April 6, 2015, 7 p.m.
April 6, 2015, 7 p.m.
Chapter 4
The next morning
Thad was making his normal rounds, checking the rooms and making sure everything was secure when he saw something that made him suspicious. He cautiously walked toward the person.
"Trent?" Thad called out slowly, touching his arm. "Trent, are you okay…?" Thad asked, flipping the Trent onto his back and gasped. "Oh, my God! Trent! Holy shit!" Thad yelled and ran to Jons study, knocking insistently.
"Yes, what is the matter, Thad?" Jon looked at the young vampire, a look of concern on his face.
"T-trent, h-hes dead." Thad whispered, eyes glistening with tears.
"Where? Show me." Thad nodded and lead the way.
"I just, I cant believe that Trent is dead. Why cant anyone figure out why he died?!" Kurt said franticly, pacing the room.
"Kurt, calm down, please, stress isnt good for the baby." Blaine stood in front of Kurt and put his hands on Kurts waist. "I know youre upset, sweetie, we all are, but getting worked up isnt going to change anything." Blaine looked at Kurts tearful eyes.
"I dont understand what happened. I heard someone say that it might have been a murder. Who would want to murder Trent? He was so nice." Kurt put his head on Blaines shoulder, hugging his neck.
"I know, I dont understand either, beautiful. We just have to find out who did this. I promise we will." Blaine promised and hugged Kurt tight to his body.
A sharp knock came from the door and Blaine opened it to find a sad Jeff.
"Your father called a meeting with the McKinley coven. He requests everyones presence." Blaine nodded and grabbed Kurts hand, leaving the room.
"It appears that one of our own has been murdered, and no one knows how or why. Although Trent was a newer member, he was still treasured and his loss is very sad. We will find whoever did this." Jon said, looking to the McKinley coven.
"This is a true tragedy and loss. This has come out of nowhere. We will aid you in whatever you need." William Schuester, head of the McKinley coven, said.
"I think it was intentional. Something to scare us." Xavier looked to Jon.
"I also think this. Who would want to target Trent? He was unknown. Trent just happened to have the bad luck of running across him. This is to try and take us over. I have a feeling that this isnt the last time." Alexandria said.
"Well, Ive learned to always go with your gut. We will start to have a night and day watch. We need to make sure that another incident doesnt happen. I dont want to lose another one of ours. Goes the same for yours, Schuester, we recommend you do the same. Just as a precaution." Jon recommended.
"Yes, I think I will do this. It seems we are in agreement, if anything strange accurse, we will inform you, and I hope you will do the same in return." Jon nodded in agreement.
"Yes, now, we will start the investigation into this murder. This meeting is over." Jon announced and shook hands with Schue before he left.
"I just hope we find whoever did this before they do it again." Wes whispered to Blaine, who nodded.
One week later
"So, youre saying that you need my help to take over the Dalton coven?" David Karofsky, rouge vampire, asked Sebastian one evening.
"Yes, that is what I am saying, I am building an army to take them over." David looked apprehensive.
"Well, with me, your army is only three people. I dont think that will go well." Sebastian smiled.
"My plan is to kidnap princess Hummel and hold him for ransom. This will show the vampires against the Dalton Coven that I mean business and they will want to join me." Davids eyebrows perked in curiosity when Kurts name was mentioned.
"Ah, I see you are interested in Hummel, huh?" Sebastian smiled when David nodded his head. "Well, this should give you more incentive to join me. I get the coven and you get Hummel." Sebastian waited for Davids answer.
"But, Hummel has a mate and he is pregnant." Sebastian tsked.
"That wont matter once I take over the coven. He wont even think about little ol Blainey." Sebastian held out his hand. "So, we have a plan?"
"Only if I get Hummel." Sebastian nodded a yes and David shook his hand.
"Good. Now, step one is to get Hummel."
"Are you sure that they want visitors? Jeff just had the baby." Kurt asked Blaine as they stood in front of Jeff and Nicks door, hesitating to knock.
"Yes, I asked them earlier today if it was okay. Its fine." Blaine confirmed as he knocked on the door instead.
"I just dont want to bother them. Newborns can be hard on any person." Kurt complained as the door opened to a tired looking Nick.
"Hey, how are you?" Nick asked politely.
"Are you up for some visitors?" Kurt asked, looking over Nicks shoulder.
"Sure, come on in." Nick walked in, leading them to the couch. "Hold on, I will go get them. Jakob is being a little fussy." Nick left the room and came back a minute later with an equally looking tired Jeff, holding a squirming bundle.
"Hey you two, whats going on?" Jeff whispered, minding the baby in his arms.
"We wanted to see the newest addition to the coven. Hopefully my babys playmate." Blaine smiled, rubbing Kurts slightly bulging bump.
"Oh, yeah, they will be the best of friends. Im glad you guys came over. As much fun as it is to see my mate and child every day, I need to see some fresh faces once in a while." Jeff smirked at Nick.
"Wanna hold him?" Nick asked Kurt.
"I dont know how it would be easy with this bump in the way." Kurt laughed lightly.
"Oh, its fine. Just cradle him and make sure his head and butt are supported." Jeff instructed as he gently handed Kurt Jakob. "See, easy. Just relax, rock him a little if he starts to fuss. Its feeding time soon, so he might be a tad cranky." Kurt nodded and rocked Jakob, who quickly settled in Kurts arms.
"Now this is a sight that I cant wait to see." Blaine cooed at Jakob.
"Its a true sight to see Jeff with him. Some advice, whenever Kurt asks you for something, do it. Especially during the rest of the pregnancy, trust me, it makes for a happier Daddy." Jeff light slapped Nicks shoulder once he was done speaking, which got a laugh out of Blaine.
