Unconventional Prince Charming
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Unconventional Prince Charming: Chapter 15

E - Words: 2,270 - Last Updated: Jun 22, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 09, 2013 - Updated: Dec 09, 2013
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Unconventional Prince Charming
Chapter Fifteen October 8th Friday

Blaine was awoken the next morning by Rachel's shrill voice demanding answer as to why he was in the Hummel Hudson household and why he sang that song to Kurt yesterday. She ended up waking Finn who instantly started trying to calm him down. As soon as her attention was off of him he was out of the room and running down the hall towards Kurt's room.

Kurt was awoken that morning a couple of feet in the air as a body jumped on his bed and burrowed in close to him under the blankets. As he settled back on the bed with a shaking Blaine he could distantly hear Rachel shrieking at Finn about Blaine. As it clicked in his head he was out of the bed and running down the hall with Blaine on his heels. He stood in the door way to Finn's bedroom with his hands on his hips a moment later. “Are you Jade's spy?”

They both turned to look at him with a deer caught in the headlights look. Finn was the first to regain his senses. “We both are.”
Kurt opened his mouth in disbelief ready to yell at them both but Finn cut him off. “Used to be! That's why I invited Rachel over this morning, so we can talk to her.”
“How do we know we can trust her?” Kurt asked.
“Dude, she's my girlfriend.”
“Well excuse me if that doesn't ease my mind seeing as you switch girlfriends more than I switch scarves!”
“Damn.” Blaine muttered behind him.
“I really like Rachel.” Finn mumbled as he bowed his head.
“Kurt you can trust me, I hate Jade.” Rachel stated as she placed a comforting hand on Finn's arm.
“Then why would you spy for Jade?” Blaine asked.
“Finn asked me too. And me being the amazing girlfriend that I am immediately agreed. But then when he came to me and asked me to stop I got curious, I haven't reported back to Jade though.”
“Is this true Finn?” Kurt asked.
“Excuse us we need a moment to talk.” Blaine said as he dragged Kurt away from the room and down the hall.

As soon as they were in the room with the door shut behind them they got busy getting ready for school. Kurt went to the bathroom and started brushing his teeth as Blaine spread out on the bed.
“How can we be sure that we can trust her?” Kurt asked through a mouth full of toothpaste.
Blaine sighed. “We trust Finn don't we?”
“Well of course.” Kurt scoffed. “But I know Rachel and she's one of the biggest gossips in the school.”
“She hasn't said anything so far or we would have already heard about it.”
Kurt sighed as he made his way into the room and to the bed, curling up next to Blaine and joining their hands together. “We're so close to being through with everything that I don't want to upset our plans by bringing some one new in who could potentially ruin things if she let the wrong thing slip to the wrong person.”
Blaine kissed the top of his head. “I think we can trust her.”
Kurt nodded. “Ok.”
They finished getting ready for school and they headed downstairs where they found Finn and Rachel sitting on the couch talking quietly. They grew quiet as Kurt and Blaine entered the room and took a seat in Burt's chair. “How do we know your not going to report back to Jade what you hear today?” Kurt began.
“You and Blaine make the cutest couple, besides me and Finn of course. You and Jade just don't seem to fit anymore. Watching the two of you is kind of depressing actually, because there's no real feelings between the two of you, and it shows. I know he's only using you for your popularity. You and Blaine seem like you really care for each other. What is up with you and Jade anyway?”
Kurt sighed as he began telling her the abbreviated version of his story and the plan him and Blaine had most recently come up with.
“I will help in anyway I can.”
“Thanks Rachel, but there's not much you can do at this point, but be someone I can talk to.”
“I can do that.” Rachel said with determination.
“We need to get to school guys. Kurt and Finn go with Rachel and I'll follow on my bike.”
Kurt sighed as he got up and headed for the door.

Kurt and Blaine said a quick goodbye at the door followed by a not so quick kiss in which Finn had to drag Kurt away from. Once they were in the car Rachel was going on and on about how cute him and Blaine were and how much Blaine seemed different from the boy he portrayed at school. The only thing Kurt had to say about that was to never judge a book by it's cover.

It's a slow day at McKinley that day. Most people are excited about the game that night but for once Kurt isn't. He has decided to skip the game that night in favor of hanging with Rachel and Quinn. Blaine decides to stay behind for the game with Puck and Finn as to not arouse suspicion. Kurt readily agrees with this looking forward to some girl time which he had been severely lacking these days.
After school they all part ways with Kurt and the girls heading to the house and the boys heading to the football field. Once at home Kurt starts making snacks for their movie night. When he finishes they each grab a bottle of water and head upstairs where they go to Kurt's room and gather on the bed. Kurt puts a movie on before settling in between the two girls as they share the snacks. Throughout the movie they chat about trivial things, amongst the subjects of school, boys and the Glee club, not bringing up Jade once in which Kurt is immensely grateful.

They hear the boys come home a few hours later, raid the kitchen and then go to Finn's room where the TV went up and they could hear some kind of war game come on. Kurt shakes his head as he gets up and shuts his door before returning to the bed and settling back in before turning their television up.

