The Coffee Shop Incident
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The Coffee Shop Incident: Chapter 7

E - Words: 2,373 - Last Updated: Jul 29, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Apr 16, 2012 - Updated: Jul 29, 2012
240 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: AN- Okay, It's been a while, so I'm sorry to all you lovely people who are actually reading my story. I'm not happy with this chapter. I kind of rushed it, so I think it's quite bad. Since no one complained about the smut in previous chapters, here, have some more. Yes, I know I'm terrible at it. Uhm, if you spot any mistakes, I'm sorry. I don't have a beta reader. Uhm. Yeah. Thank you to everyone who has reviewed so far, please keep them coming. :)
Light streamed through the windows of Kurt's bedroom. Kurt peeled his eyes open and glanced at the clock. Considering his early rise the previous morning, 6am was pretty late. He checked his phone and to his dismay, Blaine had not called him back, but it was a school morning, so Blaine wouldn't be up for another 12 minutes. He crawled out of bed and got ready for school. He had another long day ahead of him, where he wouldn't be able to see Blaine at every waking moment. He hoped he could see him today. This was the fourth day without him.


The irritating, insolent beeping of Blaine's alarm clock woke the two boys who were curled up, naked, in each other's arms. Blaine smiled at the warmth of the other man's body against his own. Sebastian kissed Blaine's forehead and whispered into Blaine's ear: "I thought I had to prove something to you before you were going to let me do that…" He grinned. Blaine sighed and rolled over, propping himself up on his elbow so he could look at Sebastian.

"I thought we were going to have a talk last night. Clearly you're too fucking irresistible. Please don't make me regret this." He glared at him.

Sebastian smiled up at him innocently. "Well now you know that I don't just want a fuck… I can prove to you what I want."

Blaine shrugged, "We'll see." He grabbed the sheet and wrapped it round him as he clambered out of bed, hoping to leave a very naked Sebastian all vulnerable, but Sebastian grabbed the sheet, just before Blaine managed to get a secure hold on it, and dropped it to the floor, resulting in neither of them having the sheet, so both being very naked. Blaine blushed at the failure of his plan, and the fact that he was stood in front of the most gorgeous guy he'd ever met, naked and semi hard. Also in absolute agony. It felt like someone had tried to split him in two. He had no idea how he was going to manage to walk around school all day, without someone knowing something was up.

Sebastian laughed and grabbed Blaine's hand and pulled him down on top of him, and kissed him hard on the lips. "Think we should grab a shower before class?" Sebastian smirked. "We could shower together and save time and water…" He winked.

Before giving Sebastian the time to reconsider, Blaine pulled him up and dragged him into the shower.

The warm water hit there bodies as they kissed deeply. Sebastian moved from Blaine's mouth, and kissed his neck, then his chest, his stomach, then his thigh, before moving to the side and taking him into his mouth. Blaine groaned and fell back against the cold, tiled shower wall and gasped for breath. The sensation was mind blowing. He'd never felt anything like it before. Even last night wasn't as amazing as this. He'd done this to Kurt, but Kurt had refused to return the favour. The most Kurt had ever given was a hand job. He focussed on the sensation for a few more minutes before crying out, "Shit, I'm gonna cum." And with that, Sebastian sped up until Blaine exploded in his mouth, and he swallowed every drop. "Was that quite satisfactory babe?" Sebastian grinned before planting a kiss on his lips. Blaine merely nodded and made out to return the favour. "Nah, it's cool, we only have about 15 mins before class. You can return the favour later, when I don't have to rush. He winked again, and they finished washing, and got ready. Blaine looked at the time; he had 6 minutes to do his hair and get to class. He hadn't even looked in the mirror yet, so he quickly dashed into the bathroom and grabbed a huge dollop of gel, and slapped his hair into place. He noticed a red mark just above his shirt collar. "Shit. Sebastian!" He yelled angrily.

"Look, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking, can't you cover it up?" Sebastian looked sheepish as he walked into the bathroom.

"I don't have anything to cover it with! Plus, we have like, 2 mins to get to class."

"Well… I'm sure no one will notice. Just say it was Kurt?"

Blaine groaned, and turned to leave, and they ran to class, pretty awkwardly, considering Blaine's condition.


"Seriously, he's not spoken to me since really early yesterday, and that was only really briefly. I think Sebastian's gotten to him." Kurt blubbered into Mercedes shoulder in the choir room.

"I'm gonna kill that piece of shit!" Finn yelled.

