Aug. 7, 2013, 1:10 p.m.
Aug. 7, 2013, 1:10 p.m.
7 Months Later
"I don't think I can do this."
"Come on it's not like you haven't done this before." Cooper replied.
"I know but do you see how many people are out there, they're all relying on me? I can't do this!"
"Look at me! Look squirt your just getting cold feet it's normal."
"Yeah but this is huge, I think agreeing to this was just a huge mistake, I feel like I can't breath. Everyone is expecting this to be perfect, they're expecting me to be perfect and I can't do it, I just know I can't."
"Look, Kurt can't walk down that isle without you there, we have rehearsed this over and over, if you don't do this you will really really regret this. Besides your the one that asked! If you didn't want this then why did you ask?"
"I didn't actually think they'd say yes!"
"Why would they say no?"
"I don't know I think it was just wishful thinking on my part because I knew I would end up freaking out."
"If you don't do this it will ruin the whole day."
"Thanks uncle Cooper just add more pressure I appreciate it."
"Look squirt all you have to do Is sing, as you do so Kurt will make his way down the isle with Burt. Burt will then take his seat and then Squirt senior will then make his way down with mois. Then we stand and listen until the song is over. That's all you have to worry about, for most of the song everyone will be concentrating on the guys, so can you do this?"
"I think so, thank you uncle Coop." Liza hugged her Uncle before making her way out of the room and walked down the isle giving dirty looks to the people who said 'aww' at her in her dress (which she was practically forced into). She stood behind the microphone that was placed next to where her Fathers would eventually meet. She shook with nerves as she saw her grandfather peak his head through the door and gave her a thumbs up and the music started. This was it.
It's hard for me to say the things
I want to say sometimes
There's no one here but you and me
And that broken old street light
Lock the doors
We'll leave the world outside
All I've got to give to you
Are these five words tonight
She looked towards the door and saw her Dad looking as gorgeous as ever, his chestnut hair was swept into an immaculate quiff. He was wearing a simple black Tuxedo with a simple yellow rose boutonnière. He walked slowly down the isle with his Father by his side, not once taking his eyes off his beautiful daughter.
Thank you for loving me
For being my eyes
When I couldn't see
For parting my lips
When I couldn't breathe
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for loving me
As he got to where he was going to meet his husband he have his Dad a hug before he went to sit down next to Carol. Kurt looked over at his daughter and threw a a wink and a wide smile, making all her nerves disappear. All he had to do now was listen and wait.
I never knew I had a dream
Until that dream was you
When I look into your eyes
The sky's a different blue
Cross my heart
I wear no disguise
If I tried, you'd make believe
That you believed my lies
As they heard the door squeak open they all turned around to find Blaine walking through with his brother by his side. He had his hair gelled as usual but not as much so few curls still broke free just how Kurt liked it. He was wearing a dark grey Tuxedo with a red rose boutonnière. He looked down the isle at his Husband whose face had broken into a huge smile. He bit his bottom lip to prevent his face being smothered by the smile that was creeping out, that's when he began walking.
Thank you for loving me
For being my eyes
When I couldn't see
For parting my lips
When I couldn't breathe
Thank you for loving me
Blaine too could keep the smile at bay after looking at how gorgeous his daughter looked in her dress, even if they had to hold her down to get her in it.
You pick me up when I fall down
You ring the bell before they count me out
If I was drowning you would part the sea
And risk your own life to rescue me
When he reached Kurt, Cooper enveloped him in a huge hug before hugging Kurt and sitting down. Blaine smiled up at Kurt before turning around to face his daughter, Kurt's arms wrapping around his waist from behind. They both just watched her put all she had into the rest of the song.
Lock the doors
We'll leave the world outside
All I've got to give to you
Are these five words tonight
Thank you for loving me
For being my eyes
When I couldn't see
You parted my lips
When I couldn't breathe
Thank you for loving me
When I couldn't fly
Oh, you gave me wings
You parted my lips
When I couldn't breathe
Thank you for loving me
After she finished her Dad's wrapped her in a hug and whispered their thank you's.
"You can let go now." She whispered. "You should really be getting on with the vows renewal, I mean that is why we are actually here."
Two hours later they found them selves sat at a table in a huge hall, with Liza, Burt, Carol and Copper. Rachel and Finn had to sit with Christopher and their new born little girl, Barbara. Turns out Rachel was quite a few months pregnant without anybody realising.
Kurt and Blaine were actually quite terrified, they were over the moon with Liza's performance at the cermony, but they can't for the life of them remember why they agreed to let her do a speech at the meal. Singing, she was great at. Talking to people, not so much. They heard her clink her glass and braced themselves.
"Blaine its too late we can't stop her." Kurt whspered harshly at Blaine
"It's fine I was going to say a few words after so maybe mine, I don't know, cancel her's out."
"I don't think that how it works Blaine."
"Okay hi everyone. Daughter of the grooms here. Yes I know what you're thinking, how is that possible with looks as good as mine but I ask myself that every day."
"Hey if I kill her and make it look like an accident, I'll go down for less time for manslaughter than murder right?" Kurt whispered to Blaine.
"My Dads have had one hell of a year this year with the break up and all and I do in fact take full responsibility for them getting back together. But I like to think that we can now look back on that time and laugh. Hey guys, guys." She said laughing towards Blaine and Kurt. "Remember Sebastian? What a loser!" She started laughing at herself, before catching a glimpse of Sebastian in the crowd. She stopped laughing and crouched towards her Dad's. "Okay next time at least warn me about the guest list before my speech! You know what I'm like."
"Unfortunately we do."
"Okay in all seriousness...Sorry Sebastian." She spoke to the crowd again. "When most people's parents split up they get upset because everything they have known is being ripped apart, for me it wasn't that which upset me. It was the fact my parents couldn't see that they belonged together and I had to stand back and watch them go right by each other, so yeah I may have stepped in and helped them out a little, but they figured out for themselves that they still loved each other. And frankly I don't think they will ever stop. They are and will always be endgame" She picked her champagne glass which her parents had made sure to fill with Orange juice (party poopers) and lifted it. "To my Dad's. Kurt and Blaine."
"No!" Blaine said loudly. He stood up and pulled Kurt up with him. He pulled Liza and Kurt close to him. "To the three of us. To the Hummel-Andersons."
The three of them lived on in Happiness, a little Sadness and a whole lot of Bitchiness. But not for one second did any of them ever again forget that they loved one another.