June 22, 2014, 7 p.m.
June 22, 2014, 7 p.m.
Unconventional Prince Charming
Chapter Eleven September 4th Saturday
Cartoons were playing on the TV as two boys lay out on the bed. The curly haired boy lay on his back against the headboard with his arm wrapped around the taller one while he also lay on his back with one of his legs thrown across the other boys right leg as their hands were clasped between them. They were flitting in and out of sleep as they just lay there basking in each other's presence. A knock at the door caused them to become fully alert as Blaine got ready to dash off the bed. “Who's there?” Kurt called out.
“It's just me guys.”
“Come in Quinn!” He called out as they settled back on the bed and continued mindlessly staring at the television.
The door creaked open and a blonde head peeked through. She took in the scene before her as she cautiously stepped into the room and shut the door behind her. The two boys were just laying on the bed watching television. No a skewed clothes, mussed hair, or reddened lips. Quinn frowned. “Don't people who are dating, who are left alone for more than five minutes, usually go at it like rabbits?”
“Our relationship isn't based on physical pleasure Quinn, it's based on friendship.” Kurt answered.
“Though the physical part isn't bad either, aye Kurt?” Blaine asked with a smirk.
Kurt slapped his arm in reply and Blaine started rubbing it as he gave Kurt his best pouty face. Kurt rolled his eyes fondly as he smiled before leaning down and kissing him softly.
“You two are adorable!”
Kurt smiled up at the girl. “Why don't you join us on the bed?”
“I don't know…”
“Come on Quinn we don't bite, hard.” Blaine said with a smirk.
Kurt hit him harder this time and Blaine shouted out in protest. Quinn laughed as she walked towards the bed and climbed in beside Kurt, who linked his arm through hers as they all went back to watching the television.
“That's a sight I never thought I'd see.”
“Dad?” Kurt mumbled as he sat up in bed rubbing at his eyes. His brain was slow to catch up with the situation but when it did he panicked. He looked quickly to his other side to find it empty and then he looked to his side to find Quinn still sleeping soundly next to him. He heard Burt laughing at him from the doorway and looked that way. “It's okay son, I know nothing happened.”
Kurt huffed in aggravation as he fell back against the bed. “Wake her up and come downstairs, I'll start breakfast.”
He waited until he heard footsteps on the stairs and movement in the kitchen before hopping out of bed and running across the room to his closet, which he threw open as soon as he reached it to find it empty. He frowned as he tried to think of where else the boy might be hiding. He hurried back across the room and peeked under the bed, disappointment filling him as he found it empty. With all of the noise he was making he eventually woke Quinn who sat up in the bed and frowned at him. “What are you doing?”
“Have you seen Blaine?” Kurt asked frantically.
“Not since I fell asleep. There's a note on your mirror.” Quinn stated pointing towards it as she got up and padded out of the room. He soon heard the shower come on from the other room as he slowly approached the mirror. He yanked the note off, opening it quickly to read the contents. It read:
“Dear Kurt,
I didn't want to wake you because I hate saying goodbye to you. Also because you looked pretty adorable curled up with a girl on your bed. I may have taken a picture. Don't worry about me, have a nice day with your family, I'll be back tonight. I need to talk to the guys about what to do if Jade finds out about Quinn's new living arrangements. You two are going to need to be guarded. Ask her if she'd be okay with having a bodyguard, though she may not have a choice in the matter. We may have to bring Finn in, just think about it. Love Blaine.”
Kurt smiled at the thought of Blaine knowing him so well, proven by the last statement. It quickly turned into a frown however when he began to think about what Blaine had to say. He would ask Quinn about the bodyguard and he'd deal with Jade if it came down to that. He decided that Finn would be a last resort. He then grabbed some clothes before locking himself in the bathroom and hopping in the shower.
Soon afterwards he was bounding down the stairs and almost collided with Finn who was also on his way down. As Kurt righted himself he noticed that Finn was looking at him with a strange look on his face. Kurt furrowed his brows as he snapped at him. “What!”
