Kurt got to Glee Club after almost everyone else had already arrived. He walked in trying to hold himself in such a way to cover the problem in his pants and also pull down the impossibly tight shirt his wearing. Everyone looked up and him as he entered and he saw Quinns sly smile from the corner of his eyes.
But it is Blaine who catches his attention.
Blaine in his almost too small polo shirt, with his gorgeous eyes and lick-able skin.
Blaine was sitting in his chair with a bright smile on his face, he patted the chair next to him and lifted his eyebrows inviting Kurt over. Kurt wanted to, he wanted to sit next to Blaine. He wanted to do at lot of things with and to Blaine right now... but he knew he couldnt.
Instead he sent what he hoped was a reassuring smile to Blaine as he sat down in an empty chair in the back corner away from everyone. He tried not to notice Blaines confused and almost hurt expression.
Mike and Tina were the last to roll in. Holding hands and giggling. Kurt determinedly didnt look at them. Or Quinn. Or Rachel. Or Finn. Or Santana. God, it had been a long day. He let out a small groan he hoped no one heard and tried to find a somewhat comfortable way to sit
Mr. Schue stood up in front of the class and clapped his hands together getting everyones attention, he looked back towards where Kurt was sitting and starred at him longer than was necessary. Oh yeah, Kurt didnt really want to make eye-contact with Mr. Schue right now either. He could fell his cheeks heating up just thinking back on the day, and his damn cock twitched at the images in Kurts mind.
Kurt closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the chair, slumping down and not even pretending to pay attention to Glee. He sat on his hands so they wouldnt wonder anywhere they shouldnt and wished for time to move faster.
Kurts eyes shot open and he looked around to see the whole group looking at him.
"Kurt." Mr. Schue said again. "We are going to work on our dance moves today."
"Okay." Kurt said.
"You are going to help out Puck, who is having some difficulties with the moves."
"Only because they are lame." Puck said. "If youd let me do my own-"
"No." Mr. Schue said. "We are stick with the routine."
"Fine." Puck said as stood as everyone else in the class got up and partnered up. Puck looked expectantly at Kurt, who couldnt see a way out of this. He walked down the risers to Puck as the music started.
He cought a glimpse of Blaine going over moves with Sugar. Blaine shot him a quick wink and Kurt felt butterflies in his stomach.
"So... are you going to show me?" Puck asked, his tone was neutral but his eyes were lingering over Kurts body in a way that made Kurts skin heat up.
"I... yes. I am." Kurt said and started the routine.
Puck watched him for a moment before nodding. "I got it." He said and took a step towards Kurt. He put his hands on Kurts waist and pulled him forward.
"What are you doing?" Kurt squeaked out as Puck pulled him in until they were touching. "Thats not in the routine."
"I got it." Puck repeated as he started to sway his hips to the music, keeping Kurt locked in close so that he was forced to sway as well. The rhythm of Pucks movements was hypnotic and he let himself relax into Pucks grip.
Slowly Pucks hands moved. One slide around Kurts waist to hold him tighter and the other traveled up his back, making his shirt ride up a little. Puck turned and took a few steps back so that they were further away from the rest of the group.
"Puck?" Kurt started but Puck just pressed Kurt in tighter until Kurts erection was pressed against Pucks crotch. Puck didnt seem to be hard, but a wide grin spread across his face as he felt Kurts hard-on against him.
Puck started thrusting his hips to the music and gyrating, all the while holding Kurt so close that Kurt could feel the firm muscles of Pucks broad chest against his own.
"These... these arent the right moves." Kurt said voice growing horse.
Puck responded by grinding himself against Kurt and now Kurt could feel Puck frowning hard.
"Fuck it Kurt" Puck groaned as he expertly rolled his hips and slid his hardening cock against Kurts own painfully erect one. Kurt shuttered as a warm current shot down his spine to his cock.
Puck rubbed the harsh fabric of his jeans against Kurt and Kurt looked down to see that his fly was unzipped and open, Puck was grinding up against the thin fabric of his underwear. Kurt looked up at Puck in surprise and Puck looked down at him with a wolfish glint in his eyes.
Kurt blinked and his lips parted in a moan as Puck quickened his movements and thrust up against Kurt again and again. Kurt body was trembling and his cock was pulsing he couldnt stop himself from grinding back hard into Puck and another wanton sound slipped from his lips.
Kurt looked around to see if anyone had noticed them, but everyone else was working on the dance moves like everything was normal, like Puck and Kurt werent humping each other in the corner.
Puck leaned his head back and let out a noise that could only be described as a snarl as he pulled Kurt tight and started to dig his nails in to Kurts back and hip.
Pucks movements were growing erratic and sloppy as he kept the up consent friction and pressure to Kurts cock. Kurt was sweating and panting and his mind was swirling. Puck let out another low growl and Kurt took a good look at him, eyes shut tight, head rolled back and oh my god, Puck was about to come. Right here in the middle of Glee club while Kurt was grinding against him.
Kurt pulled himself away from Puck with a great deal of effort. He backed away stumbling a little, his own muscles strung tight, he pulsing with need.
"I cant!" He yelled and moved away from Puck bumping into Santana who licked her lips and smiled at him. The whole class has stopped dancing and was looking at him now. He saw Blaines look of concern and then Kurt turns and runs towards the choir room doors.
"Kurt!" Blaine called after him.
Kurt looked over his shoulder, "Please Blaine. Leave me alone. Im... Im sorry! I just need to be left alone!"
Kurt sprinted to the hall and forced himself not to think about the hurt and very worried look on Blaines face. He just ran and kept on running until he got to the boys locker room. He was so relieved that it was empty that he almost felt like he could cry.
