Oct. 5, 2014, 7 p.m.
Oct. 5, 2014, 7 p.m.
I have no idea about drug addiction so some things may be wrong, a friend asked me to do this prompt and I hope you like it, please review I want to improve for you just as much as me, Thank you.
Jess xx
Blaine put his cigarette out and thought of Kurt, Kurt hated it and so Blaine didnt tell him after all it wasnt just normal fags he smoked it was also cannabis. His best mate came up to him.
"Want another splif?" She said as she got one out.
"No I cant I am seeing Kurt later and I cant be high he would hate me."
"Alright dude." Jayde smiled to him. "So Nick started smoking weed after Jeff broke it off."
"Seriously? Wow, I would probably get high if Kurt broke up with me like everyday it heals pain." Blaine went home went into the kitchen and smiled to his mom.
"Hey sweetheart Kurt is in the living room." Blaine turned around. It was all open planned but he was still on a come down.
"Oh sorry babe I am tired." His mom looked at him.
"Blaine sweetheart can you help me for a second than I will be out of your way." Blaine looked to Kurt who nodded so he followed his mom. "Are you okay you look pale?" Blaine was about to answer when he threw up. His mom rushed to his side, he didnt understand he was fine a minute ago, maybe it was the lack of cannabis or something. It followed on for a few weeks before his mom took him to the doctors.
"Mr Anderson have you had unprotected sex recently?"
"Have you been on the receiving end of the sex?"
"Okay well I need to an ultrasound to be sure but I think you may be pregnant." They did the scan and Blaine was indeed pregnant. He didnt want to speak to his own doctor so spoke to another.
"Excuse me?"
"Yes sir how can I help you?"
"I am pregnant but I was wondering what risks there are as I smoke cannabis."
"How regularly?"
"Once a day probably."
"Okay well you ought to quit because it is very dangerous for the baby and you."
"I will thank you." Blaine did really well he hadnt smoked in a week and told Kurt he was pregnant. Kurt was thrilled. They went to his scans together, one night they had a fight so he texted Jayde.
Blaine: I need a splif, usual place in 10?"
Jayde: Sure thing boo.
Ten minutes later he was smoking with Jayde and got a text from Kurt and realised how stupid he was.
Kurt: Babe I am so sorry I am on my way over your mom said you are home I was wrong but I love you and want to make it right. Xx
Blaine: Love you too see you soon. Xx
Blaine went home just in time for Kurt to arrive luckily he had changed clothes and had a quick shower.
"I wish I had come sooner we could have had a shower together." Kurt kissed him.
"Me too." Blaine smiled to him.
"You taste weird."
"I just ate some take away stuff and put some gum in because I know you dont want me eating junk food."
"Okay lets snuggle and talk about everything." Blaine had his six month scan the next day. He smiled to the doctor.
"Okay Blaine I need to know if you have any history with smoking, drinking or drug taking especially during the pregnancy." Blaine looked at Kurt. He had to tell the doctor the truth but would lose Kurt. "Mr Anderson?"
"I-I er us-. I had a sp-splif of ca-cannabis yesterday." Kurt looked shocked.
"Have you ever taken cannabis before yesterday?"
"Y-yes, I started smoking two years ago and cannabis about a year ago, not very often though I havent for any of my pregnancy since I found out." They continued with the scan Kurt wouldnt even look at him.
"Okay congratulations it is a boy gentleman."
"Thank you doctor." They went out and got in Kurts car.
"So you smoked cannabis yesterday?"
"I just do I dont know why."
"Care to explain why you didnt tell me that you are druggie even though you are carrying my child!"
"Because I knew how you would react!"
"What do you expect?! How could I be proud of having a boyfriend that is a druggie and is putting my child at risk? We are finished Blaine! I will take you to court because no way is our baby being around you when you smoke cannabis!"
"No! You arent taking my baby away, I wont let you!" Blaine got out and went home. He dialled his dads number.
"Dad I need your help! Kurt is going to take me to court he is trying to take my son away from me before he is even born!" Blaine went into school the next day and of course everyone knew about the break up. Jayde grabbed him.
"Blaine everyone knows you guys broke up, what if he tells them about the smoking and drugs?!"
"He wouldnt I dont think anyway." Blaine got through the day without seeing Kurt until Glee but he chose not to go but Sam pulled him in.
"Dude your welcome here too! Just cause you broke up doesnt mean you have to go."
"I know but I have homework and I dont feel good, the pregnancy wipes me out you know." Kurt and Blaine stayed split and Kurt told Blaine he was pushing for full custody and Blaine having supervised small visitation rights. They were in Glee and Blaine was having contractions. Sam noticed his friends pain.
"Dude you okay?"
"No I need to go home see you tomorrow yeah?"
"Let me drive you."
"No I will be fine by myself." Sam drove him and when they got in the house Blaines waters broke and Sam was about to call Kurt and go to the hospital when Blaine said. "No please he is taking my baby away I cant do this. Please baby boy stay in daddy a little longer."
"Blaine you need to go to the hospital."
"No you cant tell anyone please! Kurt has given me papers he wants custody. Please drive me to the airport I can go to Coopers and have my son without Kurt! I cant lose him!"
"Blaine this is meant to be the best day of your life I can see you want your baby but you are too scared of having him taken away." There was a knock at the door.
"Who the hell is that?!" Blaine doubled over in pain as a contraction hit.
"I dunno!" Sam answered the door and it was Kurt, Blaine was sat on the couch pretending everything was okay for his guest. "Look now isnt a good time."
