July 29, 2012, 10:14 a.m.
July 29, 2012, 10:14 a.m.
AN- Okay. This has been a long time coming, and I'm so sorry! It's exam season, so I've been revising (and still am! Got a biology exam in 11 days and a chemistry exam in 16!) and I've really had a lot on my plate. And I know when I write a chapter, it usually takes me all day. Started at about 3:30pm today, and its 00:26 now and I only just finished. So yeah, please excuse the lateness. But guess what. Those two exams I've got In two weeks? They're my last exams of the year! So more updating! Yaaaaay!Right. About this story. Okay. **SPOILER** There might be a rather explicit scene you don't like reading explicitness then I've put three ~~~ at the beginning and end of it, so you can just skip right through it. It wont ruin the story if you don't read it. PLEASE let me know if you don't want anymore smut! Or if you want more however... ;)
Also (Sorry for the long AN) Some characters are seriously OOC. And this chapter is very choppy. I'm just trying to smooth it out. It will start to get better from this point on. Thank you fore reading! I'll let you go now. :)
Kurt woke up earlier than usual that Monday morning. Since it was spring, at his usual 6 Am wake up time, the sun, or at least light, streamed through his thin curtains, but this morning his entire room was still cast in darkness. He rolled over and pulled a slight gap in his curtains, allowing him to see out. The overcast sky was a dark blue, with hints of lighter grey towards the east. He estimated it was about 4 Am. He lay there for a few minutes, but he knew he's never sleep again this morning, so he crawled out of bed and turned the light on, thus allowing him to see his clock. 4:23 Am. His estimation wasn't far wrong. He tried not to think about how lonely he was going to be today, without Blaine by his side, but as he took to the shower, he couldn't force the thoughts out of his head. He contemplated texting Blaine, but since it was half four I the morning, he couldn't imagine him being awake. As he completed his usual morning regime, he glanced at the clock again. 5:36 Am. Ironic how when you wake up earlier, you get ready faster than usual, he thought to himself. He double checked his school bag, and headed downstairs to grab breakfast. He could already sense it. Today was going to be a long day.
The alarm on Blaine's phone awoke both the boys at 6:12 Am. Sebastian groaned, "What the hell kinda time d'ya call this?" He voice slurred with fatigue.
"6:12 Am" Blaine replied.
"The hell- you know I'm not even gonna ask." Sebastian crawled out of bed and clambered, clumsily to the bathroom.
"6:10's too early, but 6:15's too late!" Blaine yelled after him, with a hint of amusement in his voice.
Then BAM. Last night came flooding back to him. The heated make out session, his realised feelings towards Sebastian, and his lack of them towards Kurt. "Shit." He mumbled. He sat on the edge of the bed, elbows on knees, head in hands, trying to decide what to do. Failing to reach a conclusion, he decided to just make it through the day, and decide later. He decided to get dressed for school while Sebastian was in the bathroom, but just as he pulled his tight boxers down, to pull on a fresh pair, the bathroom door opened. He squealed and grabbed the fresh pair and hastily pulled them on before too much was revealed, and spun round to face a particularly happy looking Sebastian, with his eyebrows cocked, stood in the bathroom doorway, with nothing more than a small towel draped around his waist.
"Thank you dearly B, for giving me an even better view of that gorgeous ass. Perhaps I'll get a close up later." He winked, and grabbed his desired under garments, before heading back into the bathroom to dress.
Blaine turned back round, to continue dressing, but caught a glimpse of himself in the floor length mirror on the back of the dorm room door. He looked at himself and took in the crimson redness of his face, which only caused him to blush more knowing that Sebastian had seen him like this. He cursed under his breath before finishing dressing. He left off his blazer, and headed into the now vacant bathroom, as Sebastian had just emerged.
By the time they'd both finished getting ready, it was nearly 7:45 Am, so they hurried down stairs to try and grab breakfast before the canteen shut at 7:50 Am.
Kurt had submerged himself watching cheesy kid's cartoons, only re-emerging to say bye to his dad and Carole as they went to work. Finn had joined him at some point.
He suddenly realised the time.
"Finn!" He cried, "It's 7:56!"
"Crap." They quickly drove to school, and made it there just in time. Kurt thought about meeting Blaine at his locker, as usual, before realising, he wouldn't be there. He sighed, and headed to first period.
By the end of the day, Kurt just felt completely disheartened. He missed Blaine so much. It had only been 3 days since he last saw him, but that was the longest he'd been without seeing him, for months. He made his way to glee club, to find the arrangement for sectionals had been decided. Finn and Rachel are going to do a ballad, followed by everyone else joining in with a classic rock number where Mercedes would belt out the last jaw-dropping note. As usual.
Sectionals. He hadn't even thought about it with everything going on with Blaine recently, and it was this Friday.
As it turned out, Blaine had the exact same timetable as Sebastian, which meant he couldn't avoid him at all. Kurt is so going to hate me, Blaine thought to himself. Speaking of whom, he hadn't heard from him all day, so he pulled out his phone and dropped him a quick text.
