In an Alternate Galaxy
The Empire Strikes Back: Part 2 Previous Chapter Story
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June 1, 2012, 2:39 p.m.

In an Alternate Galaxy: The Empire Strikes Back: Part 2

T - Words: 6,745 - Last Updated: Jun 01, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 6/? - Created: Nov 25, 2011 - Updated: Jun 01, 2012
811 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Sorry for the wait!! I hope my decision for Yoda is okay and it's been a while since I worked this and honestly this chapter was done ages ago I just forgot to post it (yes I fail I know) anyways. I don't have a beta and I apologize in advance for errors. Feel free to tell me I spelled stuff wrong or my sentences don't make sense and I'll fix it. Star Wars/Glee crossover/fusion Story 2 Part 2Star Wars belongs to George Lucas, Glee and its characters belong to RIB and Fox. The rest of this weirdness belong to my brain.This chapter is the second installment of The Empire Strikes Back
Rachel and Q continued their journey to Dagobah, a cloud covered planet. Q scanned around and fidgeted nervously in her spot.

“So this is Dagobah?” Q beeped.

“Yep. That’s it.” Rachel stared at the glum planet.

“You sure you want to go here? The rendezvous point isn’t that far off.”

“I’m not changing my mind, Q. I don’t care if there are no cities...or technology...” Rachel stared at her scan results. “Or if there are massive life forms living down there. I have a mission and I fully intend on completing it.”

“It had better be safe down there for droids. No technology really doesn’t give me hope.”

“Oh hush Q, we’ll be fine.” They continued their decent, flying through a thick fog of clouds as each of their scanners slowly went dead.


“I know! Start the landing cycle. I can’t see past the fog.”

Gravity kicked in and they fell faster towards the planet. Rachel caught glimpses of plants as they hit her windshield on their way down. With much shaking and little grace they crashed into a murky lake. Rachel opened the hatch and stared at the planet before her. Mist rose all around the many lakes, dark and old trees were just about everywhere. Bright flowers littered the desolate landscape, bringing life to the dreary terrain. Q released herself from her position on the fighter plane and let out a low whistle. Despite their first impression, there was some beauty to this place.

Rachel sighed, a bit angry at the crash landing, and got up to explore. “Umm stay with the ship Q, I’m going to look around.”

Q huffed and settled back on the ship, but Rachel’s movements unbalanced the ship in the water, and Q was knocked into the lake with a splash.

“Q!?” Rachel turned around to stare at the mist covered water. She threw her helmet and gloves into the ship. “Hold on Q, I’m coming. Rachel prepared to dive, when an angry string of beeps and hums erupted from the lake.

“This is going to take weeks to get out of my system.” Q’s hover engines coughed and sputtered out the gross water and she barely hovered over the lake.

“At least you’re ok. Be careful.” Rachel sighed.

“I’m not the one who practically sunk the ship.”

Rachel waded through the water to the nearest shore and turned around just in time to see a creature pull Q back into the water.

“Rachel!” Q’s beeps were muffled by the water.

“Q!” Rachel whipped out her gun, taking aim at the water. She waited and listened. Several grueling seconds later a spot on the lake bubbled.

Q screamed as she was spat towards shore, landing in a heap worthy of F1NN’s grace.

Q beeped weakly. “Ugh.”

Rachel ran over to her and set Q upright. “Are you ok? Anything broken?”

Q’s screen flickered red as Rachel started wiping the mud off of her. “Maybe coming here wasn’t such a good idea.”

“If you had listened to me in the first place none of this would have happened.” Q spat out as much mud and dirt as she can from her insides. She felt positively disgusting mud soaking her to her core.
Rachel looked up at their surroundings. “I feel I've been here before maybe in a dream, you know? Just a lot messier than I imagined.”

“You can say that again.”


Admiral St. James paced back and forth in the hallway leading to Lady Corcoran’s private quarters. He stopped several times almost at the door, then went back to pacing. Eventually he got too close and the doors, sensing movement, automatically opened. St. James calmed himself and walked confidently into the room. Lady Corcoran was putting on her black mask. Once it was in place she turned around.

“St. James, I trust you bring news?”

He cleared his throat. “We are tracking the Millennium Warbler... it has entered an asteroid field, many of our fighter ships were destroyed and we can’t risk-”

“Asteroids?” Lady Corcoran’s tone remained calm. “Admiral St. James, you have worked with me long enough to know that I do not accept excuses of any kind. Bring me that ship, no matter what the cost.”

St. James nodded quickly. “Yes my lady.”


Pav settled in the darkness of the deep crater, the walls were dripping and a light layer of moisture floated around it. Kurt and Rory flicked several switches about the ship.

“We need to switch to emergency power. Shut down everything you can. Who knows how long we’ll be here.” Kurt hit several more buttons and the natural hum of the ship quieted.

“Everything?” F1NN squeaked. “Even me?”

