Oct. 18, 2015, 7 p.m.
Oct. 18, 2015, 7 p.m.
prompt: Kurt, Blaine, Sebastian/ Bottle of Wine/ Handcuffs, and a bow tie/ Spring Break at Blaine's House, alone, for three days
Title: Just a Binge (Right?)
Rating: M
Pairing: Sebklaine
Summary: Im actually going to make this a sort of oneshot from my Broken Wings trilogy. This would take place mid-Wings Healed and could be considered spoilery for the Sebastian aspect of Kurt and Blaines relationship, I suppose... Basically, it just gives away the fact that they are friends and sometimes more. But its kind of obvious from the start in my opinion, so... yeah. Go ahead and read it anyway?
Basically, its just what the prompt says, but let me give some background as for the setting of the verse and what liberties Im taking with the prompt. The boys all live together in an apartment in NY. Its Spring Break in their senior year at college- Kurt and Blaine are engaged by now, a solid couple, and Bas has been trying but failing to find his own forever. Blaine is studying music at NYU while Bas is studying English (also at NYU). Kurt is studying fashion design at Parsons while working at Vogue and designing his own fashion line (which is a long time work in progress, but hes started on already). For Spring Break, the boys decide to take off just the three of them to a beach house Blaines parents have and arent using on a private beach in Cozumel. Kurt only got three days away from work, so they plan to really live it up.
This little fic starts when they arrive at the house and progresses through three days, two nights, in paradise. Theres lots of high quality wine in the house, an empty bottle that gets used for an old-school style game of Truth or Dare just for nostalgias sake, Bas brought handcuffs and Blaine has his favorite old bow tie hung about his neck while Kurt might have stuck an old friend in his suitcase just to tease his favorite Meerkat... things are gonna get crazy, but what else would we expect from these three?
"Have I mentioned how glad I am that your parents decided to forgive you for studying music? Because oh my God, Blaine, this is amazing!" Kurt mumbled as he shuffled through the door into the beach house, which was absolutely huge and gorgeous and just... wow. Yeah, Kurt was pretty grateful that the Andersons had decided their youngest son wasnt wasting his time with his degree once hed performed at enough high-brow events that influential people knew his name. It probably helped that he was engaged to an actual editor for Vogue instead of some nobody fashion student now, but Kurt wasnt going to hold grudges. At least, not if his blind acceptance was being bought with things like vacations in fantastic beach houses.
Sebastian lumbered in with the extra bags, grunting and shoving Kurt out of his way so he could drop the luggage and look around. "Nice digs, Killer. If only my dad would get with the program. Then wed have a condo for every occasion. Shame Princess cant contribute, though." Kurt glared and elbowed him in the gut, making Bas grunt again, but also laugh. "Fine, fine, your dad has great cars that hold up impressively well, even when I try my damnedest to break them. Ill give you that." The comment earned him a satisfied nod and smirk from Kurt, and Blaine just shook his head at both of them. He really did love his fiance and their leech of a best friend.
"You do know you arent coming on the honeymoon, right Bas?" Blaine asked, closing the door behind them and peering around. It seemed almost foolish to go to the trouble of leaving the states just to get to a house they wouldnt even leave. It didnt matter, though. They were here and they were going to enjoy it for the short time they had away from real life and the worries there of. Sebastian shrugged, which made Blaine shake his head and give Kurt a significant look. "He is not coming on the honeymoon."
The three of them settled in rather easily, Bas taking the smaller room while Kurt and Blaine took the master. The tallest of the three put on some swim trunks and grabbed his surfboard (which had been a pain in the ass to take through the airport, thank you) and left the lovebirds to go hit the waves. It was an easy afternoon, and Blaine even managed to drag Kurt out to the beach to watch their friend fall in his attempts at surfing despite the lack of good waves for a bit. It was the evening that would prove rather... dangerous...
Dinner and a beautiful sunset had inspired Blaine to uncork a bottle of Merlot that sat tantalizingly in the wine rack of the beach house. He knew his parents wouldnt care if they drank some of the wine. Hell, they probably wouldnt even notice. It wasnt like they came to half the vacation homes they owned all that often. Hed poured glasses for Bas and Kurt and himself and the three of them sat on the porch and watched the sun fall over the peacefully crashing waves. Their tacos were just a tiny bit spicy, Kurts homemade guacamole tasting fresh and smooth on the tongue while Sebastians fish was fried to perfection. They all worked so well together, but it was really expected after nearly four years.
