Unconventional Prince Charming
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Unconventional Prince Charming: Chapter 1

E - Words: 4,282 - Last Updated: Jun 22, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 09, 2013 - Updated: Dec 09, 2013
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Unconventional Prince Charming

Summary: Kurt finds an unlikely ally in the school bad boy. Badboy!Blaine. Set during season two.
Author's note: This story was founded upon the scene where Sam was whispering in Quinn's ear during Glee club. I thought what if he was whispering mean things to her instead of the sweet things I'm sure he was whispering. This story is Klaine with Kurt/oc to start.

Chapter One: August 1st First day of school
A rumble of a motorcycle could be heard as it pulled into the McKinley High School parking lot. All eyes were upon it as they knew the owner of the machine. They stared in awe as the boy stepped off the bike, removing his helmet and shaking out his unruly, curly, black hair. Although they were awed by this stunning boy they dared not approach him. A Latina cheerleader and a boy with a Mohawk were the only two who came close to the boy, the latter handing him a cigarette. He lit it as the Latina took the helmet when handed to her and slammed it down on the bike.
“Your late Anderson.”
“Chill out babe. It's always best to make an appearance on the first day so the newbie's know not to mess with us.”
“Don't call me babe!”
The boy just laughed as he started towards the building with his two friends flanking him.

Blaine Anderson was your typical bad boy appearance wise. He was drop dead gorgeous, had the unruly hair, the leather jacket and ripped jeans; the only non typical thing about the boy was the fact that he was gay. He had become leader of the small group upon his arrival at the school last year because the rumors of his escapades at his previous school had preceded him. These rumors had yet to be verified.
They burst through the doors of the school causing the doors to slam against the walls and everyone's attention to be on them. They strutted down the hall with Blaine in the lead towards their lockers. Puck broke off first heading to the right to find his locker and then Santana went left to find her friends. Blaine continued down the hall towards his locker until he was stopped in his tracks by the site before him.
He was standing at his locker in those damn skin tight jeans of his, looking even better than last year. He let his signature smirk slide onto his face as he strutted forward. He came to a halt beside his locker, leaning on it with his foot as he spoke to him. “Hey there Hummel, I see the summer was especially good to you this year.”
“Why Blaine Anderson, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?” Kurt asked not bothering to look at him.
“I came think of many ‘pleasurable' things we can do together.” Blaine purred as he turned to face him.
Kurt ducked his head to try to hide the sudden blush that had taken over his face but the effort was futile because Blaine had caught it. In response he moved closer to him so that he was in his personal place and lowering his voice. “I see that your not opposed to the idea.”
Kurt gulped as he tried to come up with a witty comeback. “Is this conversation going anywhere because I have a class to get to.”
Blaine laughed at this before responding with his own question. “I was just wondering if you had left that boyfriend of yours for me yet?”
Before Kurt could reply another guy had walked up and placed a possessive arm around Kurt before answering for him. “What have I told you about messing with my boyfriend Anderson? Can't you find your own man?”
“I was just merely letting him know his options of being with a real man.”
In reaction to this comment the boy pulled Kurt closer. “He's mine.” He growled.
“I am not property!” Kurt yelled as he struggled out of his boyfriends arms.
“Hush you!” The boy yelled back tightening his hold on the boy.
Blaine watched the scene is disgust as Kurt immediately stopped struggling and shut his mouth. He sighed as he moved away from the couple not wanting to cause Kurt anymore trouble. Before he headed off though he threw out a farewell and was surprised to see Kurt reply with a smile.
As soon as Blaine turned the corner Jade let go of Kurt and slammed him into the locker behind him. “What the hell! What have I told you about talking to him!”
“He approached me!” Kurt yelled defending himself.
Jade pushed him further into the lockers in retaliation. “If I see you talking to him again you will pay. I'd hate to mess up that pretty face of yours that he seems to like so much.” With one final shove into the locker he walked away with a smirk. Kurt had come to find out that their were major differences in Jade and Blaine, even in how their smirks made him feel. Where Jade's made him feel scared and wary, Blaine's made him blush and butterflies erupt in his stomach.

Kurt Hummel was the first boy to come out of the closet at this school last year. Afterwards he was bullied pretty badly until he decided to join the cheerleading squad. His popularity had skyrocketed after that and he soon became the first male head cheerleader. After this event more kids started coming out, including the quarterback of the football team, Jade Diamond. The two began dating soon after. For awhile they were the perfect couple. Forever walking down the halls hand in hand, smiling at each other, and doing couple things. A couple weeks into their relationship things started to change. They stopped doing so many couple things at school and whenever you saw them Jade was attached to his ear and Kurt didn't look to happy about it. Some may have thought they had broken up if it wasn't for them claiming their territory whenever someone started hitting on one of them. The cheerleaders especially liked to hit on Jade and you could tell that it didn't sit well with Kurt.

