Unconventional Prince Charming
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Unconventional Prince Charming: Chapter 4

E - Words: 4,276 - Last Updated: Jun 22, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 09, 2013 - Updated: Dec 09, 2013
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Unconventional Prince Charming

Chapter 4 August 21st

Kurt was very warm when he woke up the next morning. He blinked his eyes open to peek around the room and found his chest covered in dark, curly hair. He smiled as he combed his fingers through the head of hair. He felt him start to stir against him so he stopped the movement of his hand but kept his hand buried in his hair. Blaine opened his eyes and turned them towards Kurt. He smiled sleepily up at him while Kurt admired his sleep rumpled hair, the boy was adorable. “Hi.” “Hi.” Kurt answered stretching out with a yawn as Blaine re closed his eyes. “How about I go downstairs and make breakfast while you get your self woken up?” Blaine's response was rolling off of him so Kurt took that as an invitation to get up. He headed downstairs and into the kitchen as the boy in bed buried himself under the blankets.

When Kurt returned Blaine was sitting in the middle of the bed with his hand buried in his hair and yawning. Kurt approached him cautiously, sitting on the edge of the bed. He handed him his plate of toast and eggs and glass of juice. He took them with a smile and started to dig in while Kurt himself started on his own plate. They ate in silence, Kurt taking Blaine's plate from him when he was finished, setting them on his desk. When Kurt turned around he found Blaine watching him with a curious gaze. “What's up?'
“We need to talk.” Kurt laughed to cover his nervousness as he responded. “Is it time for that talk already?”
Blaine shook his head. “No, this is the talk about my past.” Kurt studied him for a moment before he positioned himself on the edge of the bed facing Blaine.
“I'm listening.”

