The Coffee Shop Incident
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The Coffee Shop Incident: Chapter 1

E - Words: 1,011 - Last Updated: Jul 29, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Apr 16, 2012 - Updated: Jul 29, 2012
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Author's Notes: AN- Just want to let y'all know that this is my first FanFic. I know this chapter is pretty short, and not very enticing but I was just kind of finding my feet in this chapter, to get the ball rolling. The next chapters will be longer, and better. :') Thanks for reading. Means a lot to me.Also, to all you Klaine shippers, this will be more to your taste in later chapters.


"Blaine, for goodness sake!" A shrill cry echoed around the Lima Bean. "How on earth do you manage to spill coffee down yourself, nearly every time we come here?!"

"Haha, sorry, stop complaining, you're not the one doing my washing!" Blaine replied dryly, rubbing frantically at the quickly spreading brown stain on his brand new blue and purple checked shirt. Some had splashed onto his black trousers too, but he disregarded that, considering there colour. 

Kurt stared across the table into his boyfriends beautiful hazel eyes and chuckled. "True, but you still look a mess."

They'd come to the Lima Bean, every day, just about, since they'd starting dating. It was just a regular thing of theirs now. Since Kurt was a senior, and Blaine a junior, they shared very few classes, so they used this time, as a chance to catch up on each other’s days. Today was different from usual, as they had barely spoken. They just sat there in a completely un-awkward silence, perfectly content just having each other’s company. They each held one hand across the table, fingers interlaced, absent mindedly playing with the backs of each other’s hands, the other hand wrapped around what must have been their fourth cup of coffee each.

The afternoon passed, quite quickly considering their ill use of time, and it began to get late, and as they both began to grow hungry, coffee not quite satisfying them,  so Blaine and Kurt decided to head off home. A day without an encounter from Sebastian was most definitely something to treasure.

Sebastian Smythe was an arrogant, full of himself, yet for all the right reasons, completely gorgeous, gay, guy. He had transferred to Dalton, from some high school in Paris a few months ago, just after Blaine had transferred to McKinley. No one actually knew the reasons behind his transfer, and no one even gave it a second thought. He'd settled in fast, and immediately became Head Warbler, he had an amazing voice, and just one look at him was enough to turn even the straightest of guys, gay. Blaine had visited Dalton a few weeks back to invite the Warblers to come watch him in the leading role of Tony, in McKinley’s musical this year, West Side Story, he had met Sebastian, due to him being Head Warbler, and apparently despite Blaine having left, apparently his legacy seemed to live on. Unfortunately Sebastian seemed to have taken a liking to him... And even more unfortunately Blaine had done the same...

Sebastian had been trying to win him over, ever since. But were his schemes working..?




The next day Blaine wandered through the corridors of William McKinley High. He still didn’t feel like he belonged here, but he got on with it. Today though, he couldn’t help but feel some kind of tension in the air... he couldn’t put his finger on what was going on, but something was wrong.



Kurt walked into McKinley, in a decidedly good mood. He was happy. He had Blaine, the most wonderful, perfect boyfriend a guy could possibly ask for. He was a finalist for NYADA. Life seemed to be going great for him. He and headed to his locker. Rachel, who had the locker next to him, was standing there with Finn, and they were whispering about something, their heads ducked in a suspicious kind of manor. Finn happened to glance up and saw Kurt making his way towards them, he said something to Rachel, and she stopped talking and turned around, on sight of him, she grinned, "Hey Kurt!" and then dashed off.

"What was that all about?" Kurt asked Finn

"Uh nothing, don’t worry about it." Finn replied, looking rather sheepish and hurried off in the same direction.

Odd, he thought, what on earth had they been whispering about?

He got his stuff from his locker, and turned around, and took in his surroundings for the first time that day.

He noticed a couple of people looking at their phones, and then looking up at him and laughing. He began to get worried as he noticed more and more people doing it, giggling to themselves, aimed in his direction. He decided to go find Blaine, assuming he'd be in the choir room. He quickened his pace as he headed toward the choir room feeling every student in the school's eye’s watching him. He broke into a run as the volume of laughter increased, and he felt tears beginning to form in his eyes, as he reached the choir room door, and ran smack bang into the man himself, Blaine.

"Hey, whoa, steady, what's up? Wait, why's everyone laughing?!" Blaine queried as he pulled Kurt inside, closing the door quickly to shut out the sound of evil laughter, which cut through the normal hubble of the WMH corridors.

"Oh my god... I-I don't know... E-every-everyone is laughing a-a-at m-m-me me... I don’t know why..." Kurt sobbed into Blaine’s arms.

Blaine looked down at the usually taller boy, who was stooped, curled into Blaine’s arms, and felt his heart swell. He hated seeing the love of his life so broken like this. He would find out what this was about, and personally murder the person who caused all this.

"I think this might be why." Came a feminine voice from behind them.

They turned to see a highly amused Quinn, trying her best to hold in her laughter, holding up her phone so they could see.

The brightly lit screen revealed nothing other than what appeared to be a very well edited picture. A picture of Kurt. Wearing a little girls dress, pulling up the hem of the dress to reveal what was underneath, showing "lady parts". That was pathetic. Someone had obviously edited Kurt’s head onto the image. It was sickening.

Kurt yelped at the sight of it and burst into tears.

Blaine gasped, and looked away, "Who the hell would do that?!"

"Who knows?" Quinn replied, before wandering off, chuckling.

"Come on Kurt, I'll drive you home."



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