I hope I love you all my life
The rhythm of two hearts Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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I hope I love you all my life: The rhythm of two hearts

E - Words: 3,122 - Last Updated: May 12, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Dec 18, 2012 - Updated: May 12, 2013
567 0 2 0 0

Blaine stared at Kurt, from where he sat a row behind him, for the rest of the meeting. He just couldn't help it. He could hear muffled giggles coming from several of the girls in the room, but he didn't seem to mind, because every now and again, Kurt would turn slightly in his chair to look at him. Though of course, he would swivel back quickly with a deep blush when he noticed that Blaine seen him. Blaine couldn't suppress his chuckle like the girls, and it echoed quietly throughout the room. Nobody turned to look at him, but he enjoyed view of the back of Kurt's neck turning as red as his cheeks.

He finally broke eye contact with Kurt's body when the person next to him whacked him on the arm. He quickly turned to look at the dark-skinned girl, who he had heard Kurt call Mercedes. Now she was trying to hide a large grin as she looked at him, before leaning closer to him.

“Stop teasing him, I don't think he can go any redder.” Mercedes said quietly, but Kurt took it upon himself to prove her wrong, because he now looked like a tomato. Both Blaine and Mercedes laughed quietly when they saw this. “I stand corrected. Just ask him out. You haven't been able to take your eyes off of him since glee started.”

Blaine smiled at her then, the smile growing when she patted his arm. It seemed they would become great friends.

“Thanks, and I will.” Blaine said quickly before turning his attention back to Mr. Schue, who he hadn't looked at since he had welcomed him to the group. He was now talking quickly about Sectionals, his arms flying wildly as his talked about what songs they could sing. Kurt chose then to throw his arm into the air.

“Mr. Schue, if I may?” Kurt asked, ever the gentleman. Mr. Schue's hand fell down to his sides with a smack as he turned to look at Kurt.

“Yes Kurt?” He asked, hoping it was important.

“I would really like to audition for a solo. You always give it to Rachel, and I feel I am just as talented as her, and I'd like a chance to show you that.” Kurt said slowly, hoping Mr. Schue would take him seriously. Mr. Schue blinked a few times before he nodded. A loud huff sounded from beside Kurt and the rest of the room turned to look at the brown haired girl, who Blaine presumed was Rachel.

“It is true Rachel.” Mr. Schue said quickly to Rachel before turning back to Kurt.

“Would you like to sing now?” He asked as Kurt nodded quickly and stood up, turning slightly to look at Blaine again before moving to stand beside Mr. Schue. Mr. Schue nodded once before walking forwards and taking Kurt's now empty chair.

“Whenever your ready, Kurt.” Mr. Schue said with a wave of his hand.

“Hit it.” Kurt said to the pianist, and the tune to You can't stop the beat started playing.

You can't stop an avalanche
As it races down the hill
You can try to stop the seasons
But you know you never will
And you can try to stop my dancin' feet
But I just cannot stand still

Cause the world keeps spinnin'
Round and round
And my heart's keeping time
To the speed of sound
I was lost till I heard the drums
Then I found my way
Cause you can't stop the beat

5, 6, 7, 8

Ever since this old world began
A woman found out if she shook it
She could shake up a man
And so I'm gonna shake and shimmy it
The best that I can today
Cause you can't stop
The motion of the ocean
Or the sun in the sky
You can wonder if you wanna
But I never ask why
If you try to hold me down
I'm gonna spit in your eye and say
That you can't stop the beat!

You can't stop a river
As it rushes to the sea

You can try to stop the hands of time
But you know it just can't be

Artie joined in with the song, Kurt smiled over before continuing.

And if they try to stop us Artie,
I'll call the N Double A C P

Cause the world keeps spinning
Round and round
And my heart's keeping time
To the speed of sound
I was lost til I heard the drums
Then I found my way
Cause you can't stop the beat

Ever since we first saw the light
A man and woman liked to shake it
On a Saturday night
So I'm gonna shake and shimmy it
With all my might today
'Cause you can't stop
The motion of the ocean
Or the rain from above
You can try to stop the paradise
We're dreamin' of
But you cannot stop the rhythm
Of two hearts in love to stay
Cause you can't stop the beat!

