June 10, 2013, 4:05 p.m.
Welcome to My Life : Crush
T - Words: 2,430 - Last Updated: Jun 10, 2013 Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Feb 04, 2013 - Updated: Jun 10, 2013 364 0 0 0 0
Blaine entered McKinley with two cups of Lima BeanCoffee. He was dressed in a blue, tight fitting thin, long sleeve with a yellowbowtie and pants (rolled up at the ankle).Blaine strolled down the hall, ducking to the side, trying to avoidpeople with their attention captivated by their phones. He made his way tolocker 571, Kurt Hummel's locker.
The younger boy had his head stuck, rummaging through hislocker. He was wearing a grey, button up shirt that that stop at his elbows.Like Blaine, he was wearing a bowtie. It was grey with a thin, black laceovertop. He also wore a pair of tight black pants. Blaine stood there waitingfor a few moments.
"Do I know a future star who wants a Non-Fat Mocha?" Kurtjerked his head up quickly, hitting his head on the door of the old locker."Ouch!" Kurt rubbed the back of his head, trying to ease the pain.
Blaine looked sheepish, "I'm sorry," he muttered whilehanding Kurt his coffee. Kurt smiled, "A coffee would make it better, thanks."Kurt closed his locker door gently and started his way down the hall withBlaine on tow.
"Sorry Again," the boy with the gelmet apologized. "Areyou ready for regionals?" Blaine looked at the taller boy that wascontemplating his answer. "I'm excited for regionals, don't get me wrong but Ialready know the set list," Kurt responded nonchalantly. Blaine's eyes grewwider, "You knew the set list and didn't tell me. I feel deeply offended!"Blaine wore a horrendous offensive face, acting like it was true.
"You should become an actor," Kurt joked, stop andlaughed. "Well, I kind of know, "they continued waling, "Rachel will sing thesolo, Finn and her will do a duet, and last the group number which Rachel willsing lead for most of it." Kurt sounded irritated. The boy took a long sip ofhis coffee with the shorter boy following in suit.
"I'm guessing that happens a lot," Blaine assumed. "Andif anyone else got a part, it wouldn't be you. Am I right?" Kurt nodded hishead quickly, trying to stop the tears pricking at his eyes. Blaine noticed andpulled them into the empty classroom.
The boys sat in silence for a minute, then Kurt broke thesilence. "Sometimes, I feel like I'm not good enough to get the solo or atleast a small part. But I know that's not true. Kurt laughed at himself, "Justlook at me, I'm fabulous," Kurt motion down to the outfit he was sporting.Which he did look really good in. "I know it's because I sing like a girl whenI sing, talk even sometimes."
Once Kurt finished, Blaine argued with that, "I haven'teven heard you sing and I can tell you are totally awesome. What are you?" Kurtgave Blaine a questioning look, Blaine quickly continued. "Soprano, Alto..." Kurtgot the idea of what Blaine was saying.
"I'm a countertenor," was the reply Kurt gave. The boysporting the yellow bowtie choked on his coffee. The look Blaine gave Kurt wasassumed that he was looking at a creature with two heads. "You're acountertenor?!" Blaine's eyes stayed wide as Kurt delayed his response.
"Yes," the younger boy responded slowly. Blaine jumped inhis seat. "That's totally awesome! And amazing, totally amazing. How do you notget all the solos? Rachel does not have the range you have." Kurt's cheeksturned to a rosy pink. He tried to duck his head so Blaine could see. "That isjust unbelievable. A countertenor?"
Blaine slide back in his chair with a sign. The warningbell rang out through the school, signifying we had five minutes to get class.Kurt stood up, "Well," he collected his binder and coffee, "See you at lunch?"
Blaine stood up. "Wouldn't be anywhere else."
Blaine walked into the lunchroom, searching for the tablewhere the New Directions set up camp. I found them quickly seeing Finn'sabnormally tall person. I quickly grabbed my lunch and headed over. I was aboutto seat myself next to Kurt but Rachel pulled me over to the empty seat next toher, my lunch almost meeting the floor.
I exchanged looks with Kurt before returning my attentionto Rachel. Every time Rachel reached the climax in her story, she would grab myarm or nudge me. I am a touchy-feely person so I didn't notice the change ofattitude, like everyone else. We finished lunch and proceeded from thelunchroom. Before departing to my next class, Rachel yanked my arm, "See you atglee club," then left.
Blaine made his way to glee club after his last class. Henotice Kurt wasn't there so he sat next to Finn. "Hey Finn," the taller boylifted his head to Blaine, "Can I sit here?" Finn removed his stuff and placesit on the ground, "Sure man."
