I'll Be There By Your side
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I'll Be There By Your side: Chapter 13

M - Words: 2,000 - Last Updated: Aug 07, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: May 03, 2013 - Updated: Aug 07, 2013
175 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: I really loved writing for Liza in this chapter!!please review i really want to know what you guys think :)xxxx

After one of the best night sleep she's had in a long time Liza wakes up to a quiet house. Usually whether at Kurt's or Blaine's or even before they broke up she is always the last to wake up. She gets out of bed and slowly creeps out her room, she goes down the hall to Kurt's room to see where he is but the bed is empty, untouched in fact, so she goes to the guest room where she knows Blaine is sleeping, and that's where she finds her two Dad's curled up around each other. They're practically stuck to each other on one side of the bed. Kurt is almost at the edge of the bed, his head on Blaine's chest and his arm gripping the smaller man's waist, Blaine has his head resting on top of Kurt's his arms slung around him protectively. She just stands there for a moment admiring the view, and that's when she knows...her parents are getting back together. Its not just an idea or a fantasy she has planned out in her head to make herself feel better, they actually going to get back together. The surprise party next week seems kind of pointless now but she's going to do it anyway, if not to get them back together then at least to make Kurt happy but she really should inform Blaine of her plan. After standing for a while, she tiptoes into the room, pulls the covers back from the empty side of the bed and snuggles into Blaine's side. He slowly stirs and opens one eye to see his daughter looking up at him, all he can do is smile down at her and bring the arm that isn't under Kurt body and pull her closer into a hug.

"Morning." She says.

"Shh I don't want to wake your father" She nods In response and turns to look at the clock seeing it makes her eyes widen.

"Shit Dad it's nine thirty!" She chooses not to whisper if she wakes Kurt up he can get to work, late but still earlier than he would if she's whispered.

"What?" Kurt asks sleepily.

"Nothing baby go back to sleep."

"I can't sleep now, what's going on?"

"You're going to be late for work!" Liza doesn't understand why her Dad's are reluctant to move.

"Actually we have decided to call in sick today and spend a lazy day watching movies with you." Blaine said sweetly tapping his daughter on the nose with his finger as he said the last word.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah you got all of you're suspension work done, so I don't see why not."

"Holy crap Blaine I didn't call work!"

"No I did. I woke up earlier to call the school so they could get a sub before class started and I called your boss too."

"Aww thank you." Kurt smiled up at his Husband.

"Anything for you." Blaine leant his head down and kissed Kurt on the top of his head.

"You two are disgustingly sweet."

"Oh there are rules for the day. One. The curtains cannot be opened under any circumstances. Two. Liza you have to wear a onzie. Three. All we can eat is crap. And four. We take tuns in choosing the movie." Blaine looked so dead serious as he was explaining the rules, that Kurt and Liza had to to try and keep in their laughs.

"Yes captain!" Liza joked before jumping off the bed and skipping out of the guest room to find her onzie.

Kurt and Blaine were soon leaving too to go down stairs to start their lazy fun filled day by making breakfast, a healthy breakfast made up of......popcorn.

As Liza was running down the stairs the door bell rang.

"I got it." She shouted to them, through the closed living room door, as she got the door and opened her face filled with disgust as she saw who it was; Adam. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I do believe you're not suppose to use that kind of language young lady." His accent coming out snobbier that ever. She was about to apologise when she remembered that he wasn't with Kurt any more, before she would get yelled at if she even looked at him the wrong way but now he had nothing to do with her and she could say ever word she had ever wanted to say to him and then some. She put on her famous bitch grin and began.

"You're right I'm sorry, oh wait, no I'm not. Aren't you forgetting? My Dad dumped you. He kicked you in the nuts and dumped you on you ass so you really can't tell me what to do. You aren't even anywhere near a part of my life any more. No disrespect to my Dad but I didn't think it would take him as long as it did to see that you are nothing but a fake. You think you're so James Bond with your fancy accent and your flashy car, thinking you can fill a guys needs, when we we both know the only reason guys want you is because you know how to shove a ball of socks down your pants. And lets be honest dude with me around you never stood a chance, because as much as I know you want to be my daddies little princess I already took the job fourteen years ago." Liza wore a malicious smirk....Auntie Tana would be proud.

"You really are a spoiled little bitch aren't you. Having Daddy run after your every need." Adam spat back.