"Tough he is carrying my son." Kurt came in and noticed Blaine who was in pain and doubled over again. "Are you in labour?"
"Yeah and he is too afraid to have his own child at the fear of you taking him away from Blaine!" Sam stood by Blaine.
"I wouldnt actually do that. I was angry."
"You told him you were pushing for full custody."
"I was angry I wouldnt do that!" Blaine screamed in pain where he was doubled over but sat up and saw Kurt.
"GET OUT! Get the hell out of my ho- argh!" Blaine cried in pain.
"Please Blaine I swear I wont take him away from you!"
"You are just saying that so I give birth to him."
"No I was angry I want us to be a family I was upset that you lied to me and didnt tell me! You have carried him for eight months I am so proud of you. I want to help you quit cannabis."
"I already have!" Blaine screamed in pain again.
"Blaine he needs to come out now he is ready you cant stop him from coming, lets meet our son."
"No he is safer inside me! I can protect him from people trying to take him away from me!"
"Blaine do you trust me?" Blaine looked at him.
"Okay then trust me when I say I am never going to take him away from you! I can see now you always put him first to the point you dont want to give birth to him at the fear of him being taken from you."
"I trust you." Kurt could breathe now Blaine trusted him.
"Good now lets have our baby, Sam can you drive us."
"No I want him here." Kurt turned to him.
"My mom arranged a home birth, call my midwife Sam."
"Okay dude." Five hours later at 21:57 on 19th February 2015 Blaine gave birth to his baby boy. The doctors handed him his son and Kurt saw his Blaine back, the one that now is a father to Kurts son.
"What?" Kurt looked at Blaines face.
"That is his name Charlie, you can chose the middle name but it is my dads name he fights in Iraq at the moment."
"I love it. What about Charlie George?"
"Perfect." Blaine looked down at his son. "Hey Charlie, I was such a bad daddy at one point but I promise I wont let anyone hurt you or take you away from me I love you so much." Charlies hazel eyes flickered open and looked into Blaines. He handed him to Kurt and slept for a bit. The next day Blaines mom picked them up. Kurt had gone home for a shower and would see them at Blaines house.
"Uncle Mark called me this morning sweetie to say congratulations and also he said that looking into the family court restrictions because Charlie was born out of wedlock you have his rights and therefore Kurt cant legally do anything without your permission until he goes through courts. Although he is the father because you gave birth to him you can control rules and things."
"Thank you mom but I wont keep Charlie away from him but I wont let him take him away from me."
"Jayde came round this morning I hope you dont mind I invited her to Charlies welcome home party speaking of which lets go home and spend a bit of time with him before your guests arrive." Blaines mom drove them home and Kurt arrived a few minutes later, than an hour later the New Directions and Blaines family and friends arrived along with Kurts family. Towards the evening people started to leave and Kurt saw as Jayde got up some cigarettes in her back pocket, now he knew who got Blaine into smoking. He decided to leave it until the next day. Blaines mom said Kurt could stay in Blaines room to help him with the baby. They slept in the same bed with Blaine snuggled up to Kurt and had the best night sleep since the break up over 2 months ago. The next month went similar, with Kurt staying at Blaines only this morning Blaine woke up before Kurt and took Charlie downstairs for some food, Kurt woke up and got changed before looking through draws, he knew Jayde was round Blaine at school the day before and he was struggling with a month old son. Kurt found some cigarettes and some splifs. He then saw Blaines phone on charge and saw texts between Jayde and him.
Jayde: Did you enjoy the splifs last night? X
Blaine: I quit for my pregnancy and I am trying not to use them.
Jayde: It will help you deal with sleepless nights and fights with Kurt.
Blaine: I have Charlie now.
Jayde: B just take one and everything will be fine, you can be better for Charlie when you are calm I promise.
Blaine: I dont know Jayde maybe in a few weeks.
Kurt was livid, Blaine was trying really hard and Jayde was trying to get him to smoke it, he went downstairs and Blaine was sat on the couch with his feet on the edge coffee table and his one month old son resting on his legs.
"Hey, Charlie just went down."
"Can we talk?"
"I think you need to stop hanging out with Jayde, I know she gave you some splifs yesterday and I also know you havent smoked them but I think if you get stressed or tempted you will, so you need to cut ties with Jayde."
"No Jayde is one of my best mates!"
"A best mate wouldnt get you on cannabis!" Blaine looked annoyed.
"Well she was a better mate than you were as a boyfriend! A boyfriend is meant to love you but look at you what did you do?! You left me when I needed you the most! I was pregnant!"
"I do love you!"
"No you dont you only love yourself." Blaine got up and Charlie in his crib before coming back in and sitting down.
"Blaine I love you and Charlie more than anything in this world!"
"Then why are you controlling us?!"
"No Blaine I am protecting you from killing yourself or having an overdose! What happens to Charlie if you die?!" Blaine looked at him.
"I didnt need protecting I needed you I still do!" Kurt leaned forward and kissed Blaine deeply on the lips and quickly they were both lost in the kiss Kurt pulled back.
"You have me, you always will in every way!" Kurt closed the gap again and they made the way upstairs and quickly clothes were everywhere. They had sex for the first time since the breakup. A bit later Kurt was dealing with Charlie and Blaine came into the bedroom.
"So are we back together?"
"I really want us to be if you do as well."
"More than anything."
"Well Blaine Anderson will you be my boyfriend again?"
"Yes I would love to be your boyfriend." Blaine kissed him.