Kurt glared at him, “Unfortunately no, I need you to talk to Pav. See if he can tell us what’s wrong with the hyperdrive.”

There was a deep rumbling sound as the whole ship lurched and F1NN, with his terrible balance, fell straight to the ground. Several tools scattered to the floor barely missing him.

“Umm I don’t think this asteroid is safe, let alone stable.” F1NN mumbled from the floor.

“Really? I thought asteroids were the safest places in the whole galaxy.” Kurt yanked F1NN to his feet. “Rory, can you take Captain Obvious over here and plug him into the communications with Pav.”

Rory held tightly to F1NN, expecting him to fall over.

“When did my life become this?” F1NN grumbled as they left the cockpit.

Kurt rolled his eyes and kneeled down to pick the tools from the floor. The ship lurched again causing Blaine to lose his balance. He tripped and landed on top of Kurt on the ground. Blaine pushed himself up and stared down at Kurt, who simply looked annoyed.

“Kurt. I-”

“Can you get off?” Kurt’s voice was small.

“What? I. Oh!” Blaine shifted so Kurt could move and they both sat on the ground.

Kurt moved to get up but Blaine grabbed his hand. “Just wait. I need to talk to you.”

Kurt looked at their hands and pulled out of his grasp as he stood up. “This is not the time for talking. We could be killed at any moment-”


Kurt stopped and turned to look at him. Blaine was staring up at him with his huge honey hazel eyes.

“We might not get another chance to talk.” Blaine’s voice was barely above a whisper. “Please Kurt.”

Kurt ran his hand through his hair. “I can’t. Not right now.” His voice broke slightly. “I need to fix the ship.” Kurt fled the cockpit. Blaine groaned and buried his face in his hands.


Rachel pulled her camp equipment carefully from the ship. She watched the ground with each step, maneuvering around the trees, avoiding the vines and mud. She unpacked neatly, setting up a small heater and power device. Q made a beeline for the power source and plugged herself in. She hummed happily, though still covered in mud.

“Feeling better?” Rachel sat across from her in their makeshift camp site and opened a small package of food.

“Better is relative. I’m still full of mud and lake water.” Q beeped.

Rachel sighed and looked around. “I just have to find someone named Yoda, then we can leave and get you cleaned properly.” Rachel smiled and wiped Q with a damp cloth from her kit. “Anything on the scanners?”

Q shook her head. “It’s all jumbled, mostly I’m reading that creature in the lake, but I feel like my system is on the fritz.”

“I have a weird feeling about this place...I wonder if he even exists.”

“If who exists?” A slightly raspy bubbly voice echoed behind them.

Rachel turned around quickly, gun in hand. “Who are you?”

A small alien hung upside down from the vines. She was definitely shorter than Rachel, her skin was a light bronze with hair that faded from dark brown to light copper at the ends. Her pointed ears stuck out from her hair as did two pink antennae. She wore extremely bright colors, for someone who lived in a swamp and from the flower in her hair, Rachel assumed she was the one who planted them around the gloomy forest.

“My name is Sugar and you are trespassing.” She flipped over and landed gracefully in front of Rachel’s gun. “Your gun's not gonna do much for you here.”

Rachel glanced to Q who shook her head furiously. Against Q’s advice Rachel put away her weapon and watched the alien creature carefully.

“So you gonna tell me who ‘he’ is?” Sugar clearly had no concept of personal space as she stood right in front of Rachel. “Or maybe who you are?” She smiled and bounced around the camp site. “Any why you decided to crash into my lake.”

Rachel glanced to her half sunken ship and back to the bouncing alien. “It's not like I was aiming for the lake. Landing isn’t exactly easy with all of these trees and everything in the way.”

“No one said you had to come.” She sat near the heater Rachel set up and picked at her food.

“Actually...Hey! That's my food!” Rachel grabbed the container from her.

Sugar giggled “So if I get your ship out, will you leave?”

“What? No. I can't leave. I’m looking for someone a Jedi Master.”

“Ooooh a Jedi?” She mused. “You’re looking for Yoda.”

Rachel’s face lit up. “You know him?”

Sugar laughed again. “Follow me!” and bounced off through the forest.

Q glared at Rachel. “You’ve got to be kidding.”

Rachel shrugged. “I don’t have a choice. You stay and watch our stuff, I’ll be back soon.”

“Yeah just leave me here by myself in this slimy mud hole, thanks Rachel!” Q continued grumbling as Rachel ran to catch up with the strange creature.


F1NN stared blankly at the control panel before him. Pav spoke in a strange dialect of beeps, whistles and hums. F1NN tried his best to mimic the intonations but he was still rather confused. He glanced at one of the plugs that Q would use to communicate with.

“I wish Q was here. She’d probably have us out of here already.” F1NN listened to Pav and hesitantly pressed a few buttons.

Kurt practically ran into the hold area and quickly busied himself with work on the control box.

