July 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
July 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
I promise the next chapter Klaine will be happy! :) xxx
It wasnt until the afternoon Nevaeh visited her brothers and instantly loved them. It broke Kurts heart how much she had missed Blaine within the time he had been gone. He realized that she was so in love with Blaine he couldnt ruin everything they built together.
Bringing them home was amazing. Putting them to bed in the nursery was really nice. He was surprised when he entered the leaving room and saw Blaine with Nevaeh and Burt and Carole. Kurt knew Carole had told Burt when he said he would read Nevaeh a story because he wanted time with her. Carole simply said ‘Blaine sweetie, Kurt has something to tell you, dont you Kurt? Blaine just looked between them.
‘Blaine I love you so much please dont hate me!
‘I could never hate you.
‘I was closing up the diner yesterday when Adam came in and well he kissed me and I deepened the kiss but then I pushed him away before it led anywhere. I am so sorry I love you with all my heart you know I do! Baby please forgive me!
Blaine looked like he was going to cry he properly was. He just gave birth today. ‘Get out.
‘Blaine please I love you so much!
‘I said GET OUT! he shouted that time. Kurt knew he was serious so left and went to Santanas. Blaine turned to Carole. ‘When I brought Nevaeh home all I wanted was Kurt but now I wish he wasnt here for these two. I loved him and he cheated! Sebastian might have been an arse but he never cheated on me!
‘Honey I know its not the best timing but he needed to tell you. Me and Burt are here all week we will help you.
It was the next day when Kurt came to the apartment. He brought flowers which Blaine simply said throw them away or give them to Adam the twins are too little for the fumes.
‘Blaine please! I love you. We are getting married. We have three kids. Baby please! Blaine just threw his ring at Kurt.
‘Engagement is of I never want to see again. Stay away from me. Go back to Adam.
‘Blaine it was a mistake. What about the kids! I cant lose them or you
‘Should of thought about that before you snogged Adams face of! Blaine looked so broken. ‘Just go Kurt
It took a week before Blaine realised his kids needed their papa so he text Kurt simply.
B- Come over in 10.
K- Really?
B- Yes we need to talk.
K- Thank you! I love you so much! Xxxx
When Kurt came over he saw how tired Blaine was. Three infants, of course he would be tired.
‘Okay, this is how its going to work. Me and you are still together but we arent engaged anymore. You will be sleeping in the guest room. You stay away from Adam or we are finished. You dont touch me. Understand?
‘Of course. I just want you back. I want our family back.