April 28, 2013, 10:36 a.m.
April 28, 2013, 10:36 a.m.
Blaine was awoken by the feeling of a soft hand on his face. His eyelids fluttered open and looked into questioning eyes of bright blue. For a moment he was confused as a smile he couldn't contain crossed his features.
"Kurt?" hope joined the confusion in his voice.
As the soft giggle permeated the air and Blaine came to full wakefulness he realized that these blue eyes were not speckled with every cosmic color in the rainbow. These eyes were a clear grey-blue. These weren't Kurt's eyes, they were his best friend's.
"No silly! It's me! How do you know Kurt?" Brittany could be amazingly astute sometimes, even when Blaine wished she would be oblivious.
"Um...well, we met today." Blaine began.
"What? When Blainey? How did you meet?" the sweet blond bounced on his bed in her excitement.
Embarrassment and shame reddened Blaine's cheeks as he remembered the beautiful boy who had visited him earlier.
"I saw him in the hallway when I left the meeting room and then later, he...um...came down here. I don't know how or why, he was just here." Blaine tried to appear noncommittal as he shrugged.
Brittany seemed to mull over this information.
"I think he likes you Blainey." she stated simply.
At first confused by the lack of questions regarding his admission, Blaine soon realized that his friend knew something he didn't.
"Why do you say that Brit?" he asked trying to keep his voice level.
"Well, I just decided. He liked your picture from earlier, he came to see you. He must like you."
"No. He is too perfect for me Brittany. I just don't understand any of it."
"Well, I know he's a dolphin like you because only dolphins light up like he did at the mentioning of another boy's name and as soon as I told them about you he looked really interested."
"Brit, what exactly did you say about me?" Blaine's voice cracked with worry over his friend's statement.
"I just told them that I didn't want to leave you but Hunter wouldn't let you go because you owed him money for being returned by your husband. That's all! And I also maybe told them that Hunter makes you cry sometimes and calls you leftovers." she finished in a small voice realizing that maybe she said to much.
"Oh Brit!" Blaine cried softly. Well at least he knew that now that he could forget any dreams of seeing Kurt again or having the beautiful man hold him in his arms. Now Kurt knew the truth about him. He was useless.
"I'm sorry Blainey! I..." she seemed to not really know what to say which was unusual for his friend. She usually just said the first thing that came to her mind. "I promise, like I said before; Sanny could never hate you and Kurt just looked sad. I know he likes you. We are going to see them again tomorrow. We can just figure it out then."
"What?" Blaine forgot his shame for a moment as he took in the new information.
"Santana wants to see me again and you know how Hunter would never let me leave without an escort. Sanny asked if you could be my chaperone and Hunter agreed."
Blaine couldn't even process this situation at all. His first thought was the fact was that he was going to be seeing Kurt again. When his fantasies regarding that subsided he realized that Hunter was probably very upset with him for getting put on the spot like that. Why would Hunter agree to letting him leave? He always made him stay at the center like a dirty little secret.
"Did Hunter look really mad?" Blaine asked in a meek voice.
"No, he looked happy. Especially when Santana said she'd pay a chaperone fee. You know how money makes him happy." this statement was punctuated with a small shrug from his friend.
Blaine couldn't believe it. Why would Brittany's intended pay anything for him? He was worthless. Blaine's face colored with shame again at all Kurt knew about him now. The man was perfect. He was elegant, strong...beautiful, and now he knew that Blaine was nothing.
"He is so perfect." Blaine realized that he whispered that thought aloud just moments too late.
"So are you Blainey! I can't wait to see them again tomorrow, especially of Kurt puts that silly smile on your face again." she giggled.
Neither of the friends even noticed another presence until it was too late.
"Why would that man put a smile on your face Blaine?" a harsh voice asked from the doorway.
All the wistfulness left Blaine's body as both he and Brittany looked up to see the source of the question. Hunter stood in the doorframe with his arms crossed angrily over his chest.
How long had he been standing there? What had he heard?
"Are you going to answer me Blaine? How can someone you've never even met put a smile on your face?"
Blaine thanked everything that he believed in when he realized how little the owner had over heard. He hurried to answer the question.
"It's n-nothing sir. I just remember what he looked like from the hall. I'm so sorry about that sir." Blaine mumbled, directing his attention one again to his lap.
"Oh! N-nothing? Are you sure you didn't sneak into the meeting room after I left, Blaine? Give him something to remember you by? Both he and Ms. Lopez seemed rather adamant about having your company tomorrow. Brittany, why don't you go to your dorm and I'll talk to you soon." The owner looked pointedly in the girl's direction until she hurried to comply.
