June 22, 2014, 7 p.m.
June 22, 2014, 7 p.m.
Unconventional Prince Charming
Chapter 8 August 31st Tuesday
Kurt didn't end up getting much sleep that night so consequently he was rather cranky at the breakfast table the next morning. Eventually Burt had enough and ordered him to go to school after he snapped at Carole for dropping a fork. Finn reluctantly followed him out the door since he was his ride to school that day. As soon as they pulled into the school parking lot and parked Finn was out of the car and jogging towards his girlfriend who was standing in front of the school building with the Glee kids. Kurt hopped out of the car, slamming the door shut and storming towards the school. Santana caught with him as soon as he entered the building and started to ask him about Blaine. He cut her off telling her to just tell him that they were fine. He then abruptly stopped in the middle of the hallway, causing Santana to collide into his back. “Can I ask you a question?”
Santana glared at him with her hands on her hips. “Can't you warn a girl before you stop like that? Just because you may have a smoking body doesn't mean I want to be all up on it.”
Kurt rolled his eyes at her as he asked his question. “So Jade was acting really weird yesterday. He came to my house last night and we did homework together at the kitchen table, he talked to my family and we watched television together. He didn't try anything all night. What do you think he's up to?”
Santana furrowed her brows in thought. “I have an idea but let me run it by Blaine first and see what he says.”
“Whatever.” Kurt scoffed as he continued down the hallway without her. She huffed and rolled her eyes before storming of the opposite way.
Kurt could feel eyes on him all day as he was once again being followed around by Jade. He knew Santana, Blaine and Puck were keeping a close eye on him since what happened yesterday. He didn't get the chance to confront them about it until lunch when Quinn demanded Jade's attention and they ran off together. Kurt took the opportunity to sneak out to the football field. He found Puck at the entrance of the bleacher's and walked past him. He then found Blaine leaning against the pole with a cigarette in his mouth, as always. As soon as he saw Kurt approaching he snuffed out his cigarette and opened his mouth to say something. Kurt abruptly cut him off by holding his hand up. “I'm not here for that. I told Santana some information this morning and she ran off to find you.”
Blaine sighed as he took out the pack of cigarettes from his back pocket and lit a new one. “We believe that he was scoping the place out.”
Kurt frowned. “What do you mean?”
“He was looking for signs of me in your house and with the way he's acting today, he must have found something.” Blaine explained.
Kurt crossed his arms over his stomach as it started doing nervous flips at this information. “What should I do?”
“The only thing you can do. Be cautious and keep us updated.”
Kurt nodded his head before turning around to leave. He paused for a moment when he heard Blaine ask if they could talk. He picked up his walking as he called out a no. Blaine growled in frustration as he lit up another cigarette.
Kurt spent the rest of the day nervously awaiting backlash from Jade, but it never came. Eventually the last bell rang and he headed to the gym for practice. He threw himself into the routines that day wanting to get away from all the hurt, anger and fear within him for awhile. He noticed that Quinn was oddly quiet and obedient that day and that just made him more nervous. Practice soon ended and he tiredly made his way to the locker room. After a quick shower he headed outside to his car. Finn had told him earlier that he was getting a ride from Rachel. He stood by his car and watched all of the football players and cheerleaders exiting the building talking excitedly amongst themselves. Kurt found himself wishing longingly for those days. His attention was once again on them as he saw Jade and Quinn exit the building together whispering back and forth. He watched as she climbed into his car and they drove off. He threw his car door open and after getting in and turning the car on he sped off down the road and towards home. Once there he got out of his car and stormed inside and upstairs to his room planning on just locking himself in for the night. He let out a little scream of shock when he found Blaine sitting on his bed. With all of the events of the day plaguing his mind he lashed out at Blaine. “Why aren't you with your boyfriend?”
Blaine snapped back in shock at the tone of Kurt's voice. “I knew you would be upset if I got a lover.”
“Of course I would be Blaine! Gawd, I've been so jealous all day just thinking about you with another guy. Then I get angry because I know I have no right to feel this way since you don't belong to me and I have a boyfriend. But I can't help the way I feel, and I feel as if my heart has been ripped from my chest.” Kurt finished with a choked sob.
Blaine had tears running down his cheeks by the end of Kurt's outburst. He sniffled as he wiped them away. “I didn't cheat on you Kurt.”
Kurt shook his head angrily. “Don't lie to me Blaine.”
“It was Jeff.” Blaine said interrupting Kurt's lecture. “He was jealous of the day you spent with Nick and how you ignored us when you came back from the mall. We fell asleep right before you got there.”
Kurt choked on a sob as he ran across the room and threw himself into Blaine's arms. Blaine caught him readily and held him tightly. Kurt whispered sorry about a hundred times as Blaine just rocked him as he shushed him.
A little while later found them curled up on the bed together. Blaine was laying on his back with one arm around Kurt as the other one thread itself through Kurt's hair while Kurt lay curled into his side with his head on his chest and his arm thrown across his stomach. They were quietly talking together when Kurt asked him a question. “I saw Jade leave with Quinn today, do you think that has anything to do with him checking up on me the other day?”
“Who approached who?” Blaine asked.
Kurt bit his lip in thought. “Uh, she came and took him away during lunch, so I'm going to say it was her.”
Blaine hummed as he nodded his head. “That's something between them then. She was probably griping at him about something.”
Kurt sighed against his chest. “I would like to know what's going on before I'm blindsided by it.”
Blaine nodded in understanding. “I'll see what I can do.”
Blaine eventually fell asleep so Kurt snuck downstairs to be with his family. After apologizing for that morning they had a nice dinner and movie marathon. Afterwards he returned to his room to find Blaine watching the TV. “Hey babe, how was dinner with the fam?”
Good, they forgave me.” Kurt answered as he sat down in his desk chair facing Blaine. At Blaine's puzzled look he explained himself. “I was rather short with them this morning because I wasn't in a good mood.”
Blaine nodded as he went back to watching the TV. Kurt got up and gathered some clothes before disappearing into the bathroom. He returned half an hour later, making sure his door was locked and the light was off before heading to bed. He climbed in as Blaine shut off the television and turned to him. Kurt smiled as he drew closer and let Blaine gather him in his arms. They lay in a comfortable silence for awhile before Kurt broke it with a question. “Do you think we'll ever be rid of all this drama in our life's?”
“Yes.” Blaine answered immediately and firmly.
“How can you be so sure?” Kurt asked doubtfully.
“Because you have me in your life now and I'm going to my best to keep it away.”
Kurt smiled as he placed a kiss on his neck. “Your sweet.”
Blaine made a promise to himself right then and there that he would keep that promise to Kurt. He gathered him closer, kissing the top of his head and closing his eyes, falling asleep promptly.