Drabble Collection
Hes a Goof, but Hes MY Goof Next Chapter Story
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Drabble Collection: Hes a Goof, but Hes MY Goof

E - Words: 784 - Last Updated: Oct 18, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 12/? - Created: Feb 08, 2015 - Updated: Feb 08, 2015
178 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Tags and characters will be added as drabbles are added. Story will be labeled complete because each chapter is a stand-alone drabble, but this will be added to whenever a drabble is written, so watch for updates! ;)

Title: Hes a Goof, but Hes MY Goof

Rating: PG

Summary: Blaine uses the names MC Hot Chocolate and Lil Fetta in an actual conversation. Hes just lucky Kurt loves his goofball husband.

Warnings/General Tags: Married Klaine; SamCedes; Finchel; doesnt really mean season 6 happened, just that the initial convo they reference in the elevator involving MCHC and Fettucine occured at some point in high school, so you can decide what all really happened; rot-your-teeth fluff

Okay, this was getting ridiculous. Honestly, how was it not completely obvious that Kurt was not straight? It wasn't like he tried to hide his flamboyant nature- in fact, he was wearing an outfit he'd completely tailored to himself, bright pattern on the inside of the suit, tasteful yet flashy buttons, scarf to match the color of the liner… How was it not obvious?

Alas, it evidently wasn't obvious at all to the two girls who were practically drooling as they asked him to pick out a song for them to sing together. He'd really only been going to the song selections to see if the DJ had ‘Come What May' so he could sing it with his husband, who was congratulating Sam and Mercedes for finally tying the knot while their son, Spencer (Hepburn seemed like too obnoxious a name once they'd grown up a little) tugged at his nicely fitted slacks.

A wedding was seriously not the place for a four-year-old, but at least his four-year-old was well behaved. The same could not be said for his husband. Blaine bounced over when Sam pointed out the girls and Mercedes shook her head at Kurt, giggling behind her hand. The duo was somehow related to Sam's first big modeling ad and had been invited simply because the couple decided to have the biggest wedding in the history of weddings. Obviously they should feel some responsibility for the awkward situation their friend was in now.

Sending Blaine bounding over probably wasn't their greatest way of having Kurt's back, though.

"Hello, ladies. I see you met my amazing husband. Seems you discovered his secret talents too," hazel eyes flashed gold with mischief as he grabbed the record from his husband, smirking at the hip-hop title that Kurt had clearly chosen to mess with the girls. "The glorious life of my MC Hot Chocolate." He spoke with a wistful sigh that almost had Kurt smacking a hand over his face.

He rolled his crystal blue eyes while the girls giggled, sparing Blaine a sideways glance. “Are you drunk? Please tell me you've been drinking…” He looked down when Spencer tugged on his hand, forcing it to Blaine's and making the two men hold hands like children. The boy, who looked ridiculously like Blaine, grinned at his dads and started swinging their clasped hands happily.

"Oh, and you have to meet Lil' Fetta, too! Our precious Fettuccine. Isn't he just too adorable for words?" Blaine picked up the child, who giggled at the nickname then laughed harder when Kurt really did face-palm. "I told HC here that we should have gone with Alfredo for the first name, but he insisted. Fetta is so much more unique than Al, after all. Right, honey?"

Blaine looked at Kurt with what could only be described as ‘heart eyes' and the brunette couldn't help but laugh. He shook his head, reaching out to take their son while the girls shuffled away so as not to openly laugh at the men.

Rolling his eyes but grinning all the same, Kurt looked from his son to his husband and back again. “Your daddy is insane, Spence. Completely and utterly insane. He's really lucky I love him so much.” The quiet boy snuggled into Kurt's neck with a smile, used to the way his dads bickered. “You can look through the rest of the albums for our song, then, Blaine Warbler,” he said, using the old Dalton name that he'd claimed would be Blaine's ridiculous rapper name if he had one. “I'm going to find Finn and get him to watch Spencer while we sing. Prepare him well for when Rachel finally pops next month.”

With that, Kurt set off, carrying his son and smiling at the way his goofy husband could always bring an equally goofy grin to his face. They might be crawling ever closer to thirty, but sometimes Blaine just made him feel so young and carefree. Even with Spencer in his arms and Quinn pestering them about wanting to be surrogate to a sibling, he could still go back to their high school days just like that. He had a feeling they'd be old and grey and still reliving those teenage days when they heard a Katy Perry song or Journey came on the radio, and that suited him just fine.


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