Blaine walked into the classroom a little while later taking a seat in the front row. He plopped down in the seat, taking his ipod out of his back pocket, and leaning back in the chair until the front legs came up and he could rest his legs on the desk in front of him. He sat there not paying attention as students filed in and they in return ignored him, used to his antics. This went on until he felt eyes on him. He looked towards the door to find glasz eyes on him, Kurt. He felt a smirk slide on his face and he watched as Kurt blushed before hurrying to his seat.
The teacher showed up a few minutes later and class began. He couldn't help but glance towards the back of the classroom to where he knew Jade and Kurt were since the teacher was boring him with the outline of the lesson plan of the year. Jade was leaning towards Kurt every once awhile whispering something before he would back away and continue flirting with the cheerleader on the other side of him. Kurt himself was busy taking notes and looked to be barely paying attention to whatever Jade had to say. He turned back to the front of the room just as the teacher started writing things on the board. He tuned her out as he began thinking over his own plans for the year. Over the summer he had decided that he needed to get Kurt away from Jade because he had seen that type of toxic relationship before and he didn't want Kurt involved in one of those relationships. He came out of his thoughts as the bell rang. He got up slowly and trailed behind the others trying to leave the classroom.

Throughout the day he found he had most of his classes with Jade and Kurt since him and Kurt were juniors and Jade was a senior. His favorite part of the day though was when he found out that his last class was French, with just Kurt. He got to sit next to him in this class since the teachers assigned seating. As the bell rang Kurt dove into the lesson as Blaine got out a piece of paper and quickly jotted something down before sliding it over to Kurt. Kurt looked up at him confusedly but Blaine just tilted his head towards the paper. Kurt sighed before taking the note and opening it.
B: Will you meet me at the Lima Bean after school?
K: I have Glee
B: After?
K: Why?
B: I need to talk to you
K: We're talking now
B: This is too personal to put on a piece of paper
K: Are you wanting to ask me about my sex life?
B: No!
K: Then why can't you just write it on this piece of paper?
B: Lima Bean. 6?
K: Does that ever work?
B: You tell me

K: You're buying
Blaine just smiled as he grabbed up the note and put it in his pocket before letting Kurt go back to his note taking.
The rest of the class passed by slowly and boringly as Kurt went back to note taking and promptly ignoring Blaine for the rest of the class period. He eventually put his feet up on the desk before taking his ipod out and sticking it in his ear. Class ended too quickly for his liking and before he knew it Kurt was out of his sight. He had enjoyed having Kurt by his side for almost an hour. Being able to smell him or look at him whenever he'd like without worrying about the repercussions. He hung on to the fact that he was going to be seeing him at the Lima Bean in a little while as he gathered his stuff and left the room as well.
As he left the classroom and walked down the hall he noticed Jade standing at Kurt's locker. He watched as Kurt prepared his backpack for the night as Jade stood near him, winking at every cheerleader that walked past over Kurt's head. Blaine growled in disgust as he walked past the couple towards his own locker, missing the pair of eyes that followed down the hall. Once in the parking lot he hopped onto his motorcycle and drove out of the parking lot. He had about two hours to kill before meeting Kurt for that coffee.
He spent the next two hours in the park, sitting on top of the jungle gym with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. He smiled as he watched the kids running around so young and free. He couldn't help but notice the parents sitting on the park benches occasionally sending glares towards the juvenile delinquent that dare poison their park. He smirked as he hopped down , taking the cigarette from his mouth and stomping it out on the ground. He smiled to himself as the parents sent disgusted looks his way. He made his way over to his bike, hopping on and being sure to make as much noise as he could as he started it up. He was satisfied as he saw the kids eyes light up in response.

