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Dalton-S.O.S: Chapter 1

E - Words: 981 - Last Updated: Jan 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Feb 17, 2012 - Updated: Jan 06, 2013
1,750 0 9 0 0

Dalton-school of slaves

Blaine had known all his teenage life that he was different and not like all his friends. All his close friends were in to girls and that was mostly what they talked about, who was dating who, who wanted to date who, who is making out with whom etc. But Blaine never really understood why they were so in to them, i mean he understood that the girls at his school were beautiful but he did not see them as attractive in that way. By the age of 15 Blaine started to understand why he always felt like this towards girls, it started with the strange dreams he was having, most boys would call them nightmares but for Blaine they were far from unpleasant, he never woke screaming or in a cold sweat he was more flushed and hard. He understood that in the environment he was in it was never a good idea to tell anyone about these dreams so he spent many mornings washing out the mess in his pants before anyone could find out. Blaine had always been close with his dad, He loved to sit and watch football games with him and he always felt like he could count on him to be there for him if he was in a bad situation, he was never scared of him and never hid anything from his dad or mom. But he was not ready to tell them about the dreams and how he felt about boys and what he didn't feel for girls. His dad would always ask questions about his love life or the lack of it, Blaine never brought girls home to meet his parents and Blaine had never even asked a girl out on a date and whenever his dad would bring up the subject Blaine always got a little flushed and tried hard to change the subject.

When Blaine turned 16 he had a really hard time with everything that was going on in his head, he had came out to a few of his friends and they had been really supportive and didn't treat him differently at all, he presumed most of them already knew or had a hunch that he was gay. Jeff his best friend since they were five was the most supportive out of everyone, he encouraged Blaine to be himself and not to let others get to him when they would call him a fag in the hallway, Jeff was Blaine rock through all of it, Jeff wasn't scared that Blaine would try anything on with him and he still loved Blaine like a brother.

About four months after coming out to Jeff, Blaine was having a heart to heart moment with his dad while they were watching a game, Blaine didn't know what made him do it but he felt so comfortable in that moment and he was so happy being with his dad and he truly believed his dad would love him no matter what, so Blaine told him straight out "Dad, IM gay." After Blaine had spoke them words the whole atmosphere changed it was like a wave had hit the air and everything from that moment changed.

Blaine hadn't been allowed to leave his room in the last 48 hours, he had no contact with anyone, he had two meals a day brought to his room by the house cleaner Maria and had no contact with his parents, his phone, laptop & iPad had all been taken away, his bed room windows had been nailed shut and the door had been locked accept for when Maria would bring in his food. He thought about pushing past her to get out of this hell but he thought that his dad just needed time to think everything over and Blaine prayed that his dad would see that it wasn't such a bad thing that his son found boys attractive and not girls.

All Blaine could do was cry and scream and hate himself for what he had done, he should have kept it to himself he could of lied to his dad. Then his mind would drift and he would start to think about his mom and why she hadn't came to save him! Why was she letting him go through this! why wasn't she helping him! He was still her son! He hated his parents for doing this to him, he needed to get through to Jeff, Jeff would help him. He would take care of Blaine he wouldn't let anything happen to him. But there was no way of getting to Jeff. By day four Blaine had lost all hope of ever seeing anyone but Maria again he hadn't slept for the pass nights he just lay awake crying or beating himself up about how stupid he was to think his dad would ever accept him for who he truly was. Blaine didn't remember much of day five, Maria had come in and left him a bowl of soup that afternoon and Blaine was starving he couldn't help himself but eat it.

Blaine woke to the sound of men talking and then felt him self being lifted from his bed and placed on a board, Blaine tried to protest and struggle but it was as if he was paralyzed, he couldn't do anything he just lay there slipping in and out of consciousness not knowing what was going on. The next time Blaine woke he was on a bed he thought maybe it had all been a bad dream, But when he tried to move his hands to rub his eyes to wake himself up a bit more he couldn't. Blaine's eyes shot open and looked to his right hand it was strapped down. He tried to move his legs but nothing he couldn't move, in blind panic Blaine screamed "HELLLLLP" "PLEASE SOMEONE!" Blaine cried.

End Notes: im going to try and update as often as i can for this story. its my first EVER fanfic so please go easy on me ;)


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OMG! I love this idea, i hope you update soon :)

Hey! Never really thought I'd enjoy this, but I am! Poor Blaine! Please update as soon as you can! Heads up, since this is a review I guess I have to give some constructive crisiscim so one thing I'd love if you'd do is add more spacing perhaps? Like between dialogue and splitting some paragraphs up, just so that the story is a little easier to read. And a few typos. Not sure what else I can say. UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!

love this love this love this. i am so horny now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x

i love the newest chapter!!! UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xx

PLEASE continue this! I keep hoping for an update!

i will be updating in the next few days..i lost a family member a few weeks ago and didnt really feel like writing sorry for making you wait so long but it will be continued and soooooon!! promise! and thanks for reading and leaving a comment <3 xxx

i promise i will in the next week i lost my grandmother and i havent been in the mood to write smut tbh but i promise iv started to write it so its coming :) xxx

You said almost a month ago that you would update this, and you still haven't. Are you going to? I seriously love this story!
