Unconventional Prince Charming
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Unconventional Prince Charming: Chapter 12

E - Words: 2,465 - Last Updated: Jun 22, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 09, 2013 - Updated: Dec 09, 2013
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Unconventional Prince Charming

Chapter Twelve September 6th Monday

It took all of Finn's willpower to pull Blaine away from the door before he woke up Burt and Carole with his with his banging. Afterwards Blaine pushed him away and stormed off. A few seconds later he heard the back door open and shut. He sighed as he made his way to bed. He didn't mean to upset everyone so much, he was just stating his opinion, which seemed to always get him into trouble. He didn't realize that Blaine cared so much about him. He vowed to make it right the next day because he came to understand how much it meant to have people in your corner.

Finn found Quinn the next morning before she could downstairs and dragged her into his room. He told her about his plan and to inform Blaine and Puck about it since Blaine would probably only talk to her right now anyway. She readily agreed and they headed downstairs.

Kurt woke up that morning with a pounding headache from crying himself to sleep, again. He groaned as he got up and went to the bathroom. He took a couple of Advil before stripping and climbing into the shower. He thought a nice warm shower may help his mood.

The shower didn't help much he thought as he headed downstairs. Of course it didn't, because it didn't change the fact that he had lost his friends last night. The only anchor he still had when his life got rough. As he got downstairs he headed straight to the door and walked out. Burt watched his son go with a frown on his face before turning to Quinn and Finn for questioning. They claimed they didn't know anything.

Kurt climbed into his car and started the engine, pulling out of the driveway. He turned his radio off because not even music would lift his spirits at the moment. He made it to the school and pulled into the parking lot, parking his car in the back and shutting it off. He grabbed his backpack from the back seat and headed inside where he headed straight to the gym. He quickly changed into his sweats and decided to do some boxing on his own. He took out all of his frustrations on that bag and it did help to calm him a little, but he still had a void in his heart where his friends used to dwell. He took a quick shower before changing back into his street clothes and heading to his locker.

He was at his locker a little later that morning thinking about the wreck of a weekend he just had when all of a sudden his locker slammed shut in his face, narrowly missing his once. “Good morning to you Satan.”

“What the hell did you do!” Was her response.

“Excuse me?”

“Blaine looks like a walking corpse and you don't look much better.”

“It's none of your business Santana.”

“Of course it's my business, you're both my boys!”

Kurt sighed in frustration. “I'm protecting him!”

Santana scoffed as she rolled her eyes. “Anderson doesn't need your help.”

“Well I don't need anyone's help either!”

Santana whipped her head back at the tone of his voice. “Is that what this is all about, your pride? Look, we all know you can protect yourself, your words are as sharp as knives when you throw them at people.”

“I don't want anyone else to get hurt.” Kurt said nearly in tears.

“The only way your hurting anybody is by not letting us help you.”

“He hurt Quinn! It's only a matter of time before he goes after someone else. And if you guys aren't in the picture, it would be me.”

“It'll be you regardless! How can you not see that!”

Kurt was cut off from replying by Jade coming up and shoulder check him into his locker, telling him that he knew about Quinn new living arrangements. “I thought you hated her?”

“Feelings change.” Kurt stated angrily.

Jade laughed as he took off down the hall.

As soon as Jade left Santana dragged her out the door and to the football field. They walked up to the bleachers and found Quinn sitting there. Kurt went up to her and grabbed her hands. “How are you doing sweetie?”

Quinn shrugged. “The rumors have died down and he's barely looked at me today.”

“That's great. You should, uh, be out of the house tonight.”

“Me and Blaine will just go for coffee and you can meet us there later.”

“I don't think that's such a good idea.”

“And why not!” Quinn demanded to know.

Blaine answered for him as he came from behind the bleachers. “Because we're not on the best of terms at the moment.”

“I knew this was the reason you brought me out here!” Kurt yelled as he turned to Santana.

“Why do you have to be so stubborn!” Quinn yelled out, causing Kurt to turn to her.

“You don't think that it's not killing me inside letting you go like this!”

“Then don't let us go.” Nick said as he also came from behind the bleachers.