"So Kurt told me you're on the football team, hence thejacket." Finn looked down at it with a grin. "Yep man, I'm the quarterback,"Finn pronounced. He didn't seem arrogant, just proud. "That's awesome, I wasthe quarterback at my old school."
"Dude, you should try out. A guy moved so you can get hisposition. Only if you promise not to steal mine." Finn nudged Blaine playfully.He realized that he hadn't talk to an actual guy except for Kurt and his dad.Finn and Blaine launched into a conversation while Kurt was walking in. He satquietly. Watching Blaine interact with his stepbrother.
Everyone sat down and waited for glee club to start,entertaining themselves with a phone, music, or a conversation with the personnext to them. Rachel walked in looking determined. She talked to Mr. Shue andthe band. When the band started, everyone silenced.
Most knew whatsong she was singing so the girls gave her backup vocals.
Ahh, crush, ahhh
I see ya blowin' me a kiss
It doesn't take a scientist
To understand what's going on baby
If you see something in my eye
Let's not over analyze
Don't go too deep with it baby
So let it be what it'll be
Don't make a fuss and get crazy over you and me
Here's what I'll do
I'll play loose
Not like we have a date with destiny
Rachel swarmed around thethree boys' chairs. That's so sweet, Blaine thought to himself. I think it'sreally sweet for Rachel to do that. Whatever song it is
It's just a little crush (crush)
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing (crush)
Not like everything I do depends on you
Sha-la-la-la, Sha-la-la-la
It's raising my adrenaline
You're banging on a heart of tin
Please don't make too much of it baby
Say the word "forevermore"
That's not what I'm looking for
All I can commit to is "maybe"
It's just a little crush (crush)
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing (crush)
Not like everything I
Everything I do depends on you
The song ended will the band faded out. Everyone clappedrespectfully, waiting for Rachel to explain her reasoning. Rachel did a shallowcurtsey, and walked in front of Blaine, who still had a smile on his face. "SoBlaine," she started. Everyone's eyes were bearing into the back of his head.Blaine's smile dropped with a questioning look.
"Now, I really like you and you have an amazing voice.You're nice and not a total jerk. So, with that said, will you go out with me?"
Blaine opened his mouth slightly, trying to think of aresponse. "I'm sorry Rachel," started Blaine. Rachel's face dropped withrejection. "Don't get me wrong, your voice is amazing," the shorter girl'ssmile lit up, "You're really pretty, and have a nice body, and have an amazingpersonality, it's just..." Blaine laughed to himself. Before he could finish,Rachel interjected.
"You already have a girlfriend."
"Ha, no...um I'm gay." Everyone sat in silence, shocked byfact Blaine just stated. "You're gay and you like and play football?" Finnpiped up. "Yep," Blaine said timidly.
After being here for some time, I felt they were niceenough. I told myself I wouldn't deny being gay, I just wouldn't tell themforwardly. I felt enclosed. I didn't know how everyone would react.
It was like I was naked in front of them. They could seemy scars, feelings, and my pain. There was no sympathy, just hate. How could Ibe so stupid, telling them that? I could have just lied or even said yes toRachel. Being with a girl wouldn't be that bad. Rachel seems like the type ofgirl that would what till she was married to have sex so my virginity would besaved.
"Does that mean you're dating my brother?" Finnquestioned, breaking my trance. I turned to if Finn, "What?" I asked, wonderingif I heard him correctly. "Yeah, you're gay and Kurt's gay. That means you guyscan date."
Kurt swooped in to save me from my response that wasn'tcoming. "Just because we're both gay doesn't mean we have to date Finn," Kurtstated sternly. Finn still looked confused, "So Blaine, you don't like mybrother?"
"I never said that." Blaine countered. "Well guys, let usget back to the lesson I planned," Mr. Shue interrupted. And that's where theconversation ended. I'm not sure was I was more relieved of; them not gettingweird that I was gay or me being force to admit my new feelings I have for thatone countertenor.
Once glee club ended, I exited quickly, making my way tomy car. The halls were empty. The only sounds you heard was the echo offootsteps falling to the ground. I pushed open the empty doors that creakedfrom the rust that was not tended to. It was slightly raining with patches of sunprying its way through the clouds.
I pulled the keys out of my pocket then stop and stop. Iturned to the boy calling my name. "Blaine, wait." The boy was Kurt. He stoodin front of me, taking small, fast breaths. "Sorry about them in glee club.They can be kind of harsh sometimes."
