Unconventional Prince Charming
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Unconventional Prince Charming: Chapter 18

E - Words: 1,331 - Last Updated: Jun 22, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 09, 2013 - Updated: Dec 09, 2013
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Unconventional Prince Charming
Chapter 18 November 1st Monday

Kurt woke up the next morning with a scratchy throat and gunk in his eyes. He paged the nurse as he rubbed at his eyes. She came in a few minutes later with a cheerful good morning and a tray of food that she placed in his lap as she went to check his vitals. He grabbed the glass of water that was sitting on it and took a big drink. He then ate a little bit of the food before pushing the tray away. The nurse frowned at him as she picked the tray up and moved it to the beside table. She then walked out of the room as Kurt grabbed a magazine from his pile and started flipping through it.

Burt and Carole were met at the door of the hospital that morning by the doctor that was taking care of Kurt. He informed them that Kurt wasn't eating properly and how it could potentially slow down his healing process if he continued down this path.

Burt burst into Kurt's room after his little chat with the doctor causing Kurt to scream and throw his magazine across the room. “What the hell Kurt, what is this I hear about you not eating!”
“No! No excuses! You are not aloud to do this just because I took Blaine from you!”
“If you would just let me explain!”
“I've seen enough Kurt! I don't need to hear about it too! Do you know how scared I was when I got the phone call that you were in the hospital with bruises all over your body, broken ribs, and eternal bleeding? They had to do surgery on you so they could stop the bleeding, a surgery that took two hours, in which I had no idea what the end result was going to be. I could have lost you. You've never, not once in your life, thought about becoming violent with someone, until Blaine came along. That sorry delinquent wasn't there to defend you when he should have been.”
“Stop blaming Blaine!”
“Then who should I blame Kurt!”
“Me! Blame me! It's all my fault!”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“Jade was abusive dad. Blaine was teaching me to fight so that I could stand up for myself and leave him.”
“Blaine was the only good thing I had going in my life. The only reason I had to live at that point. I love you dad but all you ever did was lecture me on my relationship with Jade and on top of all the shit Jade was putting me through was enough to make me suicidal. But then this boy came along. This boy that saw right through my tough exterior and noticed that I was in trouble. This boy who loved me, despite all my flaws.” Kurt said choking up. “This boy gave me a reason to keep fighting, to love again. So no, there is no reason to blame Blaine. If you need to blame someone, blame yourself, or me, but don't ever again bad mouth Blaine to me.”
“Kurt, I, I don't know what to say.”
“An apology would be a good start.”
“Now don't you lay all the blame on me kid. You should have come to me. How many times have I told you that no matter what it is you can come to me? I am sorry for ignoring the signs and not pushing you to let me in. I am so sorry that you got hurt Kurt.” Burt said choking on a sob. “So sorry. I wouldn't wish the mental, emotional, and physical pain of an abusive relationship on my worst enemy, much less my son. I am so sorry that I let you down. I promised your mother to always look after you and I failed you both.”
“No, let me finish. I try to be the best father to you Kurt, I really do. But it's hard sometimes. Especially with you being a testy teenager these past few months. I know that's no excuse but it is a reason that I felt like I couldn't get through to you. This relationship is a two way street buddy and I feel like it's been a one way for awhile now, no matter what I did, you wouldn't open up to me. I would have helped you and you wouldn't of ended up here, you had to know that. But your stubborn, like your mother, like me. Can we just for now on always be open and honest to each other. If no one else we should always be with each other.”
“I'm so sorry dad. I love you so much.” Kurt sobbed.
Burt rushed to his side and gathered him in his arms. “I love you too kiddo.”

Burt and Kurt were talking quietly when Carole entered the room a little while later. “How are you feeling sweetie?” She asked as she came to his bed side and started fluffing his pillows, giving him a drink of water and trying to feed him.
Kurt laughed as he shooed her away. “A lot better thanks.”
Carole laughed as she sat down in the chair next to the bed.
They spent the rest of the afternoon sitting in Kurt's room and just talking. Kurt opened up about his relationship with Jade while Burt listened intently. He couldn't believe all of that was going on with his son and he didn't pick up on it. He would carry this guilt for the rest of his life.

Finn and Quinn joined them after school and sent along a message from Rachel. Kurt asked about Blaine and Finn reluctantly told him that Blaine told him to tell Kurt not to worry about him and to just get better. Kurt nodded sadly as his dad tried to cheer him up again by mentioning pizza. Finn immediately perked up. Kurt feels someone squeezing his hand and smiles over at Quinn.

Burt and Finn end up going to get the pizza as Kurt, Quinn and Carole sit in the hospital and have a lady chat. When the boys return they turn on the television and watch as they eat. It feels just like old times, but better since the truth is finally out, and Kurt loves it. Sooner than he would have liked visiting hours are over and his family is leaving with tearful goodbyes. As soon as the last person has left the room he grabs his cell phone and sends out a quick message.
He only had to wait a moment before he got a reply. “Hey.”
“How are you?”
“I'm fine. How are you feeling?”
“Okay. I'm still in the hospital. Had some internal bleeding that they had to take care.”
“Your okay though now right?”
“Yes. How's the gym treating you? I'm so sorry my dad kicked you out but I promise to talk to him to get you back your room. We had a long talk this morning and we're better than ever.”
“That's great Kurt. I'm so happy for you but you don't have to worry about me.”
“I love you, of course I worry about you. Are you going to visit me in the hospital anytime soon because I'm missing you like crazy right now.”
“I don't think that's a good idea Kurt.”
“And why the hell not?”
“Your dad was right. I am a bad influence. After all that you've been through deserve someone so much better than me. I will always love you but I think your better off without me.”
“No! You can't do this to me Blaine Anderson! I love you!”
“I'm sorry Kurt.”
“Don't be sorry asshole! Just stay with me.”
“I can't. It's better for you in the long run if you just forget about me. Goodbye Kurt.”
“Blaine, please don't do this. I need you.”
No answer.
No answer.
“I love you.”
No answer.
“I can't live without you.”
No answer.
“You're a self centered asshole Blaine Anderson!”
No answer.
“I'm sorry! Please don't do this. What about our future plans?”

Kurt fell asleep that night waiting for a text that never came.


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