You can't stop today
As it comes speeding down the track
Child, yesterday is history
And it's never coming back
Cause tomorrow is a brand new day
And it don't know white from black

Mercedes joined in from beside Blaine, who smiled at the girl. Kurt grinned over at both of them as Blaine joined in for the last line of the verse. Blaine smiled over at Kurt as Kurt started singing again.


Cause the world keeps spinning
Round and round
And my heart's keeping time
To the speed of sound
I was lost til I heard the drums
Then I found my way
'Cause you can't stop the beat

Ever since we first saw the light
A man and woman liked to shake it
On a Saturday night
And so I'm gonna shake and shimmy it
With all my might today
Cause you can't stop
The motion of the ocean
Or the rain from above
They can try to stop the paradise
We're dreaming of
But you cannot stop the rhythm
Of two hearts in love to stay
You can't stop the beat!

You can't stop the beat!
You can't stop the beat!
You can't stop the beat!
You can't stop the beat!

When the piano cut off, Kurt grinned as everyone in the room clapped, including Rachel, who jumped to her feet and ran to hug him.

“I'd be proud if you got the solo.” She said happily, tightly squeezing Kurt.

“That's nice Rachel, but you're going to crush my ribs.” Kurt managed to squeak out as Rachel lessened her grip with a sheepish grin.

“Sorry.” She muttered, making Kurt smile and hug her gently, his hands running up and down her back.

“Thank you, Rachel.” He said, smiling over his shoulder at a grinning Blaine, which made his heart swell and his brain go fuzzy.

“Enjoying yourself, Elmo?” Kurt asked as Rachel stepped back, sending him a confused look before turning around and looking at Blaine, an understanding look on her face. As Blaine nodded, Rachel stepped closer and whispered in his ear, “Ask him out. He hasn't been able to take his eyes off of you. Are you both oblivious?”

Kurt sent her his best bitch glare but he didn't get the reaction he wanted, Rachel simply smiled back at him before sending him a 'You know I'm right' look. Kurt's glare dropped slightly, but it softened even more as he once again looked over her shoulder at Blaine, who was watching him with those hazel eyes. Kurt smiled back at him before looking back down at Rachel.

“Fine, Hobbit. You know you're shorter than him.” Kurt said loudly with a smirk, making everyone laugh, including Blaine, and making Rachel blush. Though of course he didn't expect Rachel to reach up and smack him across the back of the hair.

“Hey! Don't ruin my hair!” Kurt screeched, his hands shooting up to make sure his hair was fine.

“I may be short, but I can still reach.” Rachel declared with a triumphant smile before turning on her heel and walking back to her seat. Kurt sent her another glare, which she didn't notice, before walking up to Blaine and sitting in the empty chair beside him. Blaine turned with a smile to look at Kurt.

“You are a really good singer.” Blaine said, a cheeky smile replacing his other one. Kurt blushed as he looked at him, a small smile on his face.

“As good as you?” Kurt asked, his blush fading. He wasn't even realising that he was flirting, but everyone else could. Blaine grinned back, realising the same thing that everyone else was.

“Better.” Blaine replied, flirting back and reaching over to grasp his hand in his, making the moment perfect. Kurt blushed again as he looked down at the intertwined hands, his eyes flicking back up to stare into Blaine's perfect honey-hazel eyes, and moments later words were spilling from his mouth.

“Will you go to dinner with me tonight?”

Blaine baulked, his eyes going wide as he stared back at Kurt, who was now blushing redder than he was before. When he got over the initial shock of the matter, Blaine smiled, feeling the need to kiss the taller boy beside him. He squeezed Kurt's hand gently, making him look at him.

“I would love to go to dinner with you.” Blaine said, smiling brightly as Kurt finally smiled back at him. Leaning closer to Kurt, getting right up next to his ear, his lips brushing slightly, he whispered in his ear, “You look adorable when you blush.”

Blaine sat back quickly, a small smile on his face, pretending as if he hadn't said anything. Kurt's eyes had widened after what Blaine had just said, and now was sitting back away from him, as if he hadn't said anything. From where he sat sideways on his seat, he could see that Blaine was trying to hold back a smirk. Fighting back a smirk of his own, Kurt reached forwards and smacked Blaine on the arm.