They all meet downstairs at six for dinner and the boys regal them with stories from the football team. Apparently they did pretty well, winning at the last minute 41 to 40. After dinner the kids cleaned the kitchen as Burt and Carole disappeared to the living room. When the kids joined them half an hour later they put on a movie. Kurt, Blaine, Finn and Rachel sit on the couch as Quinn and Puck take a seat on the floor.

They watched movies until ten and then Burt and Carole called it a night, but not before reinforcing the rules of boys in one room, girls in the other. They continued watching movies until around midnight, heading upstairs afterwards. The boys went to Finn's room as Kurt and the girls headed to his room.

A little while later Kurt felt someone crawling into bed with him, laying down on top of him and attacking his mouth. He moaned into the kiss as he opened his mouth to the person above him. Blaine smiled into the kiss as he gave as good as he got. They were interrupted a few minutes later by a gasp and a ‘damn that's hot'. They broke away from each other and looked towards the end of the bed to find two set of brown eyes staring back at them. “We thought you were asleep.”
“Please, go back to thinking that.”
Finn comes rushing into the room at that moment talking about Blaine missing until he spotted him on the bed with Kurt. “Hey! We're not supposed to be in here with the girls!”
“I was only just saying good night to Kurt.”
“But Burt said…”
“I may have a solution for everybody.” Kurt said interrupting.

A few minutes later there was a huge pallet on the floor which they all laid down on and went to sleep in their significant others arms.

The next morning Burt woke up and wandered down the hall to check on the kids and make sure they stayed in their assigned rooms. He first stopped at Kurt's room to check on him and the girls. He wouldn't be surprised to find Blaine there since he snuck into Kurt's room all the time. Yeah, they didn't think he knew about that but a father always knows. He was not expecting the site that greeted him that morning, smart ass kids. As he opened the door to Kurt's room he was surprised to find a huge pallet on the floor with all of the kids curled up together on it. He grabbed Kurt's phone that was on his desk and took a quick picture before exiting the room quietly.

Kurt woke up a little while later to the smell of pancakes and after a quick trip to the bathroom made his way downstairs where he found Carole at the stove and Burt sitting at the table with the newspaper. He made his way to Carole, kissing her on the cheek before making a cup of coffee. He then went to sit at the table with his dad with a happy good morning. “Good morning son, may I inquire about your sleeping arrangements last night?”
Kurt shrugged. “We didn't think you would mind since we were all together and we wouldn't do anything with everybody else in the room, except Puckerman.”
Burt just grunts as he goes back to his newspaper. Kurt grins as he takes a sip of his coffee.

Within in the next hour everyone ventures downstairs and joins them in the kitchen. Carole soon has breakfast done and soon their eating and talking about their plans for the day. The teenagers say their just going to stay in for the afternoon and Burt tells the guys that there's a game on later that their more than welcome to watch with him.

Kurt and the girls disappear to his room after breakfast when the guys decide to join Burt.

They spend all afternoon in this fashion of just enjoying their time together. Soon dinner was upon them and they came together once again at the kitchen table. After dinner Kurt did dishes after saying good bye to Puck and Rachel. Blaine and Finn ran off to Finn's room to play video games while Quinn helped Kurt in the kitchen.

Afterwards Kurt and Quinn headed to their own rooms. Kurt shut the door behind him as he reached his room and walked to his desk. He booted up his computer as he sat in his chair and grabbed his phone from his back pocket. He furrowed his brow in confusion when he found out that he had a text message. He unlocked his phone and rolled his eyes when he saw that it was from Jade. He reluctantly opened it, expecting bad news and it read. “Halloween party on the 30th. You are expected to be there in your uniform. You will act appropriately and as my boyfriend. We are using this party to regain the popularity that I have lost because of Blaine. I will pick you up at six that night and I better not see Blaine or Quinn anywhere.”
Kurt closed his eyes as tears threatened to spill. He knew what would happen at that stupid party. But he decided right then and there that it wasn't going to happen, Jade would not have his way with him because if he tried it would be the night that Kurt fought back. He ran his hands through his hair as he tried to calm his nerves by breathing deeply. He decided to not tell Blaine of his plans because he didn't want him to worry.
He leaned forward to log into the computer. He spent the next few hours just browsing the internet trying to get his mind off his impending doom, freedom. He had to calm down if he didn't want Blaine to find out.

Blaine returned to the room a couple of hours later and fell on to the bed and promptly falling asleep. Kurt shook his head fondly as he turned off his computer, grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom. He decided to take a long hot shower in hopes of getting some sort of sleep that night. He quickly stripped as he turned the water on and adjusted the temperature to his liking. When it was just right he climbed in and stood under it. He took his time washing his hair and body as he felt the hot water soothing his muscles. As the water turned cold he turned it off before grabbing his towel and drying off. He got dressed after that and after brushing his teeth and hair and doing a quick moisturizing routine he left the bathroom. He turned off the light and shut the door behind him as he made his way across the room and to the bed. He climbed in quietly and scooted right up next to Blaine, who threw his arm around him in his sleep and dragged him closer. Kurt smiled as he kissed him on the forehead before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

He decided that he wouldn't let his impending doom, freedom, affect his relationship with this boy. He would continue to love him for as long as he could.


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