"Yeah, let's take him down" Sam agreed.

"He needs teaching a lesson" Artie Joined in.

They all got up and made to leave, when suddenly, "Puck?" Finn said questioningly.

"Uh yeah!" He jumped up and joined the other guys, when Mr Schuester stormed in.

"Woah, woah, woah! Where do you think you're going?" He cried.

"To teach that asshole of a friend of Blaine's a lesson!" Finn replied.

"No one is teaching anyone a lesson, besides me. Sit down. Kurt, a word?"

Kurt hesitantly got to his feet and walked across the room and explained everything to Mr Schue.

"Look, I think you really need to just talk to him. If he's got something to tell you, he'll tell you. He's a good guy, Kurt."

"How can I talk to him when he isn't answering my calls?"

"Go see him."


Blaine and Sebastian were walking to their dorm, while Blaine complained at how many people he'd had to tell he'd hurt his ankle to when Sebastian's phone buzzed.

"Oh my god, Kurt!" Blaine seemed panic stricken. "I haven't spoken to him in days!" And with that, he pulled his own phone out, while Sebastian replied to whoever was texting him.

Shit, 4 missed calls, he thought to himself, and with that, his phone started ringing again. He hadn't even thought about him. He felt so guilty. He loved him sure. But was it really in the way it should be? He loved the company, the comfort, the security. But did he really love Kurt? He was seriously going to have to think about this and make a decision sometime soon. He quickly answered the phone.

"Hey, oh god, I am so sorry Kurt"

"Why the hell haven't you been answering my calls? I've been so worried! We really need to talk."

"Yeah, I'm sorry"

"Lima Bean. 4:30. Ok?" Kurt snapped.

"Yeah, of course, I'll be there."

And with that, Kurt hung up.

"Shit! Seb, please tell me you have some foundation or something?" If Kurt saw the hickey, that was it. His relationship would be over. He couldn't bear the thought of losing Kurt. Not now.

"Can't you just break up with him?" Sebastian whined. He suddenly realised how needy that sounded and tried to compose himself. Luckily Blaine didn't notice as he was too consumed with panic. Sebastian wouldn't admit it, but he needed Blaine. He'd never felt this way about anyone before, and he wasn't going to let Blaine get away. Not now.

"Seb!" Blaine wailed.

"Eurgh, yeah, I do, but 4:30? It's 3:55 now, it takes about 20 mins to drive there…"

"Quick then!"

They ran up to the dorm and Blaine hastily applied the makeup. It was less noticeable, but it was there.

"Go, or you'll be late." Sebastian ushered him out the door.


When Blaine arrived at the Lima Bean at 4:34, he saw Kurt sitting at a table hugging a black coffee and staring absent mindedly out the window.

He walked over and sat down opposite him.


"Have you been… seeing Sebastian?" Kurt winced at the name.

"I- uh- what? No!" He should have seen this coming. He reached out to take Kurt's hand, who pulled away so quickly, he nearly spilt his coffee all down himself.

"Hey, that was nearly you looking a mess not me, for once." He tried to smile, but the way Kurt pulled away nearly broke his heart.

It almost brought a smile to Kurt's face as he recalled the last normal day the two of them had had, where yet again, Blaine had managed to spill coffee all over himself.

"I don't understand. If you haven't been seeing someone else then why have you been ignoring me?"

"I've just been really busy with school work. I had to catch up on loads, and I got convinced to join the lacrosse team. I just hardly got chance to check my phone. I'm sorry." Blaine hated lying. He wasn't even good at it. But he tried his best. "Can we change the subject now? Please. I love you. Everything is fine."

"I love you too. I guess. So, who're you dorming with?"

"I-uh, S- B- Uh…" Shit, why couldn't he just think of a random name? "Sebem…"

"Who?" Kurt thought he was trying to say Sebastian.

"SIMON!" Blaine cried with a little too much excitement. "I, uh, sorry. Forgot his name."

"Oh. Simon who?" Why is he lying to me? Kurt thought.

"I don't know. I hardly know him." Shit. He should have just told him the truth. He knew him too well. Kurt would be on to him.

"Ok. Well, who asked you to join Lacrosse?"

"Jeff. What's with the 20 questions?" Blaine exclaimed.

"Why are you lying to-What's that on your neck?" Kurt tried to remain composed as he saw what looked like a hickey on Blaine's neck, badly covered with foundation, when Blaine removed the scarf from around his neck, without thinking.

