The make up
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The make up: Chapter 18

E - Words: 925 - Last Updated: Nov 20, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Oct 22, 2012 - Updated: Nov 20, 2012
354 0 4 0 0

Chapter 18

Someone held the door opened for Kurt as he walked into the lobby. He was so embarrassed that he was actually here. He always thought this is were the crazies came...Now he was a crazy...He was scared that people would judge him was the real problem. 

A blonde lady with a loose pony tail was sitting at the front desk typing something in her computer...

Kurt self continuously crossed his arms letting out a small cough making her look up from the computer screen. 

"Oh! Hello." She giggled, taking off her broken glasses. "How can I help you?"

"Um I'm here to check in." 

"Right. Name?"

"Um Kurt Hummel. I believe my dad called ahead." Kurt replied shyly. 

"Ah! Yes he did." She smiled. "My name is Devon by the way."

Gosh she was beautiful. If only she would get rid of that ugly brown sweater and acid washed jeans she'd be just stunning. Ew and those glasses had to go. Kurt's makeover ideas were running wild. She had so much potential. If only he could make her over. 

"Ok. Well if you'll follow me into the back room we'll get started." She smiled opening the door. 

Kurt awkwardly sat in his seat as she probably was doing paper work. He just wanted to die. He felt like he was going to melt into a puddle of embarrassment. She probably thought he was insane for being here so young. 

"Ok Kurt." She said clicking the mouse. "You are here for self-harm and depression is that correct?"

Kurt flinched. His dad promised he wouldn't say why he was there. "W-Who told you that?" Kurt stuttered. 

"Um I believe your father did."

Kurt rested his arm on the table supporting his head. "Itoldhimnottodothat." He sighed.

She gave him a sympathetic look. "Honey, I have to Know that. Now, how long have you been cutting exactly?"

"Three months now?"

She typed it into the computer making Kurt even more nervous. What was she typing? Was she judging him?

"Kay, is there a reason why you started cutting?"

Gosh these questions were getting personal. "I'd rather not say." Kurt said looking at his hands. He didn't know her that well. What if she told someone?

"Kurt, these questions are 100%  confidential." She said looking at him. "It's a requirement."

Kurt let out a long sigh before answering. "My ex boyfriend was hitting Me." He didn't even know he was crying till she handed him a tissue. 

"I'm so sorry." She apologized. Poor kid. he looked about sixteen. "I know it sucks. Been there."

"Y-You've cut?" Kurt stuttered looking up.

"When my boyfriend hit me I turned to drugs. Never going back there again." She said somberly. "I remember when I first walked into these doors. it was about ten years ago. I was just like you." She said sadly.  "You feel worthless. It feels like your soul is being ripped out by the person you thought was there to care for you. It's like having your whole being ripped apart, giving into someone that fails you repeatedly, only to have your heart stomped on again and again."

"Exactly!" Kurt said shocked. Finally, someone who understood! It felt great to talk about it with someone who's actually been threw it. Don't get him wrong he loved talking to Blaine but, this was different. He felt like he could relate.

"Um when's the last time you cut?"

"Three weeks ago."

"No you didn't."

"What?" Kurt asked confused.

"You've been cutting for almost three months? I've studied both the human mind and addiction. Your telling me you haven't cut for three weeks?" She asked in disbelief. 

Kurt looked guilty. "Ok fine! A week I swear."

"That's more like it." She smirked. "I hear ya. Addiction's a bitch."

Kurt smiled as she typed into her computer. He liked her. She was cool. Maybe this wasn't all that bad after all. "Why did you come back here after being sober? I would have ran for the hills."

She giggled taking off her glasses. "Because I want to help people that are going threw what I've been threw. It makes me feel good ya know?"

"Totally." Kurt said mesmerized.

She smiled before getting up from her chair. "Well if you follow me I'll show you your room."


She sat Kurt's bag on the springy bag unzipping it. 

This place was by no means glamorous. The Tv looked like it hadn't been touched in ages, The walls were white, and the bed looked anything but comfortable-

"Hum would you look at this?" Devon said holding up a bag of razors.

Kurt furiously blushed. "How did you find that?"

"I told you. I'm a pro." She said tossing them onto the Bed. "Kay the rules are no leaving endless permission, no phone calls after 11:00 pm, you must join both group and individual therapy, no sex, Keeping your sleeping area clean and organized, Following the rules of your counselor, and last but not least NO cutting." She said shaking the bag of razors. 

End Notes: Tbc...Review! :)


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hi, I'm loving your fic! but i have feedback regarding the term "cutting", I am pretty sure that if the rehab facility is a proffessional one they would refer to it in technical terms, under the wider umbrella of 'self-harm'. while its your fic and you have creative control you don't have to change it or anything- but it just kinda disconnected me from the story a little as i found it a little hard to believe. for I also found a few grammatical errors (the use of their, there & they're + your & you're) and pamphlet not panflit. but other than that I am enjoying your creative take on Klaine and their story- the plot is amazing! congrats! I look forward to updates :) (I don't mean to be so critical, I have just noticed a couple of things that you could improve to make it even more fabulous) xx triangularbowties

Thanks for telling me! I went back and corrected some things that I caught. Thanks for reading!

Lol cute, very cute. Looks like he's gonna be just fine.

I just hope Kurt get well soon and get out of here back into Blaine's arms soon