May 12, 2013, 5:14 a.m.
May 12, 2013, 5:14 a.m.
“Blaine.” Kurt whined as he kept the present hidden. Blaine looked back up at him, the look of irritation that had come across his face when his book had been snatched from his hands was replaced by a small smile.
“Yes, Kurt?” asked Blaine as Kurt smiled back at him.
“Do you know what day it is today?” Kurt asked with a cheeky look as Blaine looked on with mock confusion.
“Thursday?” Blaine asked, cocking an eyebrow as Kurt groaned in annoyance and hid his face. With a roll of his eyes, he answered again, “Its Valentines day.”
Kurt looked up then with a small smile for his boyfriend, “And who is your Valentine?”
Blaine smiled sweetly as he reached a hand over for Kurt, who happily took it with his free hand, “Do you even have to ask?”
Kurt simply nodded, needing to hear the words from Blaine. Blaine simply chuckled lovingly as he stared at Kurt.
“Will you be my Valentine, Kurt?” Blaine sincerely asked, making Kurt giggle as his eyes lit up.
“Of course I will.” Kurt replied as he leant over to table and pecked Blaine on the cheek, making him blush. “Here, I got you something.”
Blaine blushed even more as Kurt revealed the object wrapped in pink paper covered in small hearts.
“Aww, Kurt, you didn't have to.” Blaine said as he took the present from Kurt and quickly unwrapped it. He yelped in excitement when he found out that it was the third Harry Potter movie and the last Harry Potter book.
“Of course I did Blaine.” Kurt said, smiling at how happy his boyfriend looked. “Anyway, I know how much you love Harry Potter.”
Blaine tore his eyes away from the book and DVD to look at Kurt, love and happiness shining in his eyes.
“Not as much as I love you.” Blaine declared happily as Kurt grinned. Blaine stood up then and quickly put his book and his presents from Kurt into his shoulder bag and took Kurt's hand in his, pulling Kurt to his feet. “Come on, we have Glee. It's my turn to give you your present.”
Moments later, they were both seated in one chair, Kurt on Blaine's lap as they waited for the rest of the group to get there. Kurt moaned happily at the feel of Blaine's lips on the back of his neck, and he was glad the room was empty. The moan seemed to effect Blaine, because Kurt felt him shift in the seat under him. The door opened then and at least half of the group walked in as Kurt jumped from Blaine's lap to the seat beside him, much to Blaine's disapproval as he quickly balled up his jacket and placed it over his lap. Looking in that direction, Kurt laughed. Scooting his chair closer to Blaine, Kurt whispered in his ear, “So what is my present?”
Blaine grinned over at him, already feeling his problem starting to disappear. “Its a secret.”
Kurt pouted at that as he turned to watch Mr. Schue walk into the room.
“Okay guys, Valentine's day!” He said cheerfully as he walked over to the board and wrote “World's greatest love songs!” “Anyone have any songs?”
Blaine quickly shot out of his seat then, surprising Kurt and Mr. Schue as he raced to the front of the group.
“I do!” He said excitedly as Mr. Schue stared at him for a moment, still shocked before he nodded at him.
“Okay then, go ahead.” He said as he moved to take a seat next to Mike.
“Well, today is mine and Kurt's first Valentine's, so this is for you Kurt!” Blaine declared as he smiled at Kurt, making him blush bright red. Blaine grinned as the bad started playing.
Baby, I'm so into you
You got that something, what can I do
Baby, you spin me around
The Earth is movin, but I can't feel the ground
Kurt grinned as tears started to form in his eyes. Blaine didn't break eye contact with Kurt as he sang.
That kind of lovin'
Turns a man to a slave
That kind of lovin'
Sends a man right to his grave
Kurt continued to watch Blaine, a few stray tears falling down his cheeks as he grinned happily, not hearing half of the words Blaine sang. All he could really see was Blaine's smiling face. But the next words he did hear, made him blush profusely.
You know I'm crazy
crazy, crazy for you baby
crazy, crazy, crazy for you baby
Tell me, you're so into me
That I'm the only one you will see
Tell me, I'm not in the blue (Oooh)
That I'm not wastin, my feelings on you
Every time I look at you
My heart is jumpin, what can I do?
You drive me crazy,
Crazy (I just can't sleep)
Crazy, I'm in too deep
You know I'm crazy
Crazy (But it feels alright)
Baby thinkin of you keeps me up all night
You know I'm crazy, crazy, crazy for you baby
crazy, crazy, crazy for you baby
Kurt was clapping by the time Blaine had finished his song, and without a thought, he jumped from his seat and ran to throw his arms around his neck and held him close. Everything but them was cut out as Kurt felt Blaine wrap his arms around his waist, holding him as close as Kurt was.
“I love you so much, Blaine.” Kurt whispered in his ear as he buried his head in his shoulder. Blaine chuckled as he raised a hand to gently stroke the hair at the nape of his neck. “I'm crazy about you too.”
“I love you too, Kurt.” Blaine whispered back, his hand was again returning to where his other hand was. “Always will.”