“Your ship is really weird, Kurt. He’s got the weirdest way of talking. It’s like several different languages put together and translated into pure droid speak.”

“Yeah, well my dad and I practically built him from scratch, sorry if his language skills aren’t up to your standards.” Kurt grumbled.

“Anyways, he said the power that a thing?”

“Yes, F1NN what about the power coupling?”

“It’s polarized and needs to be replaced.”

“Which one?” Kurt looked up from his work.


“There’s more than one, ask him which one.”

F1NN hummed and beeped at Pav. “On the...negative axis.” he turned to Kurt. “Does that help?”

Kurt rolled his eyes. “Yes F1NN, thank you.” He walked to stand under an open panel in the ceiling. “Rory?”

He peeked his head out from the hole. “Yeah?”

“Here.” Kurt handed him some wire. “And check the negative power coupling. F1NN said it needs replacing.”

“Will do.” Rory half saluted him and disappeared back into the ceiling.

In another section of the ship, Blaine carefully welded some valves back together. He took off his protective mask to inspect his work. Kurt walked passed the doorway quickly, then slowly came back. He watched Blaine debating whether or not to come in. Blaine set the valves back in place and was trying to unsuccessfully pull the lever to restart the system. Kurt hesitantly entered.

“Need help?” He kept his voice quiet as he stood behind Blaine.

“I’m fine.” Blaine focused all his attention on the lever, refusing to look at Kurt.

Kurt sighed. “Look Blaine, I’m sorry. You’re right we should talk. I should be congratulating you and Rachel instead of acting like a child.” Kurt stuffed his hands in his pockets and stared at the ground.

“What?” Blaine turned around quickly, scratching his hand on the lever. “Ow.”

Without thinking Kurt reached out check on his hand. “Just a scratch. She’ll be glad to know I kept you out of harm’s way.” As Kurt let go Blaine tightened his grip. Kurt stared at their hands and trailed his gaze up Blaine’s arm to his eyes.

“Kurt. Rachel and I-”

“I know. I saw.” Kurt tried to let go but Blaine pulled him closer.

“No. You saw her attack my face.” Blaine laughed, Kurt obviously didn’t see the humor. “Kurt I don’t feel that way about Rachel.” Sorrow and confusion colored Kurt’s face.

“W-what way?” Some how their faces were closer than before, making Kurt whisper.

Blaine threw caution to the wind and brought his free hand to Kurt’s cheek, his heart jumping when he felt Kurt lean into it.

“The way I feel about you.” Inches became centimeters and once again Blaine found Kurt close enough to kiss.

“Really? And what way would that be?” Kurt’s gaze kept snapping from Blaine’s lips to his eyes. Part of him wanted to run and save both of them the heartbreak, but Blaine was standing before him. Blaine was holding his hand, cradling his jaw. Blaine was looking at him with eyes filled with love, a love Kurt was sure didn’t exist anymore, but here it was.

As their faces inched closer, Blaine’s lips grazed Kurt’s as he whispered. “The way I hope you feel about me.” Blaine closed his eyes and leaned towards Kurt.

“Kurt, Kurt!!” A crash of metal and the sound of F1NN’s voice broke the boys out of their haze. Kurt jumped back, but Blaine still held on to his hand.

“We’ll have to continue this...conversation later.” Kurt gave Blaine's hand a squeeze and turned just in time for F1NN to burst through the door.

“I did it!! I found the reverse power flux coupling!”

Blaine squeezed Kurt’s hand back with a smile before turning back to finish his work.

“F1NN do you even know what that is?”

F1NN’s smile faded, “Umm... no, but Pav said it was important.”

“Come on, genius. Let’s go.” Kurt followed F1NN back to the control box, glancing back a Blaine, a smile tugging at his lips.


The Imperial fleet was still stationed near the asteroid field, many of the ships suffered severe damage from the proximity. Lady Corcoran sat in her ship, rather close to the asteroid field, listening to the hologram reports form her officers.

General Denham’s hologram was full of static as he spoke. “that was...last time...on our scopes...most likely...destroyed.”

“No, they are alive. I want a full sweep of the field, check every single asteroid until they are found” Lady shut off the holograms.

Admiral St. James walked into the room, slightly shaken.

“St. James. What is it?”

“The Emperor requests contact, my lady.”



“Move the ship out of range of the asteroid field. I need a clear transmission feed.”

“Yes my lady.”

Lady Corcoran hurried to her chambers to make contact. She bowed as the Emperors hologram filled the room. A hooded figure stood before her, face obscured, voice distorted through the transmission.


Lady Corcoran stood. “What are your orders, my master?”

“There’s been a great disturbance in the Force.”

“I know. I felt it too.”

“We have a knew enemy. Skywalker.”

“Yes, I know.”

“She could destroy us, everything we’ve worked for.”

“She just a child. How much harm can she do? Brad can’t help her anymore.” Lady Corcoran folder her arms.

“The Force is strong with her. You must not allow another Skywalker to become a Jedi.”