"This is paradise..." Blaine murmured, leaning back in his chair and sighing. It was so nice being in a care-free place with the people he cared about most. Sometimes he thought about the promise he and Kurt had made each other and he looked at Bas and... no. He couldnt. He couldnt even think about that right now. Not while they were enjoying this last spring break, this last bit of childhood before they were out of college and out of excuses to put off being the adults they already were. That would hurt too much.
As if they could sense the direction his thoughts had gone, Sebastian and Kurt both got up and cleared the table, grabbing the plates and the wine and wandering back into the house with Blaine scrambling to follow. "Cmon, Killer," Bas said, raising the wine bottle and shaking it so the dregs sloshed about. "Weve got some partying to do!"
Bow tie still about his neck but long ago untied for comforts sake, Blaine sat on the floor, back against the couch. Kurt joined him, carrying a fresh bottle of wine and a corkscrew and sitting cross-legged. Soon enough, Bas completed their little circle, re-corked bottle tossed easily in the middle and a mischievous gleam in those emerald eyes. "Time for a walk down memory lane, Blainers," he said, then sent the bottle spinning while Kurt grinned and snorted slightly, pouring them all fresh glasses as the bottle slowed. "And you even get to start us off! Truth or dare, Blaine?"
"Gotta start the party off right, dont I? Dare!"
Sebastian grinned and looked Blaine over before taking a hefty gulp of his own wine. "Alright. Lets get right to it then, shall we? I dare you to wear nothing but that lovely bow tie for the rest of the game. You can tie it wherever your little heart desires." He smirked even as Kurt threw a throw pillow at the brunettes head.
"You just want to see my fiances junk!" he accused, but he was laughing. Theyd all lived together for going on four years now. Theyd seen pretty much all there was to see. Nothing they did tonight would be new, most likely. Kurt grinned and watched the show with Bas as Blaine stripped, quirking a brow at them both before tugging his bow tie from his neck and wrapping it around his mostly-flaccid dick, tying it in a proper bow at the head to the tune of Kurts musical giggles.
Blaine reached forward and spun the bottle, uncaring about his state of undress. It was hardly something to bother him after so long and getting so comfortable with his companions. His eyes lit up when the bottle landed on Bas, though he was a bit sad that Kurt didnt get to play just yet. "Pick your poison, hmm?" He wiggled his triangular brows, earning himself another round of giggles.
Of course, Bas picked a dare, which mad Blaine wiggle his brows yet again. "Hmm... I think Ill dare you to give Kurt a lap dance." They were all starting to feel the wine and they were just... happy. It felt good. Life was good. They were having fun and so Sebastian got up and shimmied his way over to a blushing Kurt, gyrating his hips and rubbing down against the countertenor until hed sufficiently rubbed the two of them together, going back to his own spot and spinning the bottle while Kurt tried to re-position himself in his pants. Bas didnt even bother trying to hide his obvious arousal.
Finally, the bottle landed on Kurt, who grinned in a superior way as he asked for a truth. "Alright, Princess. I felt how much that dance turned you on. If you could do anything at all to or with me, anything, what would it be?" He licked his lips and both of the other boys noted the husky tone to his voice. Bas was clearly affected by the dancing and the alcohol. Kurt swallowed some more of his own wine and busied himself with refilling all three glasses while he steadied his voice to answer.
"You remember that crop back in high school?" he asked thickly, swallowing nothing but still feeling a tightness in his throat and chest, cheeks going pink. Sebastian shifted noticeably, but it was Blaine who let out a whimper. "Id show you some new tricks with it. Ive grown a lot more confident since that dare from Noah Puckerman..." He licked his lips then and took another drink while Bas and Blaine shared a look, then Kurt took his spin. "Truth or dare, Meerkat?"
Soon, Sebastian used his mouth to remove the bow tie from Blaine, then Blaine confessed that he had always wondered what happened between Kurt and Bas during that month last year when Blaine had moved out... Kurt was dared to remind Sebastian why tongue rings were fantastic for making out (even though that happened more often than it should when they were drunk anyway) and Blaine evened the playing field by daring both his companions to join in his nudity.
FInally, another two bottles of wine were empty, all three of them were blissfully naked, and the game had been utterly abandoned. Well, mostly abandoned. There were still some remnants. Like the words and the implications. "Mmm, I dare you to demonstrate those cuffs I saw you slip in your back pocket earlier, Meerkat," Kurt practically purred as they snuggled close on the floor, a heap of men flopped together with drunken happiness on their faces and weightless bliss in their bones. Sebastian looked at Kurt for a moment, then snorted as he pawed at his discarded shorts, tugging a pair of metal handcuffs from the back pocket with a crooked grin.
