Oct. 5, 2014, 7 p.m.
Oct. 5, 2014, 7 p.m.
Blaine and Kurt smiled as their first son was about to turn eight and in a few months after that their second son would be three. Blaine picked up his six month old daughter Meghan Paisley Hummel-Anderson. Blaine was 25 a few weeks ago and was excited for his sons birthday. Kurt came in from work and smiled at his sons and saw his husband bring Meghan in.
"Hello baby girl." Blaine passed her to Kurt before sitting down with the boys. "Honey Cooper texted to say he wanted to meet us for dinner to celebrate three years sober."
"Okay I still cant believe it I wouldnt have done it without you I am so lucky to have you."
"Oh and I spoke to dad and Carole they said they still had the old cot and would put it up in the boys room for when we visit next week for the reunion." Blaine had been best mates with Sam since high school and they only saw Finn and Rachel since so they were excited to see everyone. The week went quick and they arrived in Ohio and came into Burt and Caroles. Charlie and Alfies faces lit up when they saw their grandparents. Alfie and Charlie had bunk beds at Burt and Caroles whilst Kurt and Blaine were in Kurts old room. In New York they also shared a room in the apartment and the couple loved the closeness of their kids. They went to the reunion the next day.
"Blaine! Kurt!" Mr Shue hugged them both and smiled at Meghan in the travel system. It was cold in Ohio so she was under a blanket and looked so cute everyone awed her. "Wow Charlie how old are you now?"
"Seven but I am eight in 17 days!"
"I know I dont feel old enough to have an eight year old literally I work with Vogue.com and have pictures of us all on my desk and they are like how old are they and so I am like my eldest is nearly eight and everyone is shocked but for me it seems normal." Kurt smiled. He had his younger son in his arms. "Alfie here is three in September and Meghan is one in August."
"Wow." They saw the rest of the New Directions and went home for Rachel to announce her first pregnancy with Finn. Mercedes and Sam were expecting a baby in the next month and Quinn and Puck had another daughter together nearly a year ago but Rachel was yet to have announced it.
"About time! I would probably have had a heart attack if Kurt has anymore before you two."
"Hey we only have three! Plus one gap was five years so it was a long time before it."
"As much as I love my grandkids you two are only young yourselves, have a break for a while."
"I am glad we had Charlie when we did because he got to know my dad and my dad had a grandchild I wish we had Alfie and Meghan sooner."
"Dad I will be honest Meghan was planned we decided we didnt want another five year gap."
"So was Charlie though." Blaine just slipped out before he could stop, Burt and Carole looked at them. "Alf go find your brother please." Blaine smiled as his toddler wandered off.
"Blaine!" Kurt put his head on his shoulder.
"Care to explain."
"Okay dad well we found out someone in Blaines family had a carrier gene and could carry a child therefore we said we shouldnt were protection to see if maybe one day we could have a child that is both of ours and well Blaine got pregnant and we couldnt abort it."
"Blaine I have a question for you." Blaine nodded showing he was paying attention. "Why would you agree to this carrier testing when you were smoking cannabis nearly every day?"
"I didnt think I would get pregnant anyway even if I had the gene because of the cannabis but part of me thought having a child would stop it and it did at points but I did need to smoke it to get through the day sometimes."
"I am proud that you stopped because it would get worse as they got older because they would understand more now I have something to tell you."
"What is it?"
"Jayde was arrested of possession of class A drugs."
"What?! Where is she?"
"Hopefully rotting." Kurt added.
"No I need to go see here, can you watch the kids." Blaine handed Meghan to Carole.
"Blaine that isnt a good idea it is her fault you took them!"
"You have no idea Kurt! I took cannabis because I was bullied and it was a way to get through the day. Then dad put me into Dalton but I left and came to McKinley for you cannabis was something I thought I needed to get through public school!"
"I understand that but you have been sober for three years I dont want to risk her getting you back around it, what if she asks you to smuggle her some in, you could go to jail!"
"I wouldnt do that!"
"I think you would if she persuades you, Blaine I am asking you as your husband to just stay away from her."
"Thank you, I love you I dont want to see you on that stuff again."
"I love you too." They stayed with Burt and Carole for a bit before Blaine went off to his moms, on the way there he went to the jail and saw Jayde.
"Blaine thank you so much for coming to see me!"
"Its okay, Kurt tried to stop me."
"He is only trying to stop you from taking cannabis again."
"He always mentions how it has been three years and everything but I have had splifs within the last month, I cant stay of it Jayde."
"I understand, he thinks you can just quit and be fine but your body craves it."
"I hate it I am 25 and the second I get stressed or upset I have a splif! He deserves better and so do the kids but I love them all too much to lose them." Jayde got out a few days later and went to Blaines house, his family were out of town for a few days so they met there, along with some of the other guys they smoked with and had some splifs. The kids were sleeping upstairs. Blaine only normally had one or two but now he was sat with Jayde having had four or five. The doorbell rang.
"Shhh guys!" Blaine was laughing and got up nearly falling over. "Dont say anything." He opened the door and Kurt was stood there, he looked at Blaine. "Hey baby!"
"What have you done?!"
"Bullshit! How could you do this?! You have ruined everything we built together!"
"No everything is fine."
"No its not dont you see, this is your moms house and you are here with your druggies, our kids are upstairs!"
"Please dont call her!"
"I cant even talk to you like this." He slipped his ring of and handed it to Blaine. "We are finished, let me get the kids now!"
"No you aint taking them, I will see you in New York." He walked down the road and got into the car before driving off. The next day Blaine rolled up to the Hummels and Burt answered the door.
"Hi sir, I am just here for my stuff and the kids things."
"You can have your things but you need to give the kids to us."
"No way I wont let anyone take them away, I carried them all for nine months, no body else, me! I dealt with morning sickness, cramps and labour!"
"Well I cant argue with that all but Kurt will take you to court, let me get your suitcase."
"Thank you." Burt gave them to Blaine and he took them out to the car and got everything in when Kurt came out.
"What are you doing?!"
"Taking my kids."
"No way not after how you were yesterday you arent even going near them."
"You are never taking them away from me I cant lose them! You can see them in New York, just text me." Blaine got in the car and drove off. Kurt went back to their apartment in New York the next day and smiled sadly as he walked through the door and saw Blaine hugging Meghan to sleep, he thought about all the memories they had in this apartment and now it was ruined.