I'll Be There By Your side
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I'll Be There By Your side: Chapter 12

M - Words: 1,570 - Last Updated: Aug 07, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: May 03, 2013 - Updated: Aug 07, 2013
176 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: i added the bit about Liza counting her fingers to make sure they were all there because my sister used to do that :)

"What are you doing tonight then?" Blaine asked as he Kurt and Liza drove back home. Blaine and Kurt were sat in the front while there daughter was in the back bobbing her head to whatever music she was listening to through her headphones.

They had a good time camping but they still hadn't talked about what happened as Liza hadn't given them a second alone fearing she could walk in on something.

"Liza will you just give us two seconds" Kurt begged his daughter.

"And here's what will happen, you two will get frisky I will need to ask you something and boom. I walk in on another interesting moment. If I'm with you then there's no need for me to come to you and for that to happen. I'm just trying to spear my eyes that pain again."

"I don't know, I didn't really sleep well earlier so I'll probably just have dinner and go to bed." Kurt answered as he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket he check to see what it was. He was surprised in fact to see it was a text message from his daughter.

From: Liza x

Don't be an ass. Ask him over for dinner!

"Anything important?" Blaine asked him nodding towards his phone.

"Oh no just work you know?"

To: Liza x

What? How do I even bring that up in conversation? And besides he probably has plans.

Kurt looked out of his window at the scenery waiting for his phone to indicate he had another text message. Which a few seconds later it did.

From: Liza x

How do you bring it up in conversation? I don't know how about 'Blaine do you want to come over for dinner tonight?'. That had to be the most ridiculous question you could have asked. Also I find it highly unlikely he has plans. He's had one date since you guys broke up and that was last week, well until I ruined it. You're welcome. And you know he hates being alone. Just stop being a jackass and ask him!!!

"Blaine did you maybe..well you don't have to...but did you maybe want to come over for dinner...you know for food...or something...well of course you eat food for dinner, it would be a bit awkward if you ate the crockery instead." Liza snorted from the back and Kurt closed his eyes making a mental note to slap himself later for making that question as awkward as possible.

"You're asking me over for dinner?" Blaine clarified with a smile at Kurt attempt at being social.

"Well that's where that question was supposed to go, yeah."

"I'd love to."


"Yeah, I was just going to order take out, but hanging out with you guys sounds way more fun."

Kurt smiled to himself but quickly whipped his phone out when he felt it buzzing.

From: Liza x


It was 11:30pm by the time they had finished dinner and cleaned up and Blaine was exhausted, and all he could think of doing was kissing Kurt again, but with the way their daughter wasn't disappearing any time soon he knew that wasn't happening.

"Why are we watching this shit?" Liza mumbled from her seat on the armchair. Kurt was lying on the sofa with his feet on Blaine's lap.

"Language." Kurt warned the girl.

"Sorry, but you have to admit this show is awful, I mean she's eat eating her cats hair? What the hell is that about?"

"Everyone is different in their own way."

"Yeah, you used to count your fingers every morning to make sure they were all still there." Blaine said without taking his eyes off the television, Kurt laughed as he stuck his tongue out at Liza. He was really enjoying himself. It had been too long since the three of them had all sat together in the house and just relaxed. He really didn't want Blaine to go home tonight.

"I better go it's getting late and I have to get to work early."

"Exactly its getting late just stay here. We still have the guest room." Liza said nonchalantly.

"Well it's up to your Dad and I don't want to impose."

"Blaine, I'm not going to make you drive home at this time, Liza's right stay in the guest room."

"Only if you're sure."

"Blaine it's fine. Come on its getting late." With that Liza hugged and kissed her dads goodnight and made her way into her own room. Blaine took all their mugs into the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher, as Kurt turned off the TV, straightened the sofa cushions and made sure the front door was locked before they both made their way upstairs. Blaine went straight to the guest room remembering where it was and Kurt followed him after making a detour to get Blaine a pair of sweats and a Hummel Tires and Lube t-shirt from his own room.

"You don't have to Kurt, my stuff from the weekend is still in the car I could've just gotten something from there." He told his husband as he placed the clothes on the bed.

"Actually they are yours, if found them in the bottom of a drawer and I didn't have the heart to throw them out."

"You could have just given them back to me." Blaine said with a smile.

"I could have yes, but honestly I wear them sometimes. And I can't believe I just admitted that." Kurt and Blaine shared a laugh and kept eye contact before Kurt shook his head and made his way to the door. "Goodnight Blaine."

"Goodnight Kurt." Kurt left the room and as soon as he did Blaine started to change he smelled the t-shirt and sure enough it smelled like Kurt. As soon as he was comfortable I bed he turned the bedside lamp off and slowly started to drift off. That was until he felt something or someone climb into his bed. He turned around to see his husband there. "Kurt?"

"Do you mind? I really don't like sleeping in my bed, it was mine and Adam's and after everything that happened with him I just don't like-"

"Kurt your rambling." Blaine smiled. "And of course I don't mind this is your house remember?"

"No it isn't." Kurt said without even looking at Blaine. The smaller of the two just looked up to Kurt with confusion. "It's not my house any more. It was our house, then I moved in that ass hole and he ruined it. This place only felt like home when it was You, Me and Liza. Now all I have is memories of him yelling at me or hurting me or touching me when I didn't want to be touched." he heard Blaine inhale sharply with anger at the man who had hurt the love of his life. "Blaine?"

"Yes Kurt?"

"Will you hold me, like last night?"

"You don't even need to ask." Blaine pulled Kurt closer towards him. Kurt head was on his chest and he had his arms around the blue eyed man. They lay there in silence enjoying something they hadn't done in a long time. They had cuddled the night before but that was all accidental they did that in their sleep. But they both chose this and we both secretly really nervous. "Hey I have an idea." Blaine spoke up.

"Go on."

"Well I'm not really ready for this weekend to be over so I was thinking maybe I could call in sick and you could call in sick tomorrow and the three of us can hang out."

"I don't know Blaine."

"Come on all you have to say is that you got bitten or you got sick from the trip and besides it's Liza's last day of suspension tomorrow so we can spend the day in our pyjamas watching Disney movies with all of the ice cream and popcorn and junk food we can eat. Just the three of us."

"But what about your students?"

"Are you kidding? No matter what age kids love having a sub. And it will only be for one day, come on Kurt lets be adventurous!"

"Fine." Kurt sighed, it was hard saying no to Blaine. He then heard the slight squeal of excitement from the man underneath him. He could practically hear Blaine's smile too and Kurt had to laugh. "I swear you're five."

They lay there in silence both afraid to fall asleep in case they missed something, when Blaine spoke the words Kurt thought he would never hear again from him.

"I love you" Everything paused for Kurt, he thought after everything that happened, them splitting up, moving Adam moving in and out, that Blaine would never still feel that for him. He sat up and looked at Blaine.

"You do?" Kurt felt a tear spill over his cheeks and Blaine cupped his face and brushed it away with his thumb not allowing it to fall further.

"I never stopped." Blaine was leaning in and before he know it his lips were brushing against Kurt's and Kurt wasn't pulling away. It was what they both needed right there and then comfort and security from the person they had loved since they were teenagers. As they pulled apart Kurt looked into Blaine's eyes.

"I love you too."


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