Unconventional Prince Charming
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Unconventional Prince Charming: Chapter 6

E - Words: 6,109 - Last Updated: Jun 22, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 09, 2013 - Updated: Dec 09, 2013
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Unconventional Prince Charming
Chapter 6
August 24th Tuesday

As sound came blaring out of the alarm clock that morning the boy on the bed started to shuffle around. Soon a hand came out from under the blankets and hit the alarm causing the noise to stop. The shuffling on the bed stopped soon after. A moment later the blanket was thrown off the bed and the boy curled into a ball with his arm thrown across the bed. He peered through one eye as he came across a cold spot. Blaine must have left some time during the night. He grunted as he rolled back over and threw his arm across his eyes as he tried to ignore the ache in his wrist for a little while longer. As his alarm went off again he turned it off as he climbed out of the bed. He shuffled his feet to the bathroom where he took care of business before swallowing two Advil. He unwrapped his hand so that he could take a shower. He turned on the water of the shower before stripping and climbing in. he adjusted the temperature as he got in to his satisfaction. He took his time in washing his hair and bathing as he let the water rush over his body and work out the kinks, making sure to use his left hand. Eventually the water turned cold and he was forced out. He grabbed a towel from under the sink and dried his body before rubbing it against his hair. He wrapped the towel around his waist as he grabbed his toothbrush from it's holder, held it under the running tap before applying toothpaste and sticking it in his mouth. As he ran the toothbrush across his teeth he ventured into his bedroom and to his closet where he picked out his outfit for the day. He laid it on his bed as he headed back to the bathroom where he finished brushing his teeth before gurgling with mouthwash. He then brushed his hair out, styling before spraying hairspray into it to keep it in place. He returned to the bedroom where he proceeded to get dressed. He checked himself in the mirror, fixing a piece of hair, before heading downstairs.
Once downstairs he made his way to the kitchen. He went straight for the coffee pot, fixing it up, before turning it on. He then grabbed the bread from on top of the fridge and threw a couple of pieces in the toaster before tying the bag back and putting it back where he got it. He then ventured out of the kitchen and towards the front door. Upon reaching it he threw the door open, grabbing the newspaper, before shutting the door behind him and returning to the kitchen. Once there he noticed that his toast was done so he fixed it up before heading to the table with it. He started eating it as he sat at the table reading his newspaper. Soon the coffee was finished and he got up to make himself a cup. He then returned to the table and his newspaper as his dad entered the kitchen. He took out the sports section of the paper, setting it down across from him as Burt made himself a cup of coffee. Kurt went back to his reading as Burt sat down across from him opening his own part of the paper. As Kurt finished his breakfast he got up to place his plate in the sink. He grabbed a skillet from the cabinet before taking the eggs out of the fridge and placing them in a mixing bowl with milk, mixing it, before pouring it in the skillet. He replaced the eggs in the fridge as he let the skillet warm up. In the meantime he poured himself a second cup of coffee as he heard Burt turn the page across the room. He returned to the skillet, mixing the eggs as they had started cooking.
They were soon joined by Carole and a still half asleep Finn. Carole made her way to Kurt, kissing him on the head, earning a smile from him. She poured herself a cup of coffee before grabbing some plates and setting the table. They were soon gathered at the table and amidst good but quiet conversation they had breakfast. As Carole cleaned up afterwards Finn went to get ready for school and Kurt polished off his third cup of coffee that morning. As Carole and Finn left the kitchen, leaving father and son alone, Burt decided to inquire about his wrist. “I didn't want to say anything in front of everybody in case there was something you needed to talk to me about.”
Kurt hung his head as he was standing by the sink and facing away from his father. It would be too easy to just tell his dad and let him take care of it, but Kurt wasn't about taking the easy way out. “Kid?”
“I hurt it during cheerleading practice dad.” Kurt lied as he went about rinsing his cup out in the sink.
Burt squinted his eyes in thought as he observed his son knowing there was more to the story. “Do you need to go to the doctor?”
Kurt quickly spun around with a look of panic. “That's not necessary dad! I'll just keep it wrapped for the next couple of days and it should be fine.”
Burt sighed in reluctant resignation of his son's wariness to confide in him. “Fine, but if it gets worst your going, even if I have to have Finn throw you over his shoulder and take you himself.”
Kurt sighed in relief of the matter not being taken further. “Sure dad.”
Finn soon came back into the kitchen and him and Kurt left to go to school.