Blaine took a moment to gather himself before he began. “I guess, I should just start at the beginning. Dalton was a great school, great people, great academics, zero tolerance bullying policy, and great show choir. The Warblers were the best group of people I have ever met. They were very accepting and fun to be around. I maintain some of those friendships to this day. I soon became the lead singer of the group because of my energy and vocals.
We were in the choir room one day discussing the color choices for our blazers ‘don't laugh!' when he walked in. He explained that he was new there and would like to audition. We readily said yes because it was a rule of the Warblers to let everyone try out. He sang We Will Rock You that day. I can remember it like it was yesterday. He looked rather dashing in his blazer. He had brown hair, beautiful brown eyes and a perfect smile. He was very handsome. And boy could he sing. His moves were a little off and outdated but we figured we could take him in and teach him a few things. He became a Warbler that day. He immediately introduced himself to me, telling me that I was sex on a stick and sang like a dream. I was flabbergasted that this beautiful human being even knew about me. He invited me to coffee to pick at my brain for some tips on dancing and singing. I was ecstatic to say the least. We went out for coffee and it was like we had known each other forever. We sat and talked for hours and by the end of the date we were best friends.
In the next couple of weeks we became inseparable. There was never a time that you didn't see just one of us with the other one not far behind. We started dating soon after that and I felt like I was on top of the world. I had my first boyfriend. We started hanging out even more and eventually became physical. It was mostly make outs because whenever he would go for more I pushed him away.
At first he would take the hint and keep his hands to himself as we continued to make out. Then one day he didn't take no for an answer. He pushed for more and when I said no he pushed harder. He put me on a whole guilt trip for saying no and when I still refused, he just took what he wanted.
Afterwards I was forced back to my room. I lay in my bed for hours that night crying. I felt so used and dirty and most of all, unloved. I cared so much about this boy, thought I loved him, and he didn't seem to care at all. He had threatened me with my parents that night knowing full well that I hadn't come out to them yet.
This lasted for about a month and I started getting beat every time I said no, so I stopped. I started going to the gym behind his back and of course he didn't notice, he only cared about getting off and then sending me on my way.
There was to be a Christmas party before we went on winter break. The Warblers were performing that night so we were required to go. This of course gave me the perfect excuse to use with my parents. I felt like I was ready to fight back against him, so I was using this night to do it.
The dance was actually pretty fun. I danced with all of my friends in between all of our performances. He even danced with me a couple of times, sometimes getting a little too handsy.
It was about a hour before the dance was to begin when he asked me to go upstairs with him. I knew this was my opportunity so I let him lead me away. Once we got to the room he shut and locked the door behind us before throwing me to the bed. I bounced back up and informed him that nothing was going to happen that night or ever again because I was breaking up with him.
He laughed in my face. I told him I wasn't joking and held up my fists. He laughed again and I took a swing. He became angry and charged me. We broke into a fight and because of all the noise we were making a teacher was called. Needless to say we were both suspended.
I was immediately taken to the hospital and put under a medical induced coma because of the injuries I sustained. When I woke up, a week later, I wasn't at the hospital. Apparently my parents weren't too thrilled to find out that I was gay. I had been moved to the gym and left a note. It basically said that I was kicked out of the house for being gay and unless I changed my ways I wouldn't be welcomed back. I was also told that after break I would receive tutoring so I wouldn't fall behind. They had enrolled me at McKinley for the next year. They had an account set up for me that I was to receive funds in every month that I didn't come home. I of course started my own account that I placed the money in every month. It was that day, after finding out that I had just lost all of my friends, my home, my school, my parents, that I became angry. I decided right there and then that that was never going to happen to me again because I wasn't going to let it. Of course that changed a small bit when I realized the boys weren't going anywhere because they showed up the next day and stayed with me all through my recovery.
Of course you know how I adopted the bad boy persona when I started at McKinley. Rumors started circulating the school before I even knew I was going to be attending McKinley so I was immediately taken in by Santana and Puck. We eventually became close and I told them the abbreviated version of my story. They elected me leader after that and we basically ran the school.”
Kurt moved closer to Blaine on the bed who had tears running down his face. He enveloped him in his arms as he started rocking him back and forth. “Blaine I am so sorry that all of that happened to you.”
Blaine shook his head as he pushed himself out of Kurt's arms. “I'm better now Kurt, I have you. You have no idea how much you mean to me. More than Sebastian ever did.” Kurt tackled him to the bed with a hug, blushing when he realized that he was now on top of Blaine. He scrambled off as Blaine laughed at him curling into his side instead. “I'm so glad you had someone there for you Blaine.” Blaine kissed the top of his head.
“I'm glad I can be that someone for you.”

Kurt sighed as he sat up on his elbows on the bed with his arm thrown across Blaine's chest. “I feel kind of bad now for complaining about what I'm going through. Compared to you…”
Blaine sat up immediately to face Kurt. “Don't you dare say that! Don't you dare down play what your going through. Everyone's struggles are different Kurt, that doesn't mean there any less hard.”
“I'm sorry.” Kurt whispered.
Blaine pulled him to him where he fell on to his chest and he could still see his face. “No need to be sorry babe. You are more strong and courageous than you know. You will get through this.” Kurt hummed as he kissed Blaine on the chest before hopping up and beginning to gather clothes. Blaine watched him with a smile on his face until his curiosity got the better of him. “What you doing babe?”
Kurt looked up at him like he was crazy as he answered his question. “My dad will be home soon.”
Blaine's forehead creased in confusion as he replied. “And?”
Kurt exhaled as if it was physically hurting him to have to explain something so simple to Blaine. “After the description that my goofball of a step brother gave him, he's not really fond of me spending time with you. Especially with Jade still in the picture.”
Blaine made a noise in acknowledgement as he fell back onto the bed.
Kurt scoffed in annoyance. “Please don't tell me that you agree with him.”
Blaine sighed as he sat back up to be able to see Kurt better. “I get where he's coming from Kurt. If I found out my kid was hanging out with a delinquent like me I would be apprehensive as well.”
“He's being irrational!” Kurt huffed in annoyance as he placed his hands on his hips. “Kurt I'm not getting in between you and your father! Do you know how special a connection like you two have is?”
Kurt growled in frustration. “Yes I am very aware of how lucky I am to have such a great father! I also know that you make me happy and that's hard to come by these days.” “Kurt listen to me…” Blaine pleaded.
“I won't lose you Blaine, I can't lose you.” Kurt said breaking into a sob.
Blaine sighed as he fell back against the bed, placing his arm across his face. “Let's not talk about this right now. Get ready and we'll head to the gym.
Kurt sniffled as he finished gathering his clothes and disappeared into the bathroom unaware of the inner turmoil going on inside of his friend.

