June 11, 2012, 11 a.m.
June 11, 2012, 11 a.m.
"Why did Burt always want Finn to do laundry?" Finn asked himself walking up the stairs to Kurt's room with a basket of laundry.
Luckily all Finn had to do was to put up some clothes and then he could go play his X-Box. Maybe even invite Puck over for a game marathon.
Finn carefully set the basket of clothes down on Kurt's bed and started folding up some socks.
He opened the drawer and started to place the socks in the small bedside table drawer. He suddenly saw something that caught his eye and he became a bit more curious.
He quickly reached for the pink and red colored box at the back of the drawer and drew it out.
His face suddenly became red spotting words like, strawberry flavored, condom, and use. He looked inside the box and his face got even redder seeing two were already gone.
Finn carefully placed the box back where he had found it and continued, quicker, to put the clothes where he had found them.
He grabbed the basket and ran back down the stairs, placing it into the laundry room and picking up his phone to dial Puck.
"Hey." Finn said walking back up the stairs to his room.
"Oh hey, what's up?" Puck said sounding bored.
"Wanna come over for an X-Box marathon? I also have some interesting news." Finn relayed laying down on his bed.
"Sure. I'll be over in five." Puck said hanging up the phone.
Finn quickly turned the game system on and set the two player game up while waiting on Puck.
Five minutes later the doorbell rang and Finn ran down to open the door.
"Hey Dude. I wanna hear about this interesting news." Puck says jumping inside the door.
Finn leaned over to whisper in Puck's ear," Kurt and Blaine are like, doing it now."
"WHAT?" Puck said.
"Oh, yeah." Finn said getting a bit red in the face.
"Now, I need proof to believe that." Puck said smiling at Finn like he didn't believe him.
"Sure, Follow me." Finn says making his way up the stairs with Puck following closely behind.
Finn and Puck enter the room and Finn makes his way over to his bedside table and opens up a drawer reaching toward the back and grabbing the box and pulling it out.
"Heres the proof." Finn says handing over the box Puck.
Puck opens the box and pulls a shocked expression as he realizes two are
"Oh, My Geez." Puck says.
"Umm ,what are you doing in my room?" Kurt's voice suddenly interrupts the boys conversation.
"Umm, umm, laundry?" Finn says looking nervous.
"Ok, then why is Puck here?" Kurt asks giving him a glare.
"Umm, I- uh, video games?" Finn says looking even more red in the face.
"Then what are you holding-?" Kurt asks walking over to Finn but then obviously paling and then his face becoming very red.
"Yeah, just umm, put those back." Kurt mumbles walking toward the door.
"Get Some Hummel." Puck yells laughing.
"Whatever Puckerman." Kurt says through gritted teeth walking towards the door.
As cute as I think this is, there are a few grammatical errors and things like that, so if you need a beta to check things over before you post any more, feel free to ask me.