As he pulled into the parking lot and parked Finn hopped out of the car and bounded off to his girlfriend that was standing in front of the school talking to a small group of the Glee kids. Kurt got out of the car and slowly made his way across the parking lot, pass the Glee kids and into the school. He wandered through the halls to get to his locker and was surprised to find Santana standing at it as he approached. He quickly said a good morning as he started turning the lock on his locker. As he opened it she turned to face him with a big smile and her hands behind her back. He looked at her cautiously as he addressed her. “What's up Santana?”
Santana pulled her hands from her back to reveal a rose that she thrusted into Kurt's face. “Bad boy prince sends his love.”
Kurt squealed as he took it from her and held it under his nose as he inhaled deeply. “I love it!”
Santana narrowed her eyes in anger as she noticed his wrist for the first time. “What the hell happened to you?”
Kurt flinched at her anger as he stuffed the rose in his bag before grabbing the book he would need in his next class, deftly ignoring the glare she was currently staring him down with. “Nothing.”
Santana huffed as she stormed off down the hall. Kurt sighed as he slammed his locker door shut before heading to his first class.

Apparently he was the last to arrive as he walked into a full classroom. He gave Blaine a small smile as he walked by. He sat down just as the bell rang and Jade dragged his desk as close to his as it could get. The teacher entered soon after and began her lesson. Kurt soon tuned her out since he felt a headache coming on from lack of sleep, too much caffeine, and the pain in his wrist. His thoughts soon shifted to Blaine as he tried to forget about the pain for a moment. He was disturbed a few moments later as someone sat down next to him. He turned his head and was surprised to find Puck sitting there. The words group project flew through his mind as he searched the room for Jade. Kurt shook his head as he found him sitting a few rows away, with Quinn. He turned back to Puck to find him smiling at him as he raised his chin before quickly lowering it again. “What's up?”
Kurt nodded his head at him before searching the room for Blaine. His eyes soon met his and Blaine winked at him before returning to his own partner. Puck, having noticed Kurt's wondering eye, decided to explain his presence. “He wanted you paired with someone on his side.”
Kurt laughed in disbelief. “You make it sound like you guys are in the mafia or something.”
Puck laughed at Kurt's description of them until his eyes settled on Kurt's bandaged wrist and he soon became angry. “What the hell happened to your wrist!”
Kurt looked up at him innocently as he slid his arm to rest in his lap and out of eyesight of Puck. “Santana didn't tell you?”
Puck shook his head in response.
“I hurt it during cheerleading practice.” Kurt mumbled as he knew Puck wouldn't believe this excuse anyway.
“Now your lying for him!” Puck exploded in rage.
“Would you quiet it down!” Kurt whispered shouted as he looked across the room at Jade to make sure he hadn't heard Puck's outburst. Fortunately he was too invested in a conversation with Quinn to even notice. “What do you want me to do, tell the whole school!”
Puck gave him a disbelieving look before answering. “No, but you can at least be truthful with your friends.”
Kurt exhaled in defeat as he was too tired and in pain to fight with Puck. “Fine, yes, it was him.”
Puck growled in response as he hit the desk in anger. “I'll kill him myself!”
Kurt lay his hand on Puck's arm that was currently clenched in anger. “Can we please just start on the project?”
Puck sighed in compliance as he took out a piece of paper and began taking notes on what their project was to be about and the ideas they had so far for it. Kurt happily chatted with Puck throughout the class period as they worked. Just before the bell rang they agreed to meet after school to work on it some more.