Once alone, Hunter began again.
"Blaine, I don't want you to get your hopes up. From what I can tell, Mr Hummel is interested in you but really, what do you think he is interested in? You are broken, Blaine, useless. You have a pretty face that just exudes innocence but we all know that's a lie, don't we? We all know how many times you were used. I bet you if he knew about those times he wouldn't even want to be around you, never mind fuck you as he seems so adamant to do now." Hunter sneered.
"I know...I don't..." Blaine didn't even know how to answer that.
"Well, my used up little friend, you will be escorting Brittany on an outing with Ms. Lopez tomorrow. I'm sure that Mr. Hummel will make his intentions known as soon as you are left alone with him. I honestly don't care what you do with your dirty little body but make sure you use protection. I can't afford to lose such cheap labor." If Blaine had made eye contact at all during this exchange he might have seen the darkening of Hunter's eyes, or the conniving gleam that flitted through them at the mention of Blaine's body. But Blaine never looked up and Hunter turned and left with this statement, leaving Blaine alone in his room once more.
Blaine couldn't even contain the tears that freely ran down his cheeks at Hunters astute assessment. Was that what was going on? Was Kurt just another man who wanted his body? Blaine shuddered with the memories of Brett and his nameless co-workers. Kurt could never be grouped with them. He was too beautiful, too good. For the first time in his life, Blaine could almost believe something Hunter said was a lie. Kurt would never be ruled by such base desires. He was sweet and pure. As soon as that thought crossed his mind, Hunters threat returned to him like a distant echo.
I bet you if he knew about those times he wouldn't even want to be around you, never mind fuck you as he seems so adamant to do now
Blaine knew that Kurt would be disgusted to hear about his past. Kurt might know he was returned, but even Brittany didn't know the extent of the abuse at Brett's hands. What if Hunter told them? How was Blaine supposed to act tomorrow knowing that the man who took his breath away would soon know what he really was?
The next morning both Kurt and Santana were hurrying around their prospective rooms getting ready for their visit. Kurt couldn't sleep at all the night before. Between anticipation of seeing the boy, confusion over his feelings, and anger over the injustice of the entire situation, Kurt just tossed and turned until morning.
The night before, the pair had spoken with the concierge at the hotel about their plans and possible activities in the area for the date. Eventually, they settled on actually just staying on the property. As a countryside estate turned hotel, their home away from home was more of a resort. The concierge set them up with a horseback riding excursion, complete with rowboat access for the tiny pond and an elegant picnic. The two thought it would be perfect. As the concierge kept reiterating how romantic the setting on the grounds were, Santana kept slipping Kurt meaningful looks and ridiculously wiggling her eyebrows. As they sat down to dinner that night he finally told her about the events from earlier in the day.
"I don't even know what to do Tana. He seems so broken. Is it possible just to kidnap someone and for the sole purpose of making them happy? And his eyes! God they're so expressive, one look and I'm ready to tear up. He just felt so good in my arms." Kurt finished softly.
"Hold up- what? When was he in your arms? What the hell happened today? You are completely gone Hummel."
Kurt let her know about the violin and the subsequent breakdown. He told her how he gathered the boy in his arms before he even said a coherent word to him.
"It just felt right, Tana. I've never felt like that before." Kurt looked up and saw his friend looking at him dreamily with her head cocked elegantly to the side. He noticed her eyes were glassy with unshed tears.
"Oh the poor baby! If you don't take him home I know I will." she cleared her throat and sniffed a bit to keep up appearances.
"God! He's not a puppy Tana!" Kurt said with a hint of amusement in his voice.
"You love him don't you?" she said in return.
"What? I don't even know him!" Kurt said in a very weak incredulous manner.
"You know him Hummel. He showed you his heart today and you fell in love. Hell, you probably fell in love on the airplane." she quipped.
Kurt thought about it. The whole situation was crazy he knew, but when was he afraid of crazy? Santana was right. Kurt was surprised that there was no drawn out montage in his mind of all of the moments that made him fall in love with the boy. It was really as simple as Santana said. Kurt loved him.
"Well Hummel, I see by the dopey look on your face you just realized I was right so you're welcome. Believe me, that will save you a lot of confusion later." she gave him a small, wry smile.
"What am I going to do?" he asked his friend, but in his heart he knew the question was mostly for himself.
"Blaine! Get up!"
