Aug. 7, 2013, 1:10 p.m.
Aug. 7, 2013, 1:10 p.m.
It was Tuesday and Blaine was in the middle of teaching a class of 8 year olds Math. The morning had started off pretty simple he had to get Liza up and make sure she was ready for school before getting himself ready for work. He checked his phone and saw that he had a text from Kurt.
From: Kurt x
Can we meet at lunch today?x
To: Kurt x
Yeah sure, where?x
From: Kurt x
Usual place?x
To: Kurt x
Okay, see you then x
He really didn't want to meet Kurt, he knew he could never have a proper conversation with him without them arguing at least a little. He still loved Kurt so arguing with him was tough, but this was about Liza not them and he had to stop being selfish.
After his class ended for lunch, he collected up his things, put them in his bag and was just about to grab his coat when one his his male colleagues came in the room.
"Hey Blaine." he smiled
"Sebastian, hi." Blaine replied eyeing the door.
"How have you been? You know since the divorce?"
"Not a divorce. We are just broken up."
"Well I was thinking if you wanted to take your mind off things, there's a new bar in town if you wanted to check it out?"
"I'm really sorry I don't mean to be rude but I have some where I have to be."
"No of course, go. I wouldn't want to keep you."
Blaine practically ran out of the room and out of the building, he felt bad just leaving the guy hanging, but he wasn't in the mood to be asked out. He sprinted to his car and started the engine, he knew he was speeding but he didn't care, he didn't want to give Kurt reason to start an argument. As he got to the car park of this particular coffee shop he could see Kurt in the window. Looking down at his coffee. He looked so perfect. Blaine quickly checked the time to see he was only 5 minutes late and quickly checked his hair in the mirror, he looked good. He jumped out of the car and walked into the building and straight up to Kurt.
"I'm so sorry I'm late, I got caught up talking and- I'm sorry." Blaine rambled as he sat down.
"Sebastian?" Kurt asked, smiling.
"How did you guess?" They both laughed.
"I got you a medium drip, that's cool right?" Kurt questioned pushing a coffee cup towards his still-technical-husband.
"Yeah thanks."
"Did he ask you out again?" Kurt asked looking down into his coffee to avoid eye contact with Blaine
"It's Sebastian of course he did, but I just let it slide, I'm not interested in him, I never was" Blaine looked at Kurt until they had eye contact. They just sat staring for a few seconds before Kurt broke the silence.
"So Liza?"
"Yeah" Blaine did and awkward cough and swiped his had through his hair. "You said her principle called again?"
"Yeah he did, he said that her grades are getting worse and so is her attitude, and if I'm honest she has been like it at home too, have you noticed anything?"
"No, she's fine with me."
"Then why when she's at my place? Is it me? Did I do something?" Kurt dropped his hand onto the table in defeat.
"No it's not you. Don't even think that." Blaine rested his hand on Kurt's, as a comforter, but Kurt slid his own hand back onto his lap.
"Then Why? Wait. Do you know something?"
"What would I know?" Blaine could feel the blush running up his neck, he was a terrible liar.
"Did she tell you something?"
"Blaine!" Kurt said warningly.
"What? She didn't say anything"
"We were together long enough that I would know when you are lying through your teeth." Suddenly then Kurt's phone started ringing. "Oh saved by the bell." He looked down at it and he knew the number oh too well. "It's the school." he answered. "Hello?" Blaine could obviously only hear one side of the conversation. "She what?!" Great now what had she done? "Can you hold her there? We'll be there when school finishes." Blaine looked down at his watch and realised he had only 15 minutes until lunch ended and he had to get back to the school. "Okay thank you, bye." He hung up the phone and looked up at Blaine with a face that was crossed between, angry and defeated.
"What did she do?" Blaine asked
"She got in a fight." Kurt sighed
"A fight?! Why? Why would she do that?"
"I don't know but we have to go after school and talk to the principle, can you pick me up from work?"
"Yeah of course, listen I have to go, I'm going to be late, see you later?"
"Yeah, yeah sure, you go- teach, See you."
With that Blaine left the coffee shop, Kurt stared after him, he missed Blaine, but he had Adam now and he couldn't ruin that too.