In between classes Kurt snuck off to a quiet so he could call his dad and ask him about his plans with Puck. This was his response. “Your getting quite popular with the boys there Kurt.” Kurt could practically feel the pat on his back and see the wink. He couldn't help but roll his eyes even though he knew his dad couldn't see him. “It's for a school project dad.” Burt laughed at his son's attitude, quite used to it by now. “Couldn't you have just paired with Jade or Blaine? Or are you really that insistent that I not meet him?”
Kurt heaved a sigh as he tried to explain his reasoning to his dad. “The teachers assigned the partners. Besides, you know how Jade feels about Blaine.”
Burt laughed at his sons embarrassment as he gave an answer. “I don't care if Puck come's over, but you two aren't to disappear to your room.”
Kurt felt his face heat up at his father's implication. “Dad, Puck's not even gay!”
Burt burst out laughing knowing that he had just embarrassed his kid and he was probably currently bright red. “Alright kiddo, I'll see you two after school. Have a good day.”
Kurt sighed in exasperation of his fathers picking on him. “Thanks dad, I'll be home right after practice. Love you.”
“I love you too kiddo.” Burt replied before he heard the phone dial tone in his ear.

Even with the phone call before class he was the first one in the classroom. He took a seat in the back. He brought out his ear buds and placed them in his ears. He turned his music up as he laid his head down on the desk to rest for a moment. He was disturbed a moment later as a hand slammed down on the desk and an ear bud was ripped from his ear. He looked up only to become face to face with a set of angry eyes. His own eyes widened as he tried to back up as far as his desk would allow. “What's up with you and Puck?”
He decided to play dumb not knowing how much Jade actually knew and not wanting to give anything away. “I have no idea what your talking about.”
Jade scoffed in response as he crossed his arms across his chest as he tried to intimidate him. “You two looked pretty cozy earlier. You just giving it up to everyone now?”
Kurt flinched at Jade's words and the tone in which they were said. “He's just a friend Jade.”
Jade got into his face as he delivered his next threat. “A friend of Anderson's, and I don't want you near him!”
Kurt gulped as he tried to explain himself without further angering his boyfriend. “That's going to be kind of hard since he's my project partner, through no means of my own.” Jade slammed his fist down on the desk and Kurt couldn't help but jump as he heard the wood crack in response. “Fine, but after the project I'm not to see you with him again.”
Anger flooded through Kurt at the order and angry words flew out of his mouth before he could stop them. “You can't tell me who I'm aloud to be friends with!”
Jade's reaction was instant as he surged further to grab Kurt's wrist and slam it against the desk. Tears started streaming down Kurt's face as he bit his lip in attempt to keep from screaming out. Jade got into his face once more. “You are not to hang out with any guy but me. Are we clear?”
Jade emphasized the point by pressing his wrist down on the desk as Kurt didn't give an answer right away. “Yes!” Kurt finally yelled out as Jade continued the assault on his wrist. Kurt put his hand on Jade's arm and started to push in attempt to get him off him. Jade held it there for a moment longer before slamming it against the desk once more for good measure before letting go.
As soon as he could Kurt gathered his arm to him and cradled his wrist to his chest. He began crying as the fear slowly seeped away and was replaced with pain. Jade sneered at him as he took the seat next to him as kids began filing into the room. “Would you quit your blubbering. I don't need people to think I have a sissy for a boyfriend.” Kurt quickly gathered his stuff before rushing out of the room with tears running down his face.

He could hear Jade's laughter follow him to the hallway as if taunting him. Another difference in the two, where Blaine's laugh made him smile in turn, Jade's was just evil and sent chills down his back.

