June 11, 2012, 11 a.m.
June 11, 2012, 11 a.m.
Kurt slowly wakes up and is still in happiness over what happened the previous night. Apparently, they need to do West Side Story more often.
"Good morning beautiful." says Blaine rolling over to face his boyfriend.
"Oh, Morning." Kurt says smiling back at his boyfriend.
"You hungry?" Blaine asks but is quickly given the response by Kurt's grumbling stomach.
"Yep. Now, Stomach you know I can answer for myself." Kurt says laughing.
"Haha. Come on. We have some food downstairs." Blaine says getting out of the bed.
Both boys venture down the stairs of Blaine's nice home and arrive in the kitchen.
"Now, we have cereal or we can fix eggs and bacon, or pancakes?" Blaine asks Kurt facing his boyfriend.
"Oh, umm pancakes actually sound pretty good." Kurt says smiling.
"Pancakes it is." Blaine said grabbing a pan and a box of bisquick.
Blaine finishes up the pancakes and hands a plate of four small pancakes over the table to Kurt.
"Here you go." Blaine says handing the plate and a small bottle of syrup to Kurt.
"Thanks." Kurt says already pouring a little syrup over the pancakes and cutting them with his butter knife.
"Oh My Gosh." Kurt says eyes wide open.
"These are some amazing pancakes." Kurt continues.
"Oh, why yes they are." Blaine finishes in a funny accent laughing.
Kurt laughs back until he digs into his pancakes once again.
"So, what do you want to do today?" Kurt asks grabbing his shirt of the floor.
"Well, you wanna go hang out at your house and watch a movie? You have a better selection." Blaine asks turning to Kurt while gathering his own shirt.
"Sounds good to me." Kurt says walking to the bathroom but Blaine stops him, noticing something odd.
"Kurt, are you limping?" Blaine asks looking to Kurt's legs.
"Umm, yeah just a bit." Kurt says turning around to go to the bathroom.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I caused you pain and I feel bad now." Blaine says slumping on the bed.
"Well, it's an amazing pain." Kurt says giving his boyfriend a hug.
"Really?" Blaine asks.
"Of course." Kurt says before heading to the bathroom to finish cleaning up.
Both boys finish getting ready and head to Kurt's house.
They walk into the door and into the living room.
"Oh, Hi Dad." Kurt says limping across the room.
"Hi Burt." Blaine says smiling.
He notices both boys are happier than usual and have just a certain happy glow. And Kurt is limping.
Burt suddenly puts two and two together.
"BOYS!" Burt calls out.
"Yes, Dad?" Kurt yells from the other room.
"You and Blaine better get your butts in here now! and sit down." Burt adds.
"Oh, Crap." Kurt says to Blaine.
"He saw me limping and he knows we look happier. He's gonna know. That's the 'talk' we are in for. I mean he knows what happens. He was a teenager once. That's where I came from." Kurt says smiling a half smile looking worried on one half of his face and happy on the other.
"Well, we knew 'the talk' was coming sooner or later so let's just go face it." Blaine says grabbing Kurt's hand and walking hand in hand with the person he loves to the Hummel's living room.
"Ok, boys. Sit!" Burt says sitting up from the recliner.
"So, I think you know why you boys are here, huh?" Burt asks eyeing each boy.
Burt suddenly thinks, " Well, I knew it was coming. No since it torturing them with 'the talk'. Let's just play this cool."
"So, how was it?" Burt asks.
Kurt suddenly groans.
"It was great, dad, it was absolutely wonderful. But I do feel awkward so can we please leave the room and go on to our own business?" Kurt asks looking red as a tomato.
"It was perfect, Burt." Blaine says giving Burt a huge smile.
"Ok, you guys can leave. Just be safe, ok?" Burt says.
"LALALALALA." Kurt says leaving the room.
"We will, Burt. We will." Blaine says sporting his huge smile once again.
Okay, that was really cute. My favorite part was the end when Kurt left the room singing :)