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Addiction: Chapter 2

E - Words: 3,357 - Last Updated: Oct 05, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Oct 05, 2014 - Updated: Oct 05, 2014
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It had been nearly five years since Charlie was born and Kurt and Blaine loved their son but when he was 2 years old they spilt up again and hooked up a few months prior and Blaine was back on cannabis, Kurt had no idea about that and Blaine was pregnant but decided against telling Kurt after all Kurt was with someone else so Blaine was dealing with Charlie by himself. Charlie jumped on Blaines bed.

"DADDY! Its your birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love you daddy!" Blaine sat up and hugged his son.

"Thank you so much buddy, I love you more!"

"Uncle Cooper is taking us to brunch so get up daddy!" Blaine loved his son.

"But I am tired I might just sleep here." Blaine pretended to go back to sleep.

"No daddy! You cant sleep it is your birthday!" His son jumped on him and he smiled and tickled him.

"Only because it is you Charlie!" Blaine got himself and his son ready before joining Cooper in the living room.

"Happy 21st squirt!" He hugged him.

"Thank you Coop."

"Bet you didnt expect to spend your 21st with a kid."

"No but I wouldnt change it I love Charlie and it is perfect!" Blaine picked his son up and they went to brunch. "So buddy how would you feel about a little brother or sister?"

"Yeah! Daddy I want one!" Blaine bought his sons hand to his stomach.

"Well in daddys tummy I have your little brother or sister growing." Blaine reached in his wallet and gave him a scan photo. "See that there."


"That is your baby brother or sister."

"Wow daddy, can I name him?"

"Well I will need help with everything so I would like your input." Cooper smiled.

"So Blaine congrats but whose is it?"

"Well it could be Kurts or Peters."

"How is everything going with Peter?"

"Good, Charlie loves him and he loves Charlie, we have discussed the possibility of a child so I am telling him tonight."

"What if it is Kurts?"

"I dont know. It would ruin both our relationships and I dont want to give up time with my baby like I do with Charlie I hate it."

"How does Charlie deal with it?"

"He hates Max who is Kurts boyfriend and he seems to be distant with Kurt sometimes." Blaine smiled at his son eating his brunch.

"I think he loves you too much Blaine, he is with you every day and in his mind Kurt moved out and left him."

"Yeah I mean Kurt tries with him and does good but he seems to almost be forcing Charlie to get to know Max and I am going to tell him that Max cant be around him all the time because Charlie isnt comfortable with it."

"Do you love daddy Charlie?" Cooper asked his nephew.

"YEAH! Daddy is my best friend!" His son smiled to him which Blaine returned.

"Your mine too buddy." Blaine and Cooper took Charlie ice skating and then flew to Ohio that evening. They arrived at Blaines parents with Peter as well who carried a sleeping Charlie in.

"Hello Mrs Anderson." Peter smiled to Blaines mom and Blaines dad also came in. "Mr Anderson, it is lovely to see you."

"How many times call me Kenzie, lovely to see you Peter." She hugged him. Blaines dad shook his hand. They told Blaines parents the good news and they were thrilled. Charlies fifth birthday was in a couple of days and they were having a party at Blaines parents house. Blaine took Charlie to Burts the next day and arrived. His son got out of the car and run up the pathway. Blaine kissed Peter before joining his son at the door. Peter picked Charlie up to ring the doorbell and Burt answered it a minute later.

"Grandpa Burt!"

"Charlie!" He hugged his grandson. "Hello Blaine, you must be Peter wonderful to meet you."

"Hello Mr Hummel."

"Just like I have told Blaine, call me Burt. Come in you two." Charlie had already gone through into the warm house but waited for the couple before joining the rest of the family in the living room. He held Peters hand and went into were Finn, Carole, Kurt and Rachel were. Kurt was on his phone but looked up when he heard his son and immediately put it down but saw how his son was holding Peters hand.

"UNCLE FINN!" Charlie ran over to him and hugged him. Finn picked him up and chucked him in the air a bit.

"Finn careful!" Carole straight away said smiling at them.

"Charlie only just ate dude." Blaine told him and he put him down. Charlie went to his grandma Carole. Finn hugged Blaine and shook Peters hand, Kurt looked at Peter with a look of ‘he has no reason to be here and Blaine just smiled.