He strolled through the doors of the Lima Bean five minutes early. He went up to the counter and ordered a coffee before finding a seat in the back of the little shop. He took to staring out the window as he went over in his head what he was going to tell Kurt to get him out of the situation that he had found himself in. He didn't know how Kurt was going to take it since to him he was only the school bully who happened to also be gay. He just knew that he had to get Kurt out of this situation before he ended up like him.
He felt the butterflies erupt in his stomach a few minutes later as he saw Kurt's car pull into the parking lot. He watched him cross the parking lot and smiled when he heard the bell on top of the door go off. His eyes followed him across the shop as he made his way to the counter and placed his order. He only had to wait for a moment before it was ready and then he was turning around to find his companion for the afternoon. He sucked in a breath as blue met gold and the butterflies became more intense. Their eyes stayed locked as Kurt walked towards him and took a seat across from him at the booth. They sat in silence for a moment just staring at each other before Blaine cleared his throat and started the conversation. “How was Glee?”
Kurt smiled at this conversation starter. “Usual. Rachel Berry screeching at us about not hitting notes and about her deserving all the solos.”
Blaine paused for a moment trying to come up with something else until Kurt interrupted his thoughts. “Look, I appreciate the small talk, but I do have a curfew so if you would kindly get to the reason I'm here, I would be forever grateful.”
“Oh, straight to the point kind of guy, got it. Uh…”
Kurt rolled his eyes at the other boy as he decided to cut him a break. “Is this about me and Jade?”
Blaine just nodded in response.
“And tell me why I should be speaking to you about my personal relationship.”
“I'm concerned about you.”
“Well don't be.”
“Can I tell you a story?”
“As long as it's under five minutes and I can leave afterwards.”
“There once was this boy who was dating this other boy. Now on the outside this relationship looked perfect. And to other people this relationship looked perfect. But it wasn't. You see someone could tell that something was wrong by looking into the boys eyes. He put up a pretty good fa�ade. The only reason this particular boy could tell was because he had been through it as well. Now here comes the dilemma. This boy wanted to help this other boy but he didn't know how, so he invited him to coffee so that he could talk to him and let him know that he wasn't alone. That there are people out there that are willing to help, all he has to do is ask.”
Kurt sniffled as the story came to a close. “No one notices you know. Not even my friends. They just keep telling me how good a catch Jade is. Not even, my, my own dad. How?”
“How can I not notice your beauty walking down the hallway?” Blaine replied trying to break the tension. “It's in your eyes, Kurt. In them I can see the depths of your soul. Your hurt, your loss, your self hating. I know, I've been there.”
“How did you get out?”
“With help.”
“Why do you want to help me? I mean it has to be about more than you being in the same boat as me at one time.”
“I don't want you to turn out like me Kurt.”
“How can you possibly help me?”
“Have you ever tried to get out before?”
At Kurt's silence Blaine knew the answer. “I can teach you how to fight.”
“So you want me to fight violence with violence?”
“No, I do want you to know some self defense however.”
“I guess that's better than anyone in Glee could have come up with, which would have been to sing a song about it.”
“You never just come out and say yes do you?” Blaine laughed.
“I've been thinking about it, but he's the quarterback of the football team, what kind of defense would I have against that?”
“Then it's plan b?”
“Plan b, how long have you been thinking about approaching me with this?”
“Since I found this hot guy that was attached to the asshole quarterback.”
Kurt ducked as he blushed and Blaine smirked at him. He looked up a little while later to find Blaine still smiling at him. Kurt inhaled as he got up the courage to ask his next question. “I'm kind of afraid to ask, but what is plan b exactly?”
“Me, Puck and Santana become your personal body guards and let him know that he's never to touch you again.” Blaine explained letting out a little growl at the last part.
Kurt looked in shock at this last part. “As much as I appreciate your want to help me, I need to do this on my own.”
“And how do you expect to do that?”
“Violence with violence.” Kurt answered with a shrug.
“You could get hurt!”
“Not like it hasn't happened before.” Kurt said lowering his head.
Kurt felt a shot of electricity shoot through him just as Blaine touched his arm. He jumped out of the booth in shock. “We can't do this.”
“Kurt, I…”
“I have to go.” Kurt said before rushing out of the little shop.
Blaine rushed after him but Kurt was faster and was speeding out of the parking lot as he made it outside. Frustrated he hopped onto his bike and went the opposite direction.
He drove into the parking lot of a small red bricked building, parking in front, before stepping off and heading inside. He passed by the front desk that was being manned by a Asian guy who he waved at as he waved at him enthusiastically. He proceeded to the back of the building where a gym was set up. On the right was the locker room that included a bathroom and showers. To the left was a flight of stairs that led to a loft that had become Blaine's room right around the time he had started McKinley. As he entered the gym he was greeted by his friends. A blonde named Jeff along with his best friend, a brunette named Nick. Along with David, their African American friend and Wes, the guy at the desk. Also there was the mohawked boy from this morning Puck and the Latina girl, Santana. When the only response they received from Blaine was him sticking a cigarette in his mouth they knew something was up.
“What's up your butt?” Puck asked.
“No wait, let me guess, this has something to do with Kurt. Just like every other time you have a problem since you started that damn school!” Wes stated sarcastically.
Blaine just puffed on his cigarette as he blew smoke rings in the air.
“What happened this time Blaine?” Nick asked sympathetically.
“We were this close.” sticking his fingers close together in demonstration. “And I ruined it!”
“How exactly did you ruin it?” Wes asked aggravated.
“I, I grabbed his hand.”
“And after what he's been through, he freaked out.” David said understandingly.
“He couldn't get away from me fast enough.”
“He's trying to protect you. Jade knows your into Kurt so he's threatening Kurt.”
“How am I suppose to help him if he won't let me?”
“You have two options.” Wes started. “You can just forget all about him.” At Blaine's look he continued. “Or, you can keep your hands to yourself.”
“Dude, he doesn't even seem like the type of person to want to be touched in the first place so why did you grab his hand?”
“He was upset, I was trying to comfort him!” Blaine yelled defending himself.
“Look Blaine, you know this is going to be hard and take some time. Just try to keep your hands to yourself next time.”
“Thanks for the helpful tips guys. I'm going to head up to he loft for awhile.”
“We'll be here when you need us.” Wes called after him.
Blaine nodded his head as he headed up. Once he got there he plopped down on the bed. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and sent a quick text before closing his eyes and falling into a restless sleep.