Lady Corcoran thought for a moment. “What if she could be turned. We could use a power like that.”

The Emperor nodded. “Yes...yes. Do you think you could do it? Make her join us?”

“She will join us, or die.” Lady Corcoran smiled.


Rain poured all around Dagobah and around Sugar’s brightly colored home. It was rather big, covered in more of her flowers and the inside was furnished nicely, an extreme contrast from the planet itself. Q danced around the rain, happily letting the water clear away the mud and grime from the lake. Her hover jets were finally clear and she flew to inspect Sugar’s house and watch Rachel from the window.

Inside Sugar used her high tech devices to cook a nice dinner, while rummaging through her cabinets for spices. A rectangular device dinged and released two steaming plates of food. Sugar sprinkled the spices on each and handed a plate to Rachel.

“Oh, um thanks.” Rachel took the plate. “I’m sure your food is great and all, but I need to see Yoda now.”

“What's your big hurry?” Sugar shook her head. “Patience! Dinner first, Yoda later.” Sugar sat on a large cushy sphere, balancing her plate on her leg as she ate. “Eat, eat!”

Rachel sat and took a bite, surprised at how good it was. “Wow, this is good.”

“See!” Sugar laughed and continued her meal.

“So how far away is Yoda?”

“You are kind of annoying. Eat. It'll keep you from talking.”

“Alright, alright...” Rachel sighed and took a few more bites before blurting, “Will it take long to find him?”

Sugar rolled her eyes. “Patience! No it won't! Why are you so obsessed with some old Jedi Master anyway?”

Rachel pushed some food around her plate. “Because of my mother I guess. I was told she was a powerful Jedi.”

Sugar nodded. “Your mother? Yeah I guess you could say that. I'd honestly say Yoda was the best, but that's just me.”

Rachel stared at her, fed up with waiting. “You can’t be serious? You knew my mother? You’re not even old enough to be a mother! Ugh what am I even doing here? This is a waste of my time!” Rachel slammed her plate on the table and stood to leave. Outside Q silently cheered.

Sugar’s bubbly expression disappeared as she turned away from Rachel and looked to nowhere in particular. “You can't be serious Brad. I can’t teach her. She's just soo...Ugh.”

Rachel spun back around. “Wha...”

Brad’s ethereal voice filled the house. “She can learn to be patient..”

Sugar closed her eyes. “But she has so much her mother.”

“She also has her natural talent, don't tell me you don't remember how gifted she was.”

“Hey! My memory is just fine, I don’t care how old I am.”

Rachel was frozen, “’re Yoda...”

“And you're Rachel Skywalker, daughter of Shelby Skywalker. A stubborn girl, who is not ready to become a Jedi.” Sugar snapped.

“What? No. Yes I am. Ready. Brad I-” Rachel looked to the ceiling and all around the home. “Tell her I’m ready!”

Sugar finally turned to talk to Rachel. “How would you know if you're ready? Have you been training Jedi for over eight hundred years? No. I decide who is ready not you! I can already tell you won't take any of this, let alone me, seriously.”

Rachel laughed at that, Sugar was far from serious.

“Ah you think it’s funny. My true mind is serious, Rachel. Yours is not. Your mind is lost in thought of adventure, fame, excitement. Those things may be fun, but that's not what being a Jedi is all about. You are too reckless.”

“You were reckless once, and so was I. We all start somewhere.” Brad’s voice echoed.

Sugar crossed her arms in defiance. “She’s...she’s too old. Too old to start training.”

Rachel softened, a bit sad. “I’ve learned so much with Brad and I wan't to learn to train. I can't stop now.”

Sugar kept her serious expression and stared at Rachel.

“Will you promise to do what I say? No matter how ridiculous you think my requests are?”

Rachel nodded furiously. “I'll follow you to the end. I'll work as long and as hard as I need to. I’m not afraid.”

Sugar laughed, but with her bubbliness gone, it was unsettling. “Oh you will be, believe me. You. Will. Be.”


The Imperial fighters and Star destroyers ventured further into the asteroid field blowing up as many asteroids as they could. Slowly but surely they combed the field looking for any sign of the rebels. On the asteroids that were too large to destroy, they dropped bombs that barely shake them.

Blaine sat a bit dazed in a pilot chair, humming softly to himself, until sounds of the bombs startled him out of his daydreaming. Then sudden movement across the windshield caught his attention, he got up slowly trying to see what could be outside. A winged creature with glowing eyes screeched, causing a small scream from Blaine as he ran out of the cockpit.

F1NN was still meddling with the control panel, talking with Pav and Kurt.

“It’s just that in my opinion-”

“I really don’t care about your opinion, F1NN. I’m kind of busy.” Kurt and Rory stood on the other side of the room, welding some parts back together.

Blaine rushed in half screaming. “Kurt, Rory! There’s something out there.”

Kurt lifted his goggles. “Lovely. Where?”