"Guess what grandpa Burt?!"

"What?" Blaine smiled at his son interacting with his family. Blaine and Peter had sat down by this point for a coffee.

"Daddy is having my brother!" Kurt looked at Blaine shocked.

"Well congratulations son. Charlie are you excited?"

"Yeah!" The family continued their coffees and Peter went with the family into the garden, Blaine went to the loo and Kurt went to get drinks, Blaine went to go outside but Kurt stopped him.

"So youre pregnant?"

"Yeah, we didnt plan it but it isnt a bad thing."

"How far gone?"

"11 weeks."

"Is it mine we hooked up around that time?"

"No it is Peters trust me I wouldnt go down that route again."

"I also wanted to know if you are back on cannabis, I heard you are." Blaine looked at him.

"So what if I am it isnt any of your business."

"Well my son lives with you so yes it is!"

"I came off it the second I found out I was pregnant. I started it again when we broke up which was nearly three years ago! Bit slow arent you?"

"Three years!"

"No only about 6 months in total because I quit again and then got back on it a few weeks ago but I have stopped now!"

"Does Peter know?"

"Yes and he is helping me quit, I wouldnt have got off it if it wasnt for him, I love him and this baby is the perfect thing for us."

"I heard you and Peter had spilt up a few weeks ago. I broke up with Max hoping we could get back together."

"No Peter and I have never even been close to splitting up and I wouldnt get back with you anyway." Blaine and Kurt joined the rest of the family in the garden. The next day was Charlies party. Kurt and his family arrived and walked in on Blaine talking to Peter and his son.

"Peter can I call you dad?"

"Well I think I ought to ask daddy if he is okay with it."

"I am if you are babe."

"I would be honoured Charlie if you called me dad thank you." Charlie hugged him.

"Charlie how would you feel about when we go back to New York dad moving in permanently with us?"


"Well we are going to buy a bigger place together with dad then?"

"YEAH!" Kurt and his family walked in, Blaine looked at Kurt he was annoyed but Blaine didnt actually care. They returned to New York a few days later and Blaine and Peter were looking for apartments and most of Peters stuff was at Blaines apartment but Charlie and Peter had gone to get the last of his things and Kurt had asked Blaine over to discuss Charlies school. Blaine knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Kurt called.

"It is me, Blaine."

"Its open I am in the bedroom!"

"Shall I wait in the living room?"

"No come through I am only studying."

"Okay." Blaine walked through and Kurt was laid there naked on his bed smiling to Blaine.

"I love you Blaine, my body belongs to you, only you." Blaine walked over to the bed.

"What about Max?"

"It is only you who has ever seen me like this." Blaine smiled and straddled Kurt before kissing him. Before they knew it Blaine was asleep next to Kurt cuddled up together and Blaines phone went off. He woke up sleepily and looked at it.

~ Peter xx<3 Calling ~

Blaine picked it up and Kurt stirred and immediately started to kiss Blaines body.

"Hey babe."

"Blaine where are you?" Kurt started to stroke his erection and he had to hide his moan.

"Oh what time is it?"

"About half nine." Blaine was struggling as Kurts mouth was on his cock.

"Is it really that late, oh my god I am so sorry babe I will be there in ten minutes."

"Okay love you."

"Love you too bye." He hung the phone up and was finally able to moan as Kurts licked his length. Kurt worked his cock and he cummed in his mouth. "Kurt I have to go, that was Peter." He got up and started to get dressed.

"Blaine you are seriously going to go back to Peter and pretend like this evening never happened! We had sex more than once and did other sexual things all day and evening and you are going to go and move in with him. Imagine what life would be like if we got back together, I am the one person who can make you feel the way I do when we have sex, you and I both know that isnt Peters baby it is ours."

"I have to go." Blaine went to leave but Kurt got hold of his arm.

"Do you still love me?"

"Yes of course I do you gave me Charlie."

"Okay than." Kurt turned Blaine fully round and got down on one knee. "Blaine Anderson, I love you with all my heart and I have never moved on from us because you are my everything. Blaine we are soul mates. You were my first for everything and I want you to be my last. I love that we share a child together and yet we are barely adults ourselves. Blaine you are the only one for me and as I told you earlier my body belongs to you. So Blaine Anderson will you marry me?" Blaine had tears in his eyes he knew they were meant to be together.