"You okay baby? Has your day been okay? Missing you! <3" (15:02) - Blaine
He felt ridden with guilt as he walked down the corridor towards the Warbler's practice room next to Sebastian Smythe, especially after the events of last night. He shook it off, determined that he would tell Kurt everything as soon as he could.
His phone vibrated in his pocket, so he pulled it out to read;
"Today sucked without you. I can't wait to see you again. I love you so much. Don't you ever leave me. <3"(15:05) - Kurt
He felt his heart break at the sight of those words, because as soon as he told him what he had done, Kurt would be begging him to stay away from him. He shot back a simply reply.
"I won't. <3" (15:06) – Blaine
"Are you even listening to me?" Sebastian poked Blaine in the ribs.
"Huh, yeah, sorry. After practice, I need to talk to you."
"That's what we're doing right now… well, would be if you were listening…" Sebastian smirked as he tried to make light of the statement Blaine had just made, but he knew that this was going nowhere good. Blaine just looked at him like he was an idiot, and walked inside the practice room. All the Warblers cheered and welcomed Blaine back.
"Oh, we can't have two head warblers… what now? A vote?" Jeff realised.
"No, no! Please, I don't want to be head warbler. I'd love to see how Sebby here, rolls" Blaine answered with a wink in Sebastians direction, knowing Sebastian hated being called Sebby, before composing himself. He knew all the flirting and joking around between the two of them had to stop.
"Well, then, Sebby, you're still head warbler!" Jeff joked, putting emphasis on the cheesy nickname.
"Don't you fucking dare call me that again" Sebastian glared at Jeff, before directing his glare at Blaine. "Anyway, I believe we have a set list for Sectionals!"
Everyone sort of cheered, discussed it, and agreed on the three songs they were going to sing this coming Friday. They sorted out solos, and practised a bit, and then the meeting was adjourned and everyone had to go away and learn the songs for tomorrows practice.
Sebastian remembered what Blaine had said at the beginning of practice and waited behind at the end, whilst everyone else filed out. He sat down on one of the leather couches and waited. He glanced up from staring at his hands when Blaine came and stood in front of him. "Wanna go up to the dorm?" Blaine asked.
"Oh, that's how you wanted to talk is it?" He smirked.
"Just… Come on Seb." Blaine turned and walked up to the dorm. He had to get this sorted out, but he didn't want to do it here. It wasn't private enough, and he didn't want anyone to overhear what he'd done. He was determined to have this talk though.
Kurt got home that afternoon much earlier than usual. He didn't go to the Lima Bean after school. What would have been the point? Blaine wasn't going to be there. He wouldn't be able to catch up on Blaine's day, so he just drove straight home. He glanced at the clock as he walked through the door. 4:04 Pm. It was generally getting on for 6 Pm when he usually got home.
He had received no homework, so he had no idea what so ever, what to do. Finn had gone to Rachel's. Her Dads were away for the week or something. Kurt picked up his keys, and walked straight back out the door. He looked up and down the desolate street, before getting in his car and driving to Mercedes' house.
When he arrived he saw there was no car in the drive. He sighed knowing the probable answer, but walked up the drive and knocked on the door anyway. No one answered. Without Blaine, he honestly had nothing. What did he used to do in his free time before he met Blaine? He tried to think back, but came up with nothing. He knew he had two options. Go back home and watch TV or something, and be bored out of his mind, or call Blaine.
Blaine arrived at his new dorm, the second time he'd ever been in it, with Sebastian close at his heels. He unlocked the door and walked in, holding the door open for Sebastian. Sebastian walked through the door. He'd been formulating a plan in his head the whole time, ever since Blaine mentioned needing to talk. As Blaine pushed the door closed, he did exactly as Sebastian had hoped; looked at the door, but stayed with his body facing into the room. His plan would work perfectly. He slammed himself into Blaine full force, the second the door was closed, flesh hitting flesh, and found Blaine's lips with his own. He knew this could be his last chance, so he had to make it count. His wet lips deepened the kiss as Blaine fought to push Sebastian off him. He only kissed him harder. He could sense how weak Blaine's will was, and he knew how much he really wanted this. He felt Blaine cave under him, and kiss him back, just as forcefully as himself. Their teeth clashed as the kiss became open mouthed, tongues intertwined and suddenly everything became a flurry of trying to get as close as humanely possible. Clothes flew off left, right and centre, until they were both just wearing their uniform pants. Blaine had never felt this close to anyone before. Not even Kurt. He'd never felt this hot either. This was something new altogether. And he liked it. The thought of Kurt made him hesitate for a millisecond, but not long enough for Sebastian to even notice. He thought he heard the familiar sound of "Part of Me" by Katy Perry; his ringtone, but he was too immersed to even care who could possibly be ringing him. Next thing he knew he was laid on Sebastian's bed with Sebastian on top of him. He sensed Sebastian undoing his belt buckle, and then his pants were ripped off before he had a chance to protest, but he had no intention of doing so anyway. With as much force as he could muster up, he managed to flip the two of them over, so he could return the favour to Sebastian. Once done, Sebastian flipped them back over. Sebastian was the dominant one, and he was going to lead in this. He had to have control. He just always had. He slowed things down a bit, moving to kiss Blaine's neck and he moved up to his ear. "You really want this baby? You know the consequences. Are you really sure? You'll regret this come morning. I can stop if you want. Just say you want me to stop, and I'll get right up, but if we go any further, there's no turning back…" He purred, his hot breath tickling the hair behind Blaine's ear.