“Outside the ship. In the cave. I saw...something fly past-”

A clanking noise from outside the ship causes all of them to look up and around them.

“Did you hear that! Listen!” F1NN spoke too loudly.

“Kind of hard to do with your talking, shush for a second.”

The banging continued.

“I’m going out there.” Kurt pulled off his working gloves and set down his goggles.

“What?” Rory stopped his work.

“Are you insane? Kurt you have no idea what is out there...” Blaine sighed as Kurt walked passed him.

“We just put Pav back together, I’m not going to let some creature tear my baby apart.” Kurt grabbed a breathing mask and disappeared down the corridor.

“And I am not going to let you go out there alone.” Blaine grabbed a mask and ran after him.

Rory just rolled his eyes, grabbed his crossbow and a mask and followed them outside.

“I’ll stay here and uh...guard the ship.” F1NN nodded to himself.

The cave was extremely dark, the air filled with moisture. Kurt went first, gun at the ready, Rory went around to the back of the ship and Blaine stepped carefully onto the ground.

“The’s too soft to be rock.”

Kurt bounced a little, testing the ground. “Hmm, awful lot of moisture for an asteroid.”

They continue exploring, an uneasy feeling washing over all of them. “I have a bad feeling about this.” Blaine muttered

“Mmm.” Kurt agreed.

“There!” Rory appeared from around the ship, pointing at a creature on top of the ship.

Kurt quickly shot it, killing it. “Got it.” He walked over quickly to investigate what it was. “Mynock. Rory check the rest of the ship, these guys like to chew power cables.”

Rory nodded.

“Mynocks?” Blaine wondered.

“Yeah, just go back inside. We’ll take care of them.”

A swarm of mynocks surrounded Blaine on his way back to the ship. In quick precise shots Kurt killed them all without hitting Blaine.

“How did you...?” Blaine looked at the dead creatures around him then to Kurt.

Another swarm attacked near Rory, he and Kurt shot them down as well. F1NN stared out from the cockpit, trying to get them to leave from the inside. One of Rory’s blasts missed and hit the cave, causing the whole thing to lurch again.

Kurt stopped his shooting and looked around the cave. “Wait a minute...oh please don’t let me be right.” Kurt shot at the ground, and everything shook. “Get back in the ship!” Kurt’s voice rose several pitches higher. “Get back in the ship!”

Blaine scrambled up the platform as Kurt stumbled his way there, Rory not far behind, the ground continued tilting back and forth as they moved.

F1NN was already in a heap on the floor quite content with not moving until equilibrium was restored.

“Rory we need to leave. Now!” Kurt kept his balance as he wobbled towards the cockpit.

“Leave!? The Empire is still out there, Kurt!” Blaine stumbled as he ran after him.

“My ship, my rules, highness. No time for discussion.” Kurt called back.

Blaine groaned at his stubbornness and followed him into the cockpit. Rory had already fired up the engines and was seated in his pilot chair. Kurt quickly had Pav in the air.

“You can’t jump to lightspeed in an asteroid field-”

“I’ll explain later. Buckle up, we’re taking off.” Kurt flew Pav as fast as he could.

“What is that?” Rory pointed.

Rows of what looked like teeth shaped rocks were slowly closing down the entrance to the cave. Kurt pushed Pav faster.

“The cave is collapsing?” Blaine stared.

“Not a cave.” Kurt said.

The Millennium Warbler sped towards the teeth barely escaped the dangers of a giant space slug and instead flew into the dangers of an Imperial watched asteroid field.


Sugar followed gracefully, barely touching the ground as Rachel ran through her training course in the Dagobah woods. She climbed trees, dodged vines, flipped through the air over larger obstacles and raced through the fog. Sugar swung weightless through the air, almost like flying amongst the branches, watching Rachel's every move.

“Faster. Jedi strength comes from the force. You have to feel it in your veins. Don't let it control you and don't let your emotions get in the way. Especially anger or fear or you’ll be headed straight for the darkside.” Sugar sat on a branch shaking her head. “Once you go down that road, there is no coming back. That's what happened to Corcoran.”

Q lounged by their old camp site watching Rachel train, happy she didn’t have to do any work. Despite the mud it it felt like a vacation.

“Corcoran...Is the dark side...stronger?” Rachel panted.

“What? No. Are you crazy? It's just...cheaper...easier. They take shortcuts that come back to bite you in the end.”

Rachel paused to catch her breath, looking up at Sugar perched in the tree. “So how do I tell the difference?”

“You’ll know. You’ll be able to feel it. The Jedi and the good side, my side, are passive people. We may be strong, but we are at peace with the world. We use the Force to teach, to learn and if needed in defense. Jedi never attack, violence is for the Sith.”

“Why? Why not?”