Finn looked up at him as he asked a question. “What's Dalton?”
“A fictional school in a book.” Kurt answered as he folded his arms across his chest to try to hided the logo on the sweatshirt he was currently wearing.
“Isn't that the school that Blaine transferred from?” Finn asked.
“How do you know that?” Kurt asked angrily.
“It was all over the school before he arrived.” Finn answered with a shrug. “Why are you wearing one of Blaine's shirts?”
“He let me borrow it when I got cold the other day and left my jacket at home.”
“Why do you still have it?”
Kurt shrugged. “It's comfortable.”
“Does Jade know your wearing Blaine's clothes?”
“And if he doesn't?” Kurt asked placing his hands on his hips.
“Kurt, I don't like how your treating Jade. He's my friend, he doesn't deserve to be cheated on.”
“You have no idea what your talking about Finn!”
“Dude, I've been cheated on before, I know how awful it feels.”
Kurt sighed. “Yeah so do I Finn.”
“What's that suppose to mean?”
“It means there's two sides to every story so before you judge someone be sure you know what they are.” Kurt answered as he continued down the stairs.
Finn just shook his head as he followed behind him.
Kurt entered the kitchen to find Burt and Quinn sitting at the table chatting as the eggs in the frying pan heated up. He made his way over and started moving them around in the pan as they started cooking. They were soon joined by Finn who took a seat at the table across from Quinn and joined in on the conversation. They decided to do some grocery shopping that day so they could get Quinn some lollipops for when she started having morning sickness. Carole joined them about ten minutes later and began helping Kurt with breakfast.
They soon had plates filled with eggs and toast that they took to the occupants of the table. They all sat down and had an enjoyable breakfast together. Afterwards Carole made Finn, and Burt do the dishes as Kurt and Quinn disappeared upstairs. They went into his room and he shut the door behind them as Quinn went to sit on the bed. “What's going on Kurt?”
“I need to talk to you about something.”
Quinn made a go on gesture as she made herself more comfortable on the bed.
“We think it will be a good idea, at least until we found out what Jade's reaction to your staying here is, to have a guard on you.”
Quinn furrowed her brows. “A guard?”
“I have one. Santana stays by my side during the day in hopes that Jade doesn't try anything and also so that she can report back to Blaine for me.”
Quinn sighed. “Do you really think I need one?”
“Yes, I don't know how Jade's going to react when he finds out and if he goes after you I want you to have protection.”
“What will he do to you?”
Kurt shook his head. “That is none of your concern.”
“Like hell's it not! I'm not letting you take a beating for me!”
“Could you quiet it down before someone hears you! I am not your concern. I have it under control. My main concern is for you and that unborn child inside of you.”
“And if I refuse?” Quinn asked angrily.
“You don't get a choice. If you want to live under this roof, you follow my rules.”
“You can't do that!” Quinn yelled out.
“This discussion is over. We have grocery shopping to do. I'll meet you downstairs.”
Quinn huffed as she got up and stormed out of the room. Kurt could feel a ball of anxiety starting in the bottom of his stomach as he thought about what Jade might do when he found out Kurt was harboring his ex who was carrying their unborn child.
It was never an if in Kurt's mind because he knew that Jade would eventually find out due to the tabs he kept on him. He was expecting him to want to deal with it on Monday.
He ran his fingers through his hair, wishing for the hundredth time that day that Blaine was there with him. He felt the room and joined his family downstairs.