"Yes I will marry you, I love you so much." Blaine pulled Kurt up to his level and kissed him before pushing him on the bed and sealing their engagement. The next morning he left to go break it off with Peter. He walked through the door.

"Blaine where the hell were you?! I was so worried." Peter hugged him and kissed him.

"I am so sorry but I had a splif and I didnt want Charlie around me afterwards I should have texted you."

"Blaine you are pregnant, splifs are dangerous for the baby."

"I love you so much Peter but this baby isnt yours we wore protection every time and well I hooked up with Kurt and that was unprotected, I am so sorry."

"Blaine I love you so much I would never cheat on you! You cheated on me with Kurt, how could you do that?"

"I dont know it was a mistake, I regretted but you deserve better Peter."

"I moved in with you and now I am moving out again the next day because you cheated on me!"

"I am sorry I love you Peter but I was still in love with Kurt when we got together and I still am."

"I understand." Peter left and within a few weeks Kurt and Blaine bought an apartment for their family to live in. They decided to get married when Blaine was 16 weeks pregnant because Blaines dad was home for a few weeks so he could see his son marry and look after his grandson whilst they went on their honeymoon. They were enjoying being married and living together but then Blaine got the news of his fathers death. Kurt came in with Charlie after picking him up from school.

"Where is daddy?"

"I am not sure, you go get changed and I will see if I can find him okay?"

"Okay dada." Kurt went into their bedroom and found Blaine curled up in a ball crying.

"Sweetie what is wrong?"

"My dad is dead, he was saving a little girl from where her foot was stuck but he got her out then my dad stood on a bomb and now he is dead." Kurt got on the bed and cuddled up behind him. He put his hand on Blaines six month stomach.

"Hello baby I dont know if you were aware or not but your grandpa was a hero and you will be able to say to all your friends that your grandpa saved hundreds, in fact thousands of peoples lives. You are very lucky to have him. Daddy is hurting right now but I want you to always reassure him when I am at work or school that daddy is loved by all of us and we are his world." Blaine turned around and hugged Kurt, he cried for a few hours and Charlie joined them at one point.

"Daddy dont cry I love you."

"I know and I love you more." Blaine hugged his son and husband. Kurt called them a pizza and they all sat in bed eating it watching films. Half way through Blaine sat up more and gasped. He grabbed his sons and husbands hand and put them on his stomach.

"She kicked!"

"Wow daddy is that the baby?"

"Yeah when you were in daddys tummy you used to kick me all the time."

"Wow, dada can you feel it?"

"Yeah I remember when daddy was pregnant with you and you first kicked it is amazing!" The family went back to Ohio a few days later and Kurt watched as Blaine broke down in his familys arms.

"I am going to take Charlie to my dads for a bit they can keep him overnight if you want then we can have a bit of time to talk before everything."

"Yeah he hasnt slept over there in a long time. They deserve time with him." The next day was the funeral and Kurt knew Blaine wasnt coping so when he wasnt looking he took Blaines phone to avoid him calling Jayde but she was at the funeral so he knew Blaine would get a splif. At the wake Blaine went outside and Kurt followed. He saw Blaine and Jayde smoking.

"Blaine?" He turned around. "This isnt the answer."

"I just need to calm down Kurt."

"Blaine you are pregnant think about the baby." Blaine scoffed.

"Go back inside."

"No I wont stand in there knowing you are getting high out here."

"I am fine."

"You are addicted to cannabis when you get upset or stressed. How would Charlie feel if he saw you?" Blaine turned around.

"Role me another Jayde." She did and Blaine lit it.

"Blaine please!" Kurt went over and took it off him before putting it out.

"What the fuck?! Why would you do that?!"

"I am fed up of trying to be nice about it!" He got hold of Blaines arm and dragged him into the house and upstairs.

"You know all you had to was say you wanted to fuck me I would have come optionally."

"I would do anything to keep you of that disgusting shit."

"Fine with me." Blaine leaned forward and Kurt meant what he said so he did. Blaine was fast asleep so he went downstairs, Blaines mom stopped him.