“Ugh all you ever do is ask questions. 'Why can't I learn more about Corcoran? Why isn't training faster? Why is Sugar so much better than me?' Some things just are.” Sugar gracefully flipped to the floor not tired in the slightest. “You ask too many questions. I'm over training for now. Maybe practice not asking questions...or talking so much and we'll continue later.” Rachel walked over to Q who handed her water, smirking to herself.

“Thanks Q.” She finished it quickly then froze, a strange feeling calling her to the forest. “Do you feel that?”

Sugar sat meditating on a large root, ignoring Rachel's questions.

“It’s feels like, like death.” Rachel shuddered.

“Yeah...that area of the forest it’s pretty much overflowing with the dark side of the force. It’s full of evil.” She spoke nonchalantly. “You should go in. Check it out.” Sugar did not open her eyes.

Rachel gulped. “What? Why? What’s inside?”

“No questions, just do as I said. Go.”

Rachel grabbed her weapon’s belt.

“Jedi's are passive, Rachel. You really don't listen.”

Rachel looked back, Sugar’s eyes were closed. She shook her head and kept her belt as she walked deeper into the forest.

Q stared at them. “You’re joking right? You did not just send her into a pit of evil.”

Sugar opened her eyes to watch Rachel and her weapon belt disappear into the darkness.

“It’s just a test and she’s already failing.” Sugar whispered.

“Great. Always knew she was stubborn.” Q grumbled and settled back in camp, waiting for Rachel to return.

The forest swamp was pitch black and wet, eventually she entered a cave her hand resting on her lightsaber. Various creatures roamed about making startling noises as Rachel maneuvered about the cave. A strange presence was calling to her. She walked towards it then saw Lady Corcoran advancing towards her. She drew her lightsaber first, and Corcoran did the same. They fought briefly and Rachel quickly decapitated the Sith. Corcoran’s masked head rolled to Rachel’s feet. She stared down at it as the mask fell away to reveal her own face, Rachel's face. She sheathed her saber and stumbled backward gasping.

Outside Sugar stopped her meditation and looked up at the forest.

“She failed didn’t she?” Q groaned.

“Well not everyone can be as awesome as me.” Sugar shrugged, but she had disappointment in her eyes.


The Imperial fighters returned to Lady Corcoran’s destroyer with no new development on the Millennium Warbler. She paced along the bridge talking quietly with a group of mismatched pilots.

St. James caught his controllers staring. “They are just bounty hunter scum. We don’t need them. We’ll find the Rebels ourselves.

Another officer walked over to them. “Admiral, we have a signal from Denham’s ship.”

“Right, on my way.”

Lady Corcoran continued to pace before the strange array of hunters before her. “Bring my the Millennium Warbler by any means necessary. As long as you bring them to me alive, the reward will be...substantial.”

“As you wish.” A man dressed in green armor complete with a jet pack fidgeted as he answered.

Lady Corcoran stopped. “Your mother, Fett, served me well in her day. I trust you will do the same...?”

“Karofsky.” He mumbled.

“Karofsky.” Lady Corcoran eyed him for a moment. “Yes, well whatever. You’re all dismissed.”

St. James came running up to the bridge. “Lady Corcoran! We’ve found them.”


The powerful Star Destroyer chased the Millennium Warbler out the asteroid field. Each hit shook the poor ship. Their repairs were good, but Pav needed some real mechanic work, work Kurt and Rory didn’t have the time for.

“Alright, let’s hope lightspeed is back, come on Pav don’t fail me now.” Kurt and Rory prepared the ship.

“One, Two, Three!”


Kurt groaned. “What did I do to deserve this huh? I’m not a saint, but really a Star Destroyer?!” Kurt yelled at the ceiling.

“Kurt! We can’t give up now!” Rory yelled.

Another blast shook the ship.

“Kurt! Did you fix all of the transfer circuits?”

“Don’t you blame this on me! We fixed everything.” Kurt snapped.

“Still no lightspeed?” Blaine leaned over from his chair to look at the screen.

“Not my fault!”

F1NN piped up from his seat. “Uh not to make things worse, but we lost a the back. Another hit and we’re dead.”

Kurt turned to Rory. “We need to turn around.”

“Have you gone mad?” Rory barked.

Kurt flipped his levers and switches. “Turn him around, transfer all powers to the frontal shields.”

“You’re going to attack an Imperial fleet. By yourself.” Blaine began to wonder when he’d stop getting surprised by Kurt’s plans.

“Odd of surviving are-”

Blaine and Kurt both yelled, “Shut up.” effectively silencing F1NN.

Kurt and Rory turned Pav around flying straight towards the Imperial fleet.

General Denham rushed about the bridge. “They’re moving to attack position?! Shields up!”

The Millennium Warbler flew dangerously close to the bridge window, causing many of the officers to instinctively duck.

“Track them!”

“General...They are no longer on our scopes.”

“What?” General Denham looked over at the tracking screen. “That’s impossible, no ship that small has a cloaking device.”

“There’s no sign of them sir.”

A hologram of St. James appeared on the bridge. “General Denham, Lady Corcoran demands you send an update on your pursuit.” His figure disappeared and Denham flinched.