“Well, isn't this sweet.” A voice said from behind them, making them both spin around, though Kurt kept his grip on Blaine. Blaine's face fell at the sight of the person who owned that voice.
“Oh God, no.” He said clearly as his eyes fell on Sebastian. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Kurt couldn't manage to say anything. His eyes locked on Sebastian and they didn't let go. What on earth was he doing here?
“Well, Blaine, I just decided that prep school just wasn't it for me, so I decided to try public school.” Sebastian explained with a smug grin. Kurt had the sudden desire the punch that grin from his manic meerkat face.
“And you chose to come here?” Blaine asked, not really wanting an answer as he turned to look at Mr. Schue. “Mr. Schue, you can't let him join glee. He caused me hell at Dalton.”
Kurt could clearly see the desperation in Blaine's eyes as he let his hands slip from his shoulders, down to take a grip on his hand. Blaine flicked his head around to look a Kurt, a small smile on his face as he remembered that he was there.
“It's going to be okay.” Kurt told him as he smiled gently back at Blaine. “We can always let Karofsky slushie him.”
Blaine giggled at that as he let Kurt pull him back to his chair, and he was exceptionally glad that there were no other chairs around theirs that were empty. Blaine smiled as Kurt moved his chair as close as he could to his and kept his grip on his hand. They both turned to hear the end of whatever Mr. Schue had been telling Sebastian.
“...I want you to stay away from them. Go near them, and it is a one way ticket out of here. Understood?” Mr. Schue said in a shockingly angry voice, his hands waving in the air. Did someone tell him what had happened to Blaine? Kurt turned to look at Blaine again and asked that exact question. Blaine simply shrugged his shoulders and turned to look at Puck, who was sitting beside him.
“Did you tell him, Puck?” Blaine asked, his face blank as he stared at the mohawked- boy.
“Nah, dude. Maybe he was nearby when you told Kurt and none of us noticed.” Puck said back as he turned to look at the teacher. His face was still angry as he sent him away. Sebastian walked to the front row and sat next to Rachel, who quickly scooted her chair as far away as she could get. Kurt couldn't help but giggle at that as he watched him from the corner of his eye. Why had Sebastian transferred to McKinley, Kurt could only pretend not to know. It was blatantly obvious that he was once again trying to get Blaine. Unfortunately, he had chosen to come to McKinley to do so. Trying his best to ignore him, Kurt turned back to talk with Blaine again.
“Thank you for my song, Blaine.” Kurt said with a sweet grin as Blaine turned to look at him. His own face split into a large smile.
“That's okay, I'm really glad you liked it. I hope it was alright.” Blaine said as Kurt scooted even closer.
“It was beautiful.” Kurt said as he leaned even closer and kissed him on the cheek and giggled when both Santana and Puck pretended to gag. With a roll of his eyes, Kurt leaned around to kiss him on the lips before turning to the two.
“You love it and you know it.” He said as smiles spread across each of their faces. It was then that he realised that he was leaning over Blaine, and when he looked up, he noticed that Blaine was as red as a tomato.
“Sorry, Blaine.” Kurt said with another giggle as he sat back in his seat. As his blush began to fade, Blaine turned to smile at him
“That okay. Anyway, I never got to thank you properly for my gift.” Blaine said as he moved closer to Kurt, keeping his eyes locked on Kurt's. “Have I told you that I loved you today?”
Kurt tried to nod, but Blaine lips were suddenly on his and he automatically forgot what he was trying to nod to. All he could feel were Blaine's lips moving on his. When Blaine pulled back, he stayed close. Quickly he pecked his lips again. “Well, I do. With all my heart.”
Just then the bell rang, signally the end of the period and Blaine shot up from his seat and picked up both of their bags. With another grin for Kurt, Blaine pulled them from the jumble of students and out of the room. And not even once did they come into contact with Sebastian, though that wasn't true for Karofsky. The smile on his face slipped as it was met with the icy feel of slushie.
“Happy Valentine's Day, fags!” Karofsky yelled as he high-fived Azimio. Blaine, not feeling in the mood to stick around Karofsky, pulled Kurt back down the hallway. Before they turned to corner, Blaine turned back to look at a stunned Karofsky and yelled, “Look who's talking!”
“Come on, lets get you cleaned up before your sweater gets ruined.” Blaine said to Kurt with a smile as he pulled them into a bathroom and proceeded to clean all the ice and pink dye off of Kurt's smiling face.
“What?” Blaine asked, a little confused why Kurt was smiling. Kurt took his sticky cheeks in gentle fingers and leaned forward to kiss him. Blaine moaned into it as Kurt deepened it. Not being able to hold in his giggle, Blaine pulled back and hugged his boyfriend.
“You taste like a slushie.” He said, still giggling. Kurt whacked him on the shoulder but continued to hold him close.
“I love you, you nut case.” Kurt replied with a chuckle. “I love you so much.”
Sebastian at Mckinley! maybe he and Karosky can get toghther!