Kurt made it to the bathroom where he proceeded to lock himself into the handicap stall and huddle in the corner before he completely broke down. As his sobs quieted down he realized that his phone had been going off the entire time he was in there, which turned out to be ten minutes. He reached down for it and once he found out it was Blaine, decided to answer. “Where are you?”
“What the hell happened?”
“Jade threatened me because I was partnered with Puck.”
“Did he hurt you?!”
“He banged my wrist against the desk.”
“I'll have Puck back off during school.”
“Maybe we can get Rachel or Mercedes on our side?”
“Not Rachel, she'll tell Finn and I'm not ready for that bag of worms.”
“We'll talk to Mercedes then.”
“Thanks Blaine, but I'm getting a headache from staring at my phone so I'm going to let you go. I'll see you next period.”
“Your not going to the Nurse?!”
“Just so she can send me to the hospital, no thanks.”
“I really think you should.”
“Well I don't care what you think, I'm not going!!!”
Kurt cursed himself as soon as he sent that text and immediately tried to make it right. “I'm sorry!!!1 I didn't mean that. He's just getting to me. Plus I've already had that conversation with my dad today. I'm sorry!!!!”
“That's alright babe, I know how stressed you are, I shouldn't have pushed. Just let me know if there's anyway I can help.”
“Of course! But I'm really going to let you go know because it's bothering my wrist bad to try to text.”
“Alright babe. See you soon.”

The next few classes were uneventful compared to that morning. Santana came to him in class to ask his opinion about letting Mercedes in before she went to talk to her. He told her that he didn't think it was such a good idea so she nixed the idea.
The next big incident didn't happen until lunch. He was sitting next to Jade at the lunch table but his mind was miles away. He was brought out of it however when he heard someone sit down next to him. He turned his head to find Puck sitting there smiling at him. “Sup Hummel.”
Kurt's eyes widened as he turned to look at Jade who was too deep in conversation with Quinn to notice his presence. He turned back to Puck with a glare. “Are you stupid or something?”
Puck's smile just widened in response. “Or something.”
Kurt groaned in frustration of his stupid friend. “What were you thinking! We are surrounded by him and all of his friends! Are you trying to get me killed?”
Puck rolled his eyes at the boy. “He's not even paying attention, he's talking to Ms. Slut over there.”
It was Kurt's turn to roll his eyes as he asked Puck his next question. “What can I help you with Puckerman?”
Puck's smile grew even bigger as he replied. “Your presence has been requested by Bad boy prince.”
Kurt nodded his head once as he got up and started for the door, the only thing on his mind at the moment was needing Blaine. Santana and Puck followed close behind.

Kurt hurried through the halls of the school and took a side door out of the building. He took off towards the football field with Santana and Puck flanking him. He speed walked across the football field and to the bleachers, with Santana and Puck breaking off so they could take up there positions at either end of the bleachers. He found Blaine smoking a cigarette as he leaned against the pole and rushed to him. Upon seeing Kurt he quickly threw down his cigarette and stomped it out so that he could catch Kurt when he flung himself at him. Just as he finished stomping out his cigarette Kurt made it to him and into his arms. Blaine held on tightly as Kurt seemed to be holding on for dear life. They stood there for the longest time just holding each other and rocking back and forth. Kurt eventually pulled away but kept his head down as he sniffled. Blaine held his finger under Kurt's chin and gently pulled up until Kurt was looking at him. “There's my pretty boy.” Blaine whispered as he kissed his forehead.
Kurt giggled as his face heated up. “I've missed you today.”
Blaine smiled at his confession. “I've missed you too babe. Which is why I'm coming over after school.”
“I have that stupid project thing with Puck after school today.” Kurt said with a sigh of frustration.
Blaine hummed in thought as he tried to come up with a way to make this work. “How about you take him to your room and shut the door and I'll sneak through the window.”
Kurt laughed at the suggestion as he remembered the comment his dad had made earlier. “My dad already thinks I'm collecting boy toys.”
Blaine laughed also as he could only picture how his relationship with him only looked and now to add Puck. “We'll go to the gym then. Let your dad know there has been a change of plans.”
Kurt smiled as he gazed at Blaine lovingly. “I'll let him know.” He placed himself back in Blaine's arms. Blaine once again held him tightly as he rocked him back and forth. Eventually Kurt pulled away once again with a sigh. “As much as I would love to remain in your arms for the rest of the day the bells going to ring soon.”
Blaine sighed as well as he held on tighter. “Do you feel better?”
Kurt grinned up at him. “Definitely.”
Blaine beamed back at him. “Good, then I was right in summoning your presence.”
“You're the best friend ever!” Kurt said with a huge smile on his face.
Blaine could only stand there in shock at Kurt's outburst. Kurt, noticing Blaine's stillness, looked at him in confusion. Blaine looked at him with a twinkle in his eye and a smirk on his lips. “I'm your best friend?”
Kurt scoffed in disbelief at the boy in front of him. “Of course you are. You're the only one to notice the things I've been going through. You're the only one willing to help me through it. You actually listen to and care about what I have to say. And most of all, you care about me.”
Blaine ended up throwing himself in Kurt's arms this time as he sniffled through a response. “You're my best friend too. Just don't tell the guys.”
Kurt burst out laughing as he patted Blaine on the back. “I wouldn't dream of it.”
They both groaned in unison as the bell rang and Santana and Puck started their way. They got in a quick goodbye before Puck grabbed a hold of Blaine and Santana Kurt, as they dragged them off in different directions.