Blaine heard his friend yell from the door of his room and rolled over.
"Wassit?" he slurred. How early was it?
Blaine heard Brittany bound his way and braced for impact with a small smile. He wasn't disappointed. He felt his entire bed shake as she jumped on him and shook his shoulder excitedly.
"C'mon Blainey! It's 9 o'clock! They are going to be here in an hour! You have to get ready!"
Blaine was stunned. He never slept that late. Never. He got up quickly and grabbed some clothes. He heard Brittany giggling from his bed as he ran out of the room. Heading to the communal showers of the center, he hurriedly stepped into a stall and turned on the water.
Even in the horrible showers the center provided, Blaine always enjoyed the act of cleaning himself for the day. Back when he was with Brett, he wasn't allowed to shower until the man left for work and sometimes was left with dried bodily fluids from the previous night clinging to his skin for hours before the man finally made his way out the door. As soon as the front door clicked shut, Blaine would run to the shower and scrub himself raw. At that time, Blaine felt as if showers helped him keep a small part of himself sacred.
The memory of Brett made him nauseous as usual and Blaine had to lean against the shower wall until the feeling passed. After a few moments, Blaine realized what was so different about that morning. He realized that the reason that he slept so late and was actually able to run out of his room straight out of bed was that he had no nightmares last night.
Blaine wracked his mind trying to remember his dreams; a first for him because usually, he tried to forget. All his mind could come up with were sepia toned scenes like that in an old movie filled with soft touches and whispered promises. This time, Blaine leaned against the shower wall just to revel in the phantom memories.
Blaine was so apprehensive about seeing him today but he also knew that there was no way he could stay away. He ran his hands holding a bar of soap over his body and imagined what it might be like if they were a lover's hands. A soft caring lover like he dreamed Kurt would be. Blaine sighed softly into the bathroom and the echo pulled him from his delicious reverie.
He needed to get dressed. What did he even have that was suitable to wear? Blaine felt nerves and nausea return as he bolted back to his room to dress wrapped only in a towel.
He was at the doorway to his room when he met Hunter in the hall. The owner looked him up and down and smirked.
"Well, well Blaine. Getting ready for your date?" the man said forming air quotes with his hands on the last word. "Looks like you've made yourself all fresh and clean. Perhaps I'll pull Kurt aside before you all leave and fill him in on what a ruse it all is."
Blaine looked down at the carpet and waited for Hunter to finish. He knew from past experiences that it was never good to answer to Hunter when he said things like this. Hunter ran a hand down Blaine's still damp arm as he continued. Blaine shuddered and Hunter laughed softly.
"Are you going to give yourself to him Blaine?" Hunter almost growled.
Blaine was so confused. What was happening? All he could think to do was shake his head intently while still keeping his eyes downcast.
"Hmm, I don't know if I believe you...how will he be able to resist? Even I want you sometimes and I'm not even gay. But there is something about your submission and what I read in those police reports that makes me just want to take you. I read what they made you do with that pretty mouth and I don't know...it has made me want to re-think your duties here. We both know what a slut you already are. You slept with half your husband's business associates so this really wouldn't change anything, would it? What's another fuck for a business deal?" he ended the question in a soft suggestive voice as he continued to trail Blaine's arm with the tips of his fingers.
"Please, no sir." Blaine whispered. He looked around him quickly to see if anyone was there to hear this conversation and found himself utterly alone. He chanced a glance up to Hunter's eyes. He saw a hungry look there that he hadn't seen in a long time and certainly never on Hunter.
"Well, then perhaps I will make it a point to take Mr. Hummel aside before you depart today." he said with a sneer in his voice.
Blaine whimpered. He thought his body was finally his own...and now he realized that it never was. Probably never will be.
"I take it you will think about my offer. I'll be sure to see you off today." with one last pat to Blaine's cheek, Hunter turned and left.
Brit came down the hall then, fully dressed for the date in a sweet yellow sundress. Blaine couldn't help but think of her as his ray of sunshine in a lifetime of rain. She came up and kissed his cheek.
"Why aren't you dressed silly?" she asked cheerfully.
Blaine cleared the thickness of impending tears from his throat. He refused to ruin his best friend's first date.
"Um, I couldn't decide what to wear Brit." He said with a still scratchy voice.
"Oh that's all? I can help you!" she pulled him into his room and efficiently scanned his meager wardrobe. Eventually she pulled out a bright red polo and dark vintage wash jeans. She held them up to Blaine and he took them absently. They stood unmoving in silence for a moment. Even looking away, Blaine could feel the intensity of Brittany's assessment.