They left for the store soon after. Once there they all split up. Finn and Burt went to look at the meat while Carole and Quinn went to the baby aisle. Kurt was wandering through the store aimlessly itching to get his phone out and text Blaine but he felt that he shouldn't be codependent on him, in case he wasn't always going to be there. He continued wandering through the store, picking up a few things that he knew they needed. He soon grabbed a buggy and started filling it up. He had it about halfway full by the time his dad found him and added his stuff. They then went on the hunt for Carole and Quinn, finding them on the baby aisle. They added prenatal vitamins and lollipops to the buggy. Carole then informed them that she was getting some fruits and vegetables for the house. Burt and Finn excused themselves to the bakery while Carole ran off to the produce section, leaving Kurt and Quinn alone to explore the store. They started walking slowly down the aisle in silence. Quinn kept sneaking glances at Kurt who had his jaw clenched in anger. She sighed as she stopped where she was. “I'm sorry.”
Kurt turned around in surprise. “Excuse me?”
“I'm sorry I went off on you in your room. I'm not used to having people around who want to help me. I'm fiercely independent.”
Kurt nodded. “I understand. But what I've come to learn, and love, about this group is the fact that we look out for one another. I've never had that before either, except for my dad, but I am so grateful to have it now.”
Quinn nodded. “Okay, I'll do it. It's about time I had some real friends instead of those bitches on the cheerleading squad who only wanted to be my friend in hopes of getting to you or Jade.”
Kurt sighed. “We're quite the pair aye? Both brought down by the same guy, whom we thought we were in love with.
Quinn smiled as she looped her arm through Kurt's and started walking once more. “Yes, but you have Blaine now, and he's ten times the man Jade could ever hope to be.”
Kurt smiled as he patted her hand. “Yes he is.”
Quinn stopped them and turned Kurt to face her. “You are too you know. I think Blaine's helping you get back there but your not quite there yet. I just wanted you to know that you're an amazing person. Not many people could go through what you are and still be standing.”
Kurt sniffled as he leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Thank you Quinn.”
Quinn just smiled as she got them to walking once more.
They got home a little while later and everyone helped put up groceries before having a small lunch. Burt then told them to not worry about dinner because he was taking them all out. They all disappeared upstairs to spend the afternoon doing there own thing. Kurt and Quinn ended up in his room watching television and talking as Kurt checked his phone every few minutes. He was getting more and more upset as the afternoon wore on and he heard nothing from Blaine. Him and Quinn seemed to be getting along pretty well and he had no idea they had so much in common. Except for cheerleading of course.
Soon it was time for dinner and they met the family downstairs. They all piled in the car and drove off. They arrived at Breadstix and made their way inside, getting a booth in the back. Kurt sat next to Quinn while Burt and Carole sat across the table from them and Finn sat between them. As they were sitting perusing the many Kurt was surprised to feel his pocket vibrating. He smiled as he dug his phone out and hid it under the table. He quickly opened the new message from Blaine, which read: “Hey babe, hope your having a good time with your family. I missed you.”
Kurt quickly texted back. “Hey. I've missed you too. What have you guys been up to?”
He didn't have to wait long for a response. “Just hanging out at the gym. I'm putting Puck on Quinn duty. If she's okay with that. We may need Finn though too because I don't know how pissed Jade is going to be with the whole Quinn thing.”
“Can we play the Finn thing by ear? Quinn's in.”
“For now. How'd you get her to agree?”
“I threatened her. We talked it all out and were good now. She's more than happy to be a part of our group.”
“That's good. I'm glad you have a new friend babe. I'll be back around ten and we can talk through things then. What are you up to now?”
Before Kurt could respond he was disrupted by his dad. “Uh Kurt, we need your order bud.”
Kurt blushed as he grabbed the menu and perused it. “Sorry dad. I'll have the spaghetti and a water please.”
The waiter nodded before walking off. “What have I told you about phones at the dinner table?”
Kurt's eyes went wide at the thought of Blaine being taken away from him once more. “Please dad, just a little longer. At least until the food gets here.” He begged.
Burt sighed. “Fine, but as soon as the food arrives it goes back in your pocket.”
Kurt nodded enthusiastically as he went back to his phone and responded to the last message. “We're at Breadstix. I just got in trouble and am going to have to get off when the food gets here.”
