Perfectly Imperfect, One of a Kind
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Perfectly Imperfect, One of a Kind: Chapter 6

E - Words: 1,917 - Last Updated: May 05, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Mar 17, 2015 - Updated: Mar 17, 2015
212 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I didnt like how I wrote the ending and I couldnt seem to rewrite it any better but other than that I enjoyed writing this chapter!

Please review!

The rest of the week went on as usual. Kurt and Blaine went back to focusing on their studies and trying to get through the rest of high school while also working in Glee.


The only major difference was that of their unborn baby growing inside of Kurt. Most people didnt know yet, they couldnt tell that Kurt was pregnant, but their family knew.


Kurt could also start noticing the differences with his body. He wasnt showing. When he looked down at his stomach he didnt see any difference in the shape of his body. But he could sense the change, especially when he had a hard time zippering up one of his favorite pairs of skinny jeans that morning. The same pair of jeans he could fit into just a couple weeks ago. There was no doubt in Kurts mind now: he was going to have a baby in less than nine months.


Even if the baby wasnt noticeably growing inside him yet, Kurt knew it wouldnt be long, and he still had to tell the New Directions of the pregnancy. This was going to be difficult. Both he and Blaine knew that thousands of questions will be flown their way after telling the other members of the Glee Club. Questions that they couldnt possibly answer.


"Are you sure youre ready to do this?" Blaine asked Kurt as they walked into the choir room first thing before the meeting actually started.


"Im going to have to eventually, Blaine." Kurt answered him as they took their seats in the back row of the risers.


"As long as youre positive. . ."


"I dont think Ill ever be a hundred percent on this." Kurt replied to him. "You know how hard it was to tell your mom and Finn. This will be no different except that there are more eyes and ears and they will certainly be asking a lot more questions about our whole situation."


Mr. Schuester walked into the room as everyone began to settle and readied himself for the days lesson. He was about ready to speak when Kurt automatically stood up and dragged Blaine with him down to the center of the room.


"Oh. . . Kurt, Blaine, do you have something you wish to say?" Mr. Schue asked a question to the obvious.


Kurt looked at all his peers, fear suddenly ran down his spine as the sudden shock of everyones attention came to him. Blaine looked at his boyfriend and noticed his terrified expression. Blaine began rubbing soothing circles around Kurts back.


"Finn? Can you come down here?" Kurt asked shyly. Finn understood what Kurt wanted and joined him and Blaine at the front.


"Okay, whats going on here?" Santana asked as she sat up a little from her seat.


"I need you all to stay calm." Blaine began with a warning. "First: This is all completely possible. There are cases like this but the doctors are still learning how it all works. Second: This is all very new to us and we, as the family, are trying to figure things out. Please try to limit the number of questions you ask. I know there will be a lot and itll really stress the two of us out if you bombard us with too many questions at once."


"Alright. . ." Kurt sighed. "I have to tell you now before its too late. I am pregnant. Blaines the father and I think its important that all of you know. We have now told everyone important to us and I really hope you all can be sympathetic to us as we get through this."


The room was quiet for a moment, then Quinn decided to speak. "I remember how scary it was when I was pregnant. I will be there for you two. Congratulations!" Kurt knew Quinn would probably have taken it easy being pregnant as a teenager herself, she had the experience.


"Happy for you two." Mercedes said. "How far long are you?"


"We are now seven weeks." Kurt responded. He was happy this was the only question they received thus far and it was an easy one to answer for.


"Why am I being informed this now?" Rachel asked, sounding appalled. "My boyfriend and best gay havent even told me when Im a big part of their lives?"


Kurt assumed Rachel would react by making this about herself like everything else in her life. He wasnt afraid of answering her though. "Because we just found out last week and I was looking for the right time to tell you all." He told her honestly.


"I had to wait until I could form coherent words for how I feel about this right now. Youre entire relationship has been nothing but wanky, but this one takes the cake." Santana said. "I would say this is weird or make some mean joke about this but considering my friend dealt with this before." Santana hand signaled toward Quinn. "Plus Auntie Santana wants her fair share of the child you two are going to make. Also all the questions I wanted to ask you said I can not do so, so Im going to keep my mouth shut. Good job, boys!"


Neither Kurt nor Blaine could find the proper words to respond to Santana. They wanted to hate her for what she said but they knew this was Santana trying to be nice to them in her own messed up way. "Thank you. . .?" Blaine ended up saying in a question.


Everyone else kept to a small congratulations to Kurt and Blaine and most avoided asking questions for the boys to answer.