"Do you need to be cuddled?" she asked. Blaine swore that sometimes Brit could just see his soul.
"Yes." he whispered.
She looked at the clock, it read 9:40 am. Blaine hurried to put on the outfit she chose and then finger styled his hair. He used to gel it down but Brittany hated that so now he just put a tiny bit of gel in it to control the frizz. When he was ready, he turned to see his friend on the bed. He climbed into her arms and rested his head on her shoulder. She reached up to stroke his face as he breathed in her beautiful scent.
"Just for a few minutes, okay?" he requested in a tiny voice.
Kurt and Santana entered the center at exactly 10 o'clock. Even though they could have been there an hour ago, they didn't want to get on Hunter's bad side by putting him out constantly.
As before, the pair was directed to wait in Hunter's office where the man was seated behind an imposing oak desk.
"Good to see you both again." he said with an over-bright smile.
"Wish we could say the same" Kurt said under his breath as Santana returned the nicety properly.
Hunter picked up the phone on the desk and called for someone to get Brittany and Blaine. A few minutes later, they heard soft movement in the hall and the pair were at the door to the office.
Kurt's breath hitched softly at the sight of Blaine. He looked stunning today with a bright red polo that just made his eyes stand out for miles and slim-fitting vintage jeans. His hair was adorably messy and a few stray curls escaped the slight semblance of order he tried to achieve. Kurt couldn't help but think that he was just so gorgeous.
Brittany and Santana were exchanging bashful pleasantries but Kurt wasn't sure what he should do. He greeted Blaine with an inclination of his head and a soft smile, but he was afraid that boy would be scared off if he realized Kurt thought of the outing as a date.
"Blaine, before you go... Do I have anything I need to discuss with Mr. Hummel?" Kurt was confused by that question. Looking toward Blaine, he noticed the beautiful green of his eyes darken as the lids lowered in seeming resignation.
"No." he said so softly, Kurt barely heard it.
"Well okay then. Blaine, we will talk when you get back but besides that, please have a lovely day together." Hunter stood and directed the group to exit with a sweep of his hand.
Kurt was weirded out by the almost pleasant way the owner was treating Blaine. The day before it was like Blaine was scum to Hunter. Kurt wondered what changed, or if he had just misjudged the man completely.
Brittany and Santana lead the way to the car that had been hired for the occasion. Blaine followed hesitantly and Kurt went last. With Blaine right in front of him it was amazingly difficult to walk without staring at the boys perfect, round ass. Kurt tried to look everywhere but there but before he knew it, they were climbing in the car and that gorgeous behind was even better displayed as Blaine climbed into the back of the small limo.
The entire trip to the hotel was pretty brief. Kurt and Santana sat on the outside of the long bench seat in the car while Brittany and Blaine sat close together between them.
Kurt was astonished at their bond. A few minutes into the ride, Brittany seemed to sense something in Blaine and grabbed his hand. Blaine gripped the small digits firmly and his shoulders sagged in visible relief. Kurt couldn't get past the fact that Blaine was so hesitant today. He knew he only spent a few minutes with him the day before but he couldn't shake the feeling that the sweet, loving boy who snuggled in his arms was the true Blaine instead of this boy who appeared afraid of his own shadow. Kurt instantly chastised himself for that thought as he remembered the apologetic way Blaine reacted when Kurt tried to comfort him. What the hell had happened to this boy?
Brittany gasped loudly when the hotel came into view. The girl was honestly a delight. Despite the fact that Kurt knew most mail-order bride candidates had pretty rough upbringings, Brittany seemed as unspoiled as new snow. Kurt turned to look at Blaine. The same delight was present there on his face but the difference between the two was that Blaine was visibly controlling his reaction. When he caught Kurt's stare, even the small smile vanished.
The limo pulled up to the door and Santana got out first. She turned to hold out a hand for Brittany who took it with a wide grin. Blaine was at the door next and turned after exiting the car looking unsure. Finally, he reached out his hand for Kurt. Kurt noticed the slight shake of hesitance in the appendage and hurried to still it with his own. He felt the rough texture of the boy's palm and fingertips against his religiously moisturized skin and shivered.