“Ready a shuttle. I’ll take the fall and apologize, keep scanning while I’m gone.”


Rachel’s body shook as she balanced upside down, Sugar perched happily on Rachel's feet. Q stared anxiously at their ship in the lake.

”Just use the Force. Its not that hard. I've been doing this stuff for hundreds of years.” Sugar inspected her nails, ignoring Rachel's strain.

Rachel shifted her weight so she was balanced on once hand and made a stone float towards a pile she had made.

“Close your eyes. Close them! You don't need to see it, you need to feel it. Feel the with your mind, with the force.” Sugar stayed perfectly still on Rachel’s foot.

“Rachel. Rachel!! The ship is sinking! I know your training is important or whatever but the ship is just about gone!” Q was hovering around like crazy.

“Wait, Rachel! Concentrate!”

Rachel opened her eyes to look at Q, then the sinking ship. Her concentration broke and she fell over, Sugar landed on her feet and the rock pile fell over completely.

“My ship...we’ll never get it out now.” Rachel ran her hand through her hair in exasperation.

Sugar shook her head. “You're so sure. You think you’re right all the time. No one is right all the time...except me. You really should pay attention to what I say.”

“Moving rocks is completely different than moving a ship.”

“No it’s not.” Sugar spoke matter-of-factly. “Just because you think it’s true doesn’t mean it is. You really need to learn how to look at the world differently. Learn to look at it like me because my life is pretty awesome.”

Q's screen glowed red as she watched Sugar 'train' Rachel. Q honestly thought the girl was crazy and Rachel was equally crazy for listening to her.

“Okay fine.” Rachel took a deep breath. “I’ll try.” She raised her arms. Q glanced at them, silently wishing Rachel good luck, though she didn't believe anything was going to happen.

“No, you won't.” Sugar interrupted.

Rachel turned around, annoyed. “What now?”

“No trying. Either do it or don't.”

Rachel rolled her eyes then looked back at the ship and concentrated. She closed her eyes and raised her hand. The ship lifted out of the water slightly.

Q sat up and inched towards the lake looking from Rachel to the ship. “Maybe Rachel can do it after all.” Q hummed.

But Q had celebrated too soon, Rachel began to shake, her mind over thinking the process. Her concentration broke again and the ship disappeared completely into the water.

“Then again, maybe not.” Q slumped onto the ground. She was tired of this planet, tired of the murky air and muddy ground, but most of all she was tired of Sugar taking up all of Rachel's time.

She panted. “It’s too heavy. I can’t do it.”

”You think it's too heavy? I've lifted bigger 'heavier''” She air quoted.“things. Big, small, heavy, light! It doesn’t matter! You put way to much value in how you literally see things. You even judge me on how I look.”

“What? No I-” Rachel started

“Stop talking. I look small, young, and weak and you think I'm crazy and probably dumb. But am I?

“Yes!” Q muttered.

“No.” Sugar shook her head.

“No.” Rachel whispered.

“The Force doesn’t judge by appearance. It’s and it's everywhere. It's around you, me, Q, the forest, space even! All you need to do is...befriend it. Use it as an ally and you can do anything.”

Rachel shook her head. “It’s impossible.” She walked off towards Q and camp clearly discouraged.

Sugar rolled her eyes then turned back towards the lake. She raised her arm and closed her eyes. The lake bubbled and gurgled revealing Rachel’s ship. Without looking Sugar uses the force to guide it safely to land.

“Rachel. Rachel look!!” Q pointed toward Sugar. “The ship...ugh it’s covered in lake grime.”

Rachel ran back and stroked the side of her ship. “Q, I don’t believe it!” She looked back at Sugar.

“That's why you'll never even get close to being as powerful as I am.” Sugar glared at her. “You have to learn to believe.”

Rachel’s happiness faded and she nodded, understand slowly seeping in. “Believe...”


General Denham fell to the floor clutching his throat. He soon coughed and stood up again. “I’m okay. Don’t worry!” he smiled.

Lady Corcoran glared at him choking him further until he finally fell lifeless to the ground. She snapped at some troopers. “Clean this up.”

St. James quickly approached her. “Lady Corcoran, all the ships have completed their scans and there’s still no sign of them. They could have jumped to light speed and be half way across the galaxy by now.”

“Then calculate every possible destination the could have and find them!”

“Yes my lady.”

“Don’t fail me again, St. James.”

He absently rubbed at his neck and continued his work.

Little did they know, the Millennium Warbler was right under their noses, clinging to the side of Corcoran’s Star Destroyer.

“We’re gonna die. They’re gonna catch us. We’re gonna die!” F1NN mumbled over and over getting louder with each sentence.

“Be quiet!” Rory growled.

“No! None of you are listening to me!”

Kurt talked over F1NN’s rambling. “Fleets breaking up...Rore get ready to release the landing claw.”

