Nov. 10, 2012, 5:58 a.m.
Nov. 10, 2012, 5:58 a.m.
Blaine saw Kurt put his head down but Blaine wans going to give in that easy and even though he was glad that all Karofsky had done was give Blaine a little shoulder budge as he walked past him he knew that something else was more likely to happen so he didn’t keep his hopes up. Blaine Kept his held high while standing at the counter and ordered his usual and then Kurt’s.
Blaine looked around at all the evil glares they were getting off various people around the caf� with football jackets on. “Lets not stay, let’s just get our coffee and then go” Kurt whispers into Blaine’s ear. “That’s the plan” Blaine whispered back.
The lady behind the counter brought over their coffee and put it on the counter looking around the room. “You don’t look very well liked” she said with a hint of sadness and guilt in her voice. “Yeah that’s because were gay and their homophobes” Blaine said without even thinking about it. Kurt turned and looked at Blaine with a shocked look on his face. “Blaine!” Kurt whispered sharply into Blaine’s ear. Blaine looked up at the woman apologetically. “I’m really sorry I just; it makes me angry sometimes I didn’t mean to take it out on you” Blaine said
“No its fine you deserve to angry I hate homophobes, my brothers gay he used to get bullied for it, umm here you go” she said hand them the coffee’s. “Thanks’” Blaine said smiling and turned to Kurt. “Lets go” Kurt said turning towards the door. Blaine smiled at him and headed toward the door and going outside only to see half the football team sitting on his car.
“What the hell” Blaine said attempting to go around to the car door but on of the jock was stood in front of it so he went to the front of car where Karofsky was. “What the hell is your problem” Blaine said trying to sound more confident that he actually was. Karofsky jumped down off the car and got into Blaine’s face. “Oh is this your car, sorry I didn’t notice” he turned to his group off friends. “Come on you heard him this is his car, get off” all the jocks did as they were told and slid off Blaine’s car. “There you go” Karofsky said with a smile on this face.
Blaine knew that something was going on so he wanted to get Kurt and get out of there as fast as he could so he grabbed Kurt and kept him in from of him at all times. “Blaine what are you doing” Kurt whispered over his shoulder. “Just keep walking” Blaine said unlocking his car and made sure that Kurt was inside before going over to his side but before he opened the door he heard a splash and looked at the hood of his car at the huge blue paint mark. Blaine opened his car door as fast as he could and dove inside. He looked in the mirror and he had tiny blue splash marks on his face.
Blaine turned to Kurt who was staring at him waiting for him to start the car as several more paint bombs showered Blaine’s car. “I hate them” Blaine said through gritted teeth. “Me to but I think we should get out of here before you go and get yourself hurt” Kurt said as someone threw a paint bomb at Kurt’s side window. Blaine put on the window wipers and pulled out of the small parking lot. All that Blaine and Kurt could hear was yells of abuse and laughter.
“This paint is going to never going to come off” Blaine said after they had got back to Kurt’s. “Come on Blaine it will come off, we can do it together, wouldn’t you like to see me wet and soapy” Kurt said giggling which made Blaine smile. “Yes I would but that’s not the point I’m not going to run like last time Kurt I said I regretted it and I still do and there not going to scare me away” Blaine said pulling Kurt into a hug and Kurt rested his chin on Blaine’s shoulder. “You don’t have to run, Blaine we’re in this together” Kurt said.
Blaine smiled and pulled away. “I can go home in this car so would it be ok if I stayed the night” Blaine said his mum would flip but his dad would go mental. “Yeah sure dad wouldn’t mind” Kurt said taking Blaine by the arm and dragging him back into the house. “Let’s wash this paint off your face you look like you have blue freckles” Kurt said gesturing towards Blaine’s face. Blaine frowned “I thought I’d look cute with blue freckles” Blaine whined. “You do but do you really want blue paint on your face when my dad gets home” Kurt said. “Good point ill go wash it off” Blaine said heading towards the bathroom.
“Wait up I’ll help” Kurt said running after him. Blaine was thankful that he had someone like Kurt in his life and didn’t know what he’d do without him.