The Coffee Shop Incident
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The Coffee Shop Incident: Chapter 4

E - Words: 2,146 - Last Updated: Jul 29, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Apr 16, 2012 - Updated: Jul 29, 2012
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Author's Notes: AN- Okay, sorry if this chapter is totally lame, but I had to try and push through the writers block I had when writing this chapter, so this chapter probably seems really forced. Please review! Tell me what you want to find out in the next chapter! I have no idea really what to write, but I'm going to keep writing until this goes somewhere. Haha. Enjoy!



Sebastian woke up at 7. He crawled out of bed groaning. Despite how much he had drunk, he didn't really get severe hang overs, so this was nothing. He jumped in the shower and got ready in record time, making it to the door of Dalton with seconds to spare. He usually slept at school, but with it having been so late last night he decided to sleep at home. He was glad to be out of that huge empty house. It reminded him of things he didn't really want to be reminded of. He straightened his blazer and pushed the door open and hurried to his first class.


Blaine walked anxiously into school the next morning. The sky was a dreary shade of grey, and there seemed to be no chance of sun at all, ever peeking through the thick clouds. He wandered towards the choir room, as he was 15 minutes early, not expecting to run into anyone, but to his surprise, Kurt was waiting for him, just inside the door way with a concerned expression on his face.

"Blaine! Just the guy I've been looking for!" Kurt called, as Blaine rounded the corner.

"I could say the same for you!" Blaine replied.

"Look, I need to talk to you" Kurt said, grabbing Blaine's arm, and dragging him into the room, and pushing him down on a chair.

"I really need to talk to you about something first, Kurt" Blaine replied. "It's about yesterday."

"Oh, go on" Kurt answered.

"When you asked me if it was okay at lunch… I wasn't. Something happened. You know that bug guy, Dave Karofsky knows, his friend… Azimio or something?"

"Yeah… That's right. What about him?"

Blaine explained the whole thing, and watched Kurts face curl up in horror.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?"Kurt cried.

"I'm fine, don't worry. The thing is I have a feeling he was the one who sent out that horrible picture of you and I don't think that was the worst he's going to do. He really scared me yesterday. It brought back awful memories of my old school. I'm sorry Kurt, but I've thought long and hard about this. I want to leave McKinley, and I want you to leave too."

"Blaine… What about everything we've been through? We can't just give up now. I fought for my right to be at this school! Besides, where would we go? We couldn't go back to Dalton. Not with that man eating scoundrel there! I can't stand to even look at him!" Kurt responded.

"I know Kurt, and I'm sorry, but I just think it would be easier and better for everyone if we just went somewhere new. I know we can't go back to Dalton. Besides, I don't think you could really afford it anyway." Blaine retorted. He knew none of those reasons were the real reason he couldn't go back to Dalton, but he would never tell Kurt that.

"I'll talk to my dad" Kurt supposed, and walked out the door.

"Kurt, wait! I'm sorry!" Blaine called after him.

"You were the one who was meant to help me through this! You were the one who said 'courage' and now who's the coward? Look, it's fine. I love you, but I just didn't want to leave again." Kurt replied and continued to first class, just as the bell rang.


"Dad? I'm sorry. I should have tried harder to get them off you. It'll be okay dad. We'll get through this." Puck whispered to his unresponsive comatose father.

The doctors had said it could be weeks, even months before he woke up… if he ever did, but things didn't look too bad. The guys that had beaten him up had been caught, and released without charge. Man Puck hated the police sometimes, but there was nothing he could really do. He should probably just get to school.


"Good evening felons! We have a song list for sectionals to produce! And I for one think this is going to win it for us! Hit play Jeff!"

It's not easy having yourself a good time
Greasing up those bets and betters
Watching out they don't four-letter
Fuck and kiss you both at the same time

A few shocked faces could be seen amongst the Warblers as probably the same though raced through their minds at the shocking language.

Smells-like something I've forgotten
Curled up died and now it's rotten

I'm not a gangster tonight
Don't want to be a bad guy
I'm just a loner baby
And now you've gotten in my way

I can't decide
Whether you should live or die
Oh, you'll probably go to heaven
Please don't hang your head and cry
No wonder why
My heart feels dead inside
It's cold and hard and petrified
Lock the doors and close the blinds
We're going for a ride

It's a bitch convincing people to like you
If I stop now call me a quitter
If lies were cats you'd be a litter
Pleasing everyone isn't like you
Dancing jigs until I'm crippled
Slug ten drinks I won't get pickled

I've got to hand it to you
You've played by all the same rules
It takes the truth to fool me
And now you've made me angry

I can't decide
Whether you should live or die
Oh, you'll probably go to heaven
Please don't hang your head and cry
No wonder why
My heart feels dead inside
It's cold and hard and petrified
Lock the doors and close the blinds
We're going for a ride

Oh I could throw you in the lake
Or feed you poisoned birthday cake
I won't deny I'm gonna miss you when you're gone
Oh I could bury you alive
But you might crawl out with a knife
And kill me when I'm sleeping
That's why

I can't decide
Whether you should live or die
Oh, you'll probably go to heaven
Please don't hang your head and cry
No wonder why
My heart feels dead inside
It's cold and hard and petrified
Lock the doors and close the blinds
We're going for a ride

"BOOM!" Sebastian cried as the music stopped. "Who's with me?"

Not a single soul in the room replied, no one even seemed to be breathing.

"Okay, I know we'll have to clean it up a little, but it's a killer song! It will win us sectionals!"

"Look, Seb, it suits you and all, but it's not right for us… I don't think it's such a good idea." Nick replied.