Upon entering the hotel, the group was directed to the back garden for light refreshments. Blaine was astonished by the beauty of the grounds and he instantly felt like he was back traveling with his parents. Despite the sad memories, Blaine offered Kurt a smile as he followed him to the garden. Set up nicely on an antique iron table, fresh raspberries stood in a crystal bowl next to a bottle of champagne. The concierge who seemed appointed for their group looked around at them offering to pour. Brittany and Santana accepted quickly as did Kurt, but Blaine hesitated. He hated alcohol. Every time he had imbibed in the past it had been against his will.
Let's give him some shots Brett, I wonder if he will dance for us tonight
Blaine shuddered and looked up.
"Can we just have sparkling water instead?" he heard Kurt's beautiful voice ask. Blaine deflated in relief. The concierge hurried to comply with the request and within moments both he and Kurt were drinking delicate glasses of the beverage garnished with the raspberries. Blaine turned toward Kurt with a small, apologetic smile.
"You could have had the champagne. It must have been expensive." he said.
"Oh, I'm sure it will be finished if the girls have anything to say about it." he laughed softly glancing at Brittany as she gave her interpretation of the bubbles tickling her nose. Blaine's breath hitched as the man's blue eyes turned to him again and that angelic voice continued softly. "Blaine, I just don't want you to be uncomfortable. Please tell me if you are or if something makes you feel that way, okay?"
"I-I just don't like to drink." Blaine said meekly.
"Well, I certainly don't need it. You and I will be alcohol free today." he cocked his head with a smile and Blaine felt the warmth of the gesture fill him.
After a bit in the garden, the concierge led them to the pristine barn area to choose their horses. Blaine inhaled deeply. He loved the hay and wooden smell of a barn. When he was in school, he was on the polo team and loved everything about the sport, especially riding horses. His eyes lit up as he realized that was what they would be doing that day. Blaine looked over the beautiful creatures running around the paddock. One speckled horse caught his eye. She was grey with multitudes of cream colored, tiny oval spots scattered across her coat. He loved her instantly. When it was his turn to choose, he bashfully pointed at the beautiful girl and waited for the attendant to saddle her. As soon as she was ready, Blaine climbed up expertly and leaned in, feeling the silky fur against his cheek. Realizing how much he had let go in the presence of others he sat up rigidly and looked around.
Kurt was watching him with a look of awe from the ground below. It looked like he had chosen a horse with a shiny, chocolate brown coat and he was waiting for it to be saddled. Blaine's cheeks colored in embarrassment over being caught in such a ridiculous moment.
"So I take it you like horses Blaine?" Kurt's question ended in an amused lilt.
"Um, yes. I used to play polo. I love to ride horses. It's...um...it's been a long time." Blaine answered truthfully.
"Wow, Blaine. That's amazing. I guess I have to admit now that I am woefully inept at horse riding and don't even know why I even agreed to sign up for this!" Kurt chuckled sweetly and Blaine's heart warmed even more. The handler came over then with Kurt's horse and held her reins so Kurt could mount her. After a few feeble attempts, the attendant began to step forward but Blaine beat him to it. Blaine found Kurt's ineptitude so endearing. It was nice to know he wasn't completely perfect.
Blaine came around behind Kurt and instructed him on how to hold the grip of the saddle and while pushing off from the stirrup with his leg. Kurt followed Blaine's instruction within adorable look of determination on his face. When his leg was almost over the saddle, Kurt wobbled slightly and looked about to fall. Blaine reached up and steadied him at his waist so he could regain his footing. Blaine was taken aback by the firm abdominal muscles he felt beneath his fingers and he had to force himself to let go.
Kurt could not believe he was on a horse. The sense of accomplishment was clouded, however, by the phantom sensation of Blaine's strong grip on his waist. When Kurt first felt those reassuring hands at his hips, he almost lost his breath. It was so hard to be around this gorgeous boy and not think of what they could have. For a moment, in Kurt's mind, Blaine's hands were on his hips for another reason altogether. Remembering the texture of his fingertips and how that would feel against the smooth skin of his abdomen made Kurt shudder. Kurt berated himself as he felt himself harden. To lessen the newly developed strain inside his pants, he tried to look around and enjoy the scenery from his higher vantage point. It really was a peculiar feeling to actually ride an animal.
Blaine smiled at him from below. The smile was so sweet and innocent that Kurt blushed knowing what was just going through is mind. Looking away, he realized that the girls were already far ahead of them.
"Ready?" he asked Blaine.
The boy nodded his response and climbed up onto his speckled mare effortlessly. Kurt stirred again at the sight. Blaine's biceps flexed beautifully with the effort of pulling himself up. Kurt licked his lips and physically shook his head to rid it of unwanted thoughts. He turned to watch the handler show them how to signal the horses. After their brief lesson, Kurt softly tapped the horses sides with his heels to begin moving.