"Has anyone told you youre too observant for your own good?" he slurred slightly, opening one of them and sliding his wrist in before tightening it over the flesh with audible clicks. Kurt just smirked at him and Bas rolled his eyes. "You hold your liquor too well, Princess," he said, trying to figure out if he should shove his arms behind himself or just slip the other wrist in the restraint in his lap. Figuring he was too intoxicated to manage cuffing himself without looking, he simply did up the handcuffs in his lap, giving the others significant looks as the locking mechanism clicked into place. "Now whatever will you do with me?"
Blaines eyes gleamed like liquid honey as he studied his fiance and their best friend. Inhibitions were gone and his imagination was full of devious ideas. He growled before tugging Bas forward so that the taller male had to catch himself with his bound hands, leaning forward uncomfortably until he got to his knees. He glared and almost asked what the hell Blaine was doing, but the usually-dapper man stopped him from asking questions by growling again and moving his hips in such a way that his semi-hard dick almost poked Sebastian in the face. He groaned as he heard Blaines words. "You brought something with you, too, didnt you babe? Why not prove that talent you mentioned to Bas? Hmm?" And Sebastians mind reeled.
He couldnt be talking about what he had to be talking about, could he? He couldnt... Kurt wouldnt have... there was no way... But then, not two full minutes later, Sebastian gasped and positively moaned as he felt the sharp smack of a crop hitting his exposed ass. "Holy shit, Kurt, you brought a fucking crop?!" he demanded in awe, grunting and moaning again as another hit rained down. Hit after hit, Kurt just affirming the statement before continuing the punishment of Sebastians backside. Looking up, Bas was met with hunger in those honey eyes and he felt a shiver run through his body. They were really doing this. And they were all too far gone to stop themselves from just giving in and taking what they wanted.
It seemed like no time before Blaine was balls-deep in Sebastians mouth, cock pushing at his throat and throbbing every time Kurt used the crop well and made the brunette moan around Blaine. Kurt was positively dripping with arousal, but he wasnt quite done marking his Meerkat. Soon enough, though, he had a bottle of lube and a condom and Sebastian was stretched and ohdearGOD Kurt was inside him and it felt so good and Sebastian was falling apart, Blaine shooting down his throat, pulling out and releasing even more over his face. All three of them fell in a heap, panting and sweaty, Sebastian finally whining until Kurt reached over and removed the cuffs. A throw blanket was pulled from the couch and they curled up together, naked and sated, messy but uncaring. They could deal with everything in the morning. Right then it was time to sleep.
Blaine felt, and that was a problem. Why couldnt his body just be numb? Then he wouldnt be in so much pain. Oh, God, why had they drank so much wine? He was so hungover, his head was killing him, and he just wanted to hide under the blankets all day, but he was so uncomfortable. The bed was so fucking hard! When did the bed lose all its soft squishiness? He groaned loudly, then winced because that fucking hurt, then winced again because his groan was echoed. Twice. Oh, fuck.
"I think Im going to be sick," Kurts voice muttered hoarsely.
Sebastian quickly snapped back, "if you throw up on me I will end you, Princess."
Blaine groaned again, then cursed out loud at himself for hurting his head. Again. Dammit. "Okay, tonight we are sleeping in a bed. I dont give a flying fuck what bed, but a bed will be involved. Fuck this floor is hard..." he said, running a hand through his curls and not even bothering to worry about the fact that hed just basically said theyd all be sleeping together again that night. It didnt seem like the most pressing issues at the moment.
"Okay, seriously, bathroom," Kurt mumbled, getting sloppily to his feet and stumbling off to the toilet. A splashing noise followed by a groan was heard soon after, and Bas looked at Blaine.
They shared that look for a few minutes before Sebastian poked Blaine in the chest. "Hes your fiance. Therefore you have hair holding duty. Ill get a wet cloth and some water..." They both got up from the floor, popping their sore joints before separating, Blaine going to rub Kurts back and make sure he didnt get any sick on himself while Bas got a cool rag and some water. He grabbed some Advil as well before joining the others in the bathroom.
"Im going to hate myself for saying this, but you are a God-like human, Bas," Kurt gruffed once he was sure he was done vomiting, flushing the toilet and taking the pills and water from Sebastian. The rag was moved from his forehead to the back of his neck and Bas grinned, looking like he was about to say something. "Please dont open your mouth and ruin it." Blaine chuckled softly, especially when Sebastian pouted, but he also thanked the boy when he took the meds and the second glass of water Bas brought for the two of them to share.
