Drabble Collection
An Amusement Park Pretending to be a Store, Blaine! Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Drabble Collection: An Amusement Park Pretending to be a Store, Blaine!

E - Words: 1,230 - Last Updated: Oct 18, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 12/? - Created: Feb 08, 2015 - Updated: Feb 08, 2015
166 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

prompt: "I lost my little sibling in IKEA and I need your help finding them"

Title: An Amusement Park Pretending to be a Store, Blaine!

Rating: T

Pairing: Klaine, with some comedic Cooper for the lolz

Summary: From the prompt "I lost my little sibling in IKEA and I need your help finding them" I decided to disregard the little because, really, Cooper Anderson is the perpetual little brother, right?



Kurt stood with a silly grin starting to curl up at the corners of his mouth. He just couldnt help it. He had to grin. The curly-haired guy with the ridiculously adorable polka dot bow tie had been darting around for at least ten minutes already and been past that same exact childrens bedroom set a good five times. He looked absolutely frantic, but also ridiculously angry, triangular brows furrowed together like a black caterpillar. It was just plain silly, though, because the guy looked like hed be hard pressed to hurt a fly. Kurt could barely hold back the giggle as the boy further furrowed those bushy brows and cursed under his breath.

"You know, I dont think the IKEA patrons and employees enjoy such a vocabulary being shared in their... overstocked establishment, good sir," Kurt said with a snarky little smirk, arms crossed and one hip popped as he observed the boy. Hed come to the store with Finn in an attempt to get some semi-decent items for the gigantic males apartment in Columbus. Hed apparently gotten into some community college associated with OSU ("You are not actually attending OSU, Finn. Stop telling people you are!") and convinced Puck to move in with him using his pool cleaning money and apply the next semester.

New York was working well for Kurt, but he did enjoy the time home, especially when it involved bonding with his brother. Step-brother. Whatever. Of course Noah had to come with them, though, and of course he and Finn had gotten distracted by the plethora of food available in what was basically a fast-food restaurant inside the store. Kurt had quickly excused himself to browse as he had watched them shovel nachos into their mouths enough during high school to last him a life time.

Thus, having nothing better to do, Kurt found himself observing the bow-tied boy who now looked at him with flushed cheeks and an embarrassed glint in his eyes. "Oh, shit. You heard that, huh?"

"And that, too. You really arent good at filtering yourself, are you? For one so dapper looking, you sure have a mouth..." he grinned then, sauntering over to the boy and daring to reach out and straighten the bow tie. "Whats got you so worked up, sweetie?" he asked, pulling his hands away but still standing rather close to the boy.

The responding shiver was enough to make Kurt chuckle a bit again, shaking his head and settling a hand on the shorter boys shoulder. "Calm down, sweetie. I wont bite. Unless you want me to, that is," he added with a wink, openly laughing when the boy squeaked in reply.

"Oh, shut up..." the dapper sailor muttered, running his hands over his thighs to rid them of sweat and straighten the fabric simultaneously. "If you really want to know, Im looking for my idiot brother. The fucking bastard... I swear he had to have been adopted."

Kurts mind immediately pictured a young kid with a head of unruly curls hiding under beds or playing in the toys set up in the displays around them. "Little brothers are incredibly annoying. My step-brother likes to pretend hes older since hes about a foot taller than me, but Im older by a few months and at least five good years of maturity. Hes off stuffing his face right now with his best friend. Bane of my existence, I swear." He was about to go on a tirade about Noah Puckerman and the exhaustion that was dealing with him and his mohawk on a semi-daily basis when a man at least five years older than him, probably a few more than that, ran up and mussed the dapper ones hair.

"Blainers! Its like a fucking amusement park! I told you, its not a store, its just pretending. Its totally like Six Flags or grownups!" he yelled, getting glares from people rather far away who happened to hear his swearing.  And oh, wow. That was the brother, wasnt it? Totally not a little kid. And not younger. Not at all. Kurt quirked a brow and tilted his head, giving the bow-tied boy a look that demanded an explanation.

Mouthing Blainers? at him, Kurt let his focus linger on the curly haired boy before looking at the hyper active brother. "You must be the brother causing our... Blainers such panic and need to swear. Nice to meet you. Im Kurt." He reached out a hand and offered the brother a wide smile, hand being grabbed in both of his.

Blainers muttered something that sounded distinctly like Its Blaine, dammit, while the older male leaned in and shook Kurts hand obnoxiously. "Cooper. Pleased to meet you, Kurt. You should be happy I wandered off, Blainers. I let you find yourself a new boyfriend!"

At the look the curly-haired boy shot him, Cooper took off, yelling about nachos and a huge icee in his immediate future, leaving the two of them alone once more. "Well, now you dont have to worry about where your brother is..." Kurt trailed, stepping closer to the boy again and rocking on his toes.

"No, I just need to keep wondering when his stupid ass is going to get kicked out and banned from the fuckin store. I swear... Hes supposed to be the older and wiser brother. Youd never know theres almost ten years between us if you didnt see the wrinkles on his face," the boy said bitterly. Kurt was pretty sure there werent any wrinkles showing unless you really looked closely at Cooper, but he wasnt going to point that out. "I mean, the jerk even uses that stupid name from when we were kids. My name is Blaine. Blaine. No rs at the end. Stupid fuckin jerk..."

Kurt took the opportunity to reach out and rest both arms on the boys shoulders, looking him in the eyes as he looked up and squeaked with a blush. "Youre very jumpy, Blaine-no-ers. So, Blaine-no-ers, would you happen to want to take your brothers advice and try going out some time? I mean, this IKEA date has been lovely, but Im pretty sure I can hear Finn and Cooper sharing stories about their extremely gay little brothers and I really need to step in and correct him about just who the little brother is..." He grinned when Blaine blushed deeper before nodding to the date idea. "Alright. Give me your phone and Ill text myself so we have each others numbers."


Kurt added himself to Blaines phone with a little heart next to his name, then sent himself the text Heres my favorite bow-tied sailors number. <3 before tucking the phone back into Blaines back pocket, sliding his hand over the boys bubble-butt and leaning in to daringly kiss him on the lips. "Gotta run now," he said with a smirk, slinking off to yell at Finn and get him and Puck to start shopping already. He had a date outfit to go home and plan after all...


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