He marched to the showers stripping off Quinns stupid shirt, kicking of his shoes and sock and peeling his tight jeans off of himself. He reached the shower stall and pulled his underwear off throwing it aside as he turned on the powerful jet of cold water and moved to stand under it.
His whole was body shaking with desire as his hot skin slowly cooled under the icy flow of the shower. He leaned his head against the cool tiles of the stall and braced himself with his arms as the water rolled down his back. Soon he was shivering and his erection had gone down some.
He straightened up and let the water run down his face for a moment cooling his still hot cheeks. When he finally felt like he could breath somewhat normally again he stepped out of the shower and grabbed a nearby towel, wrapping it around his waist, careful not to rub it against his cock and then grabbed another towel and started to dry his hair.
He just needed to get home. Avoid Finn and get home. He started looking around for the clothes hed left tossed around the room, but he couldnt find them. Not his shirt, pants or underwear, he was on his knees looking for them when he heard the door creak open behind him.
He quickly stood up and turned to see who was there.
"Kurt?" He heard Blaines tentative voice before she saw him step around a row of lockers.
"Kurt!" Blaine smiled at him looking relieved. "I know you said you needed to be alone and if you still feel that way, then I... Ill leave you alone." Blaine said taking a small step towards him. "But Im worried about you. Youve been acing strange all day and avoiding me. If Ive done something wrong or if something is going on then-"
"I cant find my cloths!" Kurt interrupted on the verge of frustrated tears. "Blaine this has been the worst day ever and now I think someone stole my clothes!" He looked down at himself, clad only in a low slung towel. He looked up to see Blaines eyes roaming over his nearly naked body.
"Oh." Blaine said, his cheeks taking on a reddish hue. "You... yeah... youre um, kind of naked arent you?"
Kurt stomach did a somersault and his cock grew harder as he saw Blaines eyes grow wide and his pupils dilate, Blaine took another step towards Kurt.
"Kurt, you are so... youre perfect you know? So gorgeous."
Kurt gulped and tightened his grip on his towel. All he wanted to do right now was run at Blaine and kiss him hard on the lips and strip his clothes off until he was a bare as Kurt was.
He knew he couldnt. he knew that if he got started with Blaine he wouldnt be able to stop like he had with everyone else that day. And then Sebastian would win and
that thing would take him and Blaine... Oh God? What would happen to Blaine? Would Kurt die right there in Blaines arms. Kurt felt sick and his knees buckled. He had to reach out a hand and brace it against a locker to keep himself from falling, he knelt down on the floor and tried to just breath.
Blaine quickly ran to him and fell to his knees next to him. "Kurt! Are you okay?" Blaine put his hand on Kurts shoulder and Kurt flinched away at the electric current that went straight to his cock at the simple touch.
"Kurt?" Blaine said, hand hovering in mid air, Kurt looked at his face to see the lust had been wiped away and replaced with concern.
"Take me home?" Kurt said fighting the desire to lean just a little bit forward and capture Blaines red, sweet lips.
"I.. okay." Blaine said. "Um clothes? Did you bring extra?"
"Of course not, not to today when I would need them most."
"I should have something." Blaine said getting back to his feet. He rushed away but was back soon holding out some clothes to Kurt.
"It is just a tank and my sweatpants, but theyre clean and you know, better than a towel."
Kurt just nodded and then grabbed the clothing and rushed to a stall to pull them on. The tank and sweatpants were made out of a light, thin fabric and Kurt hardly felt covered up, and the line of his erection was clearly visible through the soft gray pants. But it
was better than just a towel.
Kurt poked his head out of the stall and found Blaine pacing nervously.
"You want to tell me whats going on?" Blaine asked.
"Yes." Kurt said his voice soft. "But I cant." How the hell was he suppose to explain this? It sounded crazy, and he wouldnt believe it was real if it wasnt happening to him.
"I want to help." Blaine said.
"I know. Just take me home,okay?"
Blaine nodded and held out his hand for Kurt to take. Kurt gripped it hard not letting himself think about how much he wanted to touch the rest of Blaines warm, smooth skin.
They got to the parking lot and Blaines car and Kur strapped himself in, wiggling and readjusting himself as the heat started to return to his skin.
"So to your place?" Blaine asked and looked at him inquiringly.
"Oh... So you dont mind guys night after all?"
"Huh?" Kurt looked at Blaine in confusion.
"Remember you were going to come over and have dinner with my family?" Blaine said looking hopeful. "Finn is having a bunch of the guys over tonight and you joked that it was perfect timing because you could miss the epic burping contest and other staples of guys night."
"Oh god." Kurt groaned and hung his head in his hand. Finn, Puck, Sam, Mike and Artie were all going to be at his house tonight. Hed barely survived the encounters hed had at school, what would he do in a house full of hormone, and cursed driven guys. "No, take me to your house. I did say Id come over for dinner."
"You dont have too..." Blaine said.
"No, Blaine.I know Im acting weird, but I want to. I promise." Kurt said and smiled at him. Blaine smiled back and leaned in to give him a kiss but Kurt backed away.
Blaine looked at him with furrowed brows for a minute before he sighed and sat up, backing his car out of the parking lot and heading to the Andersons house.
Kurt shivered at the thought of spending the whole evening with Blaine. He wanted him so much right now. But no, hed just make sure that they stayed with Blaines parents the whole night. Nothing could go wrong if Blaines parents were
right there.
"Oh." Blaine said getting his attention. "And Cooper is going to be there this evening too."