Blaine rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, that'salright. Anyway, I have to go. Dinner and all." Blaine told awkwardly. "Yeah,well I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Blaine turned to his car and put his keysin the door. He turned his head to shout, "And Kurt?"
Kurt turned around, "Yes?" Blaine smirked. "I never saidI didn't like you."
The next day Blaine woke the next morning with anxiety.He felt frightened to go to school. I sometimes don't think about actions. Itook a long, steamy shower. I wanted to see if I could wash out all the lacerationsin my head, bleeding all the hate cluttering my mind. The words, the blood, thefists. I don't think I could take that today, or ever. He didn't feel likeanything but forced down a blueberry muffin.
I picked up my computer and placed it in my backpack.After school, I was going to the Lima Bean to work on my history project. Itwas due in three weeks but I tried not to be a procrastinator.
Throwing my backpack in my car, I was off. I still had anoff feeling bubbling in the pit of my stomach. Pushing that a side, I got outof my car. I parked in the far back, avoiding any human possible.
I quickly scurried to my locker, locker 549 and replacedmy binder with my backpack. I took out my phone, ten minutes till class. Whatam I going to do?
"Hey Blaine," said a cheery voice behind me. When Iturned, I saw a blonde, high ponied cheerleader. Confused, I continued, "HeyBrittany, what are you doing?"
Brittany tilted her head to the side, stating the obvious"I'm talking to you." I laughed, of course. "Anything you wanted to talkabout?"
Brittany leaned in and put her mouth to my ear. "Now Iknow you're a dolphin," I'll have to ask Kurt later, "I need advice." Theusually cheery girl looked conflicted. I took her by the arm and led her to anempty classroom.
"What is it honey, you look very sad. It's not like you."Blaine only knew Brittany for a matter of weeks but still noticed her behavior.She was always sweet and peppy but never rude. "It's Santana."
Blaine remembers Santana. She was normally rude but Icould see past the thick wall she put up. People say she sleeps with every boyin the school. I'm not sure if that's true but she was always sweet to oneperson, Brittany.
"What did Santana do Brittany?"
"Santana didn't do anything. Well not really." Blainefaced questioned her. "She just won't tell anyone about our lady love. Shetells me that she loves me but she doesn't tell anybody."
Blaine now understood. Santana was a lesbian. That madetotal sense. "Okay Brittany, this is a really hard thing to deal with."Brittany looked at me like I was stupid. "Why, she liked girls. What's thedifference?"
Blaine grabbed Brittany's hands from across the table,"There's no difference Britt, but some people think that it is wrong for girlsto love girls or boys to love boys. Some people are even born as a boy but is agirl inside. Visa versa."
Brittany looked defeated, "But why?" Blaine gave the tallergirl's hands a squeeze. I shook my head, "I don't know sweetie."
"Hobbit!" "Britt-Britt?" Brittany and Blaine turned tothe doorway which stood a confused Kurt and an angry Santana. "I thought youwere gay Hobbit. Pick your team buddy." Santana stalked over to Brittany,grabbed her and left the room."
"Bye dolphin, thank you," yelled Brittany from thehallway. Kurt came up to Blaine and sat where the blonde cheerleader said justmoments ago. "What did Brit want?"
"Oh nothing, just about how babies are made." Kurtlaughed beside him. Blaine stood up and Kurt followed. "What did you say?"Blaine searched his mind for a good enough excuse.
"I said, "When two people love each other, their lovecreates a special power that creates babies." I know amazing," laughed Blaine.Today Kurt wore a white button up with a black vest and a complementing blackand red tie. He also wore a pair of really tight pants. How could that becomfortable?
"Good Job," Kurt laughed at him. "Oh, and Kurt?" "Yes,Blaine." "What's a dolphin?" Kurt stopped and turned to Blaine with a 'are youan idiot" glare. "A dolphin is an aquatic animal Blaine."
"No, Brittany called me a dolphin." Kurt let out a softoh, finally realizing his ridiculous question. "That means you're gay. Dolphinsare gay sharks."
Blaine face stayed motionless for a second, "Okay, sowhat are you doing this Friday?"
"Nothing I can think of. Why?" A blush crept up onBlaine's face. "I would like to take you on a date." Kurt smile grew, "Really,I would love that. Where would we be going?"
Blaine's first period class was finally there. Blainestopped, "That," Blaine tapped Kurt's nose, "Is for you to find out yourself."Then he left into the classroom. Kurt was falling fast.