When Kurt came out of the bathroom they headed out through the window. They walked the small distance it took to get to Blaine's car. Blaine opened the passenger door for Kurt and after a quiet thank you he hopped in the car. Blaine took his time to get back to the car so he could get his head on straight. He made a promise to himself if the time came and it was better to let Kurt go, then he would. He climbed into the driver's seat, starting the car and taking off. He turned on the radio as he drove down the road and he and Kurt sang along the whole way there.

It took them two hours to get to the gym. He pulled into the parking lot, turning the car off and throwing the keys onto the dashboard. He rolled his eyes as he noticed all of the cars in the parking lot. “Guess you'll be meeting my friends sooner than I thought.” Kurt could feel his heart start pounding and butterflies erupt in his stomach at the statement. He began looking around the parking lot trying to gauge exactly how many of Blaine's friends he would be meeting that day. His eyes fell on Blaine's motorcycle parked by the front entrance and his eyes narrowed. “Hey, why aren't you driving your motorcycle today?”
“I wasn't sure if you would want to ride on it or not.” Blaine answered.
Kurt's forehead creased in thought for a moment before commenting. “I don't think I would mind.”
Blaine smirked at this response. “I'm rubbing off on you already Hummel.”
Kurt laughed as he gave a reply. “I think it's about time to become a little more adventurous. I mean that's what my teen years are for right?”
Blaine smiled at him. “Definitely babe. You ready to head inside?”
Kurt took a deep breath. “As ready as I'll ever be.”

Blaine hopped out of the car as Kurt slowly opened his door and stepped down. He made his way around the car and to Blaine who held out his hand. Kurt smiled as he grabbed it and they headed towards the small building. Upon entering they found a boy sitting at the desk in the front room. They continued through and entered the gym. Kurt surveyed the room as Blaine stood steadfastly by his side talking to a blonde boy who had approached them as they entered. Off to the side of the room was a locker room. In the middle, they had mats set up. Off to the other side were doors which Kurt was pretty sure lead to work out rooms. Kurt looked to the back of the room and up to find Blaine's loft. As he came out of his head the boy from the front desk had come up to them. “So, this is the famous Kurt Hummel.”
Blaine beamed back at him as he dragged Kurt into his side. “Yes it is.”
Wes smiled as he held out a hand to the boy. Kurt hesitantly grabbed it and pumped it twice before letting his hand fall back to his side. “You've got quite a grip there Kurt.” Blaine smiled encouragingly at him. “Thank you. It's nice to meet you. Blaine has told me so much about you.” Kurt could feel Blaine practically purring beside him in happiness as he engaged Wes in conversation.
“He's told us a lot about you as well. I hope we can hang out real soon and get to know each other better.”
Kurt smiled, impressed by this polite and well mannered boy. You wouldn't find any boys like this wandering the halls of McKinley. “I look forward to it.”
Blaine pulled him away soon after and to a punching bag he had set up in the corner. Blaine helped him put on some boxing gloves and then showed him a few techniques before setting him free to practice himself.

