June 22, 2013, 1:40 p.m.
June 22, 2013, 1:40 p.m.
Hey, Thanks to all the people that have reviewed this story I appreciate it :D
Sorry it took so long to update I'm at bit busy with school but I update when I can ;)
Hope you enjoy this chapter!
Blaine blinked and took hold of Kurt's hand shaking it. He didn’t want to let go, holding on to Kurt's hand even when he tried to take it away. Kurt gave Blaine a weird look and then he quickly took his hand away looking apologetic. "Sorry," Blaine said nervously looking toward the ground. "No, its fine let's get you cleaned up," Kurt said walking toward Blaine slowly. Blaine took a step back not wanting Kurt to touch him. He didn't want to embarrass himself again.
"Are you ok? I'm not going to hurt you," Kurt said and walked towards Blaine again. "I know," Blaine said taking a step forward towards Kurt, trying to show him that he wasn’t scared.
Kurt walked away from Blaine collecting some toilet paper from the nearest cubical, and then walked over to the sink before looking up at Blaine. "Come here so I can clean your face," Kurt said putting the toilet paper under the cold water tap making it damp.
Blaine walked over to Kurt and allowed him to start wiping the slushy off of his face. After a while Kurt had cleaned Blaine off pretty well, the slushy was no long on his face or in his hair the only place there was slushy was on his clothes.
Blaine looked at his clothes and then at Kurt. "I think I'm going to have to go home and get changed," Blaine said and sighed at the thought of going back to that house. "No I have some spare clothes in my locker if you want to borrow them, you should start to bring spare clothes to school as well, just in case," Kurt said walking towards the bathroom door. "And Kurt," Blaine said and Kurt turned around. "Thanks," Blaine continued. "No problem." Kurt smiled and then turned and walked out of the bathroom.
Blaine had the widest smile on his face after Kurt had left, Blaine had never met anyone like Kurt before in his life. He looked in the mirror and his smile faded a little when he saw how rough he looked. Blaine started to sort out the hair the best that he could, stopping when Kurt came back through the bathroom door, with what it looked like a hoodie and some black skinny jeans. 'Perfect,' Blaine thought.
"Nice hair," Kurt commented smiling, and handed Blaine the clothes. Blaine's smile went wide again and he walked in to the nearest cubical to get changed. Once he had got changed, he walked out to meet Kurt. Luckily Kurt's clothes were only a little too big for him, but there was a question that had been nagging at him. "Why do you have spare clothes?" Blaine asked Kurt. "Because I get slushied a lot," Kurt answered slowly as he looked to the ground.
"Why? If you don't mind me asking," Blaine asked curiously, Kurt was one of the nicest people that he had ever met.
"No its fine," Kurt said and sighed and before continuing. "It's because I'm gay and I'm not afraid to hide it," Kurt said more confidently that Blaine thought he was going to. Blaine's heart did a front flip when he said he was gay. Not that Blaine could ever get someone like Kurt but it's nice to dream Blaine thought.
"That sucks; I'm gay to," Blaine let it slip to obviously and wished he had just kept his mouth shut. "Really?" Kurt said surprised and his eyes widened. "What?" Blaine said and narrowed his eyes. "Nothing, sorry you just don't look gay," Kurt said looking embarrassed.
"We better get to class," Blaine said and turned towards the bathroom door. "Thanks for the clothes," Blaine continued as they both headed towards the door. Once they were out in the hall way Kurt turned to Blaine. "I'll see you around Blaine," Kurt said. "Yeah," Blaine said with a smile and then they parted ways walking different ways down the hallways.
Blaine looked back just in time to see Kurt turn the corner, there was one thing for sure, Blaine wasn't getting Kurt out of his head any time soon.
The rest of the day went pretty fast and he didn't see any of the jocks that he had seen that morning, which was lucky. Once bell had went for the end of school and Blaine rushed out into the car park to meet his uncle, but he wasn't there yet. Blaine walked to the school gate and sat on the brick wall that ran along the outside of the school. Blaine hoped that he wouldn't have to wait there too long.