“What are you guys doing here?” Kurt asked.

“Kurt, you mean a lot to the people here. That's why we won't let you let us go.”

Kurt started sobbing at that part. “I'm sorry! I didn't know why I thought I could let you go. You're the best friends I've ever had.”

“Don't let us go.” Finn said coming towards him. “I'm sorry for what I said the other night. You were throwing so much at me at the time that it overloaded my brain. But I understand now that we need to band together a time like this. And who the hell cares if we get a little hurt along the way! That's what being brothers is all about. I love you Kurt.”

“We all do.” Blaine added. “And we want you to come back to us.”

“Only if you forgive me for leaving in the first place.” Kurt answered.

“Always!” Nick yelled out as he ran up and wrapped his around Kurt's middle. They all soon surrounded Kurt in a group hug as Kurt laughed. There was no better feeling in the world than being in the arms of his friends.

They started dispersing after that to give Blaine and Kurt a moment alone. They stood there staring at each other awkwardly. “Hi.”


“I'm glad your back. I missed you.”

“Thanks for coming after me.”

“Always.” Blaine said with a smile.

They came together for a passionate kiss.

They soon moved to under the bleachers when the kiss gets too heated. They get interrupted by Blaine's phone. Kurt continues to kiss his neck as Blaine answers his text with a laugh. Kurt looks at him like he's crazy when he burst out laughing. “That's not the reaction I was hoping for.” Blaine covered his mouth as he gasped for breath.

“I'm sorry, that text was from Wes.”

“What does it say?”

“Apparently we've been making out for half an hour and their wondering where the hell I am.”

Kurt sighed as he curled into Blaine's side. “You go meet them. I'm going home to get some rest because I am exhausted. You can all come over later because dad and Carole are going away for the night.”

“That sounds great. I'll bring the pizza.”

Kurt laughed. “You and your pizza.”

“It's a love affair baby, get used to it.”

Kurt snorted at his goofy best friend. Blaine kisses the top of his head before getting up and leaving. Kurt sighs as he gets up and stretches before wiping the grass from his jeans. He's surprised when someone grabs his arm roughly to turn him to face them. “What the hell do you think your doing?”

“J, Jade?”

“You're a fucking retard. First the Quinn thing and now I catch you making out under the bleachers with that delinquent!”

“Please, please don't hurt me!” Kurt pleaded as tears began to run down his face.

Jade smiled. “I'll take care of my business now so I can hang with my friends later.”

“At school?” Kurt asked trembling.

“You asked for it by being a fucking stupid enough to make out with him at school and to take in the pregnant slut.” Jade said before landing a punch to his stomach.

Kurt wakes up under the bleachers several hours later. He grabs his phone from his back pocket and hits redial as he lays on the ground with his eyes closed and moaning in pain. Blaine answers on the first ring demanding to know where he was. Kurt gasped out bleacher before rolling over and throwing up.

Meanwhile at the Lima Bean Blaine quickly shoves his phone in his pocket, yelling out orders to the guys and racing to the school on his motorcycle. He makes it there in record time, hopping off of his bike immediately, and making his way to the football field. He found Kurt exactly where he said he'd be. He quickly grabbed his phone before scooping Kurt up in his arms and taking him out of there by the time everyone else showed up. He started yelling out orders once more as he carried Kurt to his car. Nick jumping into the drivers seat as Blaine climbed into the back seat with Kurt. He cradled him in his arms as Nick drove down the road. “You really are my Prince Charming aren't you?” Kurt asked smiling up at him.

Blaine smirked back. “I prefer Bad Boy Prince.”

“As you wish.”

They soon reached the house and Blaine carried Kurt in. He insisted on being put on the couch so they could still enjoy their night. Nick and Jeff sat on either side of him as Puck, Finn, Wes and David went for the video game and Quinn curled up in Burt's chair. Blaine disappeared to the kitchen where he ordered the pizza before quickly returning to Kurt's side. He shoved Jeff out of the way so he could sit next to Kurt so he went to join the game. Kurt sat there on the couch with his head resting on the back with his eyes closed and Blaine hovering over him. The boys kept glancing their way but Kurt made no move to interact with anyone. The bell rang about twenty minutes later and Blaine went to answer. He came back a few minutes with pizza. He grabbed a couple of pieces as he sat it down on the table. He sat back down on the couch and handed Kurt one. He smiled his thanks before taking a bite. They sat in silence as they ate and the boys chatted and played the game around them. Kurt slid down the couch until his head was on Blaine's shoulder as he finished his piece of pizza. Kurt could feel the awkwardness in the air so he decided to try to break it. “Nick, I hear a congratulation is in order for finally getting Jeff.”