Santana dragged him all the way to his locker where they stood talking as Kurt prepared his backpack for his next class. Both were unaware of the angry Jade charging towards them until he was standing between them, abruptly ending their conversation, and demanding answers from Kurt. “Where the hell did you run off to?”
Santana put her arms on her hips and her best bitch glare as she answered for him. “We had a meeting with Coach Sue.”
“I believe I was talking to him. You may leave now.” Jade stated not even turning to look at her as he dismissed her as if she was his servant.
She scoffed in anger as she got ready to tell him off but Kurt quickly intervened. “Santana, I'll see you in class.” Santana opened her mouth in protest but Kurt quickly shook his head and she stormed off down the hallway instead. “You want to tell me the truth now?” Jade asked as soon as she was gone.
Kurt sighed as he went back to his locker. “She is telling the truth Jade.”
“What was the meeting about?” Jade demanded to know as he stood there angrily glaring at Kurt.
“It was about cheerleading stuff that you wouldn't be interested in.” Kurt said flippantly as he didn't even look Jade's way.
“If I find out different…” Jade started threatening until Kurt cut him off. “What do you care anyway! You were too busy flirting with Quinn to notice anything around you!”
Jade came closer, crowding Kurt into the locker, causing Kurt to snap his mouth shut in fear. “What I do and who I do it with is none of your business.”
Relationships are supposed to be equal.” Kurt retaliated as he tried to stand his ground.
Jade smirked as he continued to show dominance over Kurt. “Not in this relationship.”
Kurt scoffed as he shook his head in disbelief. “I'm also making a new rule for our relationship.” Jade stated as he crowded Kurt in further against the locker. “You are to always be by my side at school and the only other person I want to see you with is a cheerleader.”
“You have got to be kidding me!” Kurt exploded in anger as he pushed Jade away from him.
Jade laughed as he took a step back. “Do you understand?” He asked as his eyes sparkled with danger. Kurt rolled his eyes as he reluctantly nodded his head. Jade smiled as he grabbed Kurt's wrist and dragged him down the hall towards their next class.

The rest of the day was uneventful even though Kurt did get the chance to talk to Santana about what happened at the locker. She in turn told Blaine who became pissed when he heard the news. He in turn told Kurt to just stick with Santana and Brittany for the moment and he would scope out the cheerleaders he could get on their side. Kurt told him not to worry about it since the cheerleaders were just looking for a reason to overthrow him and this would just give them the fuel to do it. Kurt was pulled away from his phone before he could get the reply by Jade who pulled him to his side and whispered into his ear to smile so that they could retain their position as the 'it' couple.