Noticing Kurt pouting at their shared glass of water, Sebastian shook his head and cocked a brow. "Sorry, Princess, but Im not sharing water with you until you arent all pukey. Vomit-breath is not sexy." Blaine shot water out of his nose as hed been drinking when Bas spoke, and Kurt rolled his eyes, but Bas just shrugged. "Its the truth."
Kurt seemed to take that as a good segue into reality since he started the shower and gave the others a piercing look. "Teeth brushed. Now. Were all disgusting and I demand showers and cuddles and all that girly shit Bas makes fun of me for." His hands were on his hips and it was like his words suddenly drew the others attention to the fact that they were all still naked and... well, there was still dried come on various parts of their bodies, mainly Sebastian.
Blaine blushed, but Bas just shrugged and grabbed his toothbrush, shoving it into his mouth and brushing away. "Oo know," he started, talking around the toothbrush and making Blaine giggle, "Ib pwetty shore oore aot diwtier an anyone eer spected," he spat and smirked at Kurt. "Course I knew all along. What with the crop thing and all." He winked before brushing his tongue and rinsing his mouth, hopping into the shower and screeching a bit before adjusting the temperature. "Jesus, Hummel, that was freezing! I think my balls just un-dropped! Fucking Christ!"
Laughing, Kurt and Blaine finished with their teeth and joined him. After a dirty three-way kiss, Blaine leaned in and nipped at Sebastians ear. "For the record," he whispered huskily as he felt Kurt slide up behind him, fondling his and Sebastians cocks together, "I totally knew he was kinky long before you did."
They agreed to take it easy as far as partying went that night. Of course, that didnt mean they werent going to have fun. It was strange, but also not strange at all that the three of them had slipped into this sort of polyamorous relationship for the vacation. Half the time it seemed like Sebastian was part of their relationship anyway at home. The only odd thing about all of this was that it was bringing up a lot of... questions. Kurt wasnt sure what he was feeling and Blaine was in much the same boat, while Bas... well. Sebastian had been feeling this way for a long while now, to be quite honest.
There was always a part of the man that knew he had fallen hard for the two men he lived with. There was a part of him that knew he wanted to be with Kurt and Blaine on a more intimate level than just best friends. He wanted what they had, but not just that. He wanted what they had with them. The idea that they were engaged and happy and in love and that they would be leaving him... God, it hurt. But if this was all that Sebastian would get, just these two nights, hed take it. It would hurt like hell, especially looking back and knowing what could have been, but hed rather have a little than nothing. Hed take it and hed remember it and hed cherish it.
The day was spent lazing around in the house and on the beach, under umbrellas and in the waves. Their hangovers were nursed away and good food was eaten, good stories remembered. It was nice, it was fun, and it was so light-hearted. So much less than the normal weight of the day. It was perfect.
By the time night came, they all slipped into the master bed at a ridiculously early hour and just lay together, snuggling. Blaine wound up in the middle despite Kurt being the one who always begged for cuddles, but they all held, touched, enjoyed. There were things unspoken that were still so clear, and that night, there was sex.
It wasnt drunken and it wasnt hurried. There werent any cuffs or crops or kinks. There wasnt a timer or a dare or any of that. It was just the three of them, their bodies coming to know one another, hips slowly gliding together, fingers stretching, lips meeting, flesh sliding together and moans and gasps of pleasure filling the air. The scent and heat of sex filled the room and as Kurt stretched out luxuriously on the bed, Bas got up to dispose of a condom and open the balcony door, letting the fresh beach air in. Blaine got some cool damp rags and cleaned them all up and there was such a sense of balance and contentment.. it was a shame to have to leave it all behind.
"I dont want to leave this," Bas said so softly that it was barely heard over the distant crash of waves.
Of course, the others did hear, and Kurt was the one to break the silence. "We cant stay here forever, Meerkat. We have real life to get back to. School to finish. The world to take by storm..." he trailed, knowing that wasnt what his friend referred to but not knowing how to really answer him.
Blaine stayed silent, still unsure what he was feeling and what might come. Decisions werent to be made right away. Nothing so complex could be made so simple, after all. It wouldnt be right or fair. To any of them. "I know," Bas answered, coming back to the bed. "Its just been a hell of a nice binge, you know?"
The curled up and listened to the waves, inhaling the sweet scent of the sand and the sea. The next day would be cleaning up and packing and flying back to real life. Eventually, decisions would need to be made. But for now, they could binge on pleasure. On fun. On freedom. They could binge on those things that you only got until a certain point in life when everything became too serious and grown up.
If it was only ever a binge, Sebastian was going to remember it as one hell of a binge. One hell of an indulgence in a forbidden love that hed never forget.