The ride was silent and lovely. The soft clip-clopping of the hooves upon the earth was soothing when combined with the already present sounds of nature. Kurt realized he loved the feeling of the soft breeze that played with his hair and the steady bounce associated with riding the horse.
"I can see why you like this." he commented to his riding companion. "So...where did you play polo?"
Blaine's face betrayed his feelings about this question and Kurt instantly regretted asking it.
"I played in high school. In Westerville, Ohio." he answered after a long pause.
"Wow, small world. I'm from Ohio too. Lima though, nothing as fancy as Westerville." Kurt threw him a grin as he tried to lighten the moment with a badly done British accent.
"It's really not all it's cracked up to be." Blaine said sadly.
Kurt decided to drop the obviously painful subject. He looked again at the enigmatic boy as he rode ahead a bit. Kurt knew that not all mail-order spouses came from bad living situations, but Westerville was a well off community. Why would Blaine put himself under the control of another for his marriage if he had a choice?
The day flew by for both couples. After riding for a while, the pairs came to a clearing with a picturesque pond and two rowboats. Both Blaine and Kurt took turns rowing over to the small island at the center of the pond. Once there, they sat down to an amazing picnic of cold salads and tiny sandwiches without crusts. Kurt's inner child who always loved tea parties was giddy with excitement.
Lunch was delicious and Kurt was happy to note that the concierge thought to include water bottles as well as wine. At the other end of the spectrum, he was worried that Blaine hardly ate anything. When questioned about it, the already small-framed boy gave a noncommittal shrug and looked apprehensive.
On the return journey to the hotel, the air began to cool as the afternoon set in. Brittany and Santana had stayed close by on the way back and the girls discussed their plans for the afternoon.
"Tana, does the hotel have a pool? I love pools. Can we go swimming?" she fluttered her eyelashes sweetly.
"Baby, you know you can have anything you want." Santana answered back with an indulgent laugh.
Kurt saw Blaine recoil at the mention of swimming. Kurt took that as his cue to offer an alternative.
"Blaine, I don't really feel like swimming. Do you want to rent a movie in my suite instead? I promise there is a couch in there." Kurt smiled as he extended his offer.
"Okay. Sure." came Blaine's hesitant answer after a moment.
When they arrived back at the hotel, the couples departed to their separate rooms. Kurt couldn't help but notice how scared Blaine looked as he stepped into the his room. As promised, there was a fireplaced sitting room in his suite. Kurt guided Blaine to the couch and took a seat beside him while making sure to leave as much from as possible between them.
"What do you want to watch?" Kurt asked.
"I don't mind if you choose. I really will watch anything." Blaine answered.
Kurt navigated through the extensive list of movies available on the menu. As he scanned the classic movie category, he heard a barely audible breath hitch at his side.
"See something you liked?" Kurt asked with a smile.
"Um, it looks like they have 'It Happened One Night' with Clark Gable. I always used to have the biggest crush on him when I was a kid." Blaine blushed at the memory.
"Let's watch it! I love old movies, but I've never seen this one." Kurt was so happy Blaine was sharing an opinion that he almost cheered. He also thought the choice was fitting because that was exactly what Blaine reminded him of with his perfectly fitting clothes and vintage jeans, a movie star from the golden era.
"It's really funny in a 1930's kind of way. And I'll have you know that Clark Gable as Peter Warne was considered scandalous in this movie because he was the first actor on screen to appear without an undershirt." Blaine looked adorable as he shared this fact.
"Oh the scandal!" Kurt pretended to swoon.
"Be quiet you!" Blaine chuckled and his cuteness only increased as he tucked his knees under his chin with glee. As he wrapped his arms around his legs to hug them closer to his body, he looked down and his smile fell instantly.
"Oh God! I'm so, I'm so sorry Kurt!" he said hastily as he jumped off the couch and began brushing off the dirt his shoes had left on the cream colored cushion. "I-I forgot I was still wearing my shoes!"
Kurt looked into Blaine's terrified eyes with shock. He couldn't believe how quickly Blaine could go from the sweet laughing moment they were just sharing to pure terror. What the hell kind of treatment was he used to? Kurt approached him slowly and sat him back down.
"Hey, sweetheart, it's okay. I didn't take off my shoes either and besides, this is the hotel's couch. Who cares?" Kurt tried to keep his voice calm and soothing.