"Well we all know Daddy didn't run after your needs, that's why forced him, that's right my parents honestly think a tent is sound proof, so I know exactly what you did to my paps, and that's why you aren't stepping into this house or going anywhere near my Father."

"You little-"

"Liza come on, we want to start the movie!" She heard Blaine shout from the living room.

"Was that Blaine?"

"Oh yeah jackass I forgot to tell you my Dad's are back together- wait you came here at ten on a Monday morning when my Dad should be at work, how did you know he'd be here?"

"His car didn't leave this morning."

"Your stalking my house? Can you get any creepier honestly?"

"Okay you have two minutes while Kurt is refilling the popcorn bowl." Blaine started as he made his way to Liza from the living room."We may or may not have had a popcorn fight-" Blaine stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Adam. Blaine marched right over the threshold of the front door, grabbed Adam and pinned him against the wall by his shirt. "Get the fuck out of here." Adam lifted his hands up in defence.

"Blaine calm down. I only came to get my stuff."

"I don't want you anywhere near Kurt! You can stay here under the watchful eye of my pitbull that I like to call Liza while I go get your shit, then I never want you to come anywhere near me or my family again."

"Like I'd want to be near you and you little bitch of a daughter." That's all Blaine needed to send his fist flying to connect with Adam's face. As soon as he hit he felt a hand on his shoulder. And a slap across his own face. Liza was standing there with her hand raised.

"What the hell?" Blaine yelled.

"Well you called me a dog and I figured I'd get in less trouble if I did it wile you were angry. I've kind of always wanted to do that."

"Well did you maybe want to direct your anger out on the guy that just called you a bitch and not your Dad?"

"No. It wasn't as fun as I thought it would be." she shrugged and they turned back to Adam who was now standing holding the side of his face.

"Guy's come on-" The heard Kurt come out of the living room and could easily see Adam standing there. "what are you doing here?"

"I came to get my stuff, until your psycho husband punched me."

"Well then you must have said something pretty bad about me or Liza because that the only reason he's do that. Wait here I'll get your stuff." Kurt practically sprinted up the stairs, they were shocked he didn't seem angry, sad or scared from seeing Adam he just wanted him gone. Before they know it Kurt had come down stairs with two black bin liners of Adam's clothes, ran back upstairs and came down with a box of his things. "Now can you please just leave my life?"

"You'll never hear from me again." Blaine and Liza gave him a quick smile before slamming the door in his face. The turn around and look at Kurt with caution.

"Are you okay?" Blaine was the first to ask.

"You know what? I am. I feel kind of liberated." Kurt smiled, they two surrounded him and they embraced in sort of a group hug. And they made their way into the living room to start their lazy day.

After three hours Kurt decided he couldn't take any more and gave up on rule three and went to make himself a fruit salad, while the other two carried on eating chocolate covered pretzels. Liza saw this as perfect opportunity to tell her Dad about the party.

"Dad I have to talk to you about something."

"Is about boys because I definitely think you are way to young to have a boyfriend and I don't want to have to give you 'the talk' until you are twenty-five. And if your going to tell me your into girls, again you are way to young to have a girlfriend and I don't want to have to give you 'the talk' until you are twenty-five." Blaine rushed out.

"No it's nothing like that. I have an idea for Dad's birthday."

"Oh okay and what is this idea?"

"Well its more than an idea, its already happening, its a surprise party on Saturday and I may have already invited several people including, Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Finn, Aunt Rachel and Christopher, Aunt Tana and Aunt Brittney and Uncle Cooper."

"Wow you really planned this didn't you?"

"Yeah I have everything set up, I need you to talk to his work friends and also I have to ask you something."

"Go ahead." Blaine said suddenly very nervous.

"I know for the past month or so I have been doing everything in my power to get you and Dad back together and some of my idea's weren't great I admit, but I need to know now that this is what you really want. I don't want you to to get back together because I'm making you and then you'll regret it in a few months and we'll have to do this all over again because I can't deal with that heartbreak again and I don't think you can either." Blaine looked at her and grabbed her hands.

"Liza, I love you more than anything in this world, but if me and your Dad get back together it will have nothing to do with all of the crazy stunts you've pulled. It will because we have finally got our heads out of our asses to see that we still love each other. I never stopped loving your Father and last night he told me he loved me too. I don't know what's going on with us at the moment but I do know I don't want to lose him again. But I don't see what this has to do with your party."

"Well I have an idea and I think you'll like it too and if he still loves you like he says, there is no way this can go wrong...."


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