Blaine was pretty impressed with Kurt after practice that day. He picked up the techniques he showed him rather quickly, perfecting them in no time. Kurt was definitely on the way to being ready to get rid of Jade. Around noon they decided to quit for the day and have lunch with the boys. Kurt got into the shower while Blaine went to talk to the group about lunch. They readily agreed wanting so much to learn more about the boy that had captured Blaine's heart.
When Kurt returned from the showers they all piled into Puck's truck and took off for the pizza place down the street, Puck following behind on Blaine's motorcycle. They found a seat in the back upon arriving. They spent the afternoon involved in great conversation. They all fell in love with Kurt's sassiness and snark as Kurt fell in love with all of their different personalities. Nick soon became his favorite, after Blaine of course, because of his sweet nature. Jeff was very happy go lucky and cute. Wes was the father of the group as he kept the boys under control. David was just a goofball. Kurt had never gotten to experience what hanging out with a bunch of guys could be like and he was finding that he was quite enjoying himself. Which was why he was very disappointed when his father texted him around five telling him that it was time to come home for dinner.
After a farewell and promise to get together soon Kurt and Blaine were in the parking lot heading towards Blaine's bike. Kurt stopped in his tracks when he saw where they were headed and what Blaine intended him to wear. “No way am I wearing that monstrosity on my head. It doesn't match my outfit and it'll mess up my hair.”
Blaine grinned up at him as he straddled the bike. “Where's your sense of adventure at babe?”
Kurt snatched the helmet from his hand, placing it on his head.
Blaine stepped off the bike and towards Kurt. He waited until they were about a centimeter apart before stopping. He strapped the helmet together and Kurt's breath caught. He would never tire of the feeling that overcame him when Blaine was close. Not to mention the way Blaine smelled, it was purely intoxicating. He gulped as Blaine stroked his chin before letting his thumb stroke his lower lip.
“Your lips are so soft.” Blaine whispered.
It took all of Kurt's willpower to step away from Blaine at that moment. “My dads waiting for me.”
Blaine sighed as he climbed back on the bike and revved up the engine. Kurt climbed on behind Blaine, clinging to his back. Blaine laughed as he took off. “Hold on tight babe.” Kurt clung on harder as Blaine sped off down the road.
Kurt was both disappointed and happy when they arrived at his place. He let go of Blaine and hopped off the bike. He turned towards Blaine and took the helmet off, handing it over. Blaine placed it on the handlebar as he looked up at Kurt. Kurt stepped closer to Blaine. “I had fun today. Your friends are great. The motorcycle ride was amazing and I can't wait to do it again.” Kurt quickly kissed his cheek before hurrying off to the house. Blaine's whole face lit up with a smile as he revved up the engine and took off. This was the best day ever.

As soon as Kurt entered the house and let his presence be known he was bombarded with questions. The first one being from his dad wanting to know about his whereabouts. Kurt rolled his eyes as he answered. “Out with friends.”
His dad sighed as he inquired about Jade's presence that afternoon. Kurt answered in the negative as he continued to the kitchen, Burt not far behind.
“Was Blaine amongst these friends?” Burt asked as he sat down at the table.
“And if I said he was?” Kurt asked as he walked over to Carole to see if she wanted any help. When her answer was no he had no choice but to turn around and face his dad. “Why didn't you bring him back with you?”
Kurt was so shocked at this question that it took him a moment to answer. “You said we were having a family dinner.”
“You've had friends over for dinner before.” Burt retorted.
“Dad, no one is supposed to know that I even hangout with Blaine.” Kurt tried to explain to his father.
“You shouldn't have to hide your friends Kurt.”
“It's complicated.” Kurt tried to reason with his father.
“Why do you keep saying that? You're a teenager Kurt, in a teenage relationship. What could be so complicated?” Burt demanded to know getting tired of Kurt's excuses.
“Can we just drop it and have dinner now?” Kurt demanded.
Burt sighed in disappointment. “I just want you to know that you can talk to me.” “Thanks dad.” Kurt smiled.