“Ow!” Blaine exclaimed, rubbing his arm where Kurt had hit him and turning to see Kurt smirking.

“Jerk.” Kurt said, crossing his arms across his chest and leaning back in his seat. Blaine simply smiled back at him.

“Well, I won't take it back. You are adorable.” Blaine said, loud enough for the few people around them. Mr. Schue, who was seated in front of them, smiled at what he heard. His students were constantly getting together and breaking up. But, not many people made Kurt Hummel blush. He had a feeling that these two boys were going to get together very soon, especially when this boy, that Kurt had only know for two hours, was making Kurt blush.

“Thank you.” Kurt whispered a little too loud, making most of the girls awe at him and Blaine.

“My pleasure.”

“Honestly, the two of you are both oblivious!” Puck shouted from behind Kurt, and when a large hand dropped down onto his shoulder, Kurt jumped a foot off of his chair.

“I'm not oblivious!” Blaine exclaimed, turning to look at Puck.

“Dude, he's been blushing for the last hour!” Puck said back and it was at that moment that Blaine realised that he had been being oblivious. Turning back to look at Kurt, he realised that he was blushing again.

“Coffee, after this, then dinner.” Blaine said, taking Kurt's hand again as Kurt looked back over at him. A small smile grew on Kurt's face and a moment later he was blushing.

“I would love to. I know the perfect place.

The perfect place happened to be the Lima Bean. Kurt happily dragged Blaine in by the hand. Blaine looked around the coffee shop as Kurt pulled him to the line and turned to look at him, giving him a look, his free hand on his hip. Blaine gave him a weird look for a moment before he realised that he wanted to know his coffee order. Blaine quickly pulled his wallet from his pocket. Kurt glared down at it, still waiting for an answer.

“A medium drip, I'll pay for it.” Blaine said quickly.

“No you won't.” Kurt replied, sending him his best bitch face. Blaine simply smiled back at him, stunning him.

“A medium drip with a tad bit of cinnamon and a...” Blaine started to say as the rest the counter, turning to look at Kurt.

“A non-fat mocha.” Kurt replied in a defeated voice, making Blaine chuckled as he handed money over and they stepped aside to wake for their drinks. Kurt couldn't believe his glare hadn't worked on Blaine. His bitch faces normally scared everyone.


Kurt looked up, how long had he been thinking for? Blaine chuckled again as he pushed a Styrofoam cup into Kurt's hand.

“Thanks.” Kurt said, receiving another smile as Blaine led them to a table in the back.

“I'm sorry about Puck, he's kind off protective of me.” Kurt said as they took a seat.

“Ex-boyfriend?” Blaine asked, feeling a little hurt. If Kurt had dated Puck, then he didn't have a chance. But the sound of Kurt suddenly choking on his coffee changed his mind.

“Puck?! No. He's my step-brother's best friend.” Kurt said as he wiped his mouth his a napkin. Blaine let out a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding.

“Step-brother?” Blaine asked again, looking over at Kurt, who was happily drinking from his coffee without choking.

“Finn Hudson. The extremely tall guy.” Kurt answered and a look of recognition came across Blaine's face.

“Ah, the one that Latino girl was calling Frankensteen?” Blaine asked, though of course he knew that there was no other taller guy in that room, other than Finn. Kurt smiled.

“Yeah, that's him. I used to have a major crush on him.” Kurt said, his face straight. Though Blaine's wasn't. Now it was his turn to choke on his coffee, which ended up going all down the front of him. Kurt's face twisted into a mask of horror, for he was witnessing first-hand, as Blaine's white shirt turned an ugly brown. Kurt quickly reached forwards with his spare napkin and tried to clean up the mess, though not succeeding. Sighing, Kurt picked up his bag and pulled Blaine from his seat.

“What-” Blaine tried to say before Kurt pulled towards the back of the shop, towards the bathroom. Pushing the door open, Kurt led the way in, dragging a confused Blaine.

“Take your shirt off.” Kurt said, looking at the confused boy while opening his bag.

“Huh?” Blaine asked, still really confused. Why did he have to take his shirt off?