"I… don't care anymore. Yes. I really want this, I'm really sure."
"Whatever you say Bambi. Just… so I know, you ever bottomed before?" Sebastian murmured.
"I… no. I…" Blaine stuttered.
"You've never even been this far before have you?" Sebastian grinned wickedly. You never forget your first.
Sebastian moved his head away from Blaine's ear and kissed his Adams apple, moving his way south, leaving a neat trail of kisses, until he reached his navel, at which point, he returned to a high point on Blaine's neck, a spot that would be visible above his shirt collar, and sucked a small amount of skin between his teeth, and Blaine moaned audibly. He might like it now, but he is going to kill me for that later, Sebastian thought with a wince, before returning to the gorgeous line of dark curly hair that led to a place he'd never been before. He slipped his fingers into the waistband of Blaine's boxers, the same pair he'd so hurriedly pulled on to cover himself up this morning, and eased them down, centimetre by centimetre, kissing each new inch of skin, teasing both himself and Blaine. He felt his own rock hard dick twitch, and he whimpered slightly. As he pulled Blaine's boxers all the way down, he smirked and looked into Blaine's eyes feigning disappointment, "That's it?" He winked and Blaine suddenly looked scared. "I'm kidding, it's perfect. You're perfect" He said a planted a kiss on Blaine's lips. He pulled back. "In fact, you're fucking huge babe." He winked again and this time planted a kiss on the tip of Blaine's dick. Relief flooded Blaine's face, then realisation hit, and he tried to hide a grin. Sebastian reached over to his bed side drawer and pulled out a tube of lube. It just so happened to be pina colada flavoured; Blaine's favourite drink… He grinned mischievously. He didn't mention anything just dripped some onto his fingers and rubbed his fingers together. He then ran his finger along Blaine's bottom lip. Just as Blaine licked his lip, and smiled at the taste, Sebastian thrust two fingers into his tight virgin ass. "HOLY SHIT" Blaine screamed in agony, and Sebastian threw his head back and laughed. Blaine groaned and cried at this intense pain. "Shhh Bambi, it'll get real good, real soon, I promise." Sebastian crooned.
"Fuck you!" Blaine shrieked.
"No, no dear, I think you'll find I'm about to fuck you!" He mocked.
"You could have made it so much less painful, you ass hole!"
"Again, your ass hole actually." Sebastian was loving this. He had intentionally caused more pain than necessary, but it was all part of the fun.
Blaine just groaned at the remark, and then Sebastian began to move his fingers in and out slowly and gently scissoring them in the process, until his could add a third finger with ease. He then removed his fingers and looked down at the huge hot bulge in his boxers. He whipped them off and lubed himself up. Blaine's eyes widened at the size of the cock that was about to take his virginity. It was definitely far larger than his own.
"I'm about to fuck you so hard, you won't even be able to walk tomorrow." Sebastian laughed, and before Blaine could say a word in response, he shoved himself in and Blaine screamed.
It was 7 hours since Kurt had called Blaine and gotten no answer. He'd still not gotten a chance to ask about Meer Kat. He'd resorted to watching lame TV shows, but was now sat in bed, waiting, hoping for a return call. He knew it wasn't going to come so he laid his head down on the pillow and tried to sleep. He heard the front door open, then close, and knew Finn was home. Late. That wasn't going to go down well, but he didn't care. All he could think about was what Blaine could have been doing for 7 hours, resulting in him having not checked his phone and rung him back. Sebastian crossed his mind. But no! Blaine would never do that to him. He trusted him. He trusted him… He tried to forget about it. He needed sleep. He was tired from having been up so early, so he drifted off to sleep around midnight
AN - Sorry, I'm back, just saying, if there are any "he's" instead of "he'd" In this chapter, or any of the others, I'm truly sorry. I type really fast, and despite checking, I never seem to get all the errors.
Next chapter - SECTIONALS! Eventually! :D :D And perhaps something to do with Kurt...
Please Please Please review! Thank you to the 4 people who have so far! Really helps with my writing! Especially if you tell me what you want and like! Thank you all my readers! Thank you for baring with me. I know how much it sucks when authors take forever to update. Love you!
Hit me up on Tumblr! Thanks. SuperNovaGleek
(I feel as though I'm forgetting something I was meant to put in here...)
that was amazing!!!AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!