Jade walked him to his next class, holding his hand, and talking excitedly. Kurt just tuned him out though as he roamed the hallways, which is why Kurt was taken by complete surprise when Jade grabbed him close and planted one on him. Kurt was still in shock as Jade pushed him away afterwards and continued on to his own class. Kurt turned around to walk into the classroom and he noticed the boy sitting at the front of the class, glaring out into the hallway. He rushed inside to take a seat next to him as he began apologizing. The boy just smiled at him as he grabbed his hand under the table. “It's ok. You know who you really belong to.” Blaine said with a smirk.
Kurt's cheeks started burning as his face lit up with a smile. Blaine continued holding his hand through out class. He even took notes for the both of them as Kurt talked to him quietly in French so nobody could understand.
After French class that afternoon Kurt headed to cheerleading practice. He was upset that he had to sit out that day and instruct from the sidelines. He had them working on the routine for Sectionals since Coach Sue said they still had a lot of work to do on it. Halfway through practice he gave them a break and Santana ran over to talk to him about what improvements she thought could be made. As they stood there talking Quinn came to stand beside them with her hands on her hips and her 'I'm better than you' look on her face. “So what was the meeting at lunch with Sue about?”
Kurt turned her way with a bitch glare of his own as he answered. “That's information for the head cheerleader and co captain, not you Quinn.”
Quinn narrowed her eyes at him in thought. “I just thought that it was rather unusual that Puck happened to be the person to come get you for said meeting.”
Kurt blew air through his lips as he tried to brush her statement away. “You know Sue, she'll use any means necessary to get what she wants.”
Quinn made a noise in her throat at his answer and decided to try her questioning from another angle. “I didn't see Blaine at lunch today.”
Kurt was starting to lose his temper with the girl and snapped at her. “Do you frequently seek out his presence at lunch?”
Quinn smirked as she whipped her head to the side before bringing it back up. “I just happened to notice is all.”
“Well if you paid any attention at lunch to something besides whatever my boyfriend was whispering in your ear you would have noticed that Blaine doesn't frequent the lunch room. Kurt replied smartly.
Quinn raised an eyebrow at him. “You noticed?”
Kurt smiled sickenly sweet at her before he replied. “Careful sweetie, that's how rumors get started.”
Santana was getting tired of Quinn's attitude and decided to intervene. “Enough! Quinn, the only reason you even care is because you have the hots for Kurt's man.”
Quinn huffed in aggravation as the two kept getting the upper hand. “I just think that he deserves better than someone who runs around on him behind his back.”
“You mean someone who will stay on their back for him?” Kurt shot back.
Quinn was mortified at his accusation but was cut off from replying by Coach Sue coming into the gym and demanding to know why they weren't practicing. When Kurt started to answer she cut him off telling him to get back to work. He in turn yelled at the cheerleaders to get back on the floor.
Practice soon ended and Kurt took the quickest shower he could ever remember taking before running through the halls and to the parking lot. He smiled when he met Blaine's eyes across the way before making his way to his car. He hurried inside as he buckled his seatbelt and took off. Blaine sped off behind him on his motorcycle and Puck behind him in his car. They stopped off at the Lima Bean on the way so that Kurt could grab a coffee. It didn't take long since the coffee shop was pretty deserted and they were on the road again.

As soon as Kurt put his car in park and had his seatbelt off once they arrived he was pulled out of the car and into a pair of arms he would know anywhere. He let himself be held for a moment before pulling away. They stood there staring into each other's eyes before some one cleared their throats behind them. “Can we head inside now guys?”
Kurt blushed as he adverted his gaze but Blaine just held him close as he turned his glare onto Puck. “Fuck you.” Puck just laughed as he steered them towards the building.
Once inside they found themselves in a circle amongst friends talking and laughing loudly. Eventually homework was brought out at the insistence of Kurt and they worked on that for awhile. After awhile the day started catching up to Kurt and his head ended up in Blaine's lap with his eyes closed as Blaine softly stroked his hair as he read. He was brought out of his literary world by Wes asking about Kurt. He sighed as he put the book down and ran his hand through his hair as he was still feeling guilty about the whole thing. “Jade did it after I sang a song to Kurt in Glee.” Wes shook his head in anger.
“Does he usually just fall asleep like that?” Wes asked in concern.
Blaine looked down lovingly at the boy as he continued to stroke his hair. “No, but after no sleeping last night and the pain that Jade's put him through today, it's finally caught up with him.”
“I'm not surprised. I heard he got into an argument with Quinn today.” Puck said joining in on their conversation.
“Who's Quinn?” Nick asked curiously.
“What were they arguing about?” Wes asked.
“Quinn is Jade's on the side girl and I have no idea what they argued about since Kurt hasn't told me yet.” Blaine explained trying to answer everyone's questions.
“Santana told me that she was saying that Jade didn't deserve someone who ran around on him and Kurt told her that he just wanted someone to stay on his back for him.” Puck stated.
David whooped in awe of the boy. “The boy has sass that's for sure.”
“So wait, if Jade bi?” Jeff asked confused.
“Um, that's not yet determined. I hadn't heard anything about him even liking boys until Kurt got popular after joining the cheerleading team.” Blaine explained reluctantly.
“So he's just using Kurt for his popularity!” Nick asked in disgust.
“Basically.” Blaine answered with regret.
“I say we go after this guy ourselves and take care of him for Kurt.” Nick suggested.
Blaine sighed. “You know Kurt wouldn't appreciate it if we did that, he wants to do this himself.”
“Screw that! I want a piece of this guy!” Nick shouted in anger.
“Nick calm down!” Blaine demanded. Nick instantly deflated, hanging his head. “Now as much as I would love to go after Jade myself, it's impossible. We will give Kurt his chance to take care of this himself. Do I make myself clear?” Blaine ordered with authority clear in his voice. All of the boys around him quickly mumbled a yes. “Good. Now, let's talk about this game on Friday that my boy's starting in.” Blaine said sending Puck a smile. Puck instantly broke into an explanation of his plans and worries about the game. They spent the rest of the afternoon talking football as Kurt slept soundly in Blaine's lap.