"Got it. Alright babe, give him up." Blaine eagerly took Jakob from his mate.
It only took two minutes for him to wake up and start crying. "Thats his hungry cry. It was nice seeing you guys and Im glad you came over, but Nicky here gets a little over protective when this little guy starts to cry." Jeff warned.
"Ha we get the point. We will come visit again if Kurt doesnt pop." Blaine laughed as he helped Kurt up from the couch.
"Thanks for the confidence boost, Blaine. Geeze, youd think the fact that I am carrying you child would make you more compassionate." Kurt pouted and looked at Blaine.
"Brat." Blaine laughed and kissed Kurts pouting lip.
"Well, we will go to give you guys your space. Have fun with Jakob!" Kurt called out as he and Blaine left.
"Is it almost time for your check-up?" Blaine asked as he and Kurt retired to their room.
"We should leave in about an hour or so." Blaine smirked slyly.
"So we have enough time to fool around? Blaine suggested as he pulled Kurts arms around his neck, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Why, are you suggesting we have sex right before we find out the sex of our baby?" Kurt smirked.
"Youre so deductive, my love." Blaine lifted Kurt and plopped him lightly on the bed, laughing.
"So, you notice the glare from the couple too, right?" Blaine demanded.
Once Kurt and Blaine arrived at the doctors office, Blaine could tell that it was going to be a bad time in the waiting room, once they were signed in and Kurt was seated comfortably and eating his snack, Blaine sensed a couple, most likely straight, glaring at Kurt and he looked over and confirmed his suspicion. They were opening looking at them with distain and whispering to each other. Blaines had enough.
"Yes," Kurt acknowledged after he finished a chip. "But I tend to ignore the douchebags. We both could kill them if we wanted. I tend to want to avoid a fight, Blaine." Kurt ate another chip, grabbing and intertwining with Blaines hand. This seemed to irritate the homophobes as the man sighed loudly and whispered disgusting to his wife.
"Well, Im tired of it. You shouldnt have to deal with this shit." Blaine growled and got up and walked to the couple, standing in front of them. "Excuse me, it seems that you cant keep your eyes to themselves. Its making my boyfriend very uncomfortable. Id appreciate it if you would stop." Blaine calmly told the couple.
"Well I dont want to see some faggy, weird pregnant dude come here and be near my wife or my kids. That thing in his stomach is an abomination and I cant wait for it to go to hell, just like you two." The man spat out, glaring at Blaine.
"Hm." Blaine vocalized. "Well… we will see…" Blaine trailed as he walked back over to Kurt and sat down.
"What happened?" Kurt asked, mouthful of chips.
"Oh, nothing of your concern." Blaine rubbed Kurts back, a reassuring smile on his face.
Just like clockwork, the man left and went into the bathroom. Stupid humans, so predictable. Blaine thought as he followed the man into the bathroom with an evil smirk on his face. Once Blaine heard the man washing his hands, he rounded the corner and stopped the man in his tracks, startling him.
"What the fuck? Get out of my way, fairy." The man threatened.
"Wow, what an original insult. I salute you, good sir. Fairy, like I havent heard that one before." Blaines sarcastic tone seemed to anger the man even more.
"Listen, freak, get the hell out of my way or I show your little boyfriend a little hospitality." The man growled, trying to size Blaine up.
Before the man could even blink, he was up against the wall with Blaines hand around his throat, the man gasped as he felt all the air leave his lungs.
"You threaten my boyfriend and unborn child again, I will NOT hesitate to break your fucking neck, you piece of meat. I could kill you right now. Just need to add a little pressure and snap goes the bone." Blaine growled, eyes going bright red, fangs lengthening. "You will leave with your little wife and hope to the god that you so stupidly follow that I never see you, or find you looking at my boyfriend ever again. Or I will find and kill you and your family. Do you understand me?" Blaine whispered in a dangerous tone.
"Yes." The man whispered.
"Good." Blaine released the man and he hastily walked out of the bathroom and dragged his wife with him. Blaine made sure they were gone before he returned to Kurts side.
"That was a long pee." Kurt inquired as Blaine sat down.
"Yeah, well I drank a lot of water." Blaine replied.
"Hummel?" The nurse called and the mated couple followed her back into an exam room.
After ten minutes there was a knock on the door and their doctor came in.
"Hey boys, how are you today?" Dr. Collins asked, setting up the ultrasound machine.
"Good, just excited to see what we are having." Kurt responded as he got on the table and lifted his shirt, holding Blaines hand.
"Im glad to hear that nothing is wrong. Well, lets see what we are having, hm?" The doctor happily said, putting the gel on Kurts stomach and moving the wand around and found the baby on the screen, turning it toward the couple.
"Look at that." Kurt looked mesmerized. "The baby grew so quickly."
"Yes, that will happen with a vampire pregnancy. You are due in about a month. The baby looks healthy, development is nice. The heartbeat is very strong. This baby is perfect and at the right stage. Do you want to know the gender?" The doctor asked, looking at Kurt.
"Yes, we do." Kurt nodded enthusiastically.
"Its a girl." The doctor smiled as Blaine hugged his mate, tearing smile adorning his face.
"Aw, a baby girl. I cant wait to dress her up and spoil her! Blaine, were having a girl!"
"Well, I want to see you back in 4 weeks where we will discuss due dates. Until then, just keep it easy and make sure to stay hydrated." The doctor hugged both men and led them into the waiting room.
Once Kurt and Blaine laid down on their bed, they decided to sleep since the excitement wore them out. They fell asleep with smile on their faces, unaware of the three shadows looming in the room.