Kurt was surprised at how everyone took it. Not only the New Directions but Finn and Pam too. He was surprised that Blaine stuck with this and wanted to be a part of it without hesitation. Kurt even couldnt believe that his parents took the situation so seemingly easy. He was happy to have so many loving and supporting people on his side that it shocked him to believe that so many people cared for him.


At the start Kurt was hoping for the best last year of high school he could get. Suddenly this baby happened and even if he knew that there was going to be controversy over this he was glad that everyone who cared about him was here for support to help him get through the year and that this baby would only make his year better. Kurt was going to be a father.



Blaine opened his laptop and sat down next to Kurt on the couch in Blaines house. It was normal for them to hang out on daily basis after school. However, it was abnormal for what Blaine was about to do.


"So last night I was looking through some websites." Blaine began typing some words up on the Google search bar as he spoke. "And I came across this particular that had some accurate stuff written in it."


Kurt sat up more in his seat and scooted closer to Blaine to look at the laptop monitor. "Whats this all about?" He asked quizzically as he watched Blaines screen.


Blaine brought up the webpage and Kurt was immediately taken aback. It was a pregnancy webpage.


"Surprise! I thought it would like a fun interaction thing if we would sit down once a week and see whats going with you and the baby. Check for signs we need to know and if were okay." Blaine had a huge smile on his face. He was proud of his idea.


"Awe. . ." Kurt chuckled. "That would be nice."


Blaine clicked on "The Seventh Week" button and began his scroll through.


"This says: Your baby is now about the size of a blueberry! You have a blueberry growing inside you right now, Kurt! Your baby is currently starting to form his or her facial features. Right now they are no more than little black dots but soon his or her features will be easier seen. Also, he or she is beginning to move inside you. Dont worry if you dont feel the movements yet. You most likely wont feel him or her until later but they are there! Meanwhile, his or her brain is starting to develop into something a little more complex! Oh look, they even show you a picture!"


Blaine was so excited reading up on all this. He turned the laptop more toward Kurts direction to show him the picture of the seven week embryo.


Kurt touched his stomach as he studied the picture. "Im so excited for this." He smiled.


Blaine rested a hand next to Kurts with a smile. "Me too."


Pam walked into the living room and looked to the two boys, more particularly, Blaine. "Coopers here!" She announced.


"Whos Cooper?" Kurt asked to the both but mostly looked to Blaine.


"I forgot he was coming over this week." Blaine sighed before answering Kurt. "Cooper is my older brother, and before you freak out: hes the man from that credit score commercial." Blaine crinkled his nose then said. "Coop also thinks hes such a big deal."


"You never told me you had a brother."


"Blaine? Is that my little brothers voice I hear?" Cooper walked into the living room behind Pam. He noticed Kurt and turned his head to the side slightly. "Oh? Whos this?"


"Cooper, this is my boyfriend Kurt." Blaine introduced Kurt then did the same for Cooper.


Cooper and Kurt shook hands. "Blaine wasnt kidding! I remember seeing you in that commercial! I love that song!" Kurt gushed.


"Thank you, I am pretty good." Cooper bragged. "Blaine has mentioned you in a few Skype calls. Im glad youre making my brother happy. Youre so much more than he made you out to be."


"I like him." Kurt laughed as they broke from the handshake.


"I think Im going to get myself settled in." Cooper said as he was about ready to turn and head for the stairs.


"Oh, wait!" Blaine stopped him. "First I think its important for you to know that Kurts pregnant!"


Cooper looked shocked for a moment as he looked back and forth at both boys. He turned to his mom and smiled. He looked back at his brother and Kurt. He did not appear to question the happening "Cool." He said instead. He took the news easily, like everyone else. "Ive heard of M-Preg before. Its more common in the city, no need to explain. What are your thoughts on keeping the baby?" The question the boys could not stop hearing.


"We plan on keeping it." Kurt admitted with a cheerful smile.


"Im proud for you two." Cooper nodded. "Really, I am. I know Blaine would make an excellent father someday. Sorry, Kurt, I dont know you well enough to say that about you. I can assume you will too, but youre still in high school. I dont think youre ready to be raising a baby yet. But thats just my opinion. Its up to you." Cooper said. "Now Im going to settle into my room." The conversation was just that quick as Cooper took off for the stairs.


"Maybe I havent been around him for years but I never heard him sound that sensible." Blaine said to Kurt as he turned thoughtful on the matter. He really did want this baby but maybe still being in high school made him a bit too young to be a father. He was only a Junior.


Pam looked at the boys who both seemed a little conflicted all of a sudden. "Im going to leave you two to help settle Coop. This is his first time in this house. Call me if you need anything."


Maybe Cooper was right? Thought both boys.


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