Drabble Collection
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Drabble Collection: Whatcha Gonna Do

E - Words: 1,021 - Last Updated: Oct 18, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 12/? - Created: Feb 08, 2015 - Updated: Feb 08, 2015
179 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I blame this on tumblr. Cop!Burt catches Blaine in an... awkward situation. Humor, and maybe something special, ensues.

Rated PG. Warnings for teens acting like teens and police involvement?

Title: Whatcha Gonna Do

Rating: PG

Warnings: Near-nudity, teenagers being teenagers, a cop being a cop?

The siren sounded and Blaine grit his teeth, trying hard to not look guilty even as he stood there out in the open road with nothing but his skivvies and Dalton tie on his person. Goddammit, Nick and Jeff were seriously going to pay. All the Warblers, really, since the rest had just gone along with the stupid dare. "You have to" they said. "It's no big deal, Blaine," they said.


Yeah. No big deal at all until the freaking gate closed and he couldn't get back in the stupid mansion that Wes called home and he was stuck out on the freaking street without even a cell phone to call and tell his idiot friends to open up and let him back inside.


No big deal until a freaking cop car pulled up with lights spinning and siren blaring. No big deal at all…


He squeaked when the rather burly looking man got out of the cruiser, Lima PD ball cap on his head and a sparkle of amusement in his eyes. “Hey, kiddo. You're not really dressed for a walk around the neighborhood you know…” The man approached him slowly, and Blaine felt himself turning absolute lobster red. “Officer Hummel's the name. How ‘bout you explain what the heck you're doing so I can figure out what I need to do with you?”


Nick and Jeff were going to die. That was the only way this story could ever end. He'd been mad that they were working together for all their dares anyway, since everybody else had been coming up with things on their own, but now they were seriously going to die. He'd kill them. He'd demand they attend fight club so he could properly kill them.


"Uh… it's a funny story, sir," he started, trying to cover what he could of his underwear-clad privates. "This is my friend's house and apparently the gate was locked and it slipped back closed before I could get back inside… um… we're playing a game, see? And well, unlucky me got dared to streak down the block." He left out the part where he refused to go completely naked, so they decided that if he was keeping the boxer-briefs he also had to wear his school tie. It didn't seem important at the moment.


The officer looked at him, trying to keep a straight face, then finally leaned over and laughed. He laughed at Blaine like he was the most hilarious comedy act the guy had ever seen, then he shook his head, removing his cap and rubbing a hand over the bald surface. “Oh man… I thought only Finn was dumb enough to do something like this. Ha! Oh, I have to tell Kurt about this one… He'll probably say the same thing!”


It seemed the officer was having a great chat with himself, but Blaine was really only getting more uncomfortable, so he cleared his throat. “Um, sir? It's kinda chilly out here, and I don't have a phone to call the idiots I call friends to let me back inside. Um… can I borrow yours or something?”


That got the officer's attention, and he straightened back up, opening the back door of his car and motioning with his chin. “Sorry, no can do. I have to pick you up and get some information down at the station. You're technically committing public indecency at the moment, since one of the neighbors called and reported ya. You can call whoever you want once I get you booked, though.” At the look of utter horror on Blaine's face, the officer chuckled again and reached out to pat him on the shoulder. “Don't worry so much, kid. It's just procedure. You won't even get in trouble really. Just a slap on the hand and a scolding is all. You can even just call your friends and have one of them pick you up.”


Blaine still felt terrified as he climbed into the cop car. He'd never been in trouble before. He was a good kid. Downright dapper! Those guys were going to have a lot to make up for…


As he sat there in the back of the cruiser, he tried to pay attention to anything that wasn't his current situation. That was when he heard a cell phone ring- Single Ladies playing through the car. Odd ring tone, but whatever suited you, he figured.


"Kurt! He buddy, I was just thinking about you," the officer practically barked. Blaine couldn't hear the other end of the conversation, but he assumed the guy was talking to his son based on the way he spoke. "Just a kid I picked up for streaking. Weird thing is, he isn't naked. That's what I said! Yep, something your brother would definitely do… Oh, he's probably about your age, actually. I think that's why I thought of Finn first thing. What? Uh… you know I'm not good at judging that, bud. Oh, hold on.”


The officer turned and looked Blaine up and down, making him raise a triangular brow at the man. “Okay, look, my son asked me if you ‘played for his team' and if you're hot. I have no clue how I'm supposed to know the answers to those questions. Any idea?”


Blaine sputtered, blushed, then muttered “Tell him I'm gay and quite dapper.” Which the man relayed with confusion. Blaine could hear the the musical laugh from the phone, then blushed more when he heard the next words. “He seems like a good kid actually. Think I scared him half to death when I told him he has to go to the station. You wanna bring him some clothes and take him back to his friends' place? I somehow don't think he wants his parents to know about this little encounter…” The wink the cop sent him had Blaine about ready to pass out.


It wasn't the most conventional way to meet your soon-to-be boyfriend's father, but it did lead to meeting the soon-to-be boyfriend, so Blaine wasn't going to complain. He'd never look at Burt without blushing, but he wasn't going to complain. Not at all.


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