“That's fine babe. Have fun with your family for now, I'll see you later.”
“But I haven't talked to you in forever!”
“It's only been a few hours Kurt.”
“Am I being clingy?”
“Not at all. I miss you too but it's important to spend time with your parents, as much as I would love to keep you to myself twenty four seven, it's not possible.”
“I feel the same. Fine, but you better be there at ten.”
“I wouldn't miss it for the world.”
Kurt put his phone back in his pocket just in time for the food to get there. They ended up having a lovely dinner with good conversation. When they got home that night they sat down in the living room and watched a couple of movies before calling it a night.
Kurt and Quinn went to his room while everyone else split up into their own rooms. They went in and shut the door behind them. He turned around and was immediately engulfed into Blaine's arms as Blaine kissed his head. Kurt squealed as he hugged back, rocking them back and forth. “How long have you been here?”
“I just got here. Jeff was busy yakking my ear off about his date with Nick.”
Kurt laughed. “It went that well?”
“I'm happy for them.” Kurt said with a smile.
“It's been a long time coming that's for sure.”
“What else did you find out?”
Blaine sighed. “We're putting Puck on Quinn duty. Santana and Brittany are going to be with you and I think it would be a good idea to bring Finn in for an extra set of eyes.”
“I'll be okay. I figure he'll come after me on Monday, so if you could have her out of the house for that time, I'd be ever grateful.”
“I'm not going to let you put her safety in front of your own!”
“You won't be able to stop it either way!”
“We can use Finn to protect you and Quinn during school.”
“I'm not ready for him to find out!”
“Your being ridiculous! More people are involved now, we need more eyes around the school!”
“I said no.” Kurt stated vehemently as he put his hands on his hips.
“Your being unreasonable!”
“This is my drama and I get to choice who finds out it.”
“We're just here to help!”
As Kurt went to respond his door opened and a head peeked through. “Dude, turn you TV down, I can hear it all the way down the hall.”
“Ok Finn, go back to bed.”
“Actually, I'm pretty bored, can I spend some time with you guys?” He asked as he walked into the room.
“Now's not a good time.”
“What the hell is he doing here?”
“I can explain…”
“What the hell is he doing here!”
“If you would stop yelling I could explain.” Kurt said angrily.
“We have something we need to tell you.”
Finn sat on the bed cautiously. “What's going on?”
“Before I tell you this, you have to promise not to tell anybody, no matter what.”
“I promise.”
Kurt sucked in a breath before beginning. “Blaine's here because he has been helping me with something. He took another breath. “Jade is abusive. Blaine has been teaching me how to box so that I could defend myself.”
“What the hell Kurt!” Finn asked jumping up from the bed. “Why haven't you come to me about this before now? I would have taken care of it.”
“That's why. I can take care of myself.”
“Then why are you getting so many people involved?”
“Their trying to be supportive and show me that I have people on my side.” Kurt said defending himself.”
“But won't someone end up hurt if Jade is as bad as you say he is?”
“Are you going to keep this a secret or what?” Kurt demanded.
“Of course I am! I just don't see why your getting so many people involved is all. If you don't want help then you should stop telling so many people.”
Kurt sighed. “If you don't want to help just say so.”
“That's not what I meant dude. You're my brother, of course I'll help. What do you want me to do?”
Kurt sighed in frustration as he thought more about what Finn had said. “Nothing. I don't want you to do anything. Any of you! I want you to leave.”
“Kurt…” Blaine began protesting but Kurt cut him off. “You too.”
“Please don't do this. I need you.” Blaine begged.
“No one needs me Blaine. You just get out of my life while you still can, before I mess it up anymore. Tell all of the guys the same. You can all forget about me because I can take care of myself.” Kurt said while shoving everyone out of the room. “Have her out of here tomorrow night.” Kurt said before slamming the door in their face.
He sighed as he laid down on the bed as he began to sob. He just let go of one of the most important people in his life. He felt more empty and alone than ever before.