"What? Fine. We're still doing Adam Lambert right? Or has that gone out the window too?" Sebastian shot back.

"Sorry Sebastian. I think we're going to do 'I Want it all' By Queen, 'The one that got away' By Katy Perry and 'Love etc.' By the Pet Shop Boys" David replied.

"What the hell David? Don't I get any say in this, being captain of The Warblers and all?"

"Sorry, meeting adjourned." David called.

The Warblers all filed out of their common room, all but Sebastian. He sat on one of the couches and closed his eyes and let his mind wander. No matter how hard he tried to get him out of his head, Blaine Andersons face kept popping up. He thought about the last time they'd met. The way Blaine had refused to meet his eyes, and looked at his feet the whole time, while telling him nothing would ever happen between them. He knew it wasn't true. Blaine wanted him just as much as Sebastian wanted Blaine. Blaine just didn't have the guts to admit it.

Sebastian opened his eyes, and realised it was starting to grow dark outside and realised he must have fallen asleep for a few minutes, so he got up and headed up to his empty lonely dorm.


"Look Mom, I know you didn't want to me to go to McKinley anyway, so this will probably please you. I want to move to a new school. I don't like it here, and it's not working out for me… Is that okay? Would you be able to arrange for me to transfer somewhere new?" Blaine mumbled to his Mother.

"Of course! It will be! I've been waiting for you to say those words since your first day at McKinley! I've phone Dalton right away!" Blaine's mother, Sandra replied. She was so glad he'd come to his senses finally!

"No Mom, not Dalton, I can't go back there… Somewhere new. Please?" Blaine countered. He just couldn't go back to Dalton. He couldn't risk jeopardising his relationship with Kurt. As much as he wanted to go back for his friends, he loved Kurt too much.

"Honey, you loved it there, why on earth wouldn't you want to go back? Is it that boy? Can't he go? He's not everything you know. I'm transferring you back to Dalton. You'll start on Monday I assume." She shot back.


"No Blaine. There are no other schools in the area that even begin to compare to Dalton. It's decided. If you have an issue, go talk to your father. That's final."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhit" Blaine said under his breath as he walked away. That wasn't supposed to happen… There wasn't really a chance he'd end up dorming with Sebastian really… It was unlikely for a junior to dorm with a senior anyway… The school wasn't that full… was it? What's he going to tell Kurt?


"Dad. I've been thinking. I want to transfer again." Kurt told his dad that evening.

"What? Why? I thought everything was so much better now?" His dad replied, slightly confused.

"It is, well, it's not. It was… but then a couple of things happened and I'm not so sure about staying anymore." He didn't really want to leave. He wasn't all that bothered about anything that had happened recently, though Blaine seemed to be worried, and if Blaine was worried, then perhaps he should be too…

"Is it anywhere near as serious as before?" His dad pondered.


"Then wait it out."

"Okay dad. See you in a bit."

Well… that conversation kind of went to plan… I hope Blaine doesn't mind. Kurt thought to himself as he headed out the door to meet Blaine. They'd arranged to meet at the Lima bean seeing as it was Friday, so they wouldn't see each other at school tomorrow.


"Hey Kurt" Blaine muttered. "How did it go?" This was going to be a sticky conversation. He could just feel it.

"I can't transfer. My dad says I have to stay at McKinley. I'm sorry, I tried my best. I guess we'll have to just stay put." Kurt replied bluntly. There was no soft way of putting it, so he'd decided just to rip the Band-Aid off, and come out with it.

"Crap. I'm so sorry Kurt. I just mentioned that I didn't like it at McKinley, and now my Mom's transferring me back to Dalton. I tried to get out of it, but there was no convincing her. I'm so sorry. Oh god, this is not how it was meant to happen. We were meant to go to a new school and everything would be amazing. Now we're back to square one. I start on Monday. Tell everyone I'm sorry for me?" Blaine almost burst into tears. He couldn't believe it. He'd rather stay at McKinley, than go anywhere without Kurt, let alone Dalton. They weren't really in many lessons together anyway, but they'd been able to walk to classes and spend almost every waking moment together at McKinley, but when he'd been at Dalton, he'd just found himself missing Kurt the whole day long.

"Oh my god, what the hell Blaine? Is this what you wanted all along? To go back to Dalton to be with Sebastian? It is, isn't it? You… I can't believe it! I thought you loved me… How could you do this to me?" Kurt sobbed. He couldn't lose him again. He missed him so much when he's been at Dalton. And besides, Sebastian was bound to find a way to get in to Blaine's pants now, being around him more often. He's seen the way Blaine avoided Sebastians gaze when they were around each other. It hurt to know Blaine didn't trust himself around Sebastian, but even worse, how was he supposed to trust Blaine around Sebastian, if Blaine didn't trust himself?

"Kurt, I do love you. I love you with everything I know. I would die for you Kurt don't you ever think any different. I don't want to go back to Dalton; I can't believe you'd think that of me!" Blaine yelped. It wasn't very convincing, but he truly did love Kurt. He didn't want to have to be around Sebastian. If only he could think of a way to get Kurt to be able to transfer with him!

Kurt didn't even look twice; he just got up and stormed out, leaving his vanilla latte untouched and still scolding hot.

"Kurt! Please!" Blaine dashed after him. "I love you, and only you!" He grabbed his arm, pulled him round, and kissed him square on the lips.

"Fine," Kurt said after pulling away with a smile, "I believe you, but I really do have to go, my dad said to be home by 6 for tea, its 5:55." He laughed. "I'll talk to you later and we can try and solve this issue." They kissed goodbye, and went their separate ways.


End Notes: Follow me on Tumblr, please!!


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