"What? Oh, it's like, a bruise or something? I just woke up with it." Blaine tried to lie again.

"Stop lying! Please! Just tell me the truth!" Tears started to stream from his eyes as he realised what was going on. His suspicions had been confirmed. Blaine really was sleeping with someone.

"Kurt please, don't cry." He tried to comfort him, but he pulled away yet again. The look in his eyes was killing him. He couldn't believe he'd done what he swore he never would. Hurt Kurt. But more than just hurt him. He'd cheated on him.

"NO!" Kurt cried. "Just tell me what's going on!" By this time, nearly the whole of the coffee shop was listening to their fight, every single person was judging Blaine, but they didn't understand. No one understood! And then he snapped.

"Well you never do anything for me! I've been going crazy, Kurt! I need some release. I don't just want to cuddle all the time. I want more! I'm sorry." Blaine screamed.

Kurt just stood up and uttered two words that he'd never spoken before. Two simple words that hurt so bad. "Fuck you." He spat, and stormed out.

"Kurt please!" He tried to chase him, but by the time he made it to the door, Kurt was already half way down the street. Blaine looked up, tears blurred his vision, but he still managed to make out a familiar car just pulling up. Sebastian. He hated him right now for what he'd done to Kurt, but he knew it wasn't entirely Sebastians fault. He could have said no. So he was quite honestly happy to see him. Sebastian jumped out the car, and ran over to a very teary Blaine and threw his arms around him, and pulled him into a tight embrace. They stood like that for a few minutes, Sebastian just comforting him, whispering sweet nothings into his ear, before putting him in his car, and driving them back home.

Blaine regained his composure on the drive home, thanking Sebastian for being there.

When they got back to the school, they sat in the parking lot for a while. Sebastian holding Blaine, and placing gentle kisses on his head, when suddenly, Blaine looked up, with a devilish spark in his eyes.

"Does the windshield black out too?" All the other windows were very darkly tinted, so you could hardly see in from outside.

"No, but I have a cover…" Sebastian quickly fitted it, not entirely sure what was coming.

Luckily the car was an automatic, so there was no annoying gear box between them. He leaned over, and palmed his groin until he started to feel some hardness. He kissed Sebastian heatedly. He had to get today out of his head. Seemingly Kurt and Blaine were over, so it wasn't exactly cheating anymore. He unzipped Sebastians pants, and pulled out the semi hard delight, and leant over to kiss it. He'd only given Kurt a blow job once, but he'd watched enough porn to have the basic jist of it. Besides, Kurt only complained because he thought it was gross. He never complained when he was coming the hardest he's ever come in his life. Blaine looked up into Sebastians eyes and whispered, "You said I could return the favour later…"

"Are you sure? I mean… What with everything between you and Kurt?" The name tugged at his heart. Knowing Blaine loved Kurt, and was only using Sebastian for please hurt. It hurt bad. But he would do anything just to spend a few minutes with Blaine. He wouldn't believe how he felt about him. And he'd never know.

"Shut up and let me blow you." He leant over again, and too his whole dick in his mouth. He couldn't quite mange to deep throat because of his position, and Sebastian was pretty huge, so the part he couldn't reach, he used his hand to satisfy. Sebastian threw his head back, and pressed himself deep into the chair. He'd had many blow jobs, but knowing it was Blaine this time, he just could hold it in. He gasped for air, as the sensation took his breath away. Blaine swirled his tongue around whilst sucking, and it just sent Sebastian over the edge. He couldn't hold back any longer. "I'm gonna come!" he cried, before releasing himself into Blaine's mouth. They laid there for a few minutes, trying to get their breaths back.

"I think we should go shower now." Sebastian laughed. So they sorted themselves out. Blaine's hair was a state. All his curls had been pulled free by Sebastian, so Sebastian handed him a hat that he kept in the car. They made their way up the front steps, only to be met by half a dozen Warblers running down the steps.

"Blaine! Oh my god, there you are!" Jeff cried.

"Haven't you heard?" Another Warbler cried.

"Woah, slow down!" all the Warblers were yelling things all at once, but they came to a stop when Blaine spoke. "Jeff, what's the matter?"

"It's Kurt. He's in Hospital."

End Notes: Sorry Kurt lovers... Next chapter might be sectionals... not sure if it'll have to be the chapter after or not. We'll see how it goes. Please review. It keeps me writing. (Ps, follow me on Tumblr. I only have 3 followers, Its so sad.)


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