Blaine woke Kurt around seven so that he could take him to eat before taking him home. They ended up at a little pizza place down the street where amongst good conversation and good people they spent the next few hours. The guys didn't bring up Jade once, for which Kurt was thankful. Nick did however bring up their shopping trip and they spent the rest of the night talking and planning. Nine o clock found Kurt saying goodbye his friends and setting out towards home. He took off in his car as Blaine followed behind on his motorcycle.
When they made it to Kurt's house Blaine parked a couple of houses away as Kurt went on to the house. Upon entering the house he found his dad sitting on the couch. Once Kurt came into view he asked about his study session. Kurt told him that it went well and the guys took him out to dinner afterwards. Apparently Puck was a better student then he let on since he continued to work on the project even after he fell asleep. Burt nodded. “Glad you had fun bud.”
Kurt smiled at him. “I really did.”
Burt smirked up at him. “Are you getting together tomorrow?”
Kurt nodded his head in reply. “The teacher only gave us a few days to work on it.”
“Alright, we'll why don't you go to bed, you look exhausted.” Kurt yawned as he nodded his head. “I am, my wrist has been bothering me all day.”
Burt frowned at his son's weariness. “We're getting that looked at if it doesn't look better.” Kurt just waved him away as he headed upstairs, calling out after him. “Night dad!”
Burt's laughter followed him up the stairs. “Night Kurt!”

Kurt tiredly made his way upstairs and to his room. A smile lit up his face when he found Blaine already in the bed watching TV. He shut and locked his door before heading to his dresser and grabbing a pair of pajama pants before disappearing into the bathroom. He returned a few minutes later, shut off the light and climbed into bed with Blaine. Blaine in turn turned off the TV and gathered Kurt close, kissing him on top of the head as he whispered goodnight. Kurt warned Blaine that his father would probably check in on him later since he was pretty concerned about him down stairs when they talked. Blaine just smiled as he told him not to worry about it and go to sleep. As soon as Kurt closed his eyes he was out like a light.
Just as Kurt predicted his dad came to the room as he passed by on the way to his own. Blaine had just enough time to slide under the bed as Burt opened the door. He stood in the doorway just staring at him for a moment before stepping inside. He walked quietly up to him, gently grabbing his hurt wrist that he had under his head, placing it to the side instead. He then ruffled Kurt's hair, causing Kurt to mumble in his sleep. Burt laughed as he stepped away and out of the room, closing the door behind him. Blaine waited for a few minutes, in case he came back, until he climbed back on the bed. As soon as he did though Kurt curled himself back into Blaine's arms and fell back into a deep slumber. He kissed him on the head before closing his eyes and following him into dreamland.


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