"Where is Blaine?"

"Upstairs he is tired. He is struggling with the pregnancy. Have you seen Jayde?"

"Yeah she is through there. Charlie wants his daddy."

"Okay I will see Jayde then get Charlie." He went through. "Stay away from Blaine! I mean it! You might me a druggie but I will do everything to stop him from being one."

"He already is! He loves smoking cannabis clearly you are the reason why I would have to be high to stand you as well."

"No you got him hooked on it!"

"You have no idea why he even started smoking it." Kurt went off to go upstairs. Blaines mom stopped him.

"Honey have you seen Uncle Phil?"

"No sorry." Kurt continued upstairs with Charlie and was about to walk in when he remembered Blaine was naked so he knocked on the door. "Honey, Charlie wants a cuddle with you."

"Mm you can come in." Kurt walked in with Charlie and picked him up onto the bed.

"Sobered up yet?"

"Yes thank you."

"Good because we need to discuss it." Charlie was already snuggled up to Blaine falling asleep so Blaine started singing to him.

You walked with me, footprints in the sand

 And helped me understand where Im going

 You walked with me when I was all alone

 With so much unknown along the way.


 Then I heard you say

I promise you, Im always there

 When your heart is filled with sorrow and despair

 Ill carry you when you need a friend

 Youll find my footprints in the sand.


I see my life flash across the sky

 So many times have I been so afraid

 And just when I have thought I lost my way

 You give me strength to carry on

 Thats when I heard you say


I promise you, Im always there

 When your heart is filled with sorrow and despair

 And Ill carry you when you need a friend

 Youll find my footprints in the sand.

Blaine looked at his son fast asleep in his eyes and felt a tear escape, Kurt knew how much he loved Blaine by the way Blaine was with their son.

"He hasnt fallen asleep in my arms like this since he was like three."

"Blaine you are amazing with him. You need to quit."

"I try so hard to for him, for you and for the baby but I cant"

"I think you just need to find ways of coping when you get stressed instead of smoking, I think you need to go to rehab, hear me out please. You need to be there for Charlie and you cant be when you are high. They can help you with coping methods."

"But I wont be able to speak to you or Charlie."

"We would rather have a month or two with that rather than a lifetime if you overdose."

"Okay I will do it." Kurt hugged him. The next day they returned to New York and Blaine went to a rehab in LA. Kurt was now having to look after Charlie all by himself. He did okay though. Charlie just missed his daddy but Kurt got round that by letting Charlie sleep in daddys side of the bed or sitting in his daddys chair and Kurt missed him as well he had never not spoken to Blaine even when they split up. Kurt wore his hoodies. 9 weeks later Blaine returned because he wasnt an addict all the time but when he got stressed he was. Kurt hugged him and kissed him at the airport. They went back to the apartment and made up for lost time before picking their son up and Charlie ran into his daddys arms.

"I missed you so much I am so sorry, but now I promise I can be the daddy you deserve." Kurt smiled at them. Within the next week life went back to normal and Blaines waters broke. Kurt held his hand as he gave birth to their second son together on the 3rd September 2020 Blaine smiled down at the baby in his arms.

"It is like having Charlie all over again only this time we have a five year old as well."

"We have done well with our beautiful babies. What do you want to name him?"

"I chose Charlies name so you chose his first name and I will chose the middle name."

"Okay I like the name Alfie."

"Alfie Liam Hummel-Anderson, that sounds good. Charlie George Hummel-Anderson and Alfie Liam Hummel-Anderson, our babies."

"I love it." They took him home and Kurt went to Finns to collect Charlie, when he came in he straight away ran to Blaine. Blaine had the car seat on the sofa next to him with his new-born baby sleeping.

"You know daddy was having a baby well Uncle Finn had to pick you up because daddy had your baby brother today. Dada and I want you to meet your brother Alfie."

"Daddy he is perfect." Blaine put him in his sons arms and held Alfies head.

"Do you love your baby brother?" Kurt asked as he sat down with them.

"Yeah, is he going to sleep in my room?"

"Not yet he is going to sleep in daddies because he is little and the dark is scary, you are going to be an amazing big brother to him arent you."




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