Blaine started to wonder if his uncle was going to come and pick him up at all, he had waited about an hour now and he still hadn't showed up. Blaine would have walked but he had no idea how to get home from here, so all he could do was wait. Blaine looked around and then back at the school, his eyes stopped when he saw someone he recognize getting in to his car. It was Kurt. Blaine would ask him for a ride but he only just met him and didn't want to bother him.
Blaine watched as Kurt's car started to come out of the school gate. Blaine smiled at Kurt In the car and Kurt smiled back stopping the car and rolling down his window. "Hey, why are you still here?" Kurt yelled to Blaine who had jumped down from the wall and walked over to Kurt's car. "Umm, no one came to pick me up and I have no Idea how to get home," Blaine said and looked around again to see if his uncle had suddenly showed up but he hadn't.
"Ok, do you want a lift or something?” Kurt offered and Blaine felt relived. "Yeah, if you don't mind, I think they’re going to leave me here for a while," Blaine said and laughed awkwardly. "Ok get in the front," Kurt smiled and leaned over opening the door for Blaine to get in. He walked around the car and got in and smiling at Kurt. "Thanks for this, you have been really good to me, I feel bad I haven't done anything for you," Blaine said feeling a little sad that he couldn't give or say anything to Kurt to say thank you.
"It's fine, you haven't done anything bad to me and I like talking to you anyway," Kurt smiled. "Where do you live put it in to my satnav" Kurt said and gestured towards his satnav. Blaine leaned forward and typed his address in to the satnav.
"Wow, you live pretty far away your lucky you didn't try to walk," Kurt said with a little giggle. He pulled out from the school gate and headed towards Blaine's house, a place Blaine didn't even want to go.
"What happened to your face? Can I ask? I was going to say something earlier but we had just met," Kurt said staring at the bruise on Blaine's face. "It's a long story I don't really want to talk about it," Blaine said. He didn't really want Kurt to get involved in what happens at home. "Oh okay," Kurt said with a little smile. They spent the rest of the journey in silence.
When Kurt pulled in to his uncles drive way, Blaine was glad to see that his uncles car was still in the drive way. He was also thankful that they didn’t seem to be looking outside. Blaine smiled and gets out of the car and Kurt follows. Blaine walked around the car and up to Kurt. "Thanks Kurt, this meant a lot to me," Blaine said smiling. "I'll see you tomorrow," Kurt said smiling back at him. "Ye..." Blaine said getting cut off by yelling.
"BLAINE, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Uncle John yelled storming towards Blaine, he looked furious. Blaine turned to Kurt his eyes wide. "Get in your car and drive away quickly" Blaine said fast shoving him slightly towards his car. "Why?" Kurt said his eyes wide, slowly getting in to his car and locking the door.
When John reached Blaine he felt a tight grip on his arm dragging him towards the house. "Get off me!" Blaine screamed trying to get his uncles painful hawk like grip off his arm but it wouldn't work; he had no chance against him. "If you even try bringing one of your faggot friends to MY hose again, you don't want to know what I'll do to you," John said as they reached to front door and Blaine looked back to see Kurt still there looking through his car door window, he looked terrified.
John dragged Blaine through the door and up the stairs. "This is your fault, you didn't come and pick me up so Kurt offered to take me home," Blaine yelled and John stopped completely and stared at Blaine. "How dare you blame me," John said and slammed Blaine against the wall. Blaine gasped and whimpered at the pain in his back.
John started dragging Blaine towards his room again and opening his bedroom door and tossing him inside harshly. "Ow," Blaine moaned as he hit the floor with a thump. John slammed the door shut, and there was a click to say that he had locked it.
Blaine sat there for a moment before quickly getting up and walking to the window staring out to see if Kurt had gone. He was glad to see that Kurt had driven off. Blaine sighed and collapsed on his bed sighing.
'When is this going to end' Blaine though lying on his bed, he eventually ending up crying himself to sleep.