Kurt slid off the couch and onto the floor then. He reached over and trying his best to ignore Blaine's quickly hidden flinch, gently began to remove the boy's shoes. Blaine was sitting so stiffly, the position looked like he was hurting his spine. Kurt patted his calf after the last shoe was placed next to the couch.
"See? You're all set now." he smiled at the boy as he watched him visibly force his muscles to loosen.
"I don't have any money but I could ask Hunter to pay you for any damages the hotel might charge." Blaine said softly.
Kurt couldn't help but shudder at this statement. He knew how Hunter would regain that money from Blaine.
"Don't even worry about it! For what this hotel charges, they should actually buy a new couch for each guest. Come to think of it, this couch is probably complimentary with the room- I didn't see a mint on my pillow so, yup, I'm taking the couch."
Kurt's body thrummed with happiness to hear Blaine's soft giggle in response to that declaration.
The movie started and the two finally settled into the deep cushions to enjoy it. Kurt noticed Blaine shifting every so often, inadvertently getting closer and closer to him. Kurt couldn't resist. He started to shift as well and soon they found themselves meeting in the middle. It was dark outside the window at that point and the shadowy room seemed to effect Blaine. Kurt's breath hitched at the adorable sight of Blaine clearly fighting sleep. The boy looked so peaceful when he finally surrendered and let his eyelids flutter closed. After a few minutes, Kurt felt Blaine move fitfully in his sleep. The boy started to protest weakly and Kurt looked again to be sure he wasn't awake. At Blaine's unconscious sobs and pleas Kurt finally broke. He pulled the boys lolling head into his lap and began to stroke the hair away from his furrowed brow. Kurt was astonished how quickly the gentle touch calmed the boy. Blaine obvious pleasure at the soft caress made Kurt never want to stop. He flexed his fingers and began to card them through the soft curls, reveling in their silkiness.
Smiling softly at the sweet boy in his lap, Kurt looked up as the sound of the wedding march played in tinny quality over the television speakers. It looked as if the main character was getting married to someone other that Clark Gable. Was she crazy? Kurt laughed at himself as he found himself lost in the ending drama of the film. He didn't even realize he'd began to hum for Blaine until after Peter and Ellie reunited. As the end credits played and the room darkened even more, Kurt felt his phone go off.
Santana: We are done swimming, but Brit wants to cuddle. We are probably going to fall asleep. You okay with that?
Kurt: What? I mean, I'm okay with that but did you forget who I have in my room?
Santana: Just let him sleep on the couch. Or get your cuddle on ;) Did you forget how right he felt in your arms?
Kurt: Okay, but if we get in trouble for this it's on you. Don't say I didn't warn you!
Kurt glanced over the screen of his phone to the fragile boy tucked up tightly against his thigh. The instinct was still there, multiplied by a thousand, to protect this sweet boy. Kurt felt tears well up in his eyes as every scared glance and hunched shoulder replayed in his mind. Kurt hated to leave him alone on the couch. He honestly wanted to curl up against him and sleep. But Kurt knew that Blaine would freak out if that were to happen. Kurt didn't know what was wrong with the boy. He didn't know about his past or what his nightmares consisted of but there was one thing he knew for sure. Blaine's life was nothing good before now and his sweet love was scarred, maybe for life.
Kurt knew what he wanted to do, what he needed to do but he was unsure about how to make it happen. Blaine was so scared and nervous and Kurt never wanted to force anything on him again. Kurt wanted to marry this boy. He wanted to take him home and protect him and love him.
With a sigh, Kurt rose carefully from the couch while replacing his lap with a pillow under Blaine's head. The boy burrowed into the pillow and whimpered. He reached out his hands and swatted the air as if reaching for something ...or someone. Kurt couldn't resist him while the weak whimpers still escaped his lips and he bent down to comfort him for a moment. Kurt reached over and began stroking Blaine's slightly stubbled cheek. At the touch, Blaine leaned in even further and began nuzzling Kurt's hand. Kurt couldn't help but choke up at the endearing actions. God! This boy was beautiful! Kurt leaned down and placed a soft kiss at his temple before he went to get linen.
When Blaine's eyes snapped open it was pitch black in the room. Fear consumed him when he didn't know where he was or why he was there. Across the room he could see the neon digital numbers of an alarm clock. But that couldn't be right. The time said it was 1:45 am. There was no way he wasn't home where he should be in the middle of the night.