Rory flipped some switches and held his hand steady over a large red lever.

“We should just surrender! The chances of survival are-”

Blaine reached over and shut F1NN off.

“Thank you.” Kurt gave Blaine a small smile.

“So...what’s the plan?” Blaine leaned over to look at the computer screen.

“Imperial procedure is to dump garbage before light speed. So we wait til then, and they’ll leave us here.”

“Impressive...then what?” Blaine leaned on the back of Kurt’s chair and stared at him fondly.

“We need to find somewhere safe, Pav’s not gonna hold on much longer without true repairs.”

“Well where are we?”

Kurt pushed a button on the screen. “The Anoat System...”

“Not much out here.” Blaine sighed.

“Kurt.” Rory gave him a look, but he brushed it off.

“Let’s see...”

“Kurt. You know there is only one place within range.” Rory tried to meet his gaze but Kurt refused to look at him.

“I know, I know. I’m just trying to think of every other possible option!”

Blaine looked from Kurt to Rory. “What are you talking about?”

“Nothing. Are there any Rebel bases nearby?” Kurt continued flipping through the nearby systems on the map.

Blaine shook his head. “No. Hoth was the closest one and we’re too far away from the rendezvous now.”

“Kurt. Personal issues aside, Bespin is our best bet all the way out here and you know it.”

Kurt whispered to himself. “Damn it.”

“What?” Blaine looked between them again. “Okay, what is going on?”

Rory flipped the computer screen to Bespin.

“Bespin.” Blaine read. “A mining colony? What’s wrong with Bespin?”

Kurt massaged his temples. “Nothing’s wrong with Bespin. It’s who’s on Bespin. I haven't seen him in years and I'd like to keep it that way.”

“Oh there’s a story to this.”

“And here’s the ending: I don’t like him, he doesn’t like me either.” Kurt turned in his seat to face Blaine.

“Great. So we can’t trust him.”

“I wouldn’t trust him if we did get along.”

“An enemy of out enemy is our friend and he hates the Empire.” Rory reminded Kurt.

Kurt had turned his attention back to the Star Destroyer they were latched onto. “Stand by, Rory...Now!”

The floated around with the garbage and watched all the other Star Destroyers jump away to lightspeed.

“Still think I’m insane?” Kurt smirked.

“Maybe, but you’re also pretty brilliant.” Blaine smiled back and gave Kurt's shoulder a squeeze.

Rory watched out of the corner of his eye and smiled to himself.

Kurt gave Rory a bitch glare then turned his attention back to flying. They set off quickly towards Bespin, but another ship started up among the debris. Bounty Hunter Karofsky hot on their tail.


Rachel practiced her exercise again, balancing on one hand upside down. Her concentration was better than before, and she easily floated the equipment boxes around her. Q appeared to watch again, but soon she, too, was floating higher than her normal hovering.

“Rachel...What are you doing? I can fly by myself thanks.” Q beeped.

“Ignore her. Feel the Force and stay concentrated. Keep your cool. The Force can do a lot for you. Sometimes it shows you things.” Sugar balanced on her own doing a series of gravity defying poses while staying on one foot.

“What kinds of things?”

“What did I say about questions? And your concentration?” Sugar scolded. “Anyways, you can get glimpses of the past, or the present...but like in other places. I mean you obviously know your own present. Sometimes you can see the future. I had some old friends who specialized in it, they were pretty cool.”

The floating objects around them started shaking and Rachel’s strength began to give out.

“Kurt...Blaine! F1NN!” Rachel collapsed along with her boxes and Q.

“Oof...ow.” She beeped and set herself upright.

“Rachel. I said to keep your cool. You have to learn to control yourself.” Sugar hopped down from the tree roots.

Rachel ignored her. “I- friends. Kurt, Blaine, Rory, F1NN. They were in a city of...clouds?”

“Ah you caught a glimpse into the future. Neat, but you can't let it take over your head.”

“What? No it’s not! What if they die? Can you see it, do they?” Rachel pleaded.

Sugar sat and meditated. “Can’t say. The future is always changing.” She shrugged. “What are you doing?”

Rachel ran around packing her things. “I can’t stay here another minute, my friends need my help.”

“You’re very stubborn, but let me give you some advice okay? People used to travel really far to get my unique advice so shut up and pay attention.” Sugar put her lips close to Rachel's ear and Q eyed them warily.

“WHO CARES?” Sugar yelled and Rachel fell backwards dropping all of her things.

“What that really necessary?” Rachel rubbed her ear and had to stop Q from trying to strangle Sugar.

“Look If you leave now, yeah you might be able to help them, but your training will remain incomplete and in the end you will all end up suffering and not just you and your friends but everyone. And by everyone I mean,” Sugar whispered, “Everyone.”

Rachel stopped her packing, a solemn look on her face. “I...Q...they’re your friends too...What should I do?”

End Notes: Questions, comments, whatever? fill my askbox on tumblr.


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