Feb. 19, 2013, 2:30 p.m.
Feb. 19, 2013, 2:30 p.m.
Kurt and Blaine were laying on the couch. Kurt was currenly 9 months pregnant, with their little girl. Both boys were just enjoying their quiet night, watching a little tv, and Blaine was rubbing Kurt's large bump.
Kurt let out a slight gasp, his lips parting, and squniching his eyes a little bit.
"Sweetie, are you okay?" Blaine asks, jumping up at the pain of his husband.
"Fine, probably either cramps or just those pesky braxton hicks contractions. I've been having them on and off for the past week. Proabably just those." Kurt explains, placing a hand on the bottom of his large bump, running his hand up and down the bump.
Kurt pushes himself up onto the couch a little bit, looking into Blaine's hazel eyes.
"I love you." Kurt says.
"I love you too." Blaine says, pressing a small kiss to his husaband's lips.
Kurt once again, pulls back in pain.
Alarmed, Blaine sits up quickly.
"Are you sure you aren't going into labour? I mean, the cramps are getting pretty bad, aren't they?" Blaine asks, sitting up beside his husbandon the couch.
"Yeah, but I'm not sure. We can wait it out a little while to see." Kurt says.
"Would you mind getting me a glass of water from the kitchen?" Kurt asks.
"Sure baby, I'll be right back." Blaine smiles, getting up and walking into the kitchen and pouring his husband some water.
He quickly returns to the living room, to see his husbad in pain on the couch with wide-eyes.
"Blaine, my water just b-broke." Kurt hisses in pain.
Blaine looks over the situation to see his husband on the couch, gripping his baby bump, and the bottom part of his pants soaked and leaking into the couch.
"Ok baby. Stay here. I'll run get the bag and we'll be on our way to the hospital." Blaine says, placing the water glass onto the coffee table, running into the room to grab the baby bag, and to also grab a new pair of sweatpants for Kurt.
He runs into the room, dropping the bag by the couch.
"Ok baby, I'm got you a pair of new sweatpants to put on for the hospital trip." Blaine says, helping his husband off of the couch.
As soon as Kurt is able to be helped off the couch, a little bit of the remaining water gushes out of his bottom.
"Ahh, I'm still leaking a little." Kurt says, breathing heavily.
As soon as the remaining water exits, Blaine helps Kurt out of his wet sweatpants and into his new dry ones.
Blaine grabs his keys and the bag, helping Kurt out into the car and putting the seatbelt on him.
"Shit, I forgot how much this hurt." Kurt says.
"Look, we'll be fine. We're gonna get to the hospital. Kurt's we're gonna be daddies." Blaine smiles.
I love how Blaine is there for Kurt and I can't wait to see what they name the baby. I can't wait for chapter 2.
It was really sweet loved it:-)