Hunter was going to kill him! Blaine realized then that he must have fallen asleep during the movie and Kurt just let him stay on the couch not knowing what this would mean.
"Oh God, oh no!" Blaine cried out softly as the implications of his unintended actions settled into his mind. He was supposed to meet Hunter tonight. He was supposed to be getting used by Hunter right now to keep him quiet and satisfied. Blaine hadn't thought about that all day. He was silently thankful for a moment that he was in the dark hotel room and not on his knees in the center but that relief only lasted for a minute when he thought about what the next day would bring. He knew he wouldn't have a home tomorrow. He knew the beating coming his way was going to be monumental. Why did he have to fuck everything up? Why couldn't he have just sucked Hunter's cock like a good boy so he could keep Hunter happy? But no. Blaine knew he could never do anything right. He was a bad husband. If he kept Brett satisfied he would have never lent him to his friends or abused him. He was a bad son. If he didn't turn out so unnatural and gay his father would still love him. And now Blaine was a bad employee, a bad servant. He just couldn't do anything right. He deserved whatever he got when he got back to the center.
Blaine didn't even realize how loud his sobs had gotten until he felt a presence at his side.
"Hey, sweetheart, are you okay?" the soft voice Blaine had grown to love asked.
Blaine felt the tentative stroke of Kurt's fingertips across his cheek and up to his forehead. He felt his violent sobs slow with the constant loving touch until the only sound marring the silence were his sharp, hitching, intakes of breath.
"That's right, honey, calm down." Kurt soothed.
Blaine felt so tired. God he was so tired that he didn't even know how he was going to keep his eyes open for one second longer.
"Kurrrt?" he slurred.
"Yes, sweetheart?"
Blaine's body hummed with pleasure at the endearment. He felt the last of his violent fears drift as his body readied for sleep.
"Where's Brit?"
"She's with Santana, in her room." Kurt answered patiently.
"Oh." Blaine was crestfallen. He really just needed to be held right now.
"Do you need her?"
"I..I" Blaine started to say. In his sleepy haze he just wanted to ask Kurt to hold him.
"What do you need baby?" Kurt asked softly.
It was the endearment that did him in again. Blaine knew that tomorrow would be hell and he wasn't ready. He just needed something, anything right now.
"C-can you snuggle me?" he asked in a tiny voice waiting to hear Kurt's disgust at the suggestion.
"C'mon" Kurt said in a whisper.
Blaine felt strong arms around his shoulders and knees as he was lifted out of the bed. His body was so tired he couldn't even protest, not that he wanted to because he just felt so...safe. The next thing Blaine knew he was laying on one of the softest mattresses he'd ever felt. The strong arms left him for a moment as he heard rustling from the other end of the bed. Blaine subconsciously migrated toward the sound until a soft chuckle and those warm arms stopped him again.
"Come here baby." Kurt whispered again as Blaine felt himself be pulled tight against a broad chest and completely encircled in a warm embrace.
This felt like heaven.
"Kurrrt?" Blaine slurred again. It seems like the darkness behind his eyelids only increased with the passing seconds. Blaine almost felt drunk on the aftermath of adrenaline. He just had one more thing he wanted Kurt to know. In the back of his mind he felt like he should tell Kurt his worry, but other instincts were telling him no. In his exhaustion, he just decided that he wanted to share everything with the angel holding him so beautifully.
"Hunter's going to kill me tomorrow. I'm a bad servant."
"Because you slept out?" Kurt asked a bit louder now.
"Mmmm..nnnope. Cuz I was supposed to suck his cock tonight so he wouldn't tell you how bad I am."
With that last declaration, Blaine felt sleep overtake him.
Kurt was now wide awake.
What the fuck? What did Blaine mean by that? Kurt's heart was racing and he had to remind himself that Blaine was safe...he was with him and not at that repulsive Hunter's center. Kurt couldn't help but nuzzle his nose into the nape of the neck in front of him. It was decided. He would fix it later if Blaine felt like he was being forced but there was no way Kurt was going home without this boy.
Please review and I will love you forever.
I am so glad that Blaine told Kurt! I hope that Kurt talks to Blaine and arranges it so that Blaine never stays there alone with Hunter again :-(
Hey friend!!! So yeah, Blaine telling Kurt kind of was a spur of the moment thing and after I wrote it I just kept it because it sets the scene for a few arcs...I'm glad you like it! As for hunter? The boys are going to take care of the business but it might take a bit... Thanks for being awesome and letting me know what you think!!!!!
Love it and waiting for the rest of the story,PLEASE