a boy move so fast! Puck was up and out the room in 0.01 seconds flat! Pushing Finn down as he went. "Puck likes his food" Finn explained as he saw the expression on Blaine's face. "Masters in a good mood today...He shouldn't be too bad today Blaine...just remember to try" Finn walked out the room and bumped into Kurt in the hall way.

"I hope you were nice last night Finn" Kurt spoke "Always Master" Finn replied with a grin. Kurt came into the room in a loose black t-shirt and pajama pants hanging off his hips, curving his ass in all the right places. "Good morning Blaine...I hope you enjoyed your stay last night" Blaine kept his head down still giving himself the pep talk " try try try try!" going over and over in his head. Well I have decided on the final part of your punishment and it's also a learning experience some Masters don't only want a slave some like pups and as you want to act like a wild animal and fight like one...i think a few days of being treated like one will do you the world of good" Kurt was leaning down to try to make eye contact with Blaine but he kept his head down and focused on the floor of the cage. " I see we have learned a few things from last night, No eye contact unless i say so very good Blaine" Kurt put his hand through the bars stroking his curly matted hair.

"So we will have rules while you are in this house and i expect you to follow all of them and of course you will have a lot more because of the whole pup thing for the next few days" Kurt stood and walked to the other side of the room picking up a piece of paper off the table. " Rules for the next few days will be simple and if you actually follow them, there should be no problems". Blaine kept his head down just kept repeating the word "try" over and over in his head.


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I love how Puck and Finn are nice to Blaine; he really deserves to have someone on his side in that sick place :/

i know! you would think they were just as sick!! thanks for reading and reviewing and rating xxx

Your story is addictive! I started reading it at 11 p.m yestrerday, I think and I ended this chapter around... 3.30 a.m., maybe? How beatiful is waking up at six after this... amazing. I'm half-sleeping the whole day, it's kind of funny. But... your fic is soooo awesome. Poor Blainers. The best thing is, that Kurt is really, really bad character there. It's unique. And, Blaine is just amazing there. There's no many people who are able to be as strong as he is (I know he wanted to die at start of this chapter but still). Why are these stories always like my ex-gay summer camp? It's sooo similar. Ah, don't mind me. Living perfection, seriously.

god i fudging love you!!!! haha your review just made me finish the next chapter early so i can put it up tomorrow ;) thanks for reading and reviewing it really means a lot. when i get a crappy review i halt writing for some reason and it takes me a little while to get back into the swing of the story but i have planned out how i want this story to end and its gonna be a shocker :D again thanks for reading/reviewing and rating!!! xxx