Sign, Sealed, Delivered
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Sign, Sealed, Delivered: Chapter 5

K - Words: 949 - Last Updated: Aug 17, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Aug 17, 2014 - Updated: Aug 17, 2014
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It had been two months since the move and everything was going really well. It was Kurts second weekend since the move so Austin and Blaine were doing some wedding shopping. Kurt came in to a conversation between Leigh-Ane and Blaine.

"Daddy I wanna help you and Austin chose the flowers for your wedding."

"Baby I know but we are getting married in a few weeks time, we dont have long and we will be busy honey."

"Yeah Leigh, when daddy and I got married, we took a year planning it then as a wedding present daddy told me he was pregnant with you so the planning was busy but so worth it."

"Yeah but daddy and Austin wont break up when they get married and have a baby."

"Leigh, I know you kids miss us all being together but daddy and I werent working out."

"Yeah Leigh but it was not because of us having you three, dont ever think that baby girl."

"I dont daddy I was just saying Austin respects you more and loves us too much to leave."

"Baby, papa loves you as well honey he didnt leave because he didnt respect me or not love us it was because we kept fighting and we didnt want you around that."

"Okay daddy."

"Now, you missy go have fun with papa and we will decide some flowers and I will take you Monday to approve them and then we will order them."

"Yay! Bye daddy!"

"Bye baby girl."

Kurt spent the weekend with his kids and even met a cute guy but he knew his heart only had room for Blaine. However he felt bad after hearing Leigh-Ane thinking he didnt love her he knew he was spending too little time with them.

"Blaine, I cant not see the kids for a whole month its not fair on them or us. You shouldnt have to do it by yourself and I should be spending more time with them."

"I know but you live in New York its six hours away."

"I just cant be away from them its not right."

"I know you love them Kurt but there isnt any way of changing it. You are an amazing dad to them and no one can take that away."

"I am taking you to court if I have to!"

"No, you wouldnt even dare, I have done everything for them and you are trying to take them away from me!"

"NO I would never do that Blaine but I cannot keep being away from them, I am sorry but I have to."

"I am sorry Kurt but we need to stay in San Francisco."

"You only moved out here because you were having a baby."

"No we moved here so we could remain a family."

"Blaine, please just let me prove to you that we can work."

"Kurt I am getting married in two weeks."

"You said you would always love me! I clearly am the only one in this relationship that meant that."

"Thats not fair!"

"Tell me that I am wrong."

"I never stopped loving you Kurt, I still love you! I am trying to move on but every time I think I am over you I cant stop thinking about us."

"I love you too Blaine, please can we try!"

"No I need to marry Austin."

"Do you love Austin?" Neither of the boys knew that Austin had come home and was now outside waiting for Blaines answer.

"Of course I love Austin, just not as much as I love you."

"He deserves all your love and if you cant give that to him you shouldnt stay with him."

"I know but I will always have a place for you in my heart because we have kids together but I am never going to act on it whilst I am with someone, maybe if we are both single at some point we could try but I have moved on."

"I understand just remember I love you."

 "I know you do."

Later that evening Blaine received an email.

"Austin honey you know I applied for that job at the restaurant?"

"Yeah, did you hear back from them?"

"Yes they have offered me a job! Also I can work in the chain in Kansas which is about an hour and a half drive, one day a week; I was thinking I could work there Wednesdays. I would have to leave about 6am and wouldnt get home until about 7 or 8 Oclock."

"If you want to babe I will support you, however if we decide to have a baby and it goes well I dont want to risk you driving to Kansas once a week past the seventh month, I wanna be there with you when we have her or him."

"I completely agree with that I can work in San Francisco and just have Wednesdays of at that stage but until the wedding you and I are using protection."

"Deal, I love you so much Blaine, your all I want, all I ever wanted. When I met you I knew you were so special and I just thank God every day for giving me the chance to love you and now marry you. I want us to last, I know it sounds all lovey dovie but you are my soulmate, my everything and so are the kids."

"Austin, that is very lovey dovie but its so romantic and I love you more than life itself Austin, I cannot see a life without you in it."

"Blaine, I want you to be honest with me." Blaine nods. "Do you still love Kurt, like as in love as a husband?"

"No, part of me loves him because if gave me my three beautiful children but we didnt work out. I only love you Austin." Blaine kissed Austin. "Two weeks today we will be married baby!"


"I love the sound of that. Mr and Mr Anderson!"


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