Kurt peeled out of the little parking lot and sped off down the road. He saw as Blaine ran out of the door and towards him. He traveled a little further in hopes of losing Blaine if he was following him but upon seeing that he turned the other way when he pulled out of the parking lot he pulled his car over. He hit on his steering wheel as he reprimanded himself. “How the hell could I have told Blaine all of that! What is wrong with me! I'm not getting anyone else involved in this because I don't want anyone else hurt! I'm worthless! No ones ever going to love me after what Jades done to me! And what the hell was with that spark I felt when he touched me!” And the berating went on until Kurt cried out all of his tears over things he knew he would never get to experience again. He wiped his eyes before putting his car in drive and taking off.
“What the hell was he supposed to do now? He knew what that spark meant. But there was no way in hell he was going to let himself get involved with Blaine now. He knew he was attracted to Blaine which just made this whole thing worse. He didn't think there was anyway that Blaine could feel the same way. Now he was even more determined to do this alone.
On his way home he heard his phone go off but decided to ignore it, he was almost home anyway. As he pulled into his parking lot a little bit later he pulled his phone out. It was a message from an unknown number so he opened it curiously.
“It's Blaine. I'm sorry for earlier. I shouldn't have tried to push you. But please, please let me help you. No one deserves to go through what your going through. Take some time to think about it. And don't worry about Jade, I can take care of myself.”
Kurt sniffled as he replaced the phone in his pocket as he got out of the car. He walked up to his front door with a pep in his step. He walked in and found his dad and Carol in the kitchen. “Hey bud, how was school?”
“It was okay. Did you need any help with dinner Carol?”
“No thanks sweetie.”
“How was your coffee date? Was it with one of your friends from Glee? Was it someone I know? Do I get to know them?”
“It wasn't a date dad. It was just coffee. He needed some help with some homework.”
“He?” Burt asked with a smirk.
“I'm not playing twenty questions with you dad. I'm going upstairs to do my homework, call me for dinner” Kurt answered as he walked out of the kitchen.
Burt's laughter followed him out of the kitchen. “I love how sassy he gets.” Carol said with a smile.
“He gets that from his mother.”
“I detect a little of his father in him as well.” Carol smirked as she placed a kiss on his cheek.

As soon as he made it to his room he plopped down on his bed, putting his headphones in his ears, and closed his eyes so that he could drown out the world for a little while. He got up about thirty minutes later and decided to get on his computer. He surfed the web until he was called down to dinner.
During dinner everything was perfect. They had lots of conversations and laughs and of course food. He and Finn did the dishes afterwards and then they all sat down to watch a movie. It was the perfect two hours to Kurt because he could forget all about all the crap in his life. After goodnights were said they all headed upstairs and went into their rooms.

Kurt hopped into the shower a little while later and was surprised to hear knocking on his window when he came back out. He crossed the room, opening the window when he came to it and stepped back as Jade made his way inside. Without saying a word he tackled him to the bed.
As soon as he was finished he left Kurt and escaped through the window in which he came. Kurt tried to muffle his sobs as they wracked through his body. He got up angrily and threw his sheets to the floor. Then he went into the bathroom and turned the water as hot as it could go. After he placed new sheets on his bed before curling up into them and falling into a restless sleep. Before he fell completely asleep though he dug out his cell phone and sent a quick text. “To badboy prince: I'm in.”

Author's note: Please let me know what you think. I have most of this written out I just have to type it up. Please let me know if it would even be worth it. I know exactly how this story is going to play out and end I just have to type it up. Also Finn is going to be in this story. I was sad to see Cory go but I think we should all honor him by keeping him alive through fan fiction. If you have a problem with this please don't read this story and please don't leave me bad reviews because of it. Thank you for taking your time to read this story and possibly reviewing. This story is going to be my longest one ever and hopefully my best. It's definitely going to be my best written, though that's not saying much. Sorry for the long authors note, till next time.
Love Jennifer.

AN2: I just made some changes on this chapter after first time readers were reading it and telling me about some mistakes I made.


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