After dinner that night they decided to watch a movie as well. While Finn was busy picking out a movie and Burt and Carole were making popcorn Kurt raced upstairs to grab a blanket and pillow. He was surprised to find Blaine sitting on his bed so he quietly shut the door behind him before questioning his presence. Blaine laughed in response. “Uh no, I just wanted to let you know that the guys love you and Nick had scheduled a shopping trip next week for the two of you.”
Kurt beamed at the information.” That's great! And I would really love to stay up here with you but we have a movie night planned.”
Blaine nodded. “I understand babe. You have fun. I'll talk to you tomorrow.” He got up and started towards the window but was stopped by Kurt's voice. “Will you text me when you get home?”
Blaine turned back around with a huge smile on his face. “Of course babe.” He responded before disappearing out the window.

Kurt hurried back downstairs claiming the spot in the corner of the couch. He laid his pillow down between himself and the arm rest as he settled his blanket over himself with his phone on top. He was soon joined by the rest of his family and the movie was started. Kurt had to sit through one and a half movies before he heard from Blaine. His face lit up with a smile when his phone alerted him to a new text message. He grabbed his phone up eagerly to read the text unaware of the set of eyes that were on him.
B: Hey babe, I made it home okay so you can stop worrying your pretty little head. I missed you clinging to my back.
K: I wasn't that worried. Though I wouldn't object to another ride on that bike.
B: Really?
K: Yeah I wasn't that worried. You take that trip all the time.
B: Don't get smart with me Hummel.
K: Yes I would love to ride your motorcycle again.
B: If you like your legs wrapped around me that much I can find a much more comfortable place for that to happen.
Burt watched as his son blushed at the message he just read before biting his lip and replying back. A smile lit up his face a moment later when he received another message. Burt almost laughed aloud in joy. He hadn't seen Kurt smile that much since he started dating that Jade kid. If that Blaine was responsible for his sons smile at that moment then maybe he wouldn't be so bad to have around. Kurt, oblivious of his fathers inner ramblings, kept up his texting.
K: You have me in bed all the time and you've never tried anything.
B: That's because your not mine yet. Believe me when I say that as soon as you are, you'll know it.
K: In all seriousness though after all of this Jade stuff, I don't know when I'll be able to be physical.
B: I understand Kurt, I was there once myself. It's been a year and a half since everything I went through and I'm not even sure if I'm ready. I'm all talk. Please don't take me seriously.
K: Why couldn't we have met each other before Jade and Sebastian?
B: Everything happens for a reason Kurt.
K: You really believe that?
B: Yes, because our experiences will just make us that much closer.
K: That's true. Why do all of our conversations turn serious? I mean we're teenagers for goodness sake, aren't we supposed to be all about sex?
B: We're mature.
K: One of us anyway….
B: Hey, I was trying to talk about sex and you changed the subject.
K: So sorry I deprived you of the opportunity to talk about sex. What did you think about this weeks episode of Say Yes To The Dress?
B: Okay see, that's not going to work because you got my mind on it again.
K: Sorry, how can I help distract you?
B: Show up at my place naked.
K: And how exactly is that supposed to help?
B: Because then I can get off and we can have an actual conversation.
K: You still do that?
B: I'm a teenage boy, of course I do. Don't you?
K: Haven't really had the urge to lately.
B: That's just because your still in the middle of everything. You'll get your libido back.
K: What if I told you the urge comes back when I'm in your arms at night?
B: I'd tell you the feeling is mutual.
K: Good to know.
B: I'm going to let you go now babe so that you can enjoy your movie night with your family. I'll text you tomorrow. Goodnight.
K: Night Blaine.

Kurt placed his phone by his side as he laid down on his pillow and brought his blanket around him as he continued to watch the movie. Him and Finn ended up falling asleep on the couch so Burt and Carole just let them sleep as they headed upstairs to bed.

AN: Just doing some editing.


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