May 30, 2014, 7 p.m.
May 30, 2014, 7 p.m.
The movie had been good, he had wrapped his arm around Kurts shoulder and he had rested his head on his shoulder while they watched it which made it all that much better.
Now they were walking back to Blaines car, Kurt talking about his favourite part of the movie.
"So, I guess its time to back home?" Kurt said, looking at the ground for a second, before looking into his eyes.
I could melt just by looking into those eyes, Blaine thought blinking when he noticed he hadnt answered Kurts question.
"Um, yeah... I guess so," Blaine replied, not wanting Kurt to have to go. He could stay out for how long he wanted his parents didnt care, but he knew that Kurts dad would start to worry soon.
"I had a really good time tonight Blaine," Kurt said moving towards him wrapping his arms around him.
Blaine hugged him back, burying his head into his shoulder and breathing in his scent.
"We should do this again soon," Blaine smiled as Kurt pulled away.
"Definitely," Kurt smiled.
He unlocked the car opening up the door for Kurt. Once he had jumped in he ran around the car and got in, pulling away and heading back towards Kurts house.
Not that much later Blaine was walking Kurt up to his front door. Kurt turned to him.
"So what are you doing tomorrow?" Kurt asked and his heart skipped a beat.
"Um, nothing," Blaine said shyly.
"Well Im going shopping, do you want to come?" Kurt asked.
"I dont know…" Blaine replied his eyes going a little wide.
"Oh Blaine, I dont plan on going back to the mall, not if I dont have to, and if I do Ill go on my own if that makes you more comfortable," he said quickly and Blaine to a breath of relief.
"Ok then, do you want me to pick you up?" he said with a smile. Knowing that he was going to see Kurt again tomorrow made him feel amazing.
"If you dont mind".
"Of course not," Blaine said a smile still plastered on his face, making Kurt smile back. He really is adorable, Blaine thought.
Kurt pulled him into a hug again, he embrace it, tightening his good arm around Kurts waist and Kurts arms wrapped around the back of his neck.
Kurt pulled back a little and looked into his eyes and Blaine took his chance, leaning in and lightly touched Kurts lips with his own and it was only when he felt Kurt kissing him back he pushed his lips a little hard wanting to taste Kurts lips.
After a moment, Kurt groaned and pulled back resting his forehead on Blaines.
"That was good," Kurt said making Blaine blush a little and he felt his cheeks heat up.
"Yeah," was all he could get to come out of his mouth.
"So, Ill see you tomorrow?" Kurt said letting his arms drop from behind his neck to his sides.
"Yeah, see you tomorrow," Blaine said doing the same though disappointed that they could stay out there all night kissing like they just had done.
Kurt walked towards his front door and Blaine turned around walking back to his car.
He was about to unlock the car when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, he quickly turned only to suddenly have lips back on his again. He smiled into the kiss, never wanting it to end but as soon as it started it had felt like it had finished and Kurt was running towards his door again giving him a quick smile over his shoulder before disappearing inside of the house.
Blaine walked into his house, not even checking if his parents were around before going up the stairs to his bedroom.
He had had such an amazing night, even though he had never been in love before hes pretty much sure that this is what it feels like. It feels like youre flying, that youre so high that you can even see the ground.
He felt his phone buzz in his trousers and pulled it out, his eyes lit up when he saw who the text was from, though, there werent many more people that actually texted him.
Had a great time with you today, cant wait to see you tomorrow - K
Blaine looked away from the text and to the ceiling, trying to blink the overwhelming tears of happiness out of his eyes.
He took a few moments before texting him back.
I had a great time to, what time do you want me to come and pick you up tomorrow?–B
Blaine looked over the text, before pushing send and not even a minute later his phone buzzed with a reply.
Is 10am ok? –K
Yeah sure -B
Ok, see you tomorrow, sweet dreams -K
Sweet dreams-B
Blaine put down his phone to the side of him, getting up and walking to his chest of oak drawers that at by his closed window. He opened the third draw down that contained his night clothes and pulled out a pair of pyjamas.
Once he had put them on he walked back towards his bed, climbing under the covers, closing his eyes falling in to a Kurt filled sleep.