Unconventional Prince Charming
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Unconventional Prince Charming: Chapter 13

E - Words: 2,821 - Last Updated: Jun 22, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 09, 2013 - Updated: Dec 09, 2013
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Unconventional Prince Charming
Chapter Thirteen: Tuesday November 7th

Kurt tosses and turns all night until he eventually just gets up. Its around five in the morning as he headed upstairs. He hopped into the shower to fully wake himself up. He then headed back downstairs where he retrieved the newspaper from the front stoop and then headed back inside and to the kitchen. He put on a pot of coffee as he sat at the table and perused the newspaper. Once it was finished he made himself a cup before returning to the paper. He was joined by Blaine a little while later who sat next to him, stealing his cup of coffee. Kurt shook his head fondly at him as he continued to read. Blaine studied him for a moment before speaking. “You didn't sleep much did you?”
“I'll be okay.” Kurt answered with a shrug.
Blaine shifted closer so that he could whisper in his ear. “I know a way to make you feel better.” He then pulls him into his lap and began to kiss his neck. Kurt moans as the last of the nightmare fades away as he enjoys the feelings of kissing this boy. He fists his hands in his hair as the kiss deepens. He jerks away a moment later when he feels a hand sneak up the back of his shirt. Blaine sighs as he runs his hand through his hair. Kurt apologizes but Blaine just shakes his head as he gets up and leaves the room. Kurt closes his eyes as guilt racks through his body. He takes a deep breath to will the tears away. “You okay?”
Kurt opens his eyes to find Puck peering down at him with worry.
He puts on a smile as he gets up and moves to the stove where he gets a pan out before going to the fridge and grabbing the eggs. he cracked one open and poured it in. “How many eggs would you like Puckerman?”
“Kurt…” Puck began to argue but Kurt cut him off.
“How many eggs?” He asked forcefully.
Puck sighed as he sat down at the table. “Two's fine.”

As Puck was chowing down on his eggs Blaine reappeared. He quietly sat down next to Puck, who said good morning with his mouth full of eggs, and grabbed the paper. Soon Kurt came over and scolded Puck for talking with his mouth full before placing a plate of eggs in front of Blaine, who quietly thanked him. Kurt gave him a small smile before returning to the stove. Once Puck was done eating Kurt asked him to fetch Finn. The two boys soon returned to the kitchen and Kurt placed a plate in front of Finn, who immediately dug in.
Kurt sat down next to Blaine a little while later and Blaine smiled at him as he moved his chair closer and placed his hand on his thigh. Kurt moved his leg away and Blaine shook his head as he got up and left the kitchen. Kurt pushed his plate away as he got up and took it to the sink. “Kurt, you need to eat.” Puck started to protest. Kurt just held up his hand as he began doing the dishes. Puck sighed as he took his plate to the sink and began helping Kurt dry. Kurt smiled a thanks at him as Finn left the room to get ready for school.
Kurt heard the motorcycle start and take off down the road. He hung hid head as he tried to force his tears away again. Puck laid a comforting hand on his shoulder as he started to talk to him. “I'll talk to him later, don't worry.”
Kurt just smiled sadly at him as he continued doing the dishes. They were soon done and as soon as Finn joined them they were off to school. When they reached the school Finn hopped out of the car and bounded off to his girlfriend. Puck nodded at him before leaving the car. Kurt sucked in a breath before grabbing his bag and exiting the car himself. He slung his backpack over his shoulder as he slowly made his way to the school.

During first period he sat with Quinn as Jade sat on the other side of the room. He kept trying to get Blaine's attention but he wouldn't even look at him. It remained this way for the rest of the day. Even Santana asked about it and all Kurt could do was shrug. Surely he couldn't be that upset at him over the touching thing. He knew what he was going through at the moment. He just needed to talk to him and work all this out instead of sitting here and stressing about it.
During lunch he snuck away to their spot under the bleachers. When he reached the entrance he heard voices coming from within so he stopped to listen.
“Dude, you really upset Kurt this morning, twice, what is up with you?”
Blaine sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. “You know how gorgeous Kurt is.”
Puck busted out laughing. “Dude, your horny!”
“Laugh it up.” Blaine said grumpily.
“So what's the deal here, is Kurt not giving you any?”
“He's going through a lot Puck and doesn't feel like being intimate.”
“Then go out and get it somewhere else. I'm sure you still have one of your booty calls on your phone. I don't want to see Kurt upset like that again because of you.”
Kurt had decided he had heard enough and started to walk away. In that moment he made a heart wrenching decision and texted Blaine to meet him at his house after school.

Kurt was in a sour mood for the rest of the day so his friends decided to just give him some space. Blaine was a little worried over the ‘we need to talk. Meet me at my house after school' text he had received from Kurt earlier. He was feeling awful about how he reacted that morning but Damnit he was a teenage boy with a gorgeous best friend, what the hell did he expect.

The end of the day came much to fast for Kurt's liking and before he knew it he was heading home. He took his time driving, trying to calm his nerves by listening to music. When he reached the house he turned off the car and took a moment to steel himself for the upcoming conversation he was to have with Blaine. He knew Blaine was nervous also since he kept snapping at their friends, and like him, they too began to just leave him alone. He got out of the car and slowly made his way towards the house. He knew Blaine was already there because he had seen his motorcycle parked outside. As he entered the house he could hear Puck and Finn upstairs playing a video game. He sat his backpack to the side as he walked further into the house. He climbed the stairs and made his way to his door. He could hear Quinn listening to music and singing softly within her own room. He took a deep breath as he opened his door and stepped inside. Blaine immediately stood up upon his entry and Kurt softly closed the door behind him. Blaine opened his mouth to start explaining himself but Kurt stopped him with a shake of the head. “Can you please just sit down and hear me out before you say anything?”
Blaine slowly nodded before sitting back down on the bed. Kurt sighed and wrung his hands as he thought about how to start the conversation. He finally just blurted out what he was thinking. “I think that we should forgo the ‘you can't see any one else' rule. I mean your obviously not getting what you need at home, you need to find it elsewhere. Because I refuse to let this be the thing that breaks us, and why are you laughing at me!”
Blaine was on the bed laughing uncontrollably as Kurt began getting red in the face from talking so fast. He stood up, making his way over to Kurt and hugging him. He pulled back to look in his eyes. “I could never do that Kurt. Because you are my home. You're the only home I have ever known. I mean even before I got kicked out of my house, it was never home. You are my heart, my everything. We will figure this out together.”
“I like the sound of that.” Kurt smiled.
“How about we just go slowly and see where it takes us?”
“That sounds good.”
Blaine smiled as he stepped forward and captured his lips in a kiss. He turned them around and began slowly leading Kurt to the bed, without breaking the kiss. He slowly pushed him down on the bed. He stood there for a moment just admiring his friend as he pushed his way up the bed. “You just going to stand there and stare or are you going to do something?”
Blaine smirked as he climbed up the bed and clashed their lips together. Kurt's hands automatically fisting in his hair as Blaine's hands held his above Kurt. He fell to his side as he kept his lips locked with Kurt's. He slowly moved his hand to Kurt's chest and kept it there for a moment to gauge Kurt's reaction. When he didn't shy away he moved the hand down to the hem of his shirt. He once again hesitated to see Kurt's reaction and when he didn't flinch away he slowly moved his hand up the shirt. He rubbed his stomach as Kurt latched himself to Blaine's neck. He slowly moved his hand up and flicked a nipple. He smirked as Kurt moaned against his neck. He moved his hand back down and rubbed at his stomach as Kurt moved back up to his lips. Eventually they came up for air and smiled at each other. “Thank you for being patient with me.”
“I love you Kurt.”
Kurt's smile grew wider. “I love you too.”

They sat in bed talking until Kurt was forced downstairs when Burt and Carole came home. Kurt came bounding downstairs as Burt was asking the other's about the mysterious motorcycle parked outside. The boys looked at each other with wide eyes until Puck stepped forward. “It's mine.”
Burt shook his head in response. “I know your mom Puckerman and she would never allow it.”
“Maybe it's the next door neighbors?” Kurt suggested.
Burt shook his head once again. “No way, our neighbors are sixty year old women with a hundred cats a piece.”
As they tried to come up with another excuse Kurt could see the light go off in Burt's head as he turned to him with a smile on his face. “It's Blaine's isn't it?”
Kurt opens his mouth to object but then thinks better of it and just admits that yes it is.
“Finn, I thought you were against Blaine.”
Finn shrugged. “That was before I met him.”
“Well I want to meet him. He's in my house, which means I get to meet him. Bring the boy down.”
Kurt sighs as he starts towards the stairs but is stopped by a voice. “Hello Mr. Hummel. It's nice to meet you.” Blaine said entering the room and stepping up to Burt and shaking his hand. Burt shakes his hand and laughs at the heart eyes his son is currently sporting. “I've heard a lot about you kid.”
Blaine chuckles. “I've heard a lot about you as well. I really admire the relationship you have with your son.”
“And what exactly is your intent with my son?”
“Dad!” Kurt yelled out.
“It's ok Kurt. Sir, Kurt is my best friend, sorry Puck. I enjoy his company, we have a lot of fun together.”
Burt nodded. “Would you like to stay for dinner son?”
“I'd love to.”

By the end of dinner Burt could tell that his son was in love. He could also tell that Blaine was also quite into his son. They were soon sitting in the living room with cups of coffee and talking. Burt wanted to know more about this boy who seemed to be a big part of his sons life nowadays. From the looks of him, and his motorcycle outside, he was the classic bad boy type. But also spending five minutes in his company he knew it was wrong. “So Blaine, where do you live?” All of their heads snapped up as they looked at Burt with wide eyes. Blaine just casually set his coffee cup down and answered the question. “About an hour out of town.”
“Why do you go to school so far away?”
“My parents thought it best if I got the real high school experience so they refused to pay for private school anymore.”
“Is that why you adopted the badboy act? “
“No, I'm this way because my parents are ignorant assholes.”
“Son I don't think that's anyway to talk about your parents just because they wouldn't pay for some private school,”
“That's not the reason I said it. I said it because they kicked me out of their house because they wouldn't accept who I was. Thank you Mrs. Hummel for the lovely dinner, but I think it's best if I leave now.” Blaine stated getting up. Kurt went to stop him but Carole spoke up. “Where will you go?”
“The place I've called home since I got kicked out of mine.” Blaine answered before storming out of the house with Kurt on his heels.
“Where has he been staying?” Carole asked.
“His parents own a gym about an hour away from here.” Puck answered.
“He's been living in a gym!” Carole asked horrified.
“What kind of people…”
“Burt, we have to…”
“I know, I know.” Burt answered getting up from his chair. “I'll be back. I'll take Kurt because I'm pretty sure that's where he's been spending most of his time lately.”

As he threw open the door he was surprised to find Kurt and Blaine sitting on the doorstep. They looked up when they heard the door open and Kurt explained their presence. “I didn't want him to drive angry.”
Burt nodded. “Why don't you go inside so I can talk to Blaine?”
Kurt looked to Blaine and they seemed to have a silent conversation before Kurt nodded and headed inside. Burt took his seat, though not sitting as close as he was, and sighed. “Your parents kicked you out for being gay?”
“Yep.” Blaine answered not bothering to look at him.
Burt growled. “People like that bug the shit out of me. I could never understand how you could just turn your back on your kid like that.”
“Me and my parents were never close. Even before I came out.”
“I'm sorry to hear that kiddo.”
Blaine just shrugged.
“Where have you really been staying these past few months?”
“You really want me to answer that?”
Burt sighed. “I thought so. You know that kid thinks has so smart but he forgets that I'm the one who raised him, I know when something's up.”
Blaine laughed.
“Let's go inside before we freeze to death.”

Once inside Burt called a family meeting. Once they all gathered into the living room Burt began. “First of all, Kurt, you are grounded for a month for harboring Blaine in the house. However, Blaine, I'm allowing you to stay here as long as you'd like because I believe strongly that everyone has the right to the feeling of home and as long as your under my roof, you get that. You will be staying I Finn's room though.”
“Thank you dad.”
“Thank you Mr. Hummel.”
“Now if there isn't any more business to attend to I would like to get movie night underway.”
When no one spoke up he told Kurt to go make popcorn.

Just as Kurt made it to the kitchen he could hear a fight break out over what movie they were watching. Blaine took the opportunity to sneak away. He came up behind Kurt and wrapped his arms around his waist and laid his head on his shoulder as he whispered in his ear. “I'm officially apart of the household.”
“Your apart of the family as far as I'm concerned.”
“Your dad may like me but I don't think I'd take it that far.”
“We can't do this.” Kurt said as he escaped Blaine's grasp.
“Can't do what?” Blaine asked angrily.
“Act like a couple in front of dad. He thinks I'm still with Jade.”
“Which you technically are.” Blaine said with a sigh.
“Yes, but he doesn't know that we have a relationship on the side.”
“Right, by the by, what are we going to do about training now that your grounded?”
“Punching bag.”
“I'll go get it tomorrow and hang it in the basement.”
“By the By, while your living under this roof there are rules your going to have to follow.”
“Like?” Blaine asked cautiously.
“No skipping school. You must get good grades. And no more getting into any trouble of any kind.”
“Your just trying to take away all my fun.” Blaine said pouting.
“Welcome to the family sweetie.”


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