Nick beamed at him. “Yeah, and I couldn't be happier.”

“No, I'm the happy one.” Jeff countered.

“No…” Nick began only to be cut off by Blaine.

“If you two don't knock it off I'm going to bash your heads together.”

“So, what, you and Kurt are the only ones aloud to be cute?” Jeff asked.

“Yes.” Blaine stated cockily.

“Sorry dude, but I'm totally cuter than you.” Nick stated.

“So am I.” Jeff replied.

“Hate to break it to you boys but Blaine is the best looking one here.” Kurt smiled.

“Oh hell nah!” Puck yelled out causing everyone to look at him.

“Yeah I must say that Nick is the cutest.” Jeff said.

“Thanks babe.” Nick beamed back.

“As I am well aware of how cute Nick is, Blaine…” Kurt began only to be cut off by Finn.

“Aren't we going to talk about what happened today?”

“We were giving Kurt the chance to talk to us.” Blaine answered.

“But, he's Kurt, he doesn't do that.” Finn replied.

“He would have come to me Finn.”

The room fell into an uncomfortable silence as everyone tried to look anywhere but each other and Kurt curled himself further into Blaine's side. “I think Kurt's the cutest!”

All eyes fell on the mohawked boy, who shrugged and went back to the game, everyone else following suit. Kurt smiled against Blaine's shoulder at Puck's attempt to get them back to normal. The smile quickly disappeared however when Blaine whispered to him. “He saw us today didn't he?”

Kurt nodded.

“What did he say?” Blaine asked.

“I really don't think that's a good idea.” Kurt answered.

“What did he say?” Blaine demanded.

“He was afraid for his reputation, as always. Apparently he's a big fucking hero for having the head cheerleader and a cheerleader on the side, while the boy friend was a clueless moron.”

“Kurt…” Blaine began. “Don't. I don't want to hear it and I don't want to talk about it anymore!” Kurt yelled as he stormed out of the room. Blaine made a move to get up and follow but Kurt yelled down the hall not to follow him.

He waited a few moments before getting up and starting to head that way, only to be stopped by his friends. “He said not to follow him.” Finn stated.

“Do you think that's such a good idea?” Nick asked.

“Dude, I'd let him calm down.” Puck suggested.

“He needs me right now and I'm going to be there for him.” He stated before heading down the hall to the bathroom there. He knocked the door upon reaching it before slowly opening it. As soon as it was open all the way he had an arm full of crying Kurt. He walked backwards until he hit the wall and slid down, placing Kurt in his lap. He started whispering apologies over and over again as he rocked him back and forth. Kurt eventually stopped crying and began talking. “He's got the whole school thinking I'm some stupid, pathetic, weak gay boy who doesn't realize when he's being cheated on.”

“Who cares. Their all assholes anyway. You have eleven people who know the truth, know you, that's more than he can say.”

“How do you always know the right thing to say?”

“Because I know and care about you.”

“There you go again.” Kurt smiled up at him.

Blaine laughed. “Are you ready to go back to our friends and enjoy our night? Their worried about you.”

Kurt nodded his head as he wiped the rest of the tears from his face as they both stood up. Blaine smiled at him as he stroked his thumb under his eyes, catching the tears and wiping them away for him.

The rest of the evening went pretty smoothly. Kurt got to sit on the couch with Nick and Quinn and learn all about his date as Blaine joined in on the video game. Kurt would catch Blaine sneaking glances at him throughout the night and every time he did he would wink at him causing Blaine to smile and return to his game. They were sad to see Wes, David, Jeff and Nick leave around ten, the rest of them falling asleep around the living room around midnight.


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