Kurt rolled his eyes as he pulled a thin, long-sleeved white sweater from his bag and stood with his hands on his hips, waiting for Blaine to do what he was told. Blaine looked down at the shirt with a small smile before he slowly started to undo the buttons on his shirt, feeling Kurt's eyes on him. Kurt watched, happily, as Blaine's chest slowly came into view. He just couldn't tear his eyes away from the perfectly smooth, olive-toned skin. Blaine looked up at him then, a blush forming on his cheek as he noticed that Kurt was still watching him. Kurt continued to watch as Blaine tugged the stained shirt off of his shoulder, showing Kurt even more skin.

Blaine kept his eyes on Kurt as he dropped the shirt to the ground, everything seeming more sexual than it should. Kurt smiled at him as he let his gaze drift over Blaine's rather defined abs. Letting out a breath, Kurt reluctantly handed over the sweater. Not because he didn't want to give Blaine the shirt, but because he wanted to stare at his body more. Blaine grinned at the taller boy before quickly putting the shirt on.

“So, you had a crush on your step-brother?” Blaine asked as Kurt finally looked back up at his face, Kurt liking him in his clothes a little too much.

“Yeah, well he wasn't my step-brother than. I don't even know why I had a crush on him. It was clear that he was straight.” Kurt said as he leant back against the row of sinks.

“Thanks for coming for coffee with me Kurt, and to dinner later.” Blaine said as he lent back against a toilet door. Kurt smiled happily back at him, a slight blush on his cheeks.

“That's okay. I really wanted to, and I have a feeling if I didn't ask you, most of the girls would have killed me.” Kurt said, a gruesome look to his face. He really couldn't make dead work. Blaine chuckled at his look. “And you didn't really have coffee, your shirt did.”

“Well what I had of it was good.” Blaine said, pulling his phone from his pocket and taking a step closer to Kurt. Kurt just sat there, watching him walk towards him. “Can I get your number?”

Kurt smiled at him and reached for Blaine's phone, Blaine happily letting him take it. Quickly, Kurt programmed his number into Blaine's phone, his eyes locked on the screen as he sent himself a message, not noticing Blaine getting closer to him. As Kurt looked back up, ready to hand Blaine back his phone, he noticed that Blaine wasn't in front of him anymore.

“Blaine-” Kurt started to say, but stopped when something warm and soft pressed against his cheek. Kurt's heart skipped a beat as he swung around to his right, to see Blaine with a victorious smile on his face.

“You have really soft skin.” Blaine said happily. Kurt smiled back at him, now over his shock as he reached out and turned Blaine's face to the side by the chin, and leaned up to peck him on the cheek.

“I really enjoyed our first date.” Kurt said as Blaine turned back to look at him, strange emotions playing in his eyes.

“So did I.” Blaine replied, now taking his phone and putting it back into his pocket.

“Blaine, I would really love to stay and talk to you in the bathroom, but I really have to get home and do some homework before our second date. Mr. Schue gave me a tone of Spanish work and I have to think of a song for Sectionals, its in a month.” Kurt said, not knowing that he was rambling. Blaine simply nodded, leaning over to grab his shirt, and giving Kurt a great view of his butt, Blaine reached over and took Kurt's hand in his.

“Let me walk you to your car?” Blaine asked, a smile playing on his face. He had felt Kurt looking at his butt. Kurt smiled lazily, squeezing his hand gently.

“I would love that.” Kurt said as Blaine pulled them from the bathroom and making their way out of the coffee shop. When they reached Kurt's car, Blaine turned around to look at him.

“I'll pick you up at seven.” Blaine said, not waiting for Kurt to answer. He leaned forward and quickly pecked Kurt on the check before turning on his heel and walking back to his own car, waving to Kurt once before he climbed in and pulled away from the curb. Kurt was transfixed, twice Blaine had kissed him on the cheek.

Forget about homework, I need to pick out an outfit! Kurt thought to himself as he quickly climbed into his own car and made his way home.


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This chapter was even better than the first. I love that Puck is kind of protective of Kurt and that he made sure it was evident that the boys were crushing on each other. Kurt and Blaine were completely adorable in this chapter. I can't wait to see where the boys go from here.

Thankyou soo much. I have been meaning to update, I‘m already up to chapter 8 but i don‘t have internet on my laptop